Only two days had passed since the ceremony. Two days, and Nightpaw felt like she knew every attack and maneuver there was. Shadepaw burst through the bramble entrance. Toadpaw followed, tackling his brother to the floor of the clearing. Nightpaw entered camp more calmly, watching the two tussle in the grass.

"Come on, you two, get up." Fernspots meowed, smiling.

Toadpaw, having Shadepaw pinned, stepped aside to let him up. They ran to sit by Nightpaw, Toadpaw reached her first.

"You three go get something to eat," Thorn meowed, "You all trained very hard, and you need to keep your energy up for tonight."

"What's happening tonight?" Shadepaw asked.

Thorn didn't answer, instead he started up a conversation with Willowpelt. They had already started walking away when Shadepaw asked his question. He stared after them, his face showing confusion, and a bit of anger.

"I wish he'd stop doing that... It's so irritating," Nightpaw commented.

"Heh, I bet those two have something going on," Toadpaw joked, "Anyway, something's going down tonight, and we need to keep out energy up!"

"Yeah! Let's eat!" Shadepaw shot up and raced Toadpaw to the fresh-kill pile. Smiling amusedly, Nightpaw got to her feet and followed them. The larger brother's white pelt caught her eye first. He was slower than Toadpaw, and, even with a headstart, she knew he'd never win. Toadpaw's words echoed in her mind.

"I bet those two have something going on..."

Nightpaw couldn't help but smile. Maybe they could become mates, maybe they could raise a family. Maybe... The future isn't certain.

"Out of the way, mouse-brain!" Nightpaw was knocked to the side as two gray masses pushed passed her. Regaining her balance, she saw Whiskermoon racing to the medicine den. Curious, she followed. The bushes covering the den didn't seem so intimidating anymore. She still couldn't see over to the other side, however, even if she stretched her neck.

A fit of coughing switched her thoughts back to the Medicine Den. Peering in, she saw a golden tabby hunched over, his mouth coated red.

"You're going to be okay, Sunpelt..." Fallenpaw soothed, "We'll figure this out..."

"Well figure it out before I don't have any more blood to c-" A bought of coughing cut off his words. He was trembling as a thick red ooze drooled out of his mouth.

Something drew Nightpaw to get closer, entering the den and watching from the shadows. The sharp leaves poked and prodded at her back, as if trying to drive her attention elsewhere. The scent of blood was slowly filling the air, and Nightpaw half expected herself to unsheathe her claws in response, but she didn't. Something about the tom made her want to cry, but why? She only knew this cat as the Clan's deputy, nothing more.

Sunpelt was gasping for air. Fallenpaw and Whiskermoon were switching places, when one was taking care of the tom, the other quickly slid under a crack in the rocks on the far side of the Medicine Den. Nightpaw froze when Sunpelt made direct eye contact with her. His eyes were dark blue, like her's...

"Nightpaw..." he wheezed. Fallenpaw's ears perked up, and she followed his gaze, seeing the black she-cat hiding in the shadows. Nightpaw looked at Fallenpaw, who nodded, allowing her to come out of her hiding place. She did, padding over to Sunpelt, cautiously. They were about a tail-length away from eachother when Fallenpaw stopped her with her tail.

"That's close enough. I don't want you getting sick too..." She whispered.

"Oh, for MoonClan's sake!" Nightpaw heard Whiskermoon gripe as she came out of the crack between the rocks, "If we have another patient in here I'm gonna-" her words cut off when she met the young apprentice's confused gaze, "...Oh, Nightpaw..."

Whiskermoon took Fallenpaw's place beside Nightpaw as she got up and left to go get herbs, "I'm so sorry you have to see him like this..."

"But I don't..." Nightpaw paused. She wanted to tell Whiskermoon that she didn't know this cat as more than a deputy, but now she wasn't sure.

She looked back at Sunpelt. His dark blue eyes were fogging up, like he was crying. His jaw was covered with blood, clumping the short strands of fur together. His chest subtly jerked when it rose and fell.

Nightpaw flinched back when Sunpelt began coughing again.

