Elena gasped as fear clenched her heart–– icy fingers of terror spiraling through her veins. She ran with all of her strength as a wall of ominous darkness–– silent as the grave–– rushed towards her, drawing closer by the second. Though she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, helplessness washed over her like a flood as the darkness closed in.

Just a little bit farther, she thought to herself. She knew instinctively that if the darkness caught her, all would be lost–– there would be no escape. A gasping sob escaped her lips as her legs seized up–– slower and slower she ran until she felt as if she was trying to run through molasses.

Looking back over her shoulder, her eyes widened as the darkness moved swiftly towards her, quickly covering the distance. She tried to get her legs moving again but they seemed to be stuck in slow motion. As she looked ahead of her, searching desperately for help or shelter, her skin prickled with horror as yet another wall of darkness rose up before her. Eyes darting around, she saw there was no escape–– she was surrounded on all sides.

The darkness encroached upon the crown princess, and she thrashed and fought against the utter helplessness and despair threatening to overwhelm her. She couldn't see a thing–– darkness pressed against her on every side, dredging up an old, horrific memory–– she was trapped.




Not again. No, I can't be trapped again! No, no, no, no!

Panting in great gasping breaths, Elena clawed uselessly against the darkness.

It was formless.



As the familiar sensation of unending imprisonment washed over her–– would she be stuck here for another forty one years? Her heart pounded like a galloping horse, her body wracked with tremors of pure terror, her veins frozen with icy panic–– she threw back her head and screamed––


Elena awoke with a start, the sound of screaming ringing in her ears, her throat feeling raw–– had she screamed out loud? The crown princes panted as she gasped to catch her breath, placing a trembling hand over her heart in an attempt to calm herself.

Not again, she thought with a hint of frustration as she climbed out of bed and put on her dressing gown, tying the belt around her middle. These nightmares had become a regular occurrence in the months since her foray into Vallestrella–– since that moment when everything changed–– the moment Quito Moss, the sun bird oracle, gave her that prophecy.

The only remedy she'd found was to walk off the panic–– she needed to move, to leave the confines of her bedroom. She had taken to wandering the halls of the palace in the dead of the night to escape the nightmares lurking in the darkness of her subconscious.

Stepping into her slippers, she quietly left her room and headed down the hall–– wandering aimlessly with no particular destination in mind. As she passed by the wide arching windows, noticing the moonbeams bathing the halls with an ethereal light, Elena became lost in thought.

The thing was, nothing in Avalor had really changed. The sun still rose every day, her family and friends were healthy and happy, she was still the crown princess and ruled over her subjects to the best of her ability. There hadn't been a hint of darkness or danger or tests in the months following the capture of that troublesome forest sprite, Marimonda. What had changed, however, was her perspective on life–– particularly in regards to her bid for the throne.

A mysterious darkness was coming–– not for Avalor, no, Quito Moss had been very specific that the darkness was coming for her. Though, as the sovereign ruler over Avalor, it was safe to say that any trouble targeting her was likely to affect the whole of her kingdom.

An anvil-sized weight had settled deep in her core, adding to the burden of the crown tenfold. She was alone in this–– she believed that this was her burden to bear and her burden alone.

Lately, Elena had become easily distracted and more than a little skittish. It had become a common occurrence for her to be caught staring into the distance, a haunted shadow flickering in her eyes. Most just chalked it up to the burden of the crown and asked no further questions. A few, namely Luisa, Naomi, and Isa, had noticed and had become mildly concerned.

But there was one who had noticed from the very beginning and had a sneaking suspicion as to the cause, but out of respect for her privacy, asked no questions. Choosing to bide his time until she was ready to talk about it.

Mateo had been with her on her adventure to Vallestrella. He knew about the hard lessons she'd learned while there and he knew that she'd spoken in private with the oracle–– he had noticed that the distraction and sadness began immediately after her second visit to the oracle. Something serious was up with the princess, of that much he was certain, but chose to simply be there for her–– no matter what.

Elena knew that her friends and family were concerned for her, but she couldn't bring herself to ask any of them to take on the constant worry and anxiety that had become her unwelcome companion–– it was always there, waking or sleeping.

Elena wasn't afraid of danger or trouble. She would gladly give her life for her family, her friends, and her kingdom. That didn't bother her in the least, no–– it was the unknown that was bothering her.

Was she worthy? Would she triumph over the darkness? Would she be able to protect her family and friends from the darkness? What if she failed? What if she failed them and one of her loved ones paid the ultimate price?

She had failed once before–– forty two years ago. She had watched as she had been unable to save her parents and had failed to stop the sorceress which resulted in her sister and grandparents being frozen in a painting and her cousin being forced to serve the usurper all those years while she was stuck–– helpless and alone with her thoughts–– in the amulet, leaving her kingdom to suffer in those dark times.

The stakes were even higher this time around. She not only had her family to protect, but now she had dear friends who were as close as family–– two brothers and a sister.

