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Growth In-between Times

By ShimmerNymph

            This is my first fanfic, so be nice.  I don't think that there are enough Rin and Sesshourmaru fics out there, and this one had being growing in my mind, so I had to let it out.  Since the anime and manga don't center as much on these characters I find that there is a lot of flexibility to write without contradicting the original.  Considering that the anime and manga are still ongoing my story will quite probably contradict in with it in one time or another.  But I will still try to keep it in spirit with the original.

Chapter 1: Reflection

'It is necessary to retrieve the orb of power to maximize your sword's true potential.  If you ever wish to rival the Tessaiga in fighting ability then using the orb will gratify your wish.  The Orb of Eons searches for the objects hidden potential and releases it.  Then it transfers the will of the user into the object and gives it a new power, whatever the users wills this power to be.  It is in this way that your sword, forged from your great father's demon fang, will escalate in power and surpass the Tessaiga.'      

            Rin once again poured over in her mind the words that the demon crone had spoken to her Lord Sesshoumaru in the forest glade where she lived.  Rin felt shivers down her back as she recollected the hags's wrinkled face and watery golden eyes.  She had been old, very old.  For that demon to show such advanced age meant the she must have lived so long, Rin shook her head, so long that she did not even want to think about it. 

Her eyes did not seem old however.  That was the frightening part.  Her eyes where sharp and calculating.  When she had glared at Rin and cackled, Rin had hidden behind her Sesshoumaru and had refused to look at the old crone again. 

The demon crone had continued to drone ' You will find the Orb of Eons north from here, in a solitary glade, housed in the Temple of Kcronos.  It will not be easy to retrieve, however, there is a Miko that guards it.  She set up a barrier that even you, Proud Sesshoumaru, will find difficult to cross.  It involves a sacrifice, a willing sacrifice, that even I do not know the nature of.'

Sesshoumaru had fixed on her his usual unruffled glare and had said nothing.  The crone had emitted a piercing cackle and had turned her back on Sesshoumaru and reentered her hut.  Jaken had spluttered and screamed at her rudeness, but Sesshoumaru had ignored him and turned away.

'That is why', Rin continued to think, ' They were on this difficult trek into the middle of nowhere.  Why she wanted to scream and tell her Sesshoumaru-sama to stop and take a break.  She was so tired that she felt she was going to fall asleep on her feet.  And her legs were killing her.  She and Jaken had taken turns riding and leading the dragon-beast, and right now Jaken was snoring loudly on the dragon-beast's back.  This was one of the few times she envied him.  She wanted to cry and have her Sesshoumaru hold her, but he wouldn't do that.  Besides, she was getting to be a big girl, she would just have to take it.'

Other thoughts started filling her mind, thoughts that she wanted to keep out, but that now her exhaustion wouldn't let her.  It had happened rather recently, those words that now haunted her in her sleep.  Words that that mean cat demon had uttered. 

What, you're carrying a human around with you now?  My, have you grown soft.  She must be such a burden.  I thought you hated humans.

Sesshoumaru had made quick work of that demon.  But still, those words, they still hurt.  Were they true?  Did Sesshoumaru see her as a burden? Did he hate humans?  She had questioned Jaken about that later when Sesshoumaru had left them alone.  He had begrudgingly admitted to her that Sesshoumaru did not think the best of humans.  That he had never tolerated their presence before she had come.

Why was she different?  She was glad that she was different, but why?  And even though Sesshoumaru did accept her, that did not mean that she wasn't a burden.  Naraku had captured her before and had used her as bait.  Even though Sesshoumaru had rescued her, she was a weak point.  People could hurt Sesshoumaru through her!  She was actually already hurting him.  Did not other demons think that Sesshoumaru was weak because he took care of her.  She hurt his demon reputation. 

  Cold fear clutched at Rin's heart.  She was a bad thing for her Sesshoumaru-sama.  Her Sesshoumaru-sama that she would follow to the ends of the earth for, die for.  She would have to prove that she was useful.  She would have to show Sesshoumaru that she was not a burden.  Even though she was human, Sesshoumaru must never regret that he had saved her and allowed her to follow him.  She loved him, he was everything to her.  Her father, mother, family and friends, were all encompassed by his person.  She must do something for him.  But what?  He was so strong and beautiful that there was nothing she cold do for him that he could not do himself.

