3 time Leo saved his brothers from mind control and one time they saved him...

Chapter 1, Don

It happened unexpectedly, Leo and Raph went off to scout something out, leaving Don and Mikey behind on the rooftop to wait for a signal. What none of them knew was that this was a trap, the Foot had baited the turtles with false information. They were hoping for Leonardo, but after seeing the orange one and the purple one they decided that they would settle with the purple one. The master didn't like the loud, undisciplined nature of the orange one.

Quickly, Don and Mikey were overwhelmed with foot ninja, though Mikey noticed that they seemed to be concentration mostly on splitting them up. By the time Leo and Raph got there, they had taken Don and left Mikey with some injuries that none of them knew how to handle.

"Raph," Leo instructed, "Take Mikey back to the lair, I'm going to follow them to see where they go." He didn't wait to hear Raph's response to that before running off after the foot and Donnie.

After they had been running for about 20 minutes, they reached an abandoned warehouse and they took Donnie inside. Leo watched from a window as Baxter Stockman appeared to bring out another one of the mind control worms, but this one looked a bit different, it seemed smaller.

Leo quickly made his way into the warehouse and shouted, "Let him go!"

Donnie looked over at him with wide eyes, "Leo!" He cried, but before he could say anything else, Stockman released the worm onto Donnie, who then screamed in pain.

Leo's face paled and he clenched his jaw, he was about to run over to Stockman and maybe just kill him, but then a familiar figure stepped out from the shadows, it was the Shredder.

He laughed evilly, "Your brother is mine now Leonardo, but as skilled as this..." The Shredder stopped for a moment, "Purple turtle is, you'd be a much more fitting addition, perhaps your dear brother will get you for me." The Shredder laughed again.

Donatello ceased struggling and a blank look came across Donnie's face, like his mind was completely empty, it saddened Leo to see him like this, but vowed to get him back or die trying.

"Donnie, you're my brother and I love you. I'm sorry, because I don't tell you that enough. And if you need to hit me, do it, because it won't change a thing." Leo said.

Donnie approached Leo until they were only a meter or two apart, Donnie swung his staff and hit Leo's arm. He winced, but it wasn't that bad, Donnie kept swinging, and soon all over Leo's body there were dark, and occasionally bloody, marks all over his body. He was kneeling and breathing heavily, when Leo looked up at Donnie he could start to see that his Donnie was starting to push through, "It's alright Donnie, keep fighting." He said, just before he was handed a blow to the side of his face that snapped his head around.

Leo turned his head and spit out blood before turning to Donnie and seeing that he was himself again, Leo smiled weakly.

"Leo!" Donnie gasped quietly and helped him up, "I'm so sorry, I-"

"Donnie." Leo said grabbing his shoulders, "You have to go, okay?" Leo glanced over to the Shredder who was very angry.

"No Leo, I can't-"

"Donnie listen to me, I ran across the city, I can't run anymore, I'll slow you down and they'll catch us. You need to go. Now!" Leo shouted, and Donnie was slightly startled, "Donnie please."

Donnie nodded and ran to the window that Leo had come in from, fighting the few foot that stood in his way, he looked back at Leo, who had his swords drawn and was in a fighting stance and he glared down the Shredder who was coming towards him, and there was no doubt about it, he was going to need help, more help than Donnie alone could give him.

Later that night...

It had been an hour since Leo disappeared after Donnie and Raph came home with Mikey who was still unconscious. April came over and said that she thought that he would be okay, that he was just tired, but Raph would have trusted it more if it had come from the mouth of Donnie.

April decided to stay, since they didn't know what condition Leo or Donnie would be in if-when they got back.

April, Raph and Splinter were watching a news channel when they heard the entrance to the lair open. Raph jumped to his feet, ready to greet Leo, either with or without Donnie. What he saw however was surprising, it was Donnie, alone.

"Don?" Raph asked in surprise.

"Raph, quick you gotta get over there, the Shredder, they-he, Leo, they're gonna kill him!" Donnie shouted, shoudlers heaving from running all the way back here.

"Where's the warehouse?" Raph asked quickly.

"On 23rd and-"

"50th, Raph look." April said, and turned up the volume on the TV.

"There has been a major explosion at an abandoned warehouse on 23rd and 50th, we are uncertain what caused the explosion..." The newscaster said.

Raph's heart sunk, "I-I'm gonna go look around there, he might've made it out."

Splinter shook his head numbly and said, "Go."

Raph ran out of the lair and headed towards the warehouse. He actually wasn't that far from the lair when he spotted a glint of metal behind a chimney. Raph carefully approached it just in case it was another trap, but as he turned the corner and saw green, he sprinted the last few steps.

"Leo!" Raph cried.

Leo, who was surprisingly conscious said, "Hey Raph, did Donnie make it home alright?"

Raph looked at Leo with narrow eyes, Leo was actually sitting there, clutching his bleeding side with a three deep cuts on his shoulder, but just asked if Don made it home alright. Typical.

