A gentle kiss on Blake's cheek slowly pulled the faunus from her sleep, opening her eyes to pools of deep silver. She smiled and briefly kissed her partner's lips. Ruby happily kissed back and intertwined her legs with Blake's slender ones.

"Good Morning Ruby."

Blake's arms somehow found their way around Ruby's neck, pulling her as close as she could while still looking into Ruby's beautiful eyes.

"Morning Kitty~"

A blush formed on the faunus' face, she still wasn't used to her pet name. But if Ruby could tease her like that, so can she.

"I wouldn't think of ever leaving you mistress.." Blake bit her lower lip, one of her hands running down Ruby's back to her rear, creating goosebumps on the brunette's back in the process.

"After all.. I am your faithful kitten that will do anything you ask it to~"

Blake tried her hardest to sound seductive, and apparently it worked. Ruby's face got as red as her namesake, pulling Blake closer to her to hide in her neck. Ruby struggled to get her words out. "I-If you say more stuff like that.. I think I might go crazy Blake.."

A sly chuckle came from the raven haired girl. As much as she wanted to let Ruby have her way with her, she had other plans for today. Blake pulled Ruby from her neck. "That sounds very appealing Ruby, but I was planning on making you breakfast today."

Blake could swear she could see a wagging tail on Ruby by the way her eyes lit up and the huge dumb smile on her face.


The faunus started to wonder if this girl could be any more childish, but she absolutely adored it. Because it was Ruby. In her opinion, Ruby is perfect in everyway. Blake gave off a smile and nodded, causing a tight bear hug to be upon her from the excited girl.

"Aaah~! You have no idea how happy I am right now! Okay. I want.."

Ruby then began to raffle off food items she wanted to eat, Blake made mental notes for each one. She wasn't surprised by the sheer amount of sugary items that she wanted, especially chocolate chip waffles. Although very appetizing, she would have to make those from scratch. Once Ruby was done, Blake sat up in the bed. She didn't mind that she was still nude from the night before, Ruby made her feel safe. Ruby could protect her no matter what.

"I'll have to go to the supermarket for some of those things.. Is that okay?"

Ruby nodded, a smile still present on her face.

"Okay, Is it okay if I borrow some clothes?"

"Sure Blake! Take whatever's in my closet~"

Blake was walking through the supermarket, wearing a black t-shirt with a rose decal in the top left, some skinny jeans, and a pair of black hightops Ruby had that somehow fit her nicely. She couldn't put into words how good it felt to wear her clothes. Her scent was everywhere around her, filling her nostrils with nothing but Ruby. She couldn't count how many times she just stopped to smell her clothes. This was most likely the best shopping trip Blake has ever had.

"Blake Belladonna!"

The faunus' ears perked up at the sound. She whipped her head around to see none other than Weiss Schnee. She was wearing a White coat with a fur hood, a dark blue skirt with light blue accents, and white heels accompanied by light blue leggings. Weiss approached Blake quite forcefully, stopping her march in front of her. Weiss pointed at the slightly surprised faunus.

"It's freezing in here, why don't you have a jacket on!"

The expression on Blake's face turned from startled to confused very quickly. She relaxed her tender muscles from the sudden surprise from Weiss, and gave her a confused look.

"The Ice Queen.. gets cold..?"

Blake couldn't help but chuckle, it was hysterical! The coldest person she knew, actually gets cold. Weiss blushed a little and turned her gaze away from her, a huff coming from the silver-haired girl.


Turning back to her, Weiss regained her composure and spoke. "What are you doing here anyway?"

Blake started to question if she should tell her exactly why or just give her a vague answer. She didn't completely know if Weiss would take it badly. She already knows about her and Ruby, but how would she react to knowing she spent the night at her house?

And other stuff.. I still can't believe last night was real..

Blake lost herself in her thoughts, thinking up scenarios of her and Ruby making out on the couch, taking all of Ruby's clothes off, going to touch her—

"Hello! Blake!"

The faunus got ripped from her thoughts, suddenly remembering that the heiress was still there.

"Oh! I'm just.. shopping for some breakfast food, what else do you do at a supermarket?"

Weiss turned up her nose at the obvious answer, then she went to the side of the taller girl, remembering to stand properly and orderly.

"Well Mrs. Belladonna, I shall accompany you."

Blake chuckled at how hard she was trying to be prim and proper. Then the two girls started to shop together.

The freezer section was a tad cold, but Blake could handle it. She was looking for some Ice Cream that Ruby asked for. It wasn't particularly for breakfast (Brunch at this point) but Blake didn't mind it. While looking inside one of the freezers, heels slowly stop clicking behind her. She came out of the freezer to an heiress staring at her feet. Blake's cat ears drooped a little in concern.

"Uhm, Weiss are you—"

"Ruby has feelings for me.. not you.."

Blake felt her heart sink into her stomach.

Oh no. She Has been taking it badly..

Blake had no idea she would act like this, especially when Ruby told her beforehand. She wouldn't be lying if she wasn't a tad jealous of Weiss too, but she was her friend. She knew she had to diffuse this situation without it ending in a fight.

