Author's Note: Next chapter to Fairytales Among Monsters enjoy also.

Disclaimer: You know the drill.

Ever After High

While Cerise and the others were over in Monster High trying to find Ben and Jay, back at Ever After High, things wasn't getting any better.

"What do you mean, you haven't found her!" A rough voice shouted.

"Mr. Badwolf, please calm down we're doing all we can to find your daughter and son" a male voice drenched with fear said.

"You better Grimm, or I'll show you what happens to those who crosses my family" Mr. Badwolf growled.

Headmaster Grimm nodded though his fear was still present on his face and before he could say anything else Mr. Badwolf left the office slamming the door behind him. Once the argument ended, two figures dressed in green were hidden in the trees and could easily blend in.

"Seems like the disappearances of his kids is really doing a number on Mr. Badwolf, chances are he's only going to get worser and worser by the day, so we better tell the others about this" the first figure said.

"What for? I mean it's not like he's going to huff and puff and blow us all away Rich" the second voice said.

"Let me rephrase that Sparrow dear brother of mine, if Ramona or Ben isn't found soon then you'll be spending every single general villainy class with an extremely upset Mr. Badwolf who would be worse than Rumpelstiltskin that he won't even let you play you're precious guitar doing classes ever and would most likely harm Poppy!" Rich told his arrogant brother for he knew Sparrow liked Holly's O'Hair's twin sister Poppy O'hair he just couldn't tell her in person because he was too blind to see it, or far to arrogant and into himself.

"On the second thought, we really should tell the others, let's go" Sparrow said before leaving to find the others.

'I knew that would change his mind' Rich thought with a sly smile before sliding the tree to catch up with his younger brother.

Monster High

"Here's Bloodgood's office, let's head inside, ladies first" Hank said while holding the door open.

"Such a gentleman, maybe a certain someone we know could a learn a thing or two from you"Ashlyn said before heading inside with the other girls.

Hank turned red at the comment but said nothing, while the male fairytales knew who exactly Ashlyn was referring to before following after the girls with the Mansters coming after them. Once everyone was in the office and too the group's surprise the place was in shambles.

"What happened in here?" Daring asked.

"Nothing good from the looks of it, for it almost seems likes a Minotaur charged in and trashed the place" Frankie said.

"Something like that" a new voice said.

"Who said that?" Blondie asked.

"I did specter" a voice said from behind and a sound was heard.

Blondie yelped and turned to the source to see a tall handsome muscular broad shouldered young man with blue eyes caucasian skin with Blond hair that was dyed brown and was wearing some type of uniform, that was different from everyone else's.

"Sorry didn't mean to frighten you" the young man said.

"It's fine umm… " Blondie trailed off.

"Oh how rude me, I'm Jerry Pym nice to meet you" the young man now known as Jerry Pym introduced.

"Likewise Mr. Pym" Hunter said.

"Please call me Jerry Mr. Pym is my father"Jerry told the fairytale turned werewolf.

"So what are you doing in Bloodgood's office?" Draculaura asked.

"Honestly, I'm trying to find out what happened to Headmistress Bloodgood, with some help from Zack, Brad, and Travis" the young man said.

"Zack, Travis, and Brad are here as well?" Cupid asked.

"Yeah, they're here" Jerry answered.

"I figured Brad would've been halfway around the world by now do to his job as a pilot I wonder what caused him to change his mind" Thunder said.

"Well we do have the big skate off against Granite City coming up, so maybe that's why" Shell pointed out.

"Skate off?"Crystal said interested.

"Granite City?" Raven questioned.

"Oh right you're not from here, well here at Monster High, we got a lot of sports and activities you can choose from, such as Casketball, Graveball, Shoccker,Fearleading, Crack and Shield,Batminion, dodgeskull, screech volleyball, Goo Jitsu, Kung Boo and a ton of others" Thunder explained.

"And the Skulltimate Roller Maze is one of Monster High's greatest sports in history, and it's not every day we get skate off against other schools, however, we're little worried about the skate off" Cleo said.

"About what? If you don't mind me asking" Rosabella said.

"Last time we took on the Granite City Gargoyles we lost our seal and its spirit to them, and it's only a matter of time till the school starts to fall apart" Hank answered.

"Sounds like you got some cheating gargoyles to me" Jackie spoke for the first time.

"Ya think?" Clawdeen growled.

"How long has this been going on?" Hopper asked.

"Who knows it could have been going for months,weeks, maybe even years" Thunder replied.

"Hm I think we can help you out then" Raven said.

"First thing first, let's focus on finding Headmistress Bloodgood, then we'll work on the problems relating to Granite City" Cupid spoke.

"Agreed" Jerry joined while everyone agreed and start to search for anything linking to Headmistress Bloodgood.

Ever After High

"So let me straight, you mean to tell us, and Darling, that Mr. Badwolf is acting like this because his kids are missing?" Briar asked to clarify.

"Right, and if they aren't found soon, he's only going to get bigger and badder by the day" Rich said.

"Guess that explains how he's been acting, but what are we supposed to do, for we don't know where Ramona and Ben is ourselves" Darling said.