"Yeah, Don's fine, real worked up over you though." Raph said, "Can you walk?"

"I think so." Leo said, Raph helped him up and as they began to walk he asked, "Is Mikey okay?"

"Yeah, April thinks 'es just got a concussion. Should be fine in a week'r two."

"Good, that's good." Leo said, and it was becoming obvious to Raph that he was a bit out of it.

"And uh, what about you? What happened?" Raph asked.

"Well, they used that mind control worm on Donnie, and then the Shredder showed up, so..." Leo trailed off.

"So when ya snapped Donnie out of it ya sent him to us and took the Shredder on your own?" Raph asked slightly angrily.

Leo didn't answer, and Raph felt bad for snapping at him, he could tell Leo was losing strength fast. When they reached the lair Mikey was sitting on the couch and Donnie was pacing in front of the door.

Donnie looked wide eyed as Raph and Leo emerged, "Guys." He said, rousing April and Mikey.

"Leo!" Mikey and April said simultaneously.

Don jumped right into doctor mode, "Raph lay him here!"

Splinter looked over his son while April and Donnie coordinated. Leo was covered in harsh bruises, and he had three long, deep cuts that started on his plastron and ended on the softer flesh of his shoulder.

Splinter, Raph and Mikey were then ushered out by Donnie who said he needed some space and some quite to help Leo, after about half and hour Donnie and April came out, April left and as soon as she did, the carefully built facade crumbled and he completely broke down.

"My son," Splinter began, "What is the matter?"

"I-I did that." Donnie said, "I hurt Leo." He started sobbing again.

"Donnie, wha'd'ya mean? That was the Shreddah." Raph said.

"No, well, not all of it. Remember those mind control worms?" Donnie asked and Raph shuddered. "The ones they tested on Raph and the Mutanimals were just prototypes, they've been developing them."

"So what happened?" Mikey asked curiously.

"Well, he just-" Donnie stopped, "Leo didn't do anything, he said that he doesn't tell us he loves us enough and that he was sorry, he just let me hit him, over and over again, and finally I regained control... but the Shredder was there and Leo was too weak to run so he told me to run as fast as I could and go home and just leave him there." Donnie had calmed down by the end of his tale.

"But Donnie, that wasn't you." Mikey said.

"If Leonardo didn't want to get hurt he wouldn't have." Splinter said cryptically.

"What the shell's that supposed to mean?" Raph asked.

"It means that Leonardo was sending a message to the Shredder, a message that the bonds of family will always prevail." Splinter explained and the brothers nodded in understanding.

Suddenly they heard a scoff from behind them, "Sure, let's all think I'm that clever." Leo spoke. He was leaning against the door way to Donnie's makeshift medical center.

"Leo, you shouldn't be up!" Donnie cried.

"Donnie, I'm fine." Leo said firmly.

"Then why don't you walk over here?" Raph asked, knowing he couldn't, Leo glared at Raph, "What? It's true Leo, you can't just go and run off and go all Rambo on your own. You know how worried we all were when we heard on the news that the warehouse blew up?! We thought you were dead Leo, you know how that feels?" Raph ranted.

"Yeah, it's like how I felt when I saw them dragging Donnie off, or how I feel every time you run into something without thinking it over first." Leo responded smugly.

"That's not- it's not-" Raph tried to argue with him but upon seeing the look on Mikey, Splinter and Donnie's face, he knew he was on the losing side of this argument.

"Well I'm gonna go back to sleep now." Leo said as he slowly and slightly painfully shuffled back into the med-room.

That night...

Donnie was having a terrible nightmare...

*Dream Sequence*

Leo was standing in front of him at the warehouse, "Donnie, you're my brother and I love you. I'm sorry, because I don't tell you that enough. And if you need to hit me, do it, because it won't change a thing." Leo said. So far the dream was exactly the same as what had really happened.

"Kill Leonardo." The Shredder commanded, this was a bit different.

Donnie advanced on Leo, but he released the latch that kept the hidden blade inside the bowstaff inside. And just like what had really happened Leo didn't do anything, and so Donnie watched himself hack Leo to pieces, and when he finally came to Leo said, "I love you Donnie."

Donnie woke up with a scream in his throat, "Are you okay?" Leo asked from behind him, and Donnie, not knowing Leo was there, screamed again.

"Leo, god, you just scared the shell out of me." Donnie said.

Leo looked at him suspiciously, "What was it about?"

"What?" Donnie asked, confused.

"Your nightmare." Leo said.

"I uh..." Donnie was going to brush him off, but Leo had on a look that Donnie knew meant he wasn't going to back off this. "It was about last night." He said simply, but Leo gestured for him to continue, "I...I killed you."

Leo smiled kindly, "Donnie, I wouldn't have let you kill me, and from his tone, I don't think the Shredder would have let you either."

Donnie sighed, Leo was right, as always, "Sorry for waking you up."

"I was already awake." Leo said and Donnie looked at the clock, it was 3:39am, and as Leo hobbled away Donnie wondered what Leo's nightmares were like.