Adrien couldn't sleep any longer. Sure it was 5am and still pretty dark but he felt so alive after last night's realisation.

His Lady liked him.

He grinned, filled with energy. Almost buzzing he decided to burn some off with the climbing wall on the side of his vast room. He reached the top surprisingly fast and so retraced his feat till he was back on the floor. It was no good. Still too much energy.

Adrien glanced around searching for his next outlet.

Plagg. Fast asleep, as far away on the scale of energy level as possible. He was curled up on a cushion by the bed. So cute but Adrien would never admit to that.. Calculating in his mind as to when Plagg last ate some Camembert cheese.

"Plagg... Wakey wakey.." Adrien gently shook the sleeping kwami.

"Huh? Why ya wake me up for?"

"I need to go for a run."

"So? Ya got a treadmill in the gym two doors down. Enjoy..." Plagg turned around to get comfy again

"No, I need a proper roof top run." Adrien grinned apologetically "Claws out!"

"No kid, its way too early...!" Plagg protested as he was sucked into the ring. A flash of green lit the room momentarily and he reached above his head to check his ears were in place as was his habit. It didn't take long before Chat Noir was racing across the roof tops of Paris. He was laughing as he did one daring jump after another, the occasional use of his baton was sometimes needed when he dared too much. Even so the grin never left his face and he yelled out fearlessly as if letting the city know that he was back.

Unbeknown to him he actually passed right by Ladybug's home, who for a rare change was awake. She was getting some fresh air on her balcony to try to clear her head. She had been thinking of her dearest partner most of the week, filled with worry. It was almost a case of 'speak of the devil and the devil will appear', except it was Chat Noir not devil. She watched him for a minute before grinning, "Tikki, spots on!" She quickly finished her transformation and leapt out to join him.

Side by side they ran occasionally sparing a glance at their grinning partner. It was exhilarating!

"Yahoo!" Chat Noir yelled as he free-fell down a building before stretching out his baton for safety. Ladybug followed suit.

They had started off with no destination in mind but then suddenly they were at the Eiffel Tower.

Destination found.

They raced up to the top, though Ladybug had 'let' her partner win she would later say. Dangling their legs casually over the edge they took their time to simply watch the sun rise fully.

They had 15 minutes or thereabouts of this silent reprieve until Chat Noir's Baton started to beep. "My... Er, someone will be coming to check I'm awake soon..." he sighed and sprung back up to his feet.


He turned to look at his Lady before he really had to go

"I'm glad to see you looking happier Chaton." Her words lit up another grin on his face.

"Will you be free later tonight?"

"For you, always. Shall we meet back here at 5pm?"

His departing grin was all the answer he gave and all that was needed.

"Hey dude glad to see you looking more like you!" Adrien's best friend Nino slung an arm around him in a one arm hug.

"Haha so am I. Thanks for being there for me." he returned he hug.

"Anytime my man."

Before long the entire class had arrived and the lesson had begun. For Adrien it was as if a veil had been lifted and he could see clearly what he had obviously missed all week. Sabina was cozying up to Chloe even more than usual and her attire was filled with all the mix-matched gifts that she had received from her best friend in the past, as if to remind Chloe of the friendship they had. Chloe however looked even more snobbish than usual. Her whole body-language was pointedly looking away from poor Sabina whose bag looked like it was bulging from both her own school books and Chloe's. Behind him he could hear whispering from the girls, Alya and Marinette. They were being too quiet for him to properly hear them so he could only wonder what was being said. Towards the back of the class on the other side was Max who was tinkering with something under the table. Strange, normally he pays avid attention in class Adrien shrugged to himself. Must be important. As for Adrien, he certainly wasn't giving class the full attention it needed. Over the time that he (as Chat Noir) and Ladybug had worked closely together he had gathered a few clues, namely that she went to the same school as him. Never before had he tried to actually find her but today he just couldn't help looking towards each of the girls, trying to match them up to the strong, confident woman he had come to love. He shook his head and sighed. My Lady doesn't want to share our secret identities, even with each other. So why am I even looking? Going against her wishes won't do me any favours, it's pointless. And yet he still wondered if perhaps... I'll see her tonight, we can talk then instead of this speculation. I know now that she likes me back. With that decided he tried to pay more attention to the class and take proper notes without the constant daydreaming that he often succumbed to in regards to thinking about his dear ladybug.

