Jemma was really tired of waking up in hospital rooms, but the sight that greeted her was worth it.

James' head rested on her arm, his expression the calmest she'd ever seen it.

She didn't dare move her arm in fear of waking him from what was clearly a peaceful sleep. Instead, she reached up with her free hand and carded her fingers through his soft dark hair. "Thank you for coming back for me…thank you for saving me."

He leaned into her touch, surprising her as he turned to kiss her palm. "I will always come for you...Always."

She brought his lips to hers in a deep kiss, ignoring the stiffness in her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The warmth of his lips, his hands was like coming home. He would never let anything happen to her. The urge to breathe pulled her away and she smiled up at him, running her thumb along his lips. "I love you."

He leaned his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. "You shouldn't love me."

She kissed him softly. "That's too bad James…you're stuck with me."

"Why though? I've hurt you so many times…you should hate me." He went to pull away.

"Don't tell me how I should feel James." She tightened her hold, tears burning her eyes. "We've been through too much just for you to push me away…I could never hate a man who's sacrificed so much for me. I love you, James…I will always love you."

He brushed her tears away. "Don't waste your tears on me."

"You're worth it James."

He pulled away and she finally noticed he was still donned in his tactical gear he'd worn when he rescued her. There were shadows under his eyes that told her that he probably hadn't slept since then. "If the lady says so."

She could see through that charming smile. He didn't fully believe what she was telling him. What could she do to make him see that? Why couldn't he see that he was worth everything she'd been through, that he was worth her blood, sweat, and tears?

"Am I interrupting?"

"Clint you're okay!"

The archer was leaning heavily against the doorframe, an IV stand clenched tightly in his other hand. "Okay's a relative term."

"Are you supposed to be out of bed?"

"Don't worry about me…I have my own assassin hovering over-ow!"

Said assassin had smacked the back of his head with an amused look. Natasha smiled at them both as Clint muttered something under his breath. How could she still look threatening in a gray hoodie and running pants? "How are you feeling Jemma?"

"Good…pain killers take away the worst of it."

"That's what I'm telling you, Tasha…the painkillers make me feel good as- ow! Okay, okay, I'll go back to bed. Sheesh…violent woman."

James snorted, but his expression sobered when he met the redhead's eyes. He said something to her (in Russian, of course), his eyes were sad as she left.

"James…What's going on?"

"I'm leaving."

Her voice was caught in her throat. After all she had told him, he was still leaving… Was she not good enough?

"I'll be back Jemma." He read her worries easily. "I'm coming back."

"Why are you leaving?"

"Hydra won't give me up so easily Jemma. I have to make sure they can never hurt you or anyone else again. The rest of the Avengers agree. We'll be leaving soon."

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know…" His expression was pained. "A couple weeks…maybe months."

"James…" Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "I just got you back…"

He cradled her head in his hands, his forehead pressed against hers. "No matter how long it takes…I will come back to you Jemma."


"I promise." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I promise I'll come back."

She was silent as she watched him leave, every step away from her an ache in her chest. When Skye came in minutes later, those dark eyes were full of understanding as she held her distraught friend in her arms. If anyone felt the small tremors that shook the ground, they said nothing…


She couldn't help but replay his promise over and over again in her head as Jemma stared at the scars on her chest and stomach, running her fingers along the shiny skin. Her patience was starting to run thin…

"Ready Jemma?" Skye's voice came from the other side of her chamber's doors.

"Yeah Skye, just give me a second." Jemma pulled the tank top over her head.

It had taken nearly two months of therapy and rest to fully recover enough to start her training. She knew her knowledge was the reason that she'd been accepted into S.H.I.E.L.D., but she was tired of having to be rescued (even by James…) and Skye was eager to have someone to spar with besides May and Bobbi.

She'd come close to beating Skye a couple of times, an accomplishment in itself considering the first time they sparred didn't even last thirty seconds. It felt good to be able to fight, to protect herself.

