Welcome back all of my lovely readers! Again, I'm so sorry about the extremely long time it has taken me to update. Work has been a total pain in my ass! But enough about that! Let's get on with the story!

Texts and or TVs

One week after the events of the church

The group of Gremory Devils were all sitting around the table in the Occult Research Clubroom in silence. "So…. Has anyone seen Rose recently?" Issei asked, trying to break the silence that was in the room.

"Now that you mention it Issei, I haven't seen her since the night of the church." Akeno said as she put a hand to her chin to think.

"You don't think there was another Fallen there and she was captured do you?!" Issei asked frantically, worried for his friend.

"I doubt it Issei. Cause if there was they would have fled the moment they felt Raynare die." Rias said as she leaned forward a bit. "Koneko, could you go and check on her please?" She asked the small Rook.

"Sure." She said as she got off her spot on the couch and left the room.

"Sona will not be happy at Rose missing this much school." Kiba said as he took a drink from a tea cup that appeared out of nowhere.

"She'll just have to make it up Kiba, unless she wants detention." Rias said as she looked at her Knight.

Rose's Apartment

Rose awoke with a gasp as her eyes went wide. She then sat up quickly and looked around and sighed in relief. If anyone was there with her, they would see sweat dripping from her forehead. With a deep breath she got up and went to her bathroom, looking in her mirror for a brief second before pausing and looking at herself. She was extremely pale and had some bags under her eyes from her lack of sleep. Groaning, she went back to her room and looked at her clock. "Shit, missed another day of school." She said with a sigh. "Alseus, how long are these nightmares of mine going to last?" She asked her dragon companion.

{ I'm not sure Rose.} She said as the gem appeared on Rose's right hand. { You've been having them ever since that Fallen mentioned something about your memories and you drank her blood.}

"Ugh, don't remind me." Rose said with a shutter as she wrapped her arms around herself.

{Perhaps it was something in her bloodstream that is causing you to have these nightmares? Or perhaps it is your memories trying to come back to you, and the result is your nightmares? You really should talk to someone like Rias about this Rose, I'm beginning to worry about your health.}

"I know Alseus, I know." She said with a sigh as she then began to put on a pair of jeans. "I'll go talk to them now, they should still be in the clubroom right now." She said as she then heard her doorbell for her apartment ring. "That's probably one of them coming to check on me."

Putting on the rest of her clothes she yawned as she went to open the door. Opening it and looking around she raised an eyebrow till she looked down and saw Koneko. "Oh, hey Koneko." She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yo." Was all the girl said as she looked up at Rose.

"I guess Rias sent you?" Rose asked and only got a nod in return. "Guess she wants to see me then?" She asked and again only got a nod in return. With a sigh she grabbed her apartment keys and walked out into the hallway. Locking her door, she looked at Koneko. "Well, lets go then." She said and the two walked off.

At the ORC

"Wait, you're telling me that all of the Student Council are Devils!?" The two girls heard as they walked towards the door.

"I'm surprised in the lack of information you have given your new servant Rias." Someone said. "And I thought you had another new servant besides Hyoudo and Miss Argento."

"That'd be me." Rose said casually as she walked into the room sluggishly. "Sorry for being late." She said before she yawned. Looking around she saw that the entire Student Council was in the room with her and the others. "I feel like I missed something of importance."

"I'll fill you in later Rose." Rias said before looking at Sona. "Now Sona, how do you think we should settle who gets to go to the Familiar Forest this month?"

"I'll let you go this time Rias, only if Miss Geal here will start coming back to school and will sit through two weeks of detention." Sona said as she slightly glared at the girl, who hung her head in shame.

"That's fine with me." Rias said as she stood up. "Now if you'll excuse us Sona, we'll be going on to the Forest." She said and earned a nod in reply as Sona began to take her Servants with her.

"Okay, now I definitely know I missed something important." Rose said with a sigh as she walked with Koneko towards a fairly large magic circle and it began to glow.

Familiar Forest

As the glow faded and Rose opened her eyes she nearly gasped in surprise. They were now in a huge forest, but she could tell it wasn't any forest on Earth because of the color or the sky. Looking around she saw several very strange creatures walking through the forest. "Uh Rias? Where exactly are we?" She asked, but before she could get an answer….

"Why my dear you are in the Familiar Forest, a place of wild creatures yet to be tamed! Take a look around and you may something that has fame!" A strange voice said, and everyone looked up to see some weirdo standing on a tree branch.

"Okay, who the fuck invited Ash Ketchum?" Rose asked as she looked at the man. 'Also, appearing out of nowhere is my thing dammit!'

"Hello Zatouji, hope you've been doing well." Rias said as she gave a slight bow to the man before he jumped down.

"Well hello again Rias, so nice to see you! Are you going to be getting yourself a number two" The strange man asked her.

"This trip is not for me this time, I have three new servants who are hoping to get themselves a familiar." She said motioning towards Asia, Issei, and Rose.

"Hmm…." He said as he looked at the three of them. "You'll something cute, you'll probably want something weird, and you will want something different." He said pointed at one of them as he said this. "well lucky for you kiddos, I've got some things that are really extravagant!"

"Oh Thor help me, if he tries to rhyme one more time I'm going to kill him." Rose mumbled to herself as she put a hand to her head.

"This way please!" Zatouji said as he began to walk off and everyone followed him.

After a bit they come to a somewhat charred tree and they hear what almost sounds like someone stepping in mud. "What's that sound?" Issei asks, but before anyone could answer him a green slime fell in front of them. "Oh, it's just a slime." He said as he looked at the creature.

"Slime!?" Rias yelled before hiding behind Rose.

"Oi! Don't use me as a bloody meatshield!" She as she stepped to the side and saw Rias get bombed by slimes, a small smile forming on her face.

Seconds later, slimes covered almost all of the girls, their clothes slowly getting dissolved. Any time a slime would even get close to Rose, she'd hold out her hand a make a flame appear in it and it quickly backed away.

"Slimes like to eat clothing but are timid little things. But just think of all the madness they could bring!" The guy said, and Rose cracked her knuckles.

"Can I have these things as my familiar!?" Issei asked as he looked at Zatouji, only to see him duck from a punch from Rose and make her fall down a hill. A lot of cursing could be heard as she rolled down the hill, only for them to get softer and softer as she got further away. "Um…."

"I suppose you could, but-" Whatever he was about to say was cut off when a bolt of lightning struck the slimes, making them fall to the ground lifeless.

A small blue dragon could be seen hovering over the group as they magically repaired their clothes. "A Sprite Dragon, how rare." Akeno said as the dragon hovered over to Asia and landed in her arms. "They say they only go to someone of pure heart, and that they do prefer females." She said as the baby dragon began to rub its face against Asia's cheek. Meanwhile, Issei's cry for the slime goes ignored.

"Where'd Rose go?" Rias asks as she now looks around and sees the white-haired girl nowhere.

With Rose

After tumbling quite the distance down the hill Rose rubs her head and looks up. "Oh, I am so going to kill him now. You hear me asshole! I am going to shove a stick so far up your ass, that people will start calling Vlad the Impaler!" She yells before sighing and looking around. "Now how the hell am I going to get back up there to do that?" She asks herself before standing up. "Well, no point in just sitting around." She says before walking off in some random direction.

After walking for a bit, Rose finds a small lake and sits beside it. Taking a deep breath, she looks out over the lake. "You know Alseus, if I wasn't lost I would actually sit and enjoy the scenery here." She said with a small smile.

{"The Familiar Forest is quite breathtaking. Though it has been some time since I was last here, things have changed."} The dragon spoke to Rose. Rose was about to say something in return when they both heard a crashing behind them in the forest. {"Or maybe they haven't."} She said with a sigh.

"What the hell?" Rose said as she stood up and summoned her Sacred Gear along with a ball of fire. Out of the woods came a solid black Wyvern that barely stood over Rose as it lurked towards her. "Oh shit." She said as the beast looked at her.

"Fresh meeeeeat." The beast said as its red eyes looked her up and down.

"Uh… Hi?" She said skeptically as she looked at the beast. "You aren't going to try and eat me are yo-" She was asking, only to have to duck under a torrent of flames. "That answers that question!" She yelled as she ran away from the beast.

"Come back here!" The Wyvern yelled as it chased after her, its heavy steps making the ground tremble with each step.