"Weiss I—"

"I'm not an idiot Blake.. I knew that shirt was Ruby's..I knew she told me she had feelings for you.. and I wanted to accept them and her feelings.. but every fiber in my being was just screaming at me to keep her for myself.. Blake, you're my friend.. and I don't hate you.. but, Nnn-What's wrong with me?"

Blake could easily tell that Weiss was on the verge of tears, her arms were shaking a little and her voice was becoming strained. She had no idea she wanted so much for Ruby to be happy.

Then it all clicked.

Blake understood completely what she was going through. She walked towards the trembling girl and gingerly grasped her hand. The heiress tensed up at the sudden contact.

"Weiss.. you care about her so much.. all you want is for her to be happy. Right?"

The smaller girl nodded a bit and softly held Blake's hand.

"I want her to be happy too Weiss.. I want nothing more than for her to be happy."

Blake has had so much experience with this type of situation. When she was with Adam, she actually thought she loved him and always tried to make him happy. It took her way too long to find out that she needed to get away from him. But screw him, he doesn't matter anymore. The faunus' free hand went to caress Weiss' face, the heiress flinched a little at the touch. Blake tilted her face up to hers, a little surprised at the fact that her bright blue eyes had tears in the corners of them. If she wanted to hug Weiss at anytime, now would be that. She looked so beautiful, she didn't know how she thought this but upon seeing her tear filled eyes, she lost all sense.

She's never opened up this much to me before..

Weiss had closed her eyes while staring into them due to embarrassment, but she then felt something touch her nose. She opened her eyes to amber pools very close to hers, a large blush covering the heiress' face.

"Weiss.. can I try something weird?"

Blake's whisper sent shivers up her spine, she knew what was coming and she knew she should stop her.. but she didn't want to stop. Blake leaned forward just a bit and softly kissed the heiress. Pangs of emotion shot through the silver-haired girl. Her lips felt so soft, and she loved how close she was to her. But it felt wrong and she felt she was betraying Ruby, she still didn't pull away. Weiss leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around the taller girl's neck. Blake decided to do something more with her hands, going to hug Weiss' waist. The faunus started to softly run her hands along the heiress's back, soft moans muffled by the kiss came from her. Weiss wanted nothing but to continue kissing this beautiful faunus, but she had to talk about this. She slowly pulled away from the kiss, a soft smack emanating from the separation of their lips. Weiss' arms went down to Blake's shirt and gently tugged at the edge of them.

"W-What was that..?"

The heiress' voice was barely a whisper, she needed to know what this made them. Blake's hand went to where Weiss's was, and grasped it. The rapier-wielder smiled a bit at the hand holding.

"Well.. By the way I see this.. If Ruby can share you with me.. Why can't I share you with her?"

Weiss' face heated up at the mere thought of being in that kind of relationship with both her and Ruby. But she had to know, "Isn't that.. Wrong though? Aren't you supposed to have one partner..? It just.. Doesn't feel right.."

The faunus wrapped the smaller girl into a hug, gently running her fingers though Weiss' off-centered bun tail. Weiss hesitantly hugged back, still contemplating that whole event.

"Weiss.. Do you like me..? I know your family has a distaste for faunus.. But do you actually like me in that way..?"

She wanted to say 'Yes!' at that very moment, though Ruby was still in the equation. Ruby was her first crush and somehow eventually fell for Blake as well. All her life, she thought that she was meant to be married to some rich douchebag that would treat her like trash for the good of the company. Ever since she left for beacon to become a huntress, that entire mindset changed. Ruby, Blake, and Yang, all made her come to realize that there is more to life. That there's more than just an arranged marriage just to satisfy your father's wishes. Maybe.. Maybe this could work. Maybe she could learn to share both Ruby and Blake. Weiss pulled herself out of Blake's chest, looking up at the faunus. Blake looked down at her with glistening amber eyes and a caring smile on her face, which was extremely rare. Then Weiss kissed her. It was only for a moment but Blake could read all the emotions behind that gesture.

"I-I...I want to give this a shot.. I hope you can be patient with me.."

Blake went to kiss the heiress on her cheek, "Of course Princess."

Weiss' cheeks puffed at the pet name. She wanted to look away and call her stupid or something, but she calmed down and looked into her eyes. "Only you and Ruby can call me that.. D-Don't get to cocky with it though!"

Blake couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're so cute.. Princess"

Weiss blushed out of both frustration and embarrassment.

"You'd better stop before... I-I make those lips stop moving!"

Blake's eyes lit up a bit at the remark.

"Oh really~? Are you willing to bet on that?"

"Jeez.. You're almost as doltish as Ruby.."

The faunus laughed, hugging the heiress tightly for a second before letting go of her.

"Cmon, Ruby's still waiting for her breakfast. She'll be excited to see you there too."

Weiss' eyes widened.

"U-Uhm.. Are you sure about this..?"

"If you said no I'd just drag you there."

"Who are you Yang?"

Both of the girls shared a laugh at the jokes they made. Then they both started to walk out of the freezer section, mind set on getting to Ruby and telling her the good news.

A/N: LOOK I'M NOT DEAD. I just got so extremely busy that I almost didn't have time to write this. But I did! I hope you guys are liking this so far. I'm trying my absolute hardest to make this the best story I've ever written so far. I hope you guys had a happy halloween! And as always remember to favorite and leave a review! I always read them. Love you~