Quickly putting on her shoes, she joined Skye on the way to the training room. She was practically bouncing on her feet, despite that fact that it was nearly six in the morning. Well, she'd always been a morning person…

"You are way too happy this early in the morning."

"You're up too."

"I needed two cups of coffee before I came to get you." Skye pushed open the door. "And since you have so much excess energy, you can start off on the punching bag." Jemma wrapped her hands and began with simple combinations. Her thoughts drifted as her muscle memory took over, her anger from not only the length of his absence, the lack of any word from him fueling her hits.

A hand fell on her shoulder. "Jemma…"

Without pausing, Jemma swung.

Skye dodged her fist easily. "Jemma, you need to relax."

"How can I calm down?!" Jemma's voice rose. "Nobody's heard from him since he left…it's been four months. Four bloody months! I just want to know if he's okay." Tears made tracks down her cheeks. "I need to know…"

"He promised to come back to you Jemma," Skye put another gentle hand on her shoulder. "I don't see him as a man who would break such a promise."

Jemma wiped the tears from her eyes and resumed her combinations on the punching bag, her hits still fueled with anger. She was relieved when Skye didn't pry…relieved that her friend wasn't walking on eggshells around her like everyone else had been since that day.

Their ninety-minute workout went uninterrupted and James wasn't brought up again as Jemma made her way back to her quarters, watching Skye and Fitz twine their hands together before she shut the door behind her.

She stripped quickly and turned on the hot water, ignoring the small stab of envy. Skye had Fitz here, had him next to her and knew where he was. James might as well be dead for as much as she'd heard of him since he left. But he wasn't dead…someone would've told her…

Pulling her ratty hair from its ponytail, she stepped under the scalding liquid. The temperature eased her tight muscles and tired mind, washing the physical aches down the drain. She scrubbed herself clean and washed her hair, which had almost returned to its natural color.

"You know…I've always preferred brunettes."

Her heart rate increased at his nearness and she forced herself not to react as she caught the scent of aftershave, metal, and leather. How could she still smell leather? He's not even wearing leather…"Then…uh why not have me go darker?"

"I don't know…" He dropped her hair but didn't move away. "You'd look great either way though. I think it's the eyes…they change."

She pulled herself out of the memory as she stepped out of the shower and towel dried her hair before using the same towel to wrap around herself. Thinking about him wouldn't help her erratic emotions at the moment.

After pulling on her undergarments and trousers, she searched for the button up that she'd laid out last night, but couldn't find it and wondered if Skye had moved it. Her friend had been doing things like that over the last month or so, trying to lighten her mood. It worked on occasion, but right now it was just an irritation. She needed to go to the lab, to drown herself in her work so she could ignore her hollow chest.

Finally finding it underneath a pillow, she shrugged it on and was about to start buttoning it up when she heard the unmistakable sound of her door sliding open. "I'll be there in a second Skye…"


She froze, her now shaking hands refusing to work. She turned around, tears already falling down her cheeks as she laid eyes on the man who been the cause of many sleepless nights. Her anger at him disappeared the second she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. "You came back…"

He pulled back, cupping her face in his hands and brushing away the tears. "I told you I would…I promised I would Jemma."

"I didn't hear anything from you…I thought you might've been-"

His kiss silenced her worry, his metal hand settling on the bare skin her lower back while the other tangled in her damp hair. His warmth, his scent was surrounding her... He lifted her up with ease, his hands now cupping the back of her thighs as her hands now wrapped around his neck, her nails scraping along his scalp. He pulled back just enough to whisper against her mouth, blue eyes nearly black. "Nothing would keep me from you Jemma…nothing."

"I love you, James." She whispered back, a smile curling her lips, one of the first since he left. She rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes, concentrating on his chest pressed up to hers, on the stubble light scratching her cheek. This wasn't a dream, he was really here… "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He set her back down on her feet and pulled her into an embrace. "I will love you as long as I am breathing."

She returned to hug, the last four months of pain and worry and anger fading which each moment she spent in his arms. Finally, everything was at peace. Finally,…she was home.