"I'd rather not get eaten today!" She yelled back at the beast as she looked for a way to escape. 'The water!' She thought as she immediately turned and sprinted straight for the lake. After getting a few inches into the water she dove into it to avoid being burnt to a cinder by the Wyvern.

Roaring in anger, the Wyvern looked at the water and roared a torrent of flame onto the surface, only for it to make steam. "You little wench! Come out of the water so I may feast on you!" It roared. The only response it got was a single hand coming above the water with its middle finger up before it went below the surface again. Shaking its head, the Wyvern growled and prepared to roar more flames before it shut its mouth when it heard the flapping of large wings. Looking around the Wyvern looked to the sky and immediately backed up before it took to the skies and fled.

Poking her head above the water, Rose saw the Wyvern fleeing and smiled. "That's right you bastard! Run in fear from my unknown power!" She yelled as she slowly got out of the water. She was mid-step when she heard a large thud behind her and she slowly turned around and came face to face, more like snout, of an extremely large blue dragon. "Oh fuck."

"So, this is who Zarva was making all that fuss about? Some puny human?" The dragon spoke in a feminine voice before stopping and sniffing. "Though she does smell like a dragon." Moving its head up, the dragon looked down on her. "Tell me human, why do you smell like a dragon when I can tell that you yourself are not one? You don't happen to hold that bastard Draig do you?" It asked.

"N-No, I don't even know who Draig is." Rose said with a slight stutter. "The o-only dragon I know of is the one in my Sacred Gear, and her name is Alseus." She said as she held up her right hand.

"Wait, did you say Alseus?" The female dragon asked and Rose nods slowly before the girl was blinded by a bright light. When Rose reopened her eyes, she was greeted by a woman with long flowing blue hair and a blue dress. "My apologies." The lady said as she took a slight bow. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Tiamat, one of the Four Dragon Kings."

"Um, hi? I'm Rose Geal, and I guess you already know Alseus." Rose said as she looked between her gauntlet and the woman.

{"Ah Tiamat. It is nice to see you again my student. Though I guess that title no longer applies to you now that you are a Dragon King."} Alseus said with a somewhat cocky attitude.

"Hold on. I'm confused." Rose said, and Tiamat put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Allow me to explain." She said as she looked Rose in the eyes.

Timeskip cause I'm lazy.

"So hold on." Rose said as she held up a hand. "You're telling me, that Alseus was some badass dragon that basically sparked some revolution that somehow led up to you becoming a Dragon King? And that she trained you for a bit?" She asked and Tiamat nods. "Well damn."

"Now, before I take my leave, I shall empart you with a gift." The dragoness said as she put a hand on top of Rose's head. A brief flash of light and Rose's eyes flashed for a brief second before they went back to normal.

"W-What did you do?" She asked and Tiamat smiled.

"That's for you to find out and me to know." She said before she grew wings and took to the skies.

"What the hell?" She said as she then rubbed her eyes. "Damn it, now my eyes fucking hurt!" She said as she began to stumble around.

"Well well well. Seems like a human has gotten lot in a forest of monsters." A voice said and Rose looked around.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" She yelled as she made a ball of fire.

"Now now, don't be rude." A grey and blue cat said as it walked out from behind a tree and sat down, a large toothy grin forming on its face

"What is it with people just appearing out of nowhere today?" Rose said as her vision finally came back in focus..

"I don't know Alice, why don't you tell me?" The cat said as it got up and walked back behind the tree, only for it to appear on her shoulder a second later. "You sure seem like an interesting one. Mind making a pact with me?" The cat asked.

"Okay, how the hell did you do that?" She said looking at the cat.

"Simple my dear girl, illusions. I am everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time." The cat said. "Now do we have a deal?"

"Um, sure. Why the hell not." Rose said with a shrug. "What's your name cat?" She asked.

"Oh~ I'm so glad you asked! My name is Cheshire the Cat, it's a pleasure to formally meet you." Cheshire said as he grinned widely.

"Alright, I'm just gonna call you Ches for short, that cool with you?" She asked and Ches nods. "Cool. Now help me find a really big stick. I need to impale someone."