"Fallenpaw! Hurry up!" there was a touch of panic in Whiskermoon's call. Fallenpaw rushed out of the crack with a large poultice in her mouth.

Blood poured out of Sunpelt's mouth and pooled beneath him. Between each cough was a faint gurgling sound as he tried to breathe in passed the red fluid collecting in his throat. He trembled and his claws dug into the moss bed. The medicine cats sat back and watched.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to help him?" Nightpaw yelled, hearing her own concern for the deputy.

"There's nothing we can do right now. Only hope he makes it through."

Nightpaw angrily turned away, facing Sunpelt, again. He was crouched down on the moss now, gasping for air. He looked into her eyes, "N-Nightpaw..." he choked out, "I-..." He quickly faced the ground as clumps of blood fell through his teeth and dropped onto the moss. After a few heartbeats, he collapsed onto his side, eyes shut tight, mouth wide open and coated red.

Whiskermoon put her ear up to his chest, then sighed, "He's gone..."

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Nightpaw..." Fallenpaw touched her shoulder with her tail, but why? Why were they trying to comfort her?

"Your father was a good cat... He's in MoonClan now... with friends."

My father?! Nightpaw stiffened. This cat, the deputy, the strong warrior who suffocated to death right in front of her... That's my father...?

Nightpaw's confusion worsened when she realized she didn't feel sorrow, not even sickened. She was just... shocked... Shouldn't she be crying right now? Yowling into the sky about how unfair life is, instead of sitting here staring at a lifeless body?

"Whiskermoon..." Darkstar's voice cut through the silence, "How is he...?"

Whiskermoon glanced towards her, green eyes darkening. Darkstar must have gotten the signal right away and sat beside the medicine cat.

"Is he safe enough to hold a vigil?"

Fallenpaw nodded, "We believe so."

"Right. Today's a busy day, I'll call a clan meeting."

"Do you already have a new deputy in mind?"

"Possibly, I'll appoint them before the vigil. Then, we'll bury Sunpelt... and get ready."

The medicine cats nodded, and began cleaning up Sunpelt while Darkstar padded off. Nightpaw followed her to the entrance of the Medicine Den, but stopped when she saw Shadepaw and Toadpaw sitting there, looking in. She slowly walked up to them.

"Did you guys see any of that...?" she asked.

"Some of it," Toadpaw replied, "I'm sorry, Nightpaw..."

"You don't need to be... I didn't know him that well, even if he was my father..."

"Well, I also mean I'm sorry you had to see death that close at such a young age. I mean, we just became six moons old. Some of the elders described their first experiences as... well, traumatizing. I bet your's was even more so..."

Nightpaw glanced at Shadepaw, who glared in response, as if to keep her from mentioning the kit killing. She could almost hear his voice in her head saying, Don't you dare, that's our secret. Nightpaw could hear, and almost feel, his commanding tone. Looking back at Toadpaw, she nodded, "Yeah, it was..."

Shadepaw's face softened, "It'll be alright, though. You've got us."

"I do."

"And you still haven't eaten, have you?"

"Oh, yeah, food. I forgot about that."

The three got up and walked to the fresh-kill pile, Nightpaw in the middle. She was able to grab a mouse from the top, and Shadepaw and Toadpaw each grabbed their half-eaten kills. The three began to wolf down the food. Looking up for a second, Nightpaw saw the Fallenpaw and Whiskermoon carrying Sunpelt's corpse.

"What are they doing?" Nightpaw asked.

"Apperently, when a cat dies, the cats closest to him or her sit vigil for some amount of time," Toadpaw responded.

"Why didn't they do this for my mom?"

"That I don't know."

Nightpaw watched as the medicine cats arranged Sunpelt to look like he was sleeping peacefully.

"Is that really what they do? He didn't die peacefully..."

"It's a tradition, I guess, to let the Clan let go of him easier," Shadepaw meowed.

Shadows of cats drifted over Nightpaw as warriors began moving the fresh-kill pile. She looked up and saw Darkstar jumping to the top of the rock.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath highrock," she shouted.

Warriors and apprentices came out of their dens, each either gasping or murmuring. Nightpaw sat up and looked around, trying to see who she knew. Hawktail, Wildheart, Fernspots, Thorn, and Applepaw. Redwhisker sat beside the nursery with Whitepine, Hawktail soon joined them.

"I'm sure, by now, we know what has to be done..." Darkstar's statement was quieter than normal. She leaped down from the rock as cats gathered around Sunpelt's body. The three stayed back, watching.

"You know, Nightpaw," an orange tom stopped beside her, on his way to mourn the deputy's death, "you are his kit, so you're welcome to join us."

Nightpaw looked at Sunpelt, expecting to feel the pain of a kit losing it's parent, but nothing came. All she saw was a cat who was here, and now is gone, "Why?" she asked. The question came out more unemotional than she'd hoped.

"Well," the orange tom seemed confused, "he was your father. Wouldn't you want to spend time with him?"

"But he's dead."

"But-" he paused, then sighed, "then you stand back... and watch, I guess." the tom walked away, crouching down beside the deputy's body.

A drop of water hit Nightpaw's nose, making her look up. The sky was beginning to darken with clouds, and another raindrop hit her ear, "Looks like it's gonna rain," she meowed, "Do you think that thing is still gonna happen?"

"Probably," Toadpaw replied, "we still don't know what it is yet."

"Shh! She's speaking," Shadepaw silenced them.

Darkstar sat facing Sunpelt, as did the other warriors. She began speaking, "Sunpelt was a strong, noble warrior. He never went too far, nor was he scared of it. He'd done excellent work training Wildheart into the warrior she is today. He always did what was best for the Clan, even if it meant going outside the code. He knew when to strike, and when to stand guard. I thank MoonClan for his life, and now, Sunpelt walks with them in the stars," Darkstar lowered herself to meet the former deputy's face.

"That must really hurt Darkstar..." Toadpaw said, "Snowheart says she and Sunpelt had been leader and deputy for many seasons."

"Really?" Nightpaw asked. They must've gotten along pretty well if they've led together for that long.

"Yeah, she told me Sunpelt was first appointed when she was an apprentice."

"That's a long time!" Shadepaw gasped, "and Snowheart's old!"

Nightpaw saw a flash of white smack the side of Shadepaw's head, "I'm old, but I'm not deaf!"

Shadepaw looked up, "Heh, sorry, Snowheart.."

"You best be sorry, insulting an elder like that."

"It wasn't an insult, I promise!"

"Oh yeah? Then what was it?"

"It was a... uh..." Nightpaw could tell that Shadepaw couldn't think of anything clever to say.

Snowheart laughed a little, "I'm just messin' with ya. You kids be safe," she trotted off towards the Elder's Den.

A few heartbeats went by before Nightpaw smirked and meowed, "So, Shadepaw, was it an insult?"

"Oh, shut up! Like you could've thought up anything."

"Oh, yeah? I bet I could."

There was a hint of mischief in Shadepaw's eyes, "Oh really?" he then called out, "Hey Snowh-" Nightpaw tackled him, cutting him off, "Hey!"

"Shut up!" she hissed, playfully.

"What, are you scared of her?"

"No I-"

"Hey Toadpaw! Nightpaw's scared!" Shadepaw called to his brother, who laughed in response.

"Mouse-brain!" Nightpaw swatted his face. Shadepaw rolled over, sending them both into a tumbling ball of play-fighting.

Nightpaw kicked the tom off of her and stood up, "Attack Toadpaw!" she yelled.

"Yeah!" Shadepaw shouted.

"Wait! What?!" Toadpaw was shocked, but before he could move out of the way, the other two apprentices had tackled him onto his side.

"We win!" Shadepaw meowed.

"That's not fair! I wasn't ready!" Toadpaw complained, smiling.

"You always have to be ready! That's what Applepaw told me," Nightpaw advised.

"But we aren't in battle."

"Still have to be ready."

Darkstar's voice filled the clearing, "As the Code states, I must appoint a new deputy," Nightpaw looked up, seeing the leader perched on top of the rock, "I say these words before the body of Sunpelt, so his spirit may hear and approve of my choice," she surveyed the crowd of cats, "...Foxclaw, you were Sunpelt's brother, you trained together and fought side-by-side. You settled arguements quickly, and trained Ivyspring into an exceptional warrior. Will you accept the role as Deputy of PineClan?"

The orange tom nodded, happily, "Yes, Darkstar."

She didnt pick Thorn... Nightpaw thought. She saw the golden tom twitch his tail, irritably.

"We cannot let a death in the Clan damage us too much," Darkstar started speaking again, "Today's schedule will not change. MeadowClan warriors will be waiting for us, and if we don't appear, we'll lose hunting grounds. Go on, now. Rest, eat, train, do what you need to do to prepare. I'll call everyone back together when it's time," She lept down from the rock.

"So it's a battle!" Shadepaw meowed with excitement.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go ask Fernspots if I can train some more. You wanna come with me?" Toadpaw turned to Nightpaw.

"I'm good, tired from training so I'm gonna go to the Apprentice's Den and probably sleep."

"Okay," Shadepaw said, a bit disappointed, "I'll train with Toadpaw, and you can join us whenever you want."

She nodded, "I will."

The two apprentices ran off towards the Warriors Den, and Nightpaw made her way to the Apprentices Den. Hints of black fur were stuck to her moss bed. She curled up in it and fell asleep almost instantly.

A dark blue cat sat next to a small river, staring down at its reflection in the glistening waves. Nightpaw watched from afar. She couldn't make out any edges on the cat's body, just a dark blue silhouette with what seemed like lighter blue eyes and mouth.

The water was starting to grow, swirling around the silhouette's paws. Nightpaw couldn't make much of its face, but the cat clearly seemed uncomfortable. The water continued to rise up to its legs, yet it didnt move. It only stared into the blank abyss below.

Nightpaw tried to yell to it, but she couldn't open her mouth, nor could she move from her spot. The silhouette then closed its eyes and let itself fall into the rising water. Nightpaw watched the blue cat sink beneath the waves, then she blacked out.

She woke up in the Apprentices Den. It was darker now, but not night yet. Nightpaw exited the den and saw Darkstar climbing to the top of the rock.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath highrock for a Clan meeting," she announced.

She heard a rustle at the Camp's entrance as Fernspots, Shadepaw, and Toadpaw appeared through the brambles. The three apprentices met each other in the clearing, surrounded by cats on all sides. Each warrior was either flexing their claws or ripping at the grass.

"The time has come for a battle patrol to set out for the border," Darkstat looled across the crowd, "Where is Wildheart?"

"Out hunting by the StreamClan border," Fernspots answered.

Darkstar nodded, "I guess she'll have to miss out then. Willowpelt, Thorn, Ivyspring, Hawktail, Fernspots, Midnightshine, and Lightningear will be in the group, along with your apprentices and Shadepaw. Foxclaw and I will lead. Whiskermoon," she turned to the medicine cat, "I trust you will take care of the camp while we're away?"

"Does that question seriously need to be asked?" Whiskermoon retorted, "Of course I will!"

Darkstar chuckled and leapt down from the rock, "Let's move out."

The group of cats followed her out of the camp and onward towards the MeadowClan border. Shadepaw was almost jumping with each step he took, while Toadpaw followed behind calmly, though the smaller brother's ears twitched fitfully. Nightpaw could barely contain her excitement either. It was their first battle, and against their rival!

Applepaw appeared at her side, "You remember what I said at training, right?"

"Never look away from your opponent," she answered.


"If I'm pinned by a larger cat, scratch at their stomach!"

"One more."

Nightpaw thought hard for a minute, then it came to her, "Don't fight a cat larger than you!"

Applepaw smiled and nodded. He turned to address all three of them, "I wish you all luck tonight. You've trained hard and I'm positive you will do well on the battlefield."

"Thanks, Applepaw," Toadpaw meowed.

Up ahead, the warriors whispered to one another, as they closed in on the moor. The pine trees became sparse the closer they got to the border. Nightpaw could smell the sweet scent of heather among the sharp tang of pine needles. She felt another drop of water hit her ear. The drops slowly became more frequent, and then it started drizzling. The dark sky was made visible when they reached their destination. Nightpaw could see eyes peering out of the streaks of heather. She could feel Shadepaw tensing beside her.

