Hey Frost here, this is an idea that struck me earlier. Since Kyuubi is supposed to destroy mountains and cause tsunamis, why not take it a step further and say that it is capable of creating natural disasters of all kinds? And if it is, why wouldn't Naruto have this ability? Gaara gets an automatic sand shield, so why not? Due to this, I'll be creating a bunch of disaster style techniques, and if you have any ideas leave a comment below detailing your idea. I may or may not use it at some point.

As always, I don't own anything...except this idea, I don't think I've actually seen this one before...

Chapter 1: A Storm is Brewing

The day had started fairly normally all things considered. It was October 10th, which eight-year-old Naruto Uzumaki knew from experience was not a good day for him. However he knew that the villagers wouldn't dare do anything to him during the day, or nothing serious at least. No they would wait to hunt him down until after the sun went down. In the meantime he would be mostly safe to eat at Ichiraku's.

Naruto had filled himself with ramen, and then went to see if any ninja were training at the training grounds. Technically speaking, he wasn't supposed to go to the training grounds as he wasn't a ninja, but so long as he didn't disturb the training most ninja didn't seem to mind much. He watched as the ninja trained until night.

By this time the Kyuubi festival, celebrating the Fourth's defeat of the Kyuubi, was in full swing. Fun, games, food, challenges, and shows for all ages. Unfortunately for Naruto, while most of the ninja didn't mind him, most of the civilian villagers hated him. He didn't dare go anywhere near the festival, for fear of being attacked. Every so often he would be chased down for perceived slight, but on this night is was always worse.

Eventually his fears were realized, as a group of villagers began to chase him. Despite his young age, he was fast, and he could easily stay ahead of his pursuers. "Get the Demon!" "Kill the Fox Brat!" Naruto flinched as a rock whizzed past him.

"I didn't do anything to you!" He yelled back. Unfortunately this cost him, as the crowd also contained a slightly drunk Chunin. In an instant a kunai shot through the air, and buried itself in his left leg. Naruto yelped in pain, stumbled, and tried to continue. It was no use, slowed down by the kunai he was easily caught by the mob chasing him.

The first blow caught him directly in the back of the head, throwing him to the ground with a cry. From there, he curled up and tried to protect his head and face, quickly losing track of what happened. Punches, kicks, a bottle was smashed on his head, but eventually it stopped. Now the civilians stood in a rough circle around him, with just the single Chunin standing next to him. The Chunin grinned darkly and raised a kunai, "You murdered my parents demon! Now I'll finish what the Third is too weak to do. Tonight you die Kyuubi!" He stabbed downwards, his kunai aimed directly at Naruto's face.

The instant the kunai touched Naruto however, an explosion blasted out from him. The ground around the boy changed to lava, clouds gathered above and hail and lightning began pouring down on the mob. Surrounding Naruto was a cloud of poisonous mist, and a tornado began to form. Many of the mob, Chunin included, were killed instantly as the disasters struck. Those who weren't killed outright were injured, often severely, or too stunned to flee.

Within minutes the Third Hokage and a group of ANBU arrived, having noticed the abnormal weather. Hiruzen quickly noticed an injured Naruto and what remained of a mob. "Cat, take Boar, Beetle, and Horse and quarantine this area. Hawk, Eagle, Mantis, take what's left of these, people, to Ibiki. Dog, Weasel, on me." He ordered, advancing towards Naruto.

Already the disasters were clearing up, as Naruto had finally fallen unconscious. Hiruzen scooped the boy up and he disappeared in a puff of smoke, Dog and Weasel following him. Reappearing just minutes later at the Hospital, Hiruzen rushed the boy to the room reserved for him, already calling for the boy's doctor.

When the doctor arrived he saw Naruto and sighed, "Another mob?"

"It looks like it. Only this time Naruto seems to have somehow defeated them." Hiruzen agreed.

The doctor nodded, "His chakra network is going haywire…it should be fine, especially with it helping to heal him. He definitely used a large amount of chakra today, but well, the amount of chakra he has…he has Jonin level reserves already. He's going to be a monster with more chakra then even Kisame Hoshigaki at this rate."

The Third Hokage's eyebrows raised in surprise, before he sighed fondly. "Of course…an Uzumaki Jinchuriki. And he's had his burden since birth, constantly expanding his chakra capacity. I should have known." He shook his head, "Anything else I should know about him?"

The doctor shook his head, "One of his arms seems to have been broken, but it's already healed. He should be physically fine by morning. Chakra wise…he shouldn't use any for the next two days, but apart from that, he'll be fine."

Hiruzen nodded, "Thank you, please let me know when he wakes." The man nodded. "Dog, Weasel, stay here and guard Naruto please."

When Naruto woke the next day Hiruzen was already there. "How are you feeling Naruto-kun?"

"I, I think I'm fine." Naruto answered quietly.

Hiruzen immediately grew worried, it wasn't like Naruto to be quite and depressed sounding. "Hey, Naruto-kun, I brought you something." He unsealed a steaming bowl of ramen and handed it to Naruto, who instantly brightened.

"Thanks Jiji! Itadakimasu!" He cheered, immediately digging into the bowl. Within moments Naruto had eaten the entire bowl.

Hiruzen smiled, "Can you tell me what happened last night?"

Naruto shrugged, "I got caught by a mob again. One of them was a Chunin…then it was hot." He looked at Hiruzen pleadingly, "He said I was the Kyuubi, was he telling the truth? Am I really the demon fox?"

"No!" Hiruzen vehemently denied it. "You are Naruto Uzumaki, not the Kyuubi!"

"But why?" Naruto asked brokenly.

"Because some people are ignorant and foolish. I wasn't going to tell you this until you were a Gennin, but you contain the Kyuubi." Hiruzen began explaining. "You see the Kyuubi, as a being made entirely of solidified chakra, cannot be killed through normal means. Instead the Yondamie sealed it into the only available container, the only Uzumaki living in the village. You are not the Kyuubi, rather you are its prison, its jailor. You are a hero, as you are the one who holds the beast back, even if unconsciously."

"Then why do they…?" Naruto began.

"Because Fuinjutsu, the sealing arts are difficult and widely unknown to civilians. They let their fear and hate rule them, rather than think or listen to those who know more." Hiruzen explained with a sigh.

Naruto thought for a moment before nodding, "Alright I'll just have to prove them wrong then! I'll become Hokage and then the'll have to recognize that I'm me not the Kyuubi!" Hiruzen smiled fondly at Naruto. "Hey Jiji? What actually happened? What was so hot?"

Hiruzen frowned, "I'm not entirely sure to be honest. Somehow you managed to create a hailstorm, lightning, and what looked like lava and a cloud of poison. I suppose it is possible that you have a bloodline that just activated, but I don't know of one that would do all of those…" After thinking about it for a moment he said, "Tell you what. At the end of the week I'll get someone to test you chakra affinities, and see if the doctors can find anything signifying a bloodline, and from there we'll decide how you'll train. What do you say?"

"Yatta!" Naruto cheered.

"Good, now just one more thing. No using chakra for the next few days, doctor's orders. You're chakra network was stressed last night, so you need to give it time to heal." Naruto nodded in agreement, overall this week was looking up.