Suddenly the class jumped at a familiar tune emanating from Alya's phone. With that tune it could only mean one thing, an Akuma. Alya had long since set the Ladyblog to alert her (via the phone of course) of any Akuma attacks. Different ringtones gave her an idea of how far away the attack was. This one was close. This one was Superman close. {1}

Fourteen pairs of eyes turned to stare at her as she grabbed her phone and started to tap away. "The Place des Vosges, and it looks like it is based off a-" but before she could finish an ear splitting howl shook the windows, "-wolf" Alya finished with a flinch. A scraping of chairs against the floor as everyone stood up at once.

"I need to call home!"

"My parents bakery is near there!"

"I simply can not be in danger! This is too close for moi! Sabina we are leaving!"

"W-what? Oh but my Dad... I mean yes, coming."

"A wolf! Cool!"

"I'm out too. Won't be able to concentrate with this level of volume it exudes.."

"I wonder if I can draw it..."

"Ladybug and Chat Noir will defeat it in no time!"

"Alya, don't you dare..."

The classroom emptied out swiftly with everyone going in different directions. Alya of course was ignoring Nino's warning and was running promptly towards the Akuma.

"Ahhh! That woman will be the end of me I swear!" Nino seeing what direction she was heading threw his hands up in the air in despair and chased after her. If I can't stop her I might as well join her so I can at least pull her out of harms way..

Alya already had her phone out recording as she ran. She saw Nino behind her but paid him no heed as what was ahead could be the real treasure. She had seen the subtle changes in her favourite hero duo. After all who but her had spent the most time filming them, interviewing them and then reviewing the videos she and others had posted. The worry in Ladybugs eyes each time she glanced at her partner told a story in itself. Matching that with the timing of this change: Valentines day. Chat's body-language since then had been withdrawn, filled with hurt. Alya knew, she just knew one of them had been hit by Dark Cupid's arrow. It also seemed as if which ever one of them was hit couldn't remember what happened. Strange but maybe their powers interacted with the Akuma's somehow. She had wanted to help them in any way possible which is why she had created the page on her blog dedicated to that day and then proceeded to spread the word like no tomorrow. Sure Ladybug or Chat Noir couldn't remember properly and were hurting because of it but the rest of Paris did remember and as their number one fan it was her duty to help them! Now to see if the plan worked, Alya constantly looked around and listened out for the telltale sound of the duo. A yo-yo whizzing past to grab hold of something for Ladybug's entrance or the quieter thud of Chat Noir's extendable baton as he too leapt across Paris.

As Alya ran around a corner she got an unobstructed view of the Akuma. If you looked at him section by section you could probably spot and name the different breeds of dog that had inspired this monstrosity.

The ears, thin and upward pointed were that of a Dobermann Pincher. The eyes, ice blue and piercing could admittedly be from many a type of dog or wolf. Thick fur ranging from shades of brown to black could be of a German Shepherd. His hands, or rather paws weren't from any dog she knew, they were more fantasy like; beastly from out of a horror film thick talons on the end of each finger. His clothing was almost aimed to show off his muscles. A dark tank top and ripped jeans.

Intimidating was the right word for this. Alya prayed that her heroes had their a-game on them as otherwise... No, not otherwise, they will win! They always do! Yet she still flinched at the howl the Akuma let rip. It was loud from back at the school but this close...!

Nino, knowing what Alya was like had grabbed her in a hug from behind. A gentle reminder to not rush further into the danger while at the same time unobstructing so he wouldn't get a hit later for ruining her video. At the howl his hug tightened somewhat and Alya patted the arm she could reach with her spare arm for comfort (him or her it was uncertain).

"Meouch! I heard you the first time." Chat Noir walked casually into the park from behind Alya and Nino. At his entrance Nino released the hold somewhat. They were safe now that at least one hero was there.

"Chat Noir! Its about time you showed up, and Ladybug too." the Akuma grinned ferociously as the heroine joined her partner. The duo looked at each other for a minute conveying their confidence in their teamwork. "I am THE HOUND-DOG and YOU are MY PREY!" he licked his lips and pulled out a whistle. He blew it. No sound came out but soon the park was filled with growls as a pack of dogs came out of hidden places. It was a dog whistle. "Now hand over your MIRACULOUS!"

