
The club room was bustling with activity on Wednesday afternoon. It was nearing the end of November but the room was decked out in palm leaves, wildflowers, and scantily clad hosts. Haruhi, being herself, was not participating in this particular costume day. She would never understand why Tamaki and the others insisted on ignoring the seasons. Especially Kyoya, who seemed the most likely to object to this randomness.

To her this was the best time of year. With freshly falling snow lining the ground and decorative lights giving the world a friendly hue, it brought a sense of closeness and familiarity to her that she very much cherished. She was constantly questioning the Host Club's decisions but to her this seemed one of the most absurd. These fools would rather bathe in false sunlight and mosquitoes than enjoy the winter season as it was. What a shame.

She had already finished her client list for the afternoon. So, she decided to sit to the side, relax, and people watch as she was fond to do. She loved to see what people did, how they acted, and get an even better understanding who they really were for herself. She observed the twins putting on a show for their guests. They were bare chested, holding each other like their life depended on it, and staring deeply into each other's eyes. This was their most common routine but she knew there was at least a small bit of truth to the way they looked at each other. She had caught them many times doing it when there was no damsel in sight to impress.

Next, she observed Hunny and Mori with their guests. Hunny was in the process of showing the girls just how many cakes he could fit into his mouth at one time while Mori stayed to the side and watched on with what Haruhi could only describe as concerned horror. Apparently, he had never seen this trick before either.

Then there was Tamaki. Though she knew many suspected she had feelings for the big dope, she merely saw him as a very close brother and a confidante of sorts. He had accepted her feelings and she knew he would find someone that really suited him with his high energy and boisterous attitude. Currently he was in the process of whispering in a girl's ear. Though she looked to be enjoying herself possibly a bit too much, Haruhi never got the memo on why that was erotic. Having someone's wet slobber get projected into your ear was not something she was want to try anytime soon.

Lastly, she spotted Kyoya. Across the room she could see him talking to a table of guests with his fake smile plastered on his face. The girls of course suspected nothing but she could clearly tell the difference from his true smile. She definitely preferred the real deal. Though she had only seen it on a few rare occasions she remembered every time in detail. One of those occasions was that night at the beach, which still crossed her mind every now and again. Though she knew he was just proving a point, she could at least be honest with herself that she always wondered what would have happened if he wasn't.

As her mind wandered she didn't notice the time that had passed until the twins approached her and flicked her on her forehead.

"Ow!" She shot them a glare. "What was that for?"

"You were deep in your mind Haruhi. We've been calling your name and you were so zoned out you didn't hear us. What were you thinking about so intently I wonder." Kaoru stared at her in interest.

She could feel her face heating up and decided it was time to divert their attention. She stood and walked over to the table everyone else had gathered at to go over the schedules for the rest of the week.

"You don't have many customers lined up for the rest of the week Haruhi. At this rate, you will never pay off that debt of yours." Kyoya said with an evil smirk. She decided not to answer with a snide remark like she wanted to and merely huffed in annoyance. He was always teasing her because he knew it got under her skin, even if she had never verbally confirmed it. Everyone else had a pretty regular schedule for the remainder of the week and the discussion moved on to weekend plans quickly. Tamaki was oddly contemplative for a moment and it was disconcerting to say the least.

"What are your plans, Boss?" the twins both looked towards him with more than mild interest.

"My plans are for all of us to go on a trip! A birthday trip!"

"Who's birthday is it?" said Hunny with undisguised excitement.

"Kyoya's!" Everyone whipped their head around to stare at the shadow king. A few beats a absolute silence went by before "what?" Kyoya barked.

Haruhi was the one to speak up, "When were you gonna tell us it was your birthday?"

"I wasn't. Tamaki only knows because my sister let it slip last night while he was over studying for an exam."

The twins cracked two wide grins simultaneously, "Well we all know now so pack your bags!"

After the plans were finalized everyone began filing out of the music room to head home. Haruhi approached Kyoya apprehensively.

"Umm Kyoya-Sempai?"

"Yes, Haruhi?"

"What do you want for your birthday?" he turned to her with a raised brow and she began to feel just a bit stupid for even bringing it up.

"If I didn't plan to tell any of you then I certainly don't expect any gifts. However if you insist on getting me a present," he took a moment to think, "make it interesting." And with that he was out the door.