A/N: Happy birthday Kara, I'm probably not going to have the time or money to do the crazy Halloween party thing this year, but that doesn't mean I can't bring the candy haha. Anyway, enjoy and hopefully it'll be a great year!
Shifting eyes and cold sweats abounded around the table while the card game was coming to a close. It seemed like everyone was losing big time, except for Leon, who was grinning snidely and completely cool. The fox had yet to lose a single hand, mainly because he could read everyone like a book, and bluff with legendary believability. They were down to their last hands, just Leon, Clorica, and Volkanon. Vishnal was nearby dusting, but even he was growing increasingly nervous at the possible debt his fellow butlers were incurring.
"Alright everyone, let's see what you got." Leon said, still grinning.
Volkanon and Clorica reluctantly revealed their hands, and the fox chuckled, showing his. "Looks like I win again. Let's see, after all day of losing, you now owe me 99,000,785,926,901 gold." Leon's voice held no remorse, on the contrary he was having an unbelievably good time. The other two butlers sighed, but it seemed like somehow they knew it would turn out this way.
Vishnal nearly had a heart attack upon hearing such a ridiculous number. He tried to keep his calm and indifferent demeanor and focus on his cleaning while pretending not to be listening in, but the scene unravelling before him held the entirety of his attention.
"I suppose I can't argue with that." Volkanon said, tearing up. "B-but how am I ever going to pay it off!? Waahhh!"
The ever diligent Vishnal couldn't help but overhear this, and immediately tensed up again. He too was worried about might happen if Leon demanded payment, but he didn't think Leon would actually impose the payment. Clorica remained silent, as if she didn't have any investment in what was going on.
"Shouldn't make bets you can't cash." Leon said slyly. "I expect payment by tomorrow morning, or else." His voice remained playful, Clorica had already fallen asleep, and Volkanon sighed. It was always difficult to tell if the fox was being serious or not, and so Vishnal took everything he said as the truth.
"I suppose I have no choice, but, I don't think I can make it in time…" Volkanon said, though seemingly a lot less broken up about it all of a sudden.
"That's fine." Leon said, lightly fanning himself. "If you can't pay, I could always accept payment in other ways…"
Vishnal perked up, incredibly tense and worrying about Leon might ask for.
"Alright, name your price."
"Hmmm, I don't want much, I just ask that you be my slave…"
At that, Vishnal panicked and approached. There was no way he could allow this to happen and had to do something. "Wait! You can't take Mr. Volkanon!"
Everyone at the table focussed on Vishanal, now hysterical. Even Clorica was stirred awake, and the other two were left dumbfounded and speechless. Although Leon was caught off guard, he was still intrigued by this development.
Vishnal swallowed, now acutely aware of the eyes on him. "Um, if it's a servant you want, take me instead!" He closed his eyes then, and shook a little. Volkanon was too important to take, so the least he could do was tribute himself for the sake of Ventuswill and Frey. He only hoped he wouldn't be rejected, especially since his value as a butler was far below that of his senior.
Leon raised an eyebrow, but the senior butler was the first to speak. "Erm, I don't think that's necessary…"
"Nonsense! You're too important to Selphia Mr. Volkanon! I- I will gladly take your place. For the good of the castle and all of Selphia, I'll pay off your debt with my very life!"
"Interesting." The fox said, playing along. "Are you prepared to do whatever I say, when I say it without question?"
Vishnal hung his head, knowing he'd have to agree. "Yes, of course…"
"No matter what?"
"Erm, well, I'm not going to murder anyone, if that's what you're getting at…" Vishnal said, now very hesitant. He didn't really think the fox would ask something like that, but he just had to make sure before he pledged himself.
Leon grinned, apparently that was just the answer he was looking for. "Allow me to clarify, are you prepared to do whatever I say, no matter how humiliating, no matter how difficult, whenever I want, wherever I want, exactly as I want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone?"
"Yes." He said, bowing his head.
"Well great. I guess I'll be taking my payment then." The fox said with a grin. His gaze fixed on Volkanon for the briefest of moments, just to see that glorious dumbfounded on the senior butler's face. He made a motion with his finger for Vishnal to follow, which he did with his eyes cast down. The day was still young, so there was still time for Leon to make use of his new servant's services. Vishnal had already resigned himself to giving up his free will until the debt was paid off.
As they left the room, Vishnal looked back at his fellow butlers apologetically. Following Leon out, he left his fellow butlers completely bewildered at what just transpired.
There was a heavy silence as the remaining butlers contemplated what just happened. "He is aware that the game's made up and the gold doesn't matter, right? And that we don't actually owe Leon anything?" Clorica asked more as a rhetorical question than a legitimate inquiry.
"I'm afraid his excitability has gotten the better of him, yet again…" Volkanon lamented. "I can only assume he'll realise his error and come back to work some time tomorrow."
"…Somehow I don't think that's going to happen. Zzz…" This topic no longer interested her, though she might mention it to the girls at Meg's slumber party later. Right now she was more concerned with getting a nap in before getting back to work.
Volkanon sighed, but then nudged Clorica awake. With Vishnal gone, they'd have to work harder to make up for his absence. At least they wouldn't have to suffer his cooking for a while.