Back with the others

"Where could that girl have run off to?" Rias said as she and the others looked around for the white-haired girl.

"Maybe she went home?" Issei said with a shrug and the others looked at him funny. "What?"

"Issei, if Rose had left via magic circle we would have either seen or heard it. She obviously just wandered off somewhere." Akeno stated as she crossed her arms. "The question is though, to where."

Everyone went silent once again as they searched for her, only to hear a large explosion in the distance and sounds of fighting coming closer. The Devils all grouped up together in preparation for a fight as they saw some small beast get launched out of the forest and into the sky. What they saw next shocked them all.

A large red wolf like creature stepped out of the woods, a pair of large wings on its back before it took a deep breath and roared. Rias and Akeno both paled slightly at the sight of this beast. "One of the four beasts of ancient legend, Marchosias." Rias said as the beast looked at them.

"You are not who I seek." Was all it said in a deep, rumbling voice before it began to walk off, leaving a trail of burning footprints.

"Hold on, who is it you seek Beast of Fire?" Rias asked as she gathered the courage to speak in the presence of such a powerful being.

"I seek the one I am bound to so that I may fulfill an ancient contract, one that was written in blood." Was its reply before it took to the skies with its large wings.

"You don't think he's searching for Rose do you?" Asia asked as she held her Sprite Dragon close.

"I doubt that Asia. Marchosias is too powerful for even my brother to tame as a familiar. I mean no offense to her when I say this, but it just isn't possible." Rias said as she watched the beast fly away. "He's also a beast of legend and myth, which only makes him even stronger. Not to mention his legend is tied to both Devils and Demons."

"That beast is that strong?" Issei asked as he gaped in awe a bit and Rias nods. "Then whoever gets him as a familiar must be incredibly strong." He said.

"I agree, and a powerful being such as him will only draw other strong beings to this area. So, we should get moving." Akeno said as the others nod and begin to walk away.

After about a half an hour of walking the group came to a large clearing with a large rock sticking up from above the earth. The area around it showed evidence of a recent fight, with a few bits of earth still on fire. "Seems we picked a poor spot to run to." Kiba said as he looked around.

"Hold on, don't those flames look familiar?" Issei asked as he got close to one.

"What do you mean Issei?" Rias asked as she walked beside him.

"I mean the color near the base of the flame. It's blue." He said before standing up.

"Flames can be naturally blue Issei, especially when they are very hot." Akeno stated before walking up to both Issei and Rias. "But now that I'm right next to one of them, I can say that they do give off a similar feeling as Rose's flames do." She said as she looked around.

Before anyone else could say anything, a soft laugh could be heard coming from the rock as everyone looked at it. The rock began to curve and glow before everyone heard a yell coming from behind them. "I'm going to fucking stab you!"

"Was that-?" Kiba began to ask only for Zatouji to go flying from where he was standing and face first into the rock. Everyone then looked to where he flew from and saw the one person they were looking for, with a rather larger wooden stick in her hand.

"That's for letting me fall down a cliff." She said, and she cracked her neck. "Now for the main event!" She yelled as she readied her stick. "Time to get impaled!"

"Rose that's quite enough." Rias said as she stepped in front of the downed Familiar Master. "I would prefer that you stop harming our guide."

"Tch." Rose said as she glared at Rias. "Fine." She says as she puts the stick down.

"Good. Now mind telling us where you've been? We've been worried sick." Rias said as she crossed her arms under her ample bust.

"Oh you know, around." Rose said with a shrug and grin. "Wasn't the whole point of this trip to try and find a familiar?" She asked as she crossed her own arms.

"Well yes it was, but that doesn't mean you can just run off and do what you want." Rias argued to the girl.

"Well if I hadn't ran off I'd of never found my familiar." Rose said as she walked towards the rock and put a hand on it. "And here he is."

"Rose, that's a rock." Akeno said as she stared at the girl.

"Nope. Ches, you can stop now." Rose said as the rock vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving only a grey and blue cat in its place.

"That's refreshing." Ches said as he stretched his legs. He then turned to the group and gave them a large toothy smile. "Hello everyone, it is a great pleasure to meet you all."

"A talking cat that can turn into a rock is what you found?" Issei asked in disbelief as he watched the cat walk behind Rose's leg.

