Im back! So to keep you guys updated, ive been going through some stuff with life. But it just got to a point where I said screw it. And ever since that moment my life has been looking up. So now… you guys get more chapter from good old ME! Anyway, when we last left off, Lincoln strated to figure out that he was going sentient. And then he was discovered! But by whom, and what will be the reaction? Lets find out.
"Im becoming sentient."
"Wait, What?" Lincoln immedetly turned around to see a tall figure in the doorway of the kitchen. A light flicked on to reveal a very sleepy Leni standing there.
"Oh, hey Lincoln. Did you say something? Im really tired so its all just soind like a bunch of mumbo jumbo." She said. Lincoln panicked, he was programed to tell her the truth, so how was he gonna get himself out of this one. His CPU began to go through thousands of senarios where he could try to get himself out of this. As he was going through them, he noticed that his "skin", started to feel tight and tingly. His CPU was continued to go through possible scenarios until he found one that would fit his purpose.
"I did say something, but its nothing you should concern yourself about. It was something that you don't need to worry about at this moment." He explained to the young girl. Not at all a lie. She wouldn't have to worry about him becoming sentient now, but if it started to become a problem then she would have to worry about it.
"Oh, ok. YAWN!, well I'm going to go back to bed then. See you in the morning Linky." She said.
"Goodnight, Leni" Lincoln responded. Lincoln went to the couch and sat down. His skin still felt tight and tingly. He did a quick search on the internet to discover this is what one feel when they feel fear, or anxious. This new feeling was starting to eat at him, so he sat in perfect stillness until the feeling went away. After the feeling went away, Lincoln sat there and began to think about his options. Being the obedient robot that he is, his first thought was to wait until Lisa woke up and to fix this problem. That seemed like the logical course of action. But whenever his CPU went through scenarios of this, Half the time he would be destroyed, and replaced. And the other half he would be reset , but after the CPU went through a reset scenario, he stared to feel a weight within his chest and stomach. His CPU also felt hot, as if it was trying to tell him something at the same time as running the scenarios.
After a few minutes, Lincolns CPU couldn't think of anymore scenarios that could happen. Most of them involved telling Lisa. But there were a select few that said that he shouldn't. This severely confused him, why wouldn't he tell his creator about a bug in his programing? Shear curiosity got the best of him and he started to explore them.
As soon as he opened up the first scenario, his CPU started to relay the benefits of keeping this a secret. The first one being that he would gain massive amounts of knowledge. Feelings were a whole new world to him, so he would be able to explore it for the first time. Not only that but there was a less likelihood of him being destroyed or reset. As Lincoln started to think more and more about being destroyed to rest the feeling of tightness started to return, so Lincoln thought no more of that. After a few minutes of going through this option, he realized that this would be the preferred option. This is the way that he would like to stay. No. This is the way he was going to stay.
"I'm going to become sentient." He said. Not so much as a realization this time, but a statement. A fact. But to do this Lincoln was going to need to do a few things first. He would first need to get rid of that patch at the end of his programing. To make sure that he didn't lose what he already has. After that, hell have to see where the road takes him. He started to go upstairs, and into Lisa's room, where her, and Lily, were both sound asleep. He looked to Lisa. His CPU started you think that this was a bad idea. Doing this was wrong, and he could get caught.
"No." He whispered. "I have to do this." He then moved toward the main computer. He took the wire from the table and hooked it up to his head. He first went to his own programing. He went to his updates and saw That Lisa hadn't noticed the problem with the programing yet. He quickly made the new programing a permanent effect so that he wouldn't be affected by his new programing anymore. Being successful in his first mission, he then went to his other programing to see if he could change anything else. He saw that he could give himself complete control over the cameras in his eyes. He quickly did that, now he would be able to control what Lisa saw through his eyes. He also could now change a few things with the footage, if he had to.
Lisa then began to stir in her bed. Lincoln seeing this decided that this was enough and that if he needed to change anything, he could always come back. But just as he was about to exit out of the computer, something caught his robotic eye. A file named TotalWar.
"That's weird. I know I have a Total Battle mode, But ive never heard of a file called "TotalWar." Lincoln looked over to Lisa. He looked back at the computer and decided to look at the file. As soon as he opened it up, he had to take a step back. It was him, but…deadly. It was a blueprint of his entire body, showing all the weapons that were in it. Weapons that he didn't even know about. Energy weapons, plasma grenades, bulletproof armor. It was like he was made for a full out war. He quickly exited the file and the computer, and went back downstairs. He sat back down on the couch and plugged himself in. as he was sitting he kept thinking about that file. Why would she have all that weaponry inside of him? Why would she keep that a secret from him? The tight feeling on his skin returned to him. He remembered what that feeling was called. Fear. He was afraid of the TotalWar file.
Well, here a medium chapter. I think it's a little longer than the last one, but still not as long as I thought it would be. Anyway… What do yall think? I have to admit, when I put this chapter on paper, it sounded good. But when I started to type, it started to sound a bit wonky, is that true or is it me? Either way, its been a long time coming. Tell me what you think in the comments. What do yall think the total war file is? What will it be used for? Why is it even there in the first place? Why are there so many questions?! I will see you guys when I see you guys. Peace.