She thought about Naomi, her dear friend–– her sister, who was always there to lend a listening ear, her opinion, and her support. Then there was Gabe, who was so brave and quick to try and jump between her and danger without a thought for his own safety. She knew that he would throw himself between her and whatever this darkness was, and that was unacceptable.

Elena subconsciously smiled as her thoughts turned to Mateo–– the one who had followed her into Vallestrella knowing they were unwelcome there, knowing that it could be dangerous–– in fact, he followed because it was dangerous, to make sure she wasn't alone in that danger.

He had remained steadfast by her side even though he didn't agree with what she was doing, and that meant the world to her. He had told her again and again that they shouldn't be there, that they needed to leave. And he'd been right–– had she not gone in the first place, the forest sprite never would have been unleashed. Had she listened to him the second time, and left after meeting with King Verago, the jaquins probably would have been able to capture the sprite in their trap. She loved that he never once turned his back on her when she rebuffed his advice–– frustrated though he was, he was determined that she not face the danger alone. In fact, he had promised to be there for her, no matter what.

And that worried her. She didn't want anyone to get hurt by whatever darkness was coming for her, especially not her loved ones.

As her feet continued their meandering path through the dark halls, she realized she was nearing the main library. Thinking that perhaps she could escape her nightmares in a book, she went in. Her slippered feet padding across the plushly carpeted floor, she found the towering bookshelf that she knew to house the fiction collection.

Elena wasn't one to run from her problems, but she found great comfort in occasionally taking a break from reality to spend some time lost in someone else's fantasy and adventure. Selecting a promising volume, she went down the stairs over to her favorite sofa by the fireplace and curled up with the book. Lying it open across her lap, she began to read. It was an old favorite of hers, about a wizard devoted to the service of his queen, who set out on a quest to discover the source of a mysterious evil threatening his kingdom.

As she devoured the pages, her eyelids began to grow heavy. She tried to fight the drowsiness, but eventually her body got what it wanted–– her head fell back against the couch and she fell asleep.


The nightmare picked up where it had left off, she was surrounded by impenetrable darkness. Panic overwhelmed her as she fought the hopelessness, trying to see through the darkness–– to escape the darkness–– to no avail. Until a tiny orb of eerie light glowed in the distance. Elena's eyes squinted, trying to make out the source as it approached–– growing larger and larger by the second. Eventually she could see a shadowy figure behind the light, prowling nearer to where Elena was standing.

Finally, the shadowy figure stood before her and the light threw the shadowed face into a stark relief.

Elena gasped–– it was Shuriki! The witch stood tall and strong, with a new wand in hand which she pointed directly at Elena's heart.

Elena was utterly alone standing there in her nightgown with nothing to defend herself with. She was going to die at the hand of her greatest enemy–– alone.

"You are not alone," a familiar voice said in her ear.

Elena gasped with surprise. Her friends and family— even her parents— surrounded her, stood between her and the darkness— between her and certain death.

No, no, no, no! You'll get hurt!

This was exactly what she'd been afraid of. She would rather die than see them hurt.

Mateo stood at her side, tamborita in hand, eyes glinting with ferocity as he glared at the witch— he was ready to fight. He looked to Elena and smiled softly, taking her hand in his own, he said,"I'll always be there for you, Elena. No matter what."

"No! Everyone, run! You're going to be killed! Please! You have to run!"

Elena's heart was pounding in fear for their safety. She couldn't protect them, she was going to fail— again.

Elena's eye met Shuriki's as the witch raised her wand, ready for the final blow.


A flash of green light—

Elena woke with a start, her screams echoing in her ears. The book in her lap fell to the floor as she leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as she placed her head in her hand, her shoulders shaking with the repressed sobs.

That nightmare had been the worst yet. Her loved ones had never made an appearance before. She couldn't allow that to become a reality–– she just couldn't!


Jumping violently, Elena whipped her head around to see the familiar tall, lanky form of her royal wizard standing just behind the sofa–– his eyes wide with concern.

"Are you ok?"

Lost for words, she just stared, the tears on her cheeks sparkling in the firelight.

"What are you doing here, Mateo?" she finally said, her voice but a rasp from the screaming.

Mateo shrugged. "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get a head start on some potions down in my workshop." He gestured to the large painting that concealed the entrance to the royal wizard's workshop. Grinning crookedly, he continued, "It seems we have that in common."

Elena nodded mutely.

"May I sit down?" he asked, pointing to the other end of the sofa.

Elena nodded again.

Mateo settled himself opposite Elena on the small sofa and, folding his hands in his lap, looked at her speculatively, eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Elena, what's wrong?"

Pushing an imaginary strand of hair behind her ear, Elena looked at the floor and took a deep breath. "No– nothing is wrong. I couldn't sleep either."