"Not at all young Dragon Emperor." Ches said as his head poked out from behind Issei's head.

"What the!?" He exclaimed in shock as the cats head vanished.

"Ches here is a Cheshire Cat, meaning he can do all sorts of crazy super cool stuff." Rose said as Ches then appeared on her shoulder and she pat him on the head.

"That is certainly…. Interesting." Rias said as she saw something flying in the distance. "Well, I believe we had best be off now Zatouji, thank you for taking your time to help my precious servants find a familiar." She said giving the man a slight bow as he finally got up.

The group then got together, and a magic circle formed under them as Rias saw the figure in the sky come closer. "Well, time to go." She said as the group began to teleport out of the forest.

As the circle went around the group, a single ember floated into the circle and landed right behind Rose's right ear. When the teleportation finished everyone went and sat at their respectable seats as Rose stood against the window, looking out at the night sky.

"So, now that we are back home safe and sound, why don't we get the familiar contracts finalized?" She asked and both Asia and Rose nods as their familiars float in front of them. Holding one of their hands out, the girls began to recite a spell that bonded the familiar to them.

When the contracts were finished Rassei, Asia's familiar, teleported back to the Forest to wait to be called upon. Only Ches remained as he sat in Rose's head. "I hope you don't mind Miss Gremory, but I would prefer to remain in the human realm for now. Many things have changed since I was last here, so I would like to learn about some new things." Ches said with a small grin.

"I have no problem with that, as long as you don't make any trouble that is." Rias said as she looked at the cat.

"Well, if that's all settled, then I'm heading home first." Rose said as she turned to leave.

"Hold on Rose. There's a few things I would like to ask you before you go home, everyone else is dismissed though." Rias said as everyone got up to leave.

"Of course." Rose said as she sighed and Ches laughed quietly. She then sat down on the couch and looks at Rias. "Well, ask away Rias." She said as she reached for a sweet that was lft on the table.

"Why were you missing school?" Rias asked and Rose going for the treat.

"Nightmares." Was all the white-haired girl said before she leaned back into the couch. "And before you ask about what, the only thing I can remember clearly seeing is blood and hearing screams." She said as she looked at her hands. "I'm not sure, but this has to do with something Raynare said that night a week ago." She said before taking a deep breath.

"That is possible, though it also possible that Raynare had taken some kind of drug before she died. And when you drank her blood, that drug came into contact with you and this is a side effect of it." Rias hypothesized as she put a hand to her chin.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Rose said softly as she took another deep breath. "Anything else Rias?"

"Yes actually. When we left you were extremely pale, but now." She said as stood up. "You look like you're back to your natural self."

"I don't know." Rose said as she clenched one of her hands before she relaxed it. "The only thing I can say is that being there, in the Forest, made me feel better. Like everything was balancing inside me."

"Interesting." Rias said as she walked over and put a hand on Rose's shoulder. "You know you can always come talk to me if you need something, so don't hesitate okay? Now go get some sleep." Rias said with a soft smile.

"Y-Yeah, I will." Rose said as she stood up. "Have a good night Rias." She said as she left.

When Rose was gone, and Rias was sure the girl had left the building, she sat down and sighed. "I've got only a week left before He comes. I need to make sure that they will be ready for anything." She said, speaking to herself as she looked out the window from where she sat. "I can only hope that I can get them ready." She said softly before teleporting away.


Holy shit that was fun. It feels great to finally be writing again. Now again I do ask all of you to forgive me for taking so very long to update this story. I am going to try and start turning out more chapters for both this story and my other one.

Thanks to everyone who has stuck around! And a huge thank you to all of the new followers and favorites! I'm glad that even though I didn't have a new chapter out, people were enjoying the story. Now I've got some news for everyone! A good buddy of mine, whose name is LEGOboy13000 and you should definitely go check out his stuff by the way, has allowed Rose into his DxD story! Now there are a few plot points that I haven't gotten to in this story that are in his, but they will be here very soon. Again, I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who is still reading this story!

If anyone has any questions feel free to pm me or ask in a review and I will try my best to reply to you. Now with this out of the way, I am going to get some much needed sleep. BYE EVERYONE see you all next time!