Ladybug's eyes widened, she wasn't that much of a dog person. Yet when she looked at her partner she saw a familiar smirk and a twinkle in his eyes, "Chat no!" I sense a pun on its way she sighed all the while secretly looking forward to what was coming.

The dogs all paused in confusement, their prey shouldn't react like this.

"Chat yes!" He twirled his baton before holding it like a mike.

"You ain't nothin' but a hound dog

Cryin' all the time

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog

Cryin' all the time

Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine!"

Ladybug smiled as she recognised the famous Elvis song, her Chat was back. She was still laughing when she realised that he was no longer by her side. Still humming the famous tune, he was now in the middle of the dog pack jumping fearlessly from the back of one big dog to the next. As it was clear that he had it all under control and had energy to spare Ladybug hung back with Alya and Nino.

"Er, aren't you gonna like, fight?" Nino looked at Ladybug curiously.

"It looks to me as if I might get in the way for once. He has so much energy to burn. To be honest I'm glad. Chat has been looking... not himself lately. I think he needs this."

The trio continued to watch Chat get closer and closer to the flabbergasted Hound-dog who couldn't do much at all against Chat and his boundless energy. He was practically running circles around him, the dogs could only chase their tails in trying to get him.

"OK, enough playing around I think," Ladybug giggled, "LUCKY CHARM!" she threw her yo-yo into the air, watching as millions of magical ladybugs surrounded it turning it into the lucky weapon of the day. She held out her hand for a bright colourful bouncy ball to land on her hand. Suddenly she had the attention of the entire pack of dogs. This too made the Hound-dog turn away from Chat Noir to stare at her as she raised the ball up in the air and threw it in a random direction.

Chat used this perfect distraction to jump onto the back of the Akuma. They wrestled for a bit as Chat tried to get his hands on the dog whistle. As soon as he had it he used his claws to snap the string it was on to get it away from the Hound-dog's neck. Prize in his hand he bounced away back to his lady who had by now thrown the ball at least 8 times by now. Those dogs were quick at the game of fetch. When he was close to Ladybug he swooped down into an elaborate bow holding out the dog whistle, "My Lady."

She giggled at his old theatrics, yep the old Chat was back. She placed the whistle on the floor and stamped her foot on it to release the dark butterfly. "No more evil-doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilise!" she yelled as she caught it in her yo-yo to purify it. "Gotcher! Bye bye little butterfly" They watched the now white butterfly flutter off for a moment before she bent to retrieve the ball one last time, "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" she threw the ball into the air, it turned into millions of little ladybugs which whizzed across the park healing all.

"Pound it!"

Almost buzzing at the thought of an interview Alya strode forward. She touched her phone a few times to turn the video off in order to start the next one. Will save time later on with editing.. But she immediately regretted it as she missed filming a perfect moment for Paris's powerful couple (yes they hadn't ever admitted it but the attraction between the two was plain to see for all). Still in the throws of adrenaline and pure happiness Chat had forgotten that he had still yet to ask Ladybug out and grabbed her by the waist and swung around. Ladybug didn't see anything by it and just giggled. "I'm glad my Kitty is back!"

Chat pulled her in and whispered into her ear, "I'll always be your kitty..."

Was it the hug? The purr, deep and rumbling? Or purhaps the serious tone, so rarely heard in his voice, that started her stammer? "W-what? Er I-I gotta.. two s-spots you know?" Ladybug backed away a step before running off with a shout of "Bug out!" as a goodbye.

Chat took one step towards her receding figure before sighing, ears drooping. "Woof woof!" Looking down he saw that one of the dogs had come over to cheer him up. It was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The small dog looked up at him with soulful eyes before placing a paw on his leg. OK now that is cute!

"She's a beautie isn't she?" the middle aged man looked up from the midst of the pack of dogs. Now that he was back to normal he was sort of average looking. Tall and muscular with a healthy tan. Short brown hair blown messy by the wind. "The name's Bella and mine is Kyle. Bella's what I'd call a companion. All dogs can be trained for a certain task but if they are more suited to it personality wise then they will lean quicker, better and be all the happier for it. This one here, he pointed out (then promptly picked up the lil dog for a proper viewing) a Bichon Frisé which had more of a curly look to its fur than most dogs Chat had seen, a lil puff ball he thought. "He is turning out to be one of the best blind dogs I've trained. Strings may need to be extra long for him to turn the lights on or off but he has such the personality to help others that it doesn't matter. And Butch! Butch is a fab sheep dog in the making! Butch Heel!" he commanded and a border terrier was suddenly there as if that was where he had been all along.