Rin choked back a sob.  Sesshoumaru heard her and stopped.  Dispassionately he glanced in her direction and then observed the snoring Jaken on the dragon-beast.  These two could not take much more of this.  If he didn't rest now then they would slow him down even more in the morning.  "We'll stop now." He said.  Rin collapsed right where she was standing and curled up in a little ball. In no time at all she was asleep.             

Sesshoumaru glanced down on her sleeping form and thought to himself that she had been too quite that day.  She was usually singing and skipping, mimicking the birds and chirping out his name.  She had been unusually quite during the whole trip.  Was something bothering her, or was he just pushing her to hard?  He would lighten up tomorrow.  After all they were almost there.  They would probably reach the temple of Kcronos tomorrow evening. 

He had been pondering on how he was going to break the barrier that the Miko had set up.  It needed some sort of sacrifice.  He didn't like the sound of that.  He would find another way to break the barrier.  The demon crone had no way of gauging his strength.  It was almost laughable to worry about a barrier that only one Miko set up.  A human Miko could not be stronger than this demon. 

Finally he would find a way to use Tenseiga the way it was meant to be used.  Not as a worthless piece of scrap-metal, but as a powerful weapon to destroy all his enemies in one sweep.  He would no longer be nettled by his worthless half-brother wielding a sword stronger than his.  A sword that was rightfully his own.  Inuyasha could not wield Tessaiga properly, only he, Sesshoumaru, new the full depths of power that Tessaiga could unleash.  Soon Tenseiga would have this power.  Using the orb of Eons, he would transfer onto the Tenseiga the power of Tessaiga and he would finally have a sword that was truly worthy of him. 

He glanced one more time on the sleeping forms of Rin and Jaken, and slowly fell asleep.


They had finally reached the glade.  Rin drew a deep breath as she saw the temple.  It was a tower made of shinning white stone that so strongly reflected the sun that she had to shade her eyes.  " Is this were the orb is?" she gasped.  Sesshoumaru motioned her to be silent. 

He approached the entranceway and calmly stepped into the tower.  Rin and Jaken tentatively followed, hiding behind Sesshoumaru.  Rin peeped in and saw that it was dark and musty.  There were no windows so that everything had a grayish look to it.  She saw by torches hanging on the walls and could vaguely make out a pedestal in the center of the room.  On it rested a small black orb.  It did not seem unusual, it actually looked like there were layers of grime and dust on top of it.  It seemed like no one had been here in ages.    

Rin giggled nervously " Looks like nobodies here, let's grab the orb and run."   Jaken nodded his head rapidly "That old crone didn't know anything, figures, since she was so rude to Lord Seshoumaru-sama.  Lets hurry up and leave.

"Silence" Sesshoumaru pointed towards the torches " Do these torches keep themselves lit?  It is the intent of this place to make the visitor unwary.  I want absolute silence from you two, or I will make you wait outside."

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama" Rin and Jaken said in unison, practically groveling on the floor.

Sesshoumaru took another step forward then stopped.  He tried to take another step but found himself in the same spot.  Perplexed, he unsheathed his sword and slashed the air.  He felt no resistance.  So he took another step forward, but still he could advance no closer to the pedestal.  Jaken observed his master with a worried expression. "Ah, this must be the barrier the Demon Crone was talking about.  Let Jaken try for you Lord Sesshoumaru."  Jaken ran towards the barrier, and then found himself running in the same spot.  He then threw himself against the barrier and landed on the floor, but he did not get any farther.  He rabidly tried again and again, but exhausted all his strength and lay in a little puddle panting.

Sesshoumaru was annoyed but did not show it his serene features.  The barrier was not like any he had seen before.  He did not meet with a solid resistance, nor did it repulse him.  If it did, then he would have a point to attack.  As it was, it just let him continue all his actions without allowing him to advance.

Sesshoumaru calmly sheathed his sword and called out.  " Miko come out, I know you are hiding.  Show yourself and I might spare you.  You cannot think that a mere Miko's power can compete with me, Sesshoumaru."