In a flash, the opposing sides launched out in a fury of claws and teeth. Nightpaw was frozen in the fray, unable to move. The sounds of cats hissing and spitting and yowling in pain filled her ears. She was shoved out of her trance by a larger warrior, "Watch out!" they hissed sharply.

Nightpaw walked a few paces away, desperately looking for Shadepaw or Toadpaw. She ran over when she spotted Toadpaw pinned down by a brown MeadowClan cat. Nightpaw twisted around and rammed her shoudler into the larger cat, freeing Toadpaw from his grip.

"Thanks, Nightpaw," he got up. Toadpaw's face was scratched up and bloody, but otherwise he seemed fine.

"Have you seen your brother?"

"Nowhere-" A shrill yowl cut through his words, "...Shadepaw!" Toadpaw ran off before she could say anything. Nightpaw followed him through the tumbling bodies. They found Shadepaw held by a cat who seemed to be a warrior. His pelt was tortoiseshell, but his face was perfectly split down the middle, one half gold, one half black.

Nightpaw was too scared to move, seeing blood stain Shadepaw's white fur. His eyes stared off into the sky as he thrashed wildly, trying to break free from the warrior's grip, but the warrior had Shadepaw's entire neck in his jaws, and Nightpaw could see him slowly squeezing down on it.

"WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE, NIGHTPAW?! WE HAVE TO HELP HIM!" Toadpaw's grief stricken yowl sliced through her thoughts.

Nightpaw shook her head and leapt forward, latching onto the warriors back and biting down on his ears, pulling hard and ripping them apart. The cat yowled in pain, releasing Shadepaw and throwing Nightpaw off. Toadpaw stood between the warrior and his brother as Nightpaw regained her balance and slashed at the warrior's face. He backed up, green eyes shining in the moonlight. Nightpaw got ready for another attack when she heard a yowl from far away.

"MeadowClan! Retreat!" she saw a gray tabby perched atop a rock, addressing its Clan.

Moments later, the PineClan patrol erupted in shouts of victory and insults of cowardice towards the retreating MeadowClan patrol. The half-pelted warrior glared at Nightpaw, and she thought she saw a smirk on his face, like their running away wasn't the end. Then, he pelted off to join his clanmates.

"Guys...?" After the Clan had quieted down and started heading back, she heard a faint mew from behind. Turning around, she saw Toadpaw hovering over Shadepaw, who was struggling to raise his head. Nightpaw raced over, worry stabbing her heart. Toadpaw's eyes were glazed over with tears.

"Shadepaw, please... stay with us..." the small tom croaked.

"It's okay, Toadpaw... I've done my part in this world..." Shadepaw coughed, "Even when I'm gone, ...I'll still be here... watching over you two..."

Nightpaw noticed a perfectly straight line going down the center of his chest, A wound like that can't be healed in time... She thought, "Shadepaw... please... If you stay with us long enough maybe we can..."

"Shhhh..." Shadepaw interrupted her, slowly bringing his paw up to touch her's. Their eyes met, and Nightpaw saw his amber gaze darkening, but he still wore a smile on his face. A smile she'd only ever see him with once before. An image of the gray kitten came to mind, and the satisfaction on Shadekit's face when she'd ended the poor kit's life. Her thoughts came back to reality, Shadepaw still looking into her eyes, "I'll always be with you," he whispered. Then, his amber eyes shut, and his chest stopped moving.

"We..." she heard Toadpaw whisper beside her, "we could've done something... Instead we just stood there like two kits staring shocked at the sun... I-.." a sob cut his words off. Before Nightpaw could try to comfort him, Toadpaw slowly turned and walked away, head hanging low and tail dragging in the dirt. Nightpaw looked back to Shadepaw's body. His face still carried that same satisfied smirk, like he wanted this.

She still couldn't believe it. The three of them could've grown up together, fought together, patrolled together... We could've been mates, even... She thought, her vision blurred by tears.

She remembered his final words "I'll always be with you," They rang in her ears like someone else was saying them, someone who was watching. She suddenly felt a warm gaze watch her from behind. Turning around, she saw a fluffy, white tom approach.

