Disclaimer: I don't own HP or How to Train Your Dragon.
Dragon's speaking
Harry using telepathy
(Fury Household)
"Good morning Harry." Lisa greeted.
"H-hi." He greeted her back.
"You're so cute." She cooed.
"What?" He looked at her in shock. 'Aunt Petunia never called me cute before.'
"I now have an adorable baby brother." She said.
She wanted to hug him but she knew he wouldn't be comfortable with that at the moment. He wasn't used to females being nice to him. With time he would be but for now they needed to be slow. It didn't stop her from cooing nor did it stop her or her sister from wanting to find Harry's aunt and make her pay.
"Y-you think I'm adorable?" He asked in shock.
"Of course." She managed to keep the look of anger off her face.
"Oh." He smiled happily at that.
"Are you ready for breakfast baby bro?" Lisa asked.
"Y-yes." He confirmed.
"Great. Let's go." She grinned at the green eyed child.
"Okay." He said softly.
The two left the living room and entered the dining room. Harry sat down between Fang and Ciel. Sky was across from her husband. Katie was next to her and Lisa sat down in the last seat available. The twins took turns praising Harry. The dark haired child was red with embarrassment. He did find that he liked the attention.
"I bet both his dragon forms will be just as cute as he is." Katie said.
"You're right." Her sister agreed.
"Calm down girls. He needs lessons first." Their father said in amusement.
"We know. We're just excited." The two said together.
"We can tell." Sky said dryly.
"His half form is going to be cute too." Lisa giggled.
"Of course. Everything about him is adorable." Her twin said.
"True." She said.
"Sorry kid. Nothing can stop them." Ciel told Harry.
"They are too far gone." Fang agreed as he watched his daughters gush over their new brother. "Before I forget. Are you ready to see the doctor?"
"N-no." His aunt had told him stories of doctors and he was freaked out.
"It's okay. I will be there the whole time. We just want to keep you healthy." He told him. 'Vernon said Harry never went to the doctors. Why is he so freaked out?'
"O-okay." That made him feel better.
"Great." He smiled at him.
(Timeskip: Doctor's Hut)
Like many buildings on the island the hut the doctor used looked like a hut. It was bigger on the inside. The outside was to make it look like a vikings village. They lived near them and didn't want anyone to realize that there were dragons with human forms and some residents were wizards. They helped to keep them hidden.
Fang and Harry entered the hut. The doctor was standing there waiting. Fang and him greeted each other.
"Good morning Fang."
"Good morning Leon. This is my new son Harry." He introduced the kid.
"H-hi." He greeted shly.
"Hello there Harry. It's nice to meet you. Let's get you checked out." He smiled softly.
"O-okay." He stuttered.
Leon took Harry to the exam room. Fang followed. The doctor began the exam. He was a wizard who used a mixture of spells and non-magical practices. He was not happy with what he had found. He was just glad that the young child was with them and not back with those monsters. He smiled at Harry when he finished.
"Harry is very malnourished. I shall prescribe a nutrient potion. He needs to take it once a day. His nerves are also very damaged. I'm prescribing a nerve restoration potion for that. He needs to take that twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. His bones are weak. With his dragon genes they should be twice as strong as regular humans. They aren't. He actually has bones a little weaker than an average human. I will prescribe a bone strengthening potion. He needs to take those with his nerve restoration potion. Luckily there were no incorrectly healed bones or else they would need removed. His muscles are also weak. He needs to take a muscle restoration potion. That also goes with the last two potions. The scars can be taken care of as well. There are no infections so a healing salve is all that will be needed. He needs to apply it after his baths." He handed Fang the paper. "I will schedule him for an appointment next week to see if this course of treatment is working. Make sure he follows this exercise schedule. It will help to build up muscle strength as well as help his lungs and stamina."
"Thanks Leon." Fang managed to say.
"You're welcome. Goodbye Fang, Harry." He smiled at the child.
"Bye." He said to the doctor.
"Bye." Harry said without a stutter. 'I'm glad what aunt Petunia told me was a lie.'
Fang and Harry left the hut. The older male led Harry in the direction of the farm. William Willow was a wizard who raised animals. Some were raised to be food and some weren't. He let the children on the island play with the baby animals. He thought it would do his new son some good. It would also help calm him down. What he really wanted to do was find Petunia and Dumbledore and rip them to shreds.
(With Dumbledore)
The elderly wizard was sitting in his office. He had managed to get a hold of Harry's blood. He had kept a souvenir after each visit he had with the child. He loved the reminders. Some of the souvenirs had the brat's blood on it. It was enough to use for the tracking potion he was making. He carefully added the blood.
What Dumbledore didn't know was that Fang had taken precautions to keep him from finding Harry. It also helped that the green eyed boy's own dragon genes helped. So did living in a different dimension. The tracking potion was useless.
Fang had used very ancient dragon magic to shield Harry. He applied it the minute he saw Harry for the first time. It was similar to the potion he had given Vernon. The differences was that the potion was made for Vernon and the spell only worked on those with dragon DNA. Only a very powerful dragon could break the spell.
Harry's DNA helped to protect Harry. It took a lot of magic to take down a dragon. It's why drogon handlers were magically powerful and never was near a dragon without a group of handlers with them. Dragons had an immunity to most spells and potions. It was why dragons couldn't be tracked with magic and why Dumbledore couldn't control Harry nor could he erase the kid's memory.
"Soon." The man whispered as he stirred the potion.
Once he finished the potion Dumbledore grabbed the crystal. He dipped it into the potion and when he pulled it out he gasped in shock. The crystal had melted. That had never happened to the wizard before.
"What the-" He blinked at the crystal. "What just happened?"
He grabbed another crystal and the same thing happened. He cast a few spells but like before nothing happened. He even tried a very complex enchantment but that too failed. With a growl he looked back at the potion only to find that it had hardened. He cursed as it turned to dust.
"Damn it! The potion must have failed due to the person who has the brat!" He yelled.
The wizard huffed but decided to take a break. He felt he needed one after that. He went to his private room. He never knew a certain teacher watching him. The person left after Dumbledore did.
Severus went back to his own rooms. He wrote a letter on what he had just witnessed and he sent it along with the memory. He had a house elf deliver it. He didn't want to take the chance with an owl. He knew Dumbledore liked to have his mail redirected so that he could read it. The man was smart enough to know not to trust Severus but the dark haired potion master was smart enough to use other means to send his letters off that held important information. He knew the dark lord would be pleased with the information.
'Please let Lily's son be alive and safe.' He thought before a smirk appeared. 'Time for you to fall old man.'
(With Voldemort and Lucius)
"Master." The house elf popped into the room and bowed. "Trixs has a letter for you from Master Snape."
The dark lord grabbed the letter. He smirked after reading it. "Good, good."
"My lord?" Lucius noticed the smirk.
"Dumbledore failed to track Potter. This is the sixth one." He answered.
"Good." He said.
"Indeed." He looked at the blonde. "Did Cornelius get anywhere with the goblins?"
"No. They are still refusing. Whoever has him has taken control of his vaults. They do say they would contact Potter's guardian and see what they want." He said.
"I see. That's better than expected. Keep me updated." He said.
"Yes my lord." He bowed and left.
"Soon." He promised. "I just hope that poor boy is safe."