Chat grinned as he stroked Bella. The man was so passionate about his dogs! "You're so full of love for the dogs you train, how'd a man like you get Akumatised?"

The poor man almost deflated with his sorrow. "It was silly really..."

It usually is.. Strange how its the small things that can set one off... Chat, Alya and Nino all thought pretty much the same or similar thing.

"Go on," Alya encouraged.

"Well there are plenty of other parks in Paris, but this is the one I usually come to to train my dogs. Its not just their personalities that help, a familiar place relaxes them enough to help too."

"Makes sense," Nino nodded.

"But then that stuck up, spoilt..!" he began to shake with rage and was suddenly surrounded by dogs again. Looking at the ones closest you could almost categorise those ones into the 'companion' type, even Bella left Chat to comfort her master.

Sigh, who do we know who matches this description and causes most of the Akuma's? Chat thought.

"She had gone for a walk here a day or so ago and stepped in some dog mess that hadn't been cleared up. I hear she went straight onto her phone to her dad and got him to ban all dogs from the park." the man continued with a sigh.

Knew it! was the internal joint reaction from the listening trio.

"Yes, it should have been cleared up, I agree with that. But a blanket ban on all dogs?! The irresponsible ones are few and far between. This just made me so.. so... agh!" his action of throwing up his hands worked better than any words he could come up with.

"Don't worry, we know that feeling all too well." Chat walked carefully through the pack to place a hand on the man's shoulder in solidarity. "Luckily you've had someone listening whose alter ego can help lift this injustice." he took his time to enjoy the shocked looks on their faces, nope, not me... "Alya Césaire runs a blog and is a skilled reporter in the making!" he gestured grandly at the shocked teen.

"Of course!" she quickly threw off her daze, "here's my card, message me when you've time and I'll do an article and start a Campaign about the park." She had had them printed only the week before. With one goal in mind: more stories for her Ladyblog!

He took it with a smile, "Thanks, I think I'll take you up on that!" He whistled to his dogs, "Come on you lot I think its time we headed home."

They watched the group of dogs (and their master) leave for a moment in silence before Chat Noir decided to be the responsible one as he gave Nino and Alya a pointed look, "Don't you two have school?"

"Oh er yes but can't I..." Alya looked as if she was about to ask Chat for an interview.

"No you can't 'just'" Nino cut her off, "Chat Noir is right you know. School. Lets go back."

Chat smirked at the departing couple, Alya practically being dragged away whilst giving the hero looks that read 'interview later please'. The loud ringing of the school bell got him back to his senses and he leapt up high to a rooftop to start his dash back.

All throughout the next lesson Adrien had kept sighing. His head was most definitely in the clouds. He kept daydreaming about Ladybug. Their future together. Possibly revealing who he was in a grand romantic gesture. Showering her in flowers and gifts galore to both her and her civilian self (if she reveals it).

His teacher had given him a few looks and had made a point of asking Adrien a number of questions throughout the class. All of which he got spot on. He may be daydreaming but he was an Agreste so he couldn't afford to completely slack off.

The bell rang jolting him out of his latest fantasy. Nino gave his friend an arm-hug and said, "Good luck man, heres hoping your guard doesn't lower like it has throughout this lesson. You seem seriously outta sorts man!"

"What? Oh fencing?" Oh no don't let Nino realise that I forgot about fencing... "Naa I'm sure the adrenaline will kick in and I'll properly focus." Adrien grinned suddenly thinking up a pun, "Otherwise D'Argencourt will stick it to me" referencing his fencing instructor. Adrien packed his bag in a hurry and stood up to make his way to his locker so he could get ready. He must not be late to fencing.

But late he was as when he got to the locker room, all the other club members had already changed and entered the gym.

