Aliens: Evolution
Chapter 4
Xia was going into labor. She screamed in pain as the babies inside her began to move more. She felt her contractions getting more intense and painful. She screamed as she instinctively pushed. She felt them exiting her womb and entering their birth canal. She pushed one more time and felt one of them slid out its head as it screeched. Soon, one by one, all of the children were born. They ate their placentas and looked at Xia. She cooed as they went to their mother.
Luke got up and took the girls with him. They got washed and went back to the hive to see Xia's kids cuddling around her.
"My god…. I was right! I'm a genius!" Elizabeth said.
"What?" Luke asked.
"Have you ever wondered where babies come from?" Elizabeth asked.
"No." Luke said.
"Well, when you had sex with Xia, she got pregnant." Elizabeth said, "Actually, maybe I might be pregnant."
"WHAT?!" Luke exclaimed, "Then that means-!"
"I'm going to be a mommy?" Alice asked.
"GAAAAH! If only I knew that would happen!" Luke said.
"Well, at least the hive will grow much faster." Elizabeth said.
"But I'm not sure if I can handle being a dad." Luke said.
"Well, there is that." Elizabeth said, "But look on the bright side, we get to propagate an entire new breed."
Luke and the others went to take care of the children. Surprisingly, they grow up fast. Just within a day after, they molted and were at least Alice's height. There were some boys and girls. Alice soon began to feel something moving in her womb. She felt the baby she was pregnant with moving inside her. She decided to eat so that the child could grow faster with more nutrients. Soon enough, she gave birth to a healthy boy. By four months afterward, Elizabeth gave birth to a girl. Soon, the new breed multiplied. Soon, it became traditional for the males of the hive to mate and breed with females of the hive during mating season and for males to mate with the Queen, so that a Queen would be born. This tradition had repeated for almost a decade. The Xenomorphs has evolved from that point forward, no longer needing hosts, but possible mates to grow their numbers and territory. The Queen acted as a ruler that now lives with a king, an Empress with an Emperor to rule above them. They evolved into something even more different. No longer were they relentless killers, parasites, monsters and demons. They were now human in a way that they themselves made in both physical and mentally. Peace between the Humans and Xenomorphs became possible from that day forward.
The End