Well guys we have made it to the final chapter. Just before Christmas as well. In this chapter we will see the end of my first continuous story. It's nice to see those who have stayed by my side during this journey. However, I know for a fact some of you might feel unsatisfied and in case that is I would like to say sorry, but this is my vision for a short story involving a particular subject that no one had wrote about yet, so I decided to use the idea.

I would like to thank the grand total of 18 Reviewers, 18 Followers, 25 Favorites, and almost 4,000 views who have stayed by me and Muppet throughout this journey. It was hard indeed, "and before you wonder how it was hard then just remember I felt uninterested in the story for 2 months before I finally decided to finish it before the new year.

Anyways, before we get to the story. I will have to say that I don't think I will do the side Lynn Sr. story. Maybe Muppet could, but I doubt that to. Also, after I get done with this story I don't exactly know what I should do next. I mean I have many ideas, but I feel scared by how people will react to them, so could some of you give me an opinion on that you think?

One last thing before we move on, and that is since my stories usually appeared on the Loud House wiki before , but I put this story on this site before the wiki first. Please don't spoil this story to anyone on the wiki as I am planning for a release today over there as my little gift to them since they were first hinted to in July, "but I didn't start making the story until October for reasons as to finalize the ideas and me being afraid of what people would think."

Anyway, that's all so let's conclude the story!

(It was a Saturday afternoon. Lincoln and Clyde were both in the living room of the Loud House playing a racing video game as to try and make Lincoln feel better)

Clyde: Ok Lincoln, we are close to the finish line! And…

(Clyde places in 1st place while Lincoln places 3rd place, despite he is used to placing 1st or 2nd)

Clyde: Dang Lincoln, you were close!

Lincoln: It's fine, and besides, I guess I am starting to feel like myself again.

Clyde: I told you this game would make you feel better.

Lincoln: I said I am starting to feel better, not automatically feeling better 100%.

Clyde: Whoops, sorry. Hey um why are all the blinds and curtains on the windows in the house closed.

Lincoln: How should I know, I don't work on covering up the windows. Though it does kind of make it dark in here.

(Suddenly there is a knock at the door)

Lincoln: I wonder who that could be?

Clyde: Maybe your dad, I mean isn't he supposed to come back today?

Lincoln: Yeah, later today at night. And even if it was him why would he knock, since the door is unlocked. So, it's obviously not him.

(Lincoln and Clyde went to open the door and Lincoln gasped and Clyde's eyes widened when they realized it was Katelyn carrying some board games)

Lincoln: Katelyn!?

Katelyn: (Confused by the way he reacted) Hi Lincoln?

Clyde: So that's Katelyn, well hi there Katelyn my name is Clyde nice to meet you!

Katelyn: Nice to meet you to Clyde!

(They shake hands as Kathy comes in and Lincoln closes the door trying to make sense of the situation)

Katelyn: So, you're not freaked out by me?

Clyde: No, I like to meet new people every now and then, even despite their appearances.

(They both chuckle as Lincoln puts his hand on his head)

Lincoln: Why…why are you here? I thought I wasn't supposed to see you again, and how did you even find out my address!

Clyde: Yeah…you didn't ever tell me you gave her your address; how did she find your house?

Katelyn: (Confused) I came to play board games remember? Didn't you call me earlier about an hour ago? I mean your voice did sound kind of raspy, as if you were sick. And you told me your address to, right?

Clyde: I was with Lincoln all day, I know he didn't call you.

Katelyn: But…that doesn't make sense

Lincoln: Yeah, and I know your telling the truth. But….if I didn't call you, and Clyde certainly didn't call you, and if you said my voice sounded raspy….then that could only mean…

Lori: We did it Lincoln.

Lincoln: Huh?

(Lincoln turns around, along with Katelyn and Clyde, and he gasps in absolute shocked and horror as he sees all his sisters and mother in front of him nude. Now Lincoln lived in the house with all of them his whole life but he never, AND I MEAN NEVER, seen them in their birthday suits. Lincoln's face turns blood red as he just stood there frozen. Katelyn's eyes widen in shock since she thought Lincoln's family didn't want her and Lincoln to see each other again. And Clyde, well considering he loves Lori he just stood there saying, "L…L…L…" again and again as blood dripped from his nose, which is kind of funny)


Luan: Trying to make you feel better Lincoln.

Luna: Look bro, we realized we were wrong. You were right. We wanted to apologize but we realized that in order for us to do we had to apologize to both you and Kathy and do something that would show you we learned.

Rita: So, we decided that we should shed our clothes, so Kathy could feel comfortable.

Lana: And we invited her to also play board games and to bring her own as well.

Luna: I had to find her number in the phone book, and I had to do the best impression I could on the phone to convince her, since I do have the raspiest voice, but I did have to make my voice a little higher to sound like Lincoln's.

Lola: And we also had to cover up the windows with those curtains and blinds.

Lori: Also, Clyde can play board games too. I mean while I'm not a fan of his crush really, I know he wanted to see this for a long time, so I just thought just this one time and that's it. (Smiles) Your welcome Clyde.

(Clyde just still stands there frozen as Lincoln still just stands there with his blood-red face. Katelyn, on the other hand, smiles as she wipes a tear off her face)

Katelyn: Wow, thank you! Nobody have never done something like this to me ever. You have my forgiveness.

Luan: Your welcome, I mean it was my idea after all, I knew this would work.

Lynn: Well what are we waiting for! Let's play some board games, since we all know I'm going to whoop your butts!

(They all, except for Lincoln and Clyde, head to the living room, before they all look at Lincoln and Clyde.)

Leni: Linky? Clyde? Aren't you two coming.

(Lincoln, still with his blood-red face, manages to speak out some words)

Lincoln: I-I….I can't…I got a date…..with the….floorboard.

(Lincoln then immediately passes out on the floor, as Clyde then falls on his knees right behind Lincoln and manages to give out a smile with his blood-red face as well)

Clyde: Thank….you.

(Clyde then immediately passes out onto Lincoln. The Loud Family and Kathy look at each other and burst out laughing. It then cuts to hours later around nighttime when Lincoln wakes up in his room on his bed, while Clyde is passed out on the floor from earlier. Lincoln then puts his hand on Clyde and shakes him)

Lincoln: Clyde…Clyde wake up.

Clyde: (Opens eyes) Ugh…what…what happened?

Lincoln: Did we fall asleep in my room? I could've swore we were downstairs playing video games.

Clyde: I thought that too.

Lincoln: I had a weird dream. I dreamed that I passed out after I saw my family naked.

Clyde: Me too! And I saw Lori naked. But it felt so real.

Lincoln: Yeah…hey wait a minute! Clyde, you have dried blood stains on your shirt!

Clyde: (Looks down in shock) How did that happen!? I never did that before when I slept.

(Suddenly Clyde remembers in his, "dream," he fell onto Lincoln with his nose still running blood)

Clyde: Lincoln turn around.

(Lincoln turns around and Clyde sees some dried blood on Lincoln's shirt)

Clyde: Lincoln! The back of your shirt has dried blood on it.

Lincoln: (Looks on the back of his shirt) Geez!

Clyde: At the end of my dream I fell on top of you with my nose still bleeding. So, if I fell on top of you and there are these blood stains on us, that must mean…

Lincoln: Hey look a note on my door!

(Lincoln grabs the note as he and Clyde read it. It read, "Dear Lincoln, you and Clyde both passed out after seeing your family naked. We decided to play board games still since we knew you both would probably keep on passing out. After we got done, we dragged you and Clyde up to your room so that you both could still sleep. Your family is getting their clothes on as I am writing this note to take me home and they are going to go celebrate by going to the mall. They won't be home when you'll probably wake up but I'm sure your father is about to get home and I'm sure he will walk with you guys to take Clyde home, "and in case you are wondering about if Clyde's parents are worried, your mother called to tell them Clyde was going to stay here until nighttime." I also want to tell you that your family have allowed us to keep in touch still, so I can't wait until we can hang with each other again. So goodbye! From, Katelyn. PS: Here's my house number in case you want to call me! [Number hidden])

Lincoln: Wow! So, it wasn't a dream after all! And me and Kathy can keep in touch and we can continue to be friends.

Clyde: And I got my dream to see Lori naked come true! WA-HOO!

Lincoln: (Nervously laughs) Ok buddy, maybe it's time to go home.

(They both head out the room and head outside the house just as Lynn Sr pulls in the driveway as he gets in the car)

Lynn Sr: Hey Lincoln! And..Clyde? What are you guys doing outside this late?

Lincoln: It's a LONG story. Dad, could you walk with me to take Clyde home? So that way I could tell you the whole story starting from the very beginning.

Lynn Sr: Sure Lincoln! I'd like to hear a good story! Come on fellas!

(And so, Lincoln, Clyde, and Lynn Sr all begun to walk towards Clyde's house as Lincoln told the whole story that begun with a walk in the woods.)

FINALLY! AFTER 2 MONTHS AND 6 MONTHS IN THE THINKING DEVELOPMENT I FINISHED IT. Honestly guys I am glad to finish a story, since not a lot of other people can say the same thing with not finishing their stories.

So, um… what did you guys think of the chapter and the overall story. Was is good, bad, interesting, or boring? Did the story turn out the way you thought it would turn out? Also, the plan the Loud Family did was based of an episode of, "Family Guy," though I tweaked it to be more child-friendly, since after all this story is rated T.

Anyway, I don't think I am going to upload a story on here in a WHILE! Mostly due to my disinterest in making stories at this moment, but that is not to say I have stopped stories for good.

Also, give a grand round of applause to MuppetSpot/GroverFan for being a Co-Writer and Producer on this story.

One more thing. I haven't read any of the new reviews or private messages yet so in case you wanted to say something important I'm sorry I didn't say anything yet or at all.

I have been your host, and I will see you all later. Goodbye!