Upon opening his locker the mere thought of his lateness flew out of his mind. For there was a small red creature sitting on his change of clothes as if it were a pillow and nibbling on a cookie. (Where the bag of cookies came from he would ponder on later for there was no note with them) Whilst the creature was lost in thought (probably at the taste of the cookie, it did look like it was enjoying it) Adrien took the time to look at his guest. Roughly the same size as Plagg yet the red colour and three large spots on its face made it definitely Ladybug's kwami. She opened her eyes and he could see how big, expressive and oh so very blue they were.

"Hello Chat Noir." She let loose the bombshell that was knowing who he was.

"TIKKI!" Plagg came flying out of his hiding place to tackle-hug his partner who he had not seen in decades, if not centuries.

"Well I guess the cat's outta the bag haha." Adrien pulled an ear nervously.

"Not quite," Tikki set aside the cookie, "Ladybug does not know."

"Oh." Adrien wasn't sure if he should be glad or not.

"And as you are probably wondering: I did block out Ladybug's memories from the 14th."

He had been wondering about that but now the only follow up question could be: "Why?"

"You are young. Both of you. Too young." Tikki shook her head.

"What's that got to do with it?!"

"It's the amount of experience of life. You need to live a little more."

"Wait what?"

"Take yourself for example. Rich, you have travelled much of the world, admittedly for modelling but still a good experience. You've had all the things money could buy you but only since starting school have you attained the things that money could not buy. Friends. And yet your wall is still up isn't it? Chat Noir isn't your mask. This is." She flew up to gently boop his nose before settling back down, "And how is your independence and freedom? Still forced to take the limo everywhere? Do you know any life skills? How to cook for instance. Or is it all done by a chef?

Ladybug is at the other end of the spectrum. Friends, independence, love and an increasing skill set. But she too must grow. No, I'm not saying how" She gave him a pointed look.

"But what should I do? My feelings won't go away and now that I know that she has feelings, strong feelings for me.." Adrien sighed despondently.

"Time." Tikki simply said. "I'm glad your feelings won't go away. Have patience. Time is needed more for Ladybug. The ways of the heart should not be discovered through magic. It should be a journey of discovery."

"But I have discovered it through magic. There's no harm right?"

Plagg felt the urge to chime in at that, "Kid your heart was well and truly clear on your love for Ladybug months ago. Only the bug can't tell!" Laughter spilled out of him, Tikki shared a smile with her other half; for yes, they both knew of the love square their chosens had gotten themselves twisted in.

"Plagg is right. Your heart is known. It's Ladybug who needs to discover her own heart. As for the harm: the 'what if?' question is a dangerous one. Best not to risk that endless spiral. At least you can travel it together by being there for her. As for you: Open yourself up in your civilian life. Let people in." Tikki finished her cookie watching Adrien process all she had said. He was truly lost in thought.

Plagg and Tikki cuddled and talked quietly to each other in the corner of the locker. They had each missed the other.

Tikki slowly ended the hug. It was time for her to go she sensed.

"Enjoy the cookies." She said before whizzing down the corridor and out of sight.

Adrien checked the time. He may have been late before but now it was hardly worth going. He picked up the bag of cookies and his other stuff and headed outside. One transformation away and he was on the Eiffel Tower. "Claws in." He didn't want to be alone in his thoughts and as annoying as Plagg could be sometimes, they were partners.

Before Plagg could say anything he quickly dug out a piece of cheese for the kwami and they enjoyed their respective snacks together. The cookies tasted homemade. Not that they were bad or imperfect but he could somehow taste the love that went into them. I wonder who they're from... no note was left.

"Do you agree with her?" Adrien broke the silence.

There was no need to ask who 'her' referred to. "Kid we all have different strengths. Tikki is good at sensing things and even better with logic. Her logic makes sense doesn't it? A lot of truth too. She could sense your wall you built around yourself and she's not your partner, I am."

"But what can I do about it?"

"Same thing Tikki suggested for Ladybug applies to you too. Time." There was a long pause before Plagg realised that he might need to say more: "You know your heart in who you like. But you should mend it before all else."

"Mend it?" Adrien was puzzled. He wasn't hurt or anything.

"All those years of loneliness. Just doing what you're told, following your father's orders to a T. And speaking of your father, how much attention does he pay you? How many tournaments has he watched? The conversation at dinner time, when he is actually there that is. How much do you talk about your Mum?"

Adrien clutched his chest. It felt too tight all of a sudden as all the truths that he had been hiding behind his wall, which was indeed there, all came to the surface at once.