"Hehehe, sure of yourself, are you not?"  A wizened little figure materialized just within the barrier.  She was old and bent, almost as small as Jaken.  Rin gulped, even though she was small, the Miko had a threatening aura about her. "Sessoumaru-sama" Rin wailed.  The Miko continued " Do not underestimate me, Proud Demon, I am not as powerless as I appear.  But it is not only that.  I did not create the barrier before you, the one who created the Orb of Eons did that.  I merely sustain the barrier with my powers.  Your strength can never overcome this barrier, but you have my permission to continue trying for all eternity."  She cackled loudly.   

 " How may I take possession of the orb, tell me the way.  This Sesshoumaru does not ask questions easily."

" Nor do I answer questions easily."  The Miko rejoined.  "But there is no harm in telling you.  It is the actual accomplishment of this feat that signifies your worth.

 Know this, in order to take possession of this orb a sacrifice must be made.  Someone with a pure and unselfish mind and heart must walk into this barrier with the intent of allowing me to feed off their soul.  Before I do this, the person will be allowed to take the orb and hand it to a person outside of the barrier.  The sacrifice must walk into the barrier willingly and with the full knowledge that they will cease to exist once I have fed off their soul.  It is this, Sesshoumaru, that will prove your worth. If you can find a companion who is willing to sacrifice himself for you without any thought of personal gain and because of their devotion to you, then you are worthy of this orb.  But such a person is hard to find, and if you are like any demon that I know of, then I do not think…." Here the Miko stopped speaking because Rin had just stepped into the barrier.

" I see that I was wrong about you" she said.

"Rin come back here." Sesshoumaru ordered.  "I did not save you to have your soul devoured by a greedy and black-hearted Miko."  Rin turned around and Sesshoumaru's eyes widened at the sight of her free-flowing tears. " But you did save me.  If it wasn't for you I would be dead.  I want to prove that I can be of use to you.  Show that I am not a burden.  That just because I am human doesn't mean that you will have to hate me.  Let me do this for you, Sesshoumaru-sama, just so that no one can ever call you weak again."

"Rin, don't do this" Sesshoumaru said quietly.  " Your life is not worth the orb, I will find another way."  Rin smiled at him. "I don't think there is another way."  She slowly turned around and walked toward the pedestal.  Jaken was sobbing and screaming "Rin don't, you are the only one who ever said you worried about me, don't throw your life away." 

The Miko watched transfixed at the scene before her eyes.  " Stop this."  Sesshumaru growled at her. The Miko smiled slyly it him.  "Isn't this what you wanted, the Orb of Eons?  Surely this little human girl doesn't mean more to you then it does."  Then a greedy glint came to her eyes. " No, it has been to long since I have feasted off a human soul.  I am much to hungry to give her up."                 

  Sesshoumaru tried to get passed the barrier, but none of his efforts were of any use.  Rin had reached the pedestal and had picked up the orb, she was now walking towards him.  " Rin, put it back, it is not too late.  I command it."  Rin outstretched her hand which held the orb.  Sesshoumaru snatched it and with his other hand tried to grab her hand.  But all he met was empty air. 

The Miko now materialized next to Rin and placed her hands on Rins shoulders.  Rin stared into the Youki's golden eyes and whispered " Arigato, Sesshoumaru-sama. Sayonara" Then she and the Miko disappeared. 

"Rin" Sesshoumaru growled, his eyes turning red as he tried with all his might to pierce the barrier.  He fell through, the barrier had disappeared.  But so had Rin.  All he had left of her was the shinning black orb that she had given him.  She had left him forever.     

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Hmmmmmmmm, well, was that a good cliff-hanger.  I wonder if it was evil of me to do this? Nah.

Well, please review.  Since this is my first time I want to know if anyone will read this and like it.  I would hate to think I am wasting my time.

So tell me what you liked, what you didn't like, any honest criticism will be appreciated.  Flamers will be ignored and I will promptly ignore those people that send them.

I am an English speaker and the only Japanese I know I learned recently from watching anime.  So if the words are really out of context please let me now.

Miko- Priestess

Youki- Demon

Arigato- Thank you

Sayonara- Farewell

-sama- an honorific.  I think it is meant as a title of respect.  But I don't know the exact definition.  I see it paired with Sesshoumaru's name all the time.