Leaning back into the couch, Mateo crossed his arms and raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "Elena, I'm not blind or deaf. I heard you scream and I can see the tears on your cheeks. Your eyes are red and, quite frankly, you look awful–– like you're about to burst into tears any moment," he took a deep breath, his eyes pleading as he continued softly, "Please, it's been torture watching you deal with whatever this is for months. I know you're not talking to anybody about this. Let me help you. As your friend, I want to help you. Please."

Elena just stared, her lower lip trembling. Images of her friends and family standing with her against the darkness filled her with dread. She needed to tell somebody–– but she couldn't. She was strong enough to stand alone–– wasn't she?

Mateo leaned toward her and took her hand. "I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I'll always be here for you, Elena, no matter what. I promise." He looked at her intently, his eyes speaking to the utter sincerity in his promise.

Elena choked back a sob as she thought about the prophecy, the darkness, her nightmares–– maybe it would help to talk about it. And if there was anyone she'd want to tell, it was the young man sitting across from her. He'd become her solid rock–– a steady and faithful presence in her life–– and could always be counted on to offer sound advice or a listening ear.

Mateo had followed her into danger more times than she could count and always respected her choices. She knew he was brave and devoted to her well being. Her other friends were brave and trustworthy too, but Elena couldn't deny that there was a special connection between herself and her royal wizard. She couldn't explain it, just that it was there. She just had a feeling that their destinies were intertwined somehow–– perhaps it was the magic that flowed through of their veins. She wasn't sure.

But could she live with herself if she drug him down into the darkness with her? Though, it seemed inevitable that he'd be by her side–– no matter the consequences.

"Oh Mateo!" she sobbed and threw her arms around his neck, burying her tear stained face in his chest and sobbed into the soft fleece of his wizard's robes.

Surprised, but pleased to not have been brushed off yet again, Mateo slid his arms around her shoulders in a comforting embrace–– rubbing her back in large, soothing circles.

"Shhh…it's going to be ok. I'll help however I can. Just tell me what's wrong. What can I do?"

She told him everything. She told him about the prophecy, the warning from Quito Moss to prepare herself for whatever is coming, the coming darkness and the nightmares that had been plaguing her for months.

With every word, Elena felt as if a poison was being leached from her body, leaving her feeling lighter than she'd felt in months.

When she was finished, the tears had run out but she remained where she was, appreciating the comfort of knowing that her good friend was there by her side–– no matter what.

"Well––" Mateo was in shock. Avalor had just come out of forty one years of darkness. It was improbable that another enemy would be at their doorstep so soon. He couldn't imagine who or what could be after their beautiful, kind, loving princess. If anyone deserved to be queen, it was her. She truly loved her kingdom and her people. A bit reckless, impulsive, and hot headed, sure–– but she was selfless to the core.

He tightened his hold around her, lending her whatever strength he had, knowing instinctively that what she needed most at that moment was to know that she wasn't alone.

"Whatever this mysterious darkness is, we'll face it together. And––" he hesitated, knowing she'd protest what he was about to say, " ––I think you need to let the others in on this. Gabe, Naomi, the grand council––"

"What? No! I can't! They can't know! It's bad enough that I'm burdening you with this. I don't want––"

"No, listen," he interrupted, "You are always so quick to try and shoulder things alone, but you are strongest when you are leading— when you allow others to help you. Remember what Zuzo said? 'Just because you're the one, doesn't mean you're the only one'."

Elena was quiet a moment, her head still leaning on Mateo's shoulder as she considered his words.

Mateo continued, "I promise that your secret is safe with me as long as you wish to keep it a secret, but I really think you should allow us all the opportunity to stand with you in this. Judging from your obvious anxiety over the past months, going this alone hasn't been working for you. Besides, you face a much greater chance of coming through this darkness in one piece with us by your side than you do if you insist on continuing on alone–– though I assure you, I will be by your side every step of the way whether you like it or not."

Sitting up, Elena looked into the dear face of her friend, seeing the resolve and determination to help her however he could. She felt incredibly lucky to have friends who cared so much about her–– she felt even luckier to have this particular friend who had stood by her side from the very beginning–– risking everything to pull her from the darkness when she was still inside that amulet. In spite of that, he was ready and willing to stand with her against the darkness once again.

Offering a tiny smile, Elena nodded. "Yes, you're right, of course. I think I will need all of the support I can get in the coming months. I really hate the idea of burdening anyone with this, but perhaps it's not my burden to keep. Thank you, Mateo." She placed her hand in his shoulder and smiled sincerely.

Responding with a crooked grin, Mateo said, "That's what I like to hear. Now, don't you feel better already?"

Feeling lighter than she had in months, Elena grinned as she pulled him in for a hug, which he gladly returned. "Yes, I really do. Thank you, my friend," she murmured.

"Anytime, Elena. Anytime."

She pulled back just enough to flash him a cheeky grin, her hands still firmly on his shoulders. "I know that, together, we will stand against whatever comes next and we will succeed. With you by my side, we can't lose!"