Plagg headbutted Adrien's hand (which was still on his chest) until he could get between and become a barrier between heart and outside world. Adrien started to stroke the kwami automatically and Plagg comfortably purred. "Time kid. That's all you need."

Alya was in her room typing away on her computer when she heard a consistent tapping sound. She was on the top floor so assumed it to be a trapped bee at first until *It's midnight! Can't be a bee!* She got up to investigate and promptly got a huge shock: Chat Noir was using his tail to tap on her window! Chat Noir, at her window!

She opened the window sharpish and let loose a million questions (or so it felt), the opportunity for an interview was too great to pass up. "OMG how do you know where I live?! Do we go to the same school? Are we the same age? How old are you? How old is Ladybug? How close are you two? Do you know her identity? Did you or Ladybug get hit by an arrow? Did my blog help? I guessed one of you couldn't remember the events of that day. Do you know why that is? Do you get affected by akumas in different ways than us civilians? How do your powers work? How did you get them? How does your tail work, it looks like a leather belt but can you use and control it like an extra limb? Will we see an end to Hawkmoth? What are your plans for the future? What are you doing here? Why-"

"Some advise if you purrlease," Chat chuckled, he could tell that he wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise. He sometimes forgot just how exuberant Alya could get.

A hero, coming to me for help?! "Come on in," Alya gestured grandly to the little space in the attic her parents had set aside for study purposes. "But we will have to be super quiet as the lil monsters are asleep just below."

Chat smirked as he suddenly swung himself through the wide open window, even doing a mid air twirl. Alya couldn't contain the gasp that escaped her I had just told him to be Quiet! And yet there was not a sound when he landed.

"What? You said not to wake the twins." Chat smirked at the look on Alya's face.

"You said you needed some advice..?" Alya prompted.

"Ah.. yeah. About that can you purromice me that you won't tell anyone? Not even your closest friends like Marinette or Nino." Chat had a rarely seen serious look to him.

"Chat, young as I am I am a reporter. If you say its confidential then its confidential. As much as I would like to get some kind of deal out of this, helping a hero is part of my dream. Its the next best thing as I can't gain powers and be a hero myself."

"I know, its one of the reasons I came to you." he grinned


"Alya, you're not exactly quiet in your wish to help us out." His grin slowly faded as he looked contemplatively up at the moon through the window, "You're quite perspective aren't you... Yes one of us did get hit by an arrow that day."

Alya gasped at this information, it was one thing to guess and another to know, "Who?" she asked so quiet it was almost a whisper.

"Ladybug." Chat looked into Alya's eyes as he said his partners name. The best way to describe Alya's reaction was simply '!' "Her er source of her powers interfered with her memories from that day and I had been feeling pretty down all week. Your blog helped, more than you know. A great friend of mine kept telling me to go read, so I did." He went back to staring at the moon as if contemplating what to say next.

"Was it the things she said whilst under Dark Cupid's power that got you so down?"

Startled Chat had to think fast, She really is perspective! "What? No, I had failed and my failure hit me hard."

"Failed? How?"

"I'm meant to be there for her. To protect her. And she got shot right there in front of me! I should have done something! Shielded her at the very least!" He wasn't lying at least, though not the true reason for the past week of course, "Sure no one has ever told me that I had to protect her but without ladybug how will Paris be protected? I can't heal or purify, only she can. I must protect her and I failed that day..." Chat sighed heavily, ears drooped and his tail thrashed wildly as he thought of a world without Ladybug. Without his light.

Alya's heart went out to the hero before her, "How can I help?"

"My er behaviour this week hasn't been the best and I want to make it up to her. I want to do something for her. You know a lot about Ladybug, though not as much as me of course! And well you know what they say on a woman intuition with gifts." Chat grinned cheekily at the reporter before hastily backtracking, "But as a friend. Even if I did want to she is the type to run off if someone was to romance her. I want her to know that her best friend is well and truly back."

Hmm nice try but anyone can see that love for her pours out of you 24/7. "I'll see what I can come up with. Do you have a number I can contact you on?"

"Nice try Alya but no, you'll only ask for constant interviews. I follow the LadyBlog so post something on there I guess?" Chat shrugged. He hadn't really thought this through.