"I'm guessing you two were close..?" his voice was soft, and a bit sorrowful.

"Yeah... a bit.."

The tom sat next to her. He was about as tall as she was, and his fur was unbelievably soft. Nightpaw could almost mistake him for Shadepaw, his eyes were the same yellow-amber, but his face was round and gentle.

"What's your name...?" Nightpaw asked.

"Steinpaw, and your's?"


He smiled, "Fitting name. With a pelt as dark as your's, you could stalk through undergrowth and no one would notice you."

"Heh, thanks.."

Don't get too attached already...

Nightpaw heard a soft, but stern whisper, as well as feeling light pressure and warmth on her side. She turned to see who it was, only to find a sky full of stars and competing foliage separating PineClan from MeadowClan.

"You okay? You look like you've heard a ghost," Steinpaw joked.

"Yeah.. I just thought I heard something.."

"Probably just the wind."


"Anyway, I should be heading back-"

"Or maybe..." she tried to think of a way for him to stay, "I might need help carrying Shadepaw back to camp..."

"They might not like me going into their territory," he responded, "but you are a grieving friend, so I'll help."

Nightpaw smiled, picking up Shadepaw on one end, and Steinpaw picked up the other. After a bit of adjusting, they eventually got the dead cat stretched out onto both of their backs, and they began walking towards PineClan camp. Nightpaw almost enjoyed the feeling of Steinpaw's soft fur and sweet scent, but resisted from taking any more steps closer to him.

They eventually arrived at the camp's entrance. The guard, Ivyspring, hissed, "Ugh, is that heather I smell?"

"Sorry, miss, I'm just helping Nightpaw bring back a casualty from the battle..." Steinpaw apologized, "I won't be here long."

"Whatever, just go on ahead," she snarled and looked away. The apprentices brought Shadepaw's body into the clearing. Nightpaw heard shocked, quiet murmurs among the Clan cats.

Whitepine ran up, "Nightpaw! Are you okay? What happened?!" her worried gaze turned cold when she saw the MeadowClan apprentice, "You..." she snarled, "What did you do to my baby?!"

"Whitepine, he didn't do anything. In fact, he helped me carry Shadepaw's body," Nightpaw replied.

"I don't care! He's from MeadowClan, which means he's a terrible cat!"

"Not necessarily..." Steinpaw muttered, keeping a calm expression.

"Whitepine, come back here," Darkstar's stern mew pulled the furious she-cat away, "Thank you for helping her, Steinpaw. I'm sure you weren't the cause of his death."

He smiled, "No, you know I don't fight. I watched the battle from a safe distance, and even caught Shadepaw's killer."

"You did? Who-" Darkstar's mew was cut off by an angry, grieving Whitepine.

"Who did it? Who murdered him?"

"It was Halfpelt..." he mewed.

"That rogue Rainstar let into MeadowClan... I'LL KILL HIM!"

"No!" Darkstar swatted Whitepine, "No more killing. We'll sort out everything at the next gathering. You two will probably want to come too, I suppose?" she looked at Nightpaw and Steinpaw.

"I'd like that," he nodded.

"I would too!" Nightpaw responded.

"Very well. Nightpaw can escort you to the border, and tell Rainstar what happened tonight."

"Will do."

Darkstar and Whitepine took Shadepaw's body from them and Nightpaw led Steinpaw out of camp. The sky was dark, and she could barely see anything in front of her. They remained silent while walking through the undergrowth, until a faint voice spoke to her.

You better not fall in love, Nightpaw...

Nightpaw stopped and looked around. Steinpaw looked at her, seeming somewhat worried, "Something wrong?"

"I keep hearing words... must be the wind again. Anyway, the border's coming up."

"I guess this is where we part ways. It was nice to have that walk with you."

"Yeah, it was..." something touched Nightpaw's words. Sadness? Why would she be sad to say good by to a MeadowClan cat? "I hope we... see each other at The Gathering?"

He nodded, "See you then, I guess," the white tom sprinted off into the heather.

"Yeah... see ya.."