"You don't, but I do" a voice said from behind. The fairytales turned to the source and saw a familiar face they haven't seen in a long time since his transfer.

"Oh my mirror! Chronos it's good to see you again" Darling said.

"Hi" Chronos greeted.

"What are you doing here Chronos? Briar asked.

"Yeah we thought we'll never see you again" Apple stated.

"First of all, who the sphinx, told you, that I won't being seeing you again? For I could come here whenever I want. Last of all l know where Raven, Cerise, Ramona, Cupid, Daring, Rosabella, Hunter, Ashlyn, Hopper, Maddie, Ben, Jay, Crystal, Kitty, and Blondie are at" the former Ever After High student said.

"Can you, tell us, where?" Rich asked.

"Their over at the school I transferred to, which was Cupid's old school before she came here" Chronos responded.

"Can you take, us there?" Darling asked.

"Yes and no" the son of Father Time said in a cynical tone.

"What?" Sparrow questioned confused.

"Yes I can take you, but also no because things might be too much for you, but I can show you what the school is like and what Raven, the others, and possibly you would expect during the time there" Chronos clarified before opening a dimensional window for the fairytales to see what they'll expect at Chronos's new school.

Monster High

"We searched the entire office and still haven't found anything linking to Bloodgood" Frankie said.

"Then I suggest we contact the others who are assisting in the search" Thunder said.

"Or you can tell us in person" a deep commanding voice said.

Everyone turned to the voice and Brad, Zack, and Travis.

"When did you get here?" Shell asked.

"Can't fool our ears" Zack commented.

"Touché" Hank said.

"So you found nothing linking to Bloodgood?" Brad spoke.

"No, what about you guys found anything?" Thunder replied.

"Ask Travis" Zack said.

"We found a piece of Bloodgood's clothes outside a type of storage room" Travis spoke while showing the cloth piece.

"What kind of storage room?" Jerry asked.

"We spoke with Tiger, Venus,Spectra, Andy and some other students about that and they said that it was used to store spells, potions, and other stuff" Brad answered.

"Any idea why she would be there?" Madrid asked.

"My guess, she probably was looking for something to put a stop to Van Hellscream and Crabgrass once and for all but someone or something must have grabbed her before she even got in and ripped a part of her clothing in the " Travis answered.

"Where's is this storage room right now?" Cupid asked the three mansters.

"It's located across from, Mr. Hack's Mad Science class, welcome back by the way" Zack told the love goddess.

"Thanks" Cupid thanked.

"So what are we going to do? Shell asked.

"For now, I suggest we all get to our classes and continue with the search for Bloodgood around nightfall starting with the storage room across from Mr. Hack's Mad Science class" Jerry suggested.

"What about them? There not students here, and we know Cupid transferred to their school for a reason" Draculara said gesturing to the fairytales.

"You guys came from Ever After High like Madrid and Charles right?" Brad asked the fairytales.

"Yes, but how did you know?" Daring countered.

"The other students I mentioned their from the same school, you might know them as Victor Von Krampus and Chronos Time, plus I met another during a Trip to India calls himself Leon Lionheart the pilot explained.

"We know them" Cerise spoke.

"You guys also came through the door that brought Cupid to you're world correct?" Jerry asked.

"Right" Raven commented.

"Speaking of the door, Thunder do you think you can, use you're supernatural sight to see if it still in the place we left?" Cupid asked.

"He can do that?" Blondie asked interested.

"Don't get any ideas Blondie" Rosabella chided.

Thunder gave his cousin and the fairytales a solemn look, then said.

"I already did, and I'm sorry say, but it vanished, the minute we started searching for anything linking to Bloodgood, so it looks like you're all stuck here till it surfaces again" the werewolf stated.

"And how long that will be?" Hopper asked nervously.

"I'll say probably about 15 to 80 minutes for time at Monster High moves differently than how it does at Ever After High" Zack answered.

"That doesn't sound so bad, for I wouldn't mind seeing how much has changed while I was away" Cupid stated.

"Course since most of the people with you are going to get some looks from the students and teachers we're going to have do something about their appearances so the Mansters and ghouls won't freak out" Frankie spoke.

"Most of us?" Cerise questioned.

"We'll tell you another time" Hank replied.

"So what do you suggest? Unless you have some abilities to change them ,the other students just going to have to get use to seeing fairytales in Monster High" Cupid said.

"Did you forget about Brad's ability to transform someone just by having the person to look closely at him? or Thunder's transfiguration? We can also have Malcolm come up and write down the forms for the others" Draculara said.

"What does she mean by Brad transforming someone just by having someone looking close at him? And Malcolm writing forms down?" Raven asked.

"Brad's mother is the Loup Garou a mythical werewolf shrouded in French, Cajun, Canadian, and American folklore, and legend has it that if anyone even dares to look close enough at a Loup Garou would trigger the curse in normal people, I trust it would do the same thing to fairytales, but the results might be different" Hank explained.

"And has this flaw with writing, apparently whatever he writes down becomes a reality" Travis added.

"Oh" Raven replied.

"So what would you guys and girls would prefer?" Thunder asked.