"I'll do my best." Alya was happy to be relied upon and her head started to spin with ideas, but of course no obvious romance. Shame.

It only took two days before a new page popped up on the LadyBlog. She works fast! Adrien thought as he opened the link.

So a lot of people are still talking about Valentines Day. Its really no surprise since with Dark Cupid patrolling the skies a lot of carefully planned romance was ruined. Valantines sadly is a once per year deal. Or is it? Ladies and Gentlemen I bring to you a tradition hailing from the east called 'White Day'.

Valentines day is typically observed by girls and women presenting chocolate gifts (either store-bought or handmade), usually to boys or men, as an expression of love, courtesy, or social obligation.

On White Day, the reverse happens: men who received a gift, whether of love, courtesy or social obligation on Valentine's Day are expected to return the favour by giving gifts. As the name suggests the gifts all usually have the running theme of being white.

White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan. It was started by the National Confectionery Industry Association as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day on the grounds that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day. Yes it was also a marketing scheme but if it works it works. It was so popular that eventually, this practice spread to the neighbouring East Asian countries of South Korea, China, Taiwan and Vietnam.

I say lets spread it to the west! Paris we have until March 14th to create (and buy) as much white themed gifts for our loved ones.

Adrien was impressed. Alya had done her research well and had included around the edge of her article pictures of all kind of ideas of gifts.

White flowers like orchids, lily and daisy.

Decorative white cakes, pastries and chocolate.

Jewellery. Candles. And more

If she didn't have her heart set on becoming a reporter then theres plenty of options for her. Like marketing. Sales of all things white are bound to boost thanks to this. Adrien ruefully thought.

He sat back, closed his eyes and grinned. White day indeed. Ladybug was going to find herself showered with gifts. Yes they will be white, oh so pun-fully white. If there was one thing he had noticed about his Lady it was that she liked his jokes more than she let on.

Author's Note

{1}She would of course use theme tunes from classic superheroes. I had to mention this in author notes as mentioning it at the time could potentially detract from the serious fast paced moment.


Phew what a journey this has been! First of all I am so so so sorry about the humongous wait for this chapter. I hope I've made it a worth while wait. A lot has happened in my life. It took my muse away for a while but I was always determined to finish this. I struggled on so many aspects on this story. I thought I had a clear idea but then somehow my brain goes "I think this needs an akuma" So Chapter 3 had me looking for inspiration for one. Then with this chapter (I always knew I'll have a dog themed akuma here) I had been reading so much fan fic that looking at mine I just felt like I should use more descriptive language so I tried to improve improve improve. I want to be able to write fan fic where someone not from the fandom can pop in and still be able to visualise whats happening and the dynamics of the characters.

I think I have learnt a lot from writing this fic. It may be a while before my next story as I think I will need to do better planning first. I have a bunch of plot bunnies hopping around and not just in this fandom

Special thank you to Touston who beta read this and gave it high praise to boot. Thanks for taking the time to read it x


Ugly-Duckling123: YES thank you! This means I did the akuma just right as it was to show my annoyance at people *cough* my parents *cough* who think I'm too old (female 25) for shows like Miraculous Ladybug, mlp, and well all the other countless anime I watch and love. Seriously its more than enough reason for Hawkmoth to send a butterfly our way... Thanks for your review xx

pinksakura271: Thank you so much! haha Remember Sabina already did that for you ;) I hope you enjoy this chapter xx

sailorlyoko4life: I'm glad you liked the MLP inspired akuma. I wonder if you (or anyone else) will be able to tell which book character inspired this akuma..

This may be the end of this story but please review and let me know what you thought! I'll do my best to reply to you all xx

*edit* This really is the end of this story. I know a lot of you have reviewed to ask for more however I only planned to write 4 chapters.

It was all about revealing both of their feelings (yes we already know they like each other. Love square is infamous). Marinette has a crush on Adrien, which isn't true love in my book. She's gone on his looks and the kindness of the umbrella at the beginning of the friendship. What she has with Chat is real but she pushes him away too much because of Adrien. So she needs to grow up in maturity a bit. And if Adrien opens up a bit(or a lot) more then Marinette will see what an awesome guy he is anyway so win win :) This was all just my opinion so yeah..

You can look forward to different stories from me in the future though ;) I believe my writing has improved thanks to this. I just need to drastically improve my planning haha