Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl or the characters.

A/N: This is set a few weeks after the end of season 2. It is based on a prompt from luvladies1981 where (paraphrasing) Alex oversteps the mark once too often and Kara can't forgive her. They end up not making up for several months...so this is going to be angsty, but will meander towards a happy ending.

"Alex, I got here as soon as I could." Kara said rushing into the waiting area.

"Kara?" Alex said standing.

"Is she okay?" Kara asked hugging her sister.

"I don't know. They haven't told me anything other than she crashed her bike." Alex said.

"I'm sure she'll be okay." Kara said optimistically.

"Medicine doesn't run on hope." Alex snapped before noticing the strange expression Kara was wearing. "What is it?"

"This maybe my fault." Kara confessed.

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked confused.

"I had several missed calls from Maggie." Kara said.


"This evening."

"Why didn't you respond to them?"

"I couldn't. I was in a press conference." Kara said.

"You're Supergirl." Alex whispered, clearly angry. "You are super-fast. Couldn't you have rushed out and checked?"

"My phone was off." Kara said. "I didn't know she had tried to reach me. Do you really think I wouldn't have come if I thought she was in trouble?"

"No. I'm sorry." Alex said sitting. "I'm just scared. I don't know what I'll do if something happens."

"She'll be okay." Kara said sitting next to her and pulling her in for a hug. "She's got you and you are so worth fighting for."

Before either sister could add anything more a door opened and a doctor approached asking. "Is one of you Alex?"

"That's me." Alex said standing.

"Good. Maggie Sawyer is asking to see you." He said almost looking relieved.

"Is she okay?" Alex asked.

"Okay enough to issue orders and complain about wrecking her bike." He said before adding. "She has some bruising, but she'll be fine. You can see her if you want."

"Thank you." Alex said before turning to Kara who said.

"Go. I'll be here if you need anything."


"Alex? What are you doing here?" Winn asked the next morning.

"I work here." She pointed out.

"But Maggie?"

"She's fine. Just some bruising." Alex said. "I had to practically tie her up to stop her going to work today."

"She's home?"


"Does Kara know she's okay?" He asked confused.

"Yeah. I mean she was there when the doctor said it was just bruising." Alex replied before noticing Winn's confused expression. "Why? What's going on?"

"Um, well. I think Kara is still at the hospital waiting for you."

"What? Why?"

"She thought you may need her." Winn explained. "She didn't want to leave you alone."

"She stayed there all night?" Alex asked.

"Um yeah. You didn't know?"

"No. I assumed she would have gone home." Alex replied getting out her phone and calling her sister.


"Am I that boring?" Lena asked during lunch aware that Kara wasn't listening to her.

"Sorry. No if course not. I'm just tired." Kara explained.

"Memories of Mike, well Mon-El, still keeping you up?" Lena probed, both sympathetic and concerned about Kara's plight.

"Yes, but that's not it. Maggie was in an accident last night."

"Is she okay?"

"Yes. Already home. I hung round the hospital all night in case Alex needed anything so I'm a little tired." She explained before voicing her concern. "But maybe I just did that to absolve my own guilt."

"Why are you feeling guilty?"

"Maggie tried ringing me earlier in the evening. My phone was off. I can't help but think if I answered it I could have stopped it from happening."

"It was an accident." Lena reminded her. "Besides what realistically could you have done? I mean you are not Supergirl."

"I'm pretty sure Alex blames me." Kara said sadly.

"I am sure she doesn't." Lena said.

"She said she did. I mean she took it back, but still."

"Kara, Alex was upset. You've said before she can speak without thinking, especially when her family is concerned." Lena reminded her.

"I just feel like I have lost Alex. After Mon-El I found it really hard to be round Alex and Maggie. They were, well are, so happy. It just reminded me of what I had lost. So I stayed away."

"That's understandable." Lena said.

"But now, I don't know where I fit. I mean Alex never comes to games night anymore, we don't have sisters' night and I just feel like I'm intruding on her time with Maggie."

"I'm sure you're not." Lena said. "And I am sure Alex would be really upset if she thought you thought you had been replaced."

"Maybe. I'm not even sure Alex has noticed how little we see of each other." Kara said sadly.

"I'm sure that's not true."

"She forgot I was waiting for her at the hospital. She and Maggie went home within an hour and I was there all night. And I know Alex had bigger concerns last night, but sometimes I feel she wouldn't notice if I just disappeared."

"Kara, everyone would notice if you disappeared. Alex especially. I think you are tired from last night and when you're tired things always seem worse than they are."

"Thank you." Kara said.

"For what?"

"Being a good friend."

"You have been there for me more times I can remember." Lena reminded her. "I owe you."


"Hey." Kara greeted the next morning as she entered Alex's lab.

"Hi." Alex smiled as she turned to face her sister.

"How's Maggie?"

"Complaining non stop about her Ducati, well former Ducati." Alex replied.

"I really am sorry I didn't answer her calls." Kara said.

"She rang you last night?" Alex asked confused.

"No. The night of the crash."

"You were working." Alex reminded her. "What happened was an accident, which by definition is not preventable."

"You sure it wasn't case related?" Kara asked.

"Yes." Alex assured her. "She was trying to arrange a week away and wanted to ask you about dates to avoid. What happened was just a stupid accident."

"That's good I guess." Kara replied before asking. "So you doing anything tonight?"

"Quiet night in. Maggie is meant to be taking it easy." Alex replied. "You?"

"Probably just Supergirl stuff."

"Make sure you get some rest." Alex said as Winn rushed into the lab.

"Sorry to interrupt but there's a big pile-up downtown."

"On it." Kara said rushing from her sister's lab.

"Is she okay?" Winn asked Alex once Kara had disappeared.

"Yeah, why?"

"She just seemed to be missing her bounce." He commented before heading back to the control room.


A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing.