Ch. 12: Showdown at Celadon Gym

Ash and his friends have just entered Celadon City. Along the way, Ash and Leaf have caught themselves some new Pokemon. Ash caught a Primeape while Leaf caught a Ponita. Primeape was a little aggressive and with strong moves, like Cross Chop, Rock Slide and Ice Punch. Ponita, on the other hand, got along with everyone pretty fast. She put up a good fight against Leaf's Nidorina with moves like Flame Charge, Fire Spin and Iron Tail.

"Man, I'm so psyched for that Gym Battle," said Ash as the group walked through the streets of Celadon City.

"Easy for you to say. The Celadon Gym specializes in Grass–type Pokemon and you've got Houndoom and two pseudo dragons," said Leaf. "I'm afraid my Pokemon are not strong enough."

"Let's not forget that this is one of the few gyms that have Mega–Evolution," said Brock, which panicked Leaf more.

"Don't worry, Leaf. I doubt the Gym Leader will use Mega–Evolution against you," said Ash, comforting his practical sister. "Besides, Greninja would love to be part of the action."

"You're gonna use Greninja against a Mega–Evolved Grass–type," asked Serena in worry.

"Yup and we're gonna win it," said Ash and he turned to his starter. "Are you ready for this, Greninja?"

"More than ready," said Greninja as he nodded and Delphox looked at him with worry. It's not that she didn't believe in him, but he'd be facing a Grass–type that can Mega–Evolve so he'd be in a huge disadvantage. But deep down she knew that his bond with Ash will help him win.

"You can also use Salamence," suggested Leaf. "He's dragon/flying–type so he'll have a total advantage over a Mega–Evolved grass–type."

"Leaf is right. Salamence is the perfect choice against a grass–type gym," said Brock.

"They may have a point," said Greninja. "There are 3 grass–types capable of Mega–Evolution and we can count on just Aerial Ace and Ice Beam. I won't mind if you don't use me in the Gym Battle, but it's still your call."

"I'll think about it on the way," said Ash as he looked at his Holo–Caster to check on the map. "We're almost at the Pokemon Center."

As they walked through Celadon City, Pikachu's nose twitched.

"What's the matter, Pikachu," asked Ash in concern.

"What is that heavenly aroma," Serena asked as she took in a big sniff with a dream expression on her face.

"It smells lovely," said Delphox.

"I can't smell a thing," said Ash.

"Yeah, me too," added Leaf.

"Make that three of us," said Greninja.

"How can the two of you not smell the divine," asked Brock. Before Ash and Leaf could reply, Pikachu shot off after the source of the smell, followed by Serena, Delphox and Brock, leaving Ash, Greninja and Leaf alone.

"What's gotten into them," asked Leaf.

"Let's follow them," said Ash as he, Greninja and Leaf chased after their friends.

After some chasing, Ash, Leaf and Greninja finally caught up to their friends, outside of…

"A Perfume Shop," questioned Leaf as she, Ash and Greninja looked at the group. Serena was currently looking at the shop with one thought in mind.

"I wonder what kind of perfume Ash will like?"

"Why are we even wasting time for some stupid perfume? I thought we were going to the Pokémon Center," said Ash and Serena's world crumbled.

"Are you two crazy," Brock snapped. "Perfume is one of the greatest inventions on the open market."

"Wait, you care about this boring perfume, too," asked Leaf, shocked.

"Of course," replied Brock, sounding offended. "Without perfume, beautiful women won't be able to compliment their good looks with an equally beautiful smell."

"Of course he would think about girls," sighed Greninja.

"Nothing new," said Ash, agreeing with Greninja. "I still don't know what's so special about perfume. Serena doesn't need it for me to love her."

"But hey, you can go inside if you want to. We'll be at the Pokémon Center," said Leaf as she, Ash and Greninja left.

Serena couldn't stop blushing at what Ash said. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You know that you two can't share every common interest, right," asked Brock.

"I guess so," said Serena.

"Well, let's check out the shop," said Brock and Serena, Delphox and Pikachu agreed.

It didn't take long for Ash, Leaf and Greninja to get to the Pokémon Center, and after healing their Pokémon, they used Ash's Holo–Caster to get to the Celadon Gym.

"This is it. Our fourth Gym Battle," said Ash as he looked at Leaf. "So, do you wanna go first?"

"No, no. You go first," said Leaf and Ash nodded.

They opened the doors and saw a group of 5 females, all in kimonos.

"Hello, I'm Ash from Vaniville Town in the Kalos Region and I came for…," Ash started, but was cut off.

"GO AWAY," one of the girls yelled.

What? But we came for a Gym Battle," said Leaf.

"Why would our leader want to fight the likes of you," another girl asked.

"I thought Gym Leaders can't deny a challenge," said Ash.

"The two of you have already lost. Idiots who don't appreciate the greatness of Perfume don't stand a chance against Erika," the girl in the middle retorted.

"What does that have to do anything with Perfume," asked Ash, clearly lost.

"The Gym Leader is also the owner of the perfume shop you insulted," one of the girls explained arrogantly.

"And anyone who dares insult perfume clearly is a weak and terrible trainer," another girl finished.

"If this Gym Leader doesn't want to battle, then we'll just find another Gym more worth to challenge," said Leaf and everyone looked at her in shock. "Clearly Erika is afraid to battle my brother. I can't believe we wasted our day finding this place. Let's go, Ash."

Before Ash could say anything, a voice stopped him.

"WAIT," shouted a female voice.

The five girls turned around and were surprised to see Erika heading towards them.

"You've got guts to talk like that," said Erika as she looked at Leaf. "I may refuse to battle challengers, who disrespect perfume, but I'm not afraid to face anyone!"

"Prove it then. Battle my brother and I," said Leaf.

"So you're both challengers. Very well, I will battle your brother," said Erika as she faced Ash. "But there's an ultimatum. You'll battle me 6–on–6 for both yours and your sister's badges! Do you accept?"

"Fine by me," said Ash without a second thought.

"Ash, are you sure," asked Leaf, suddenly regretting everything.

"I'm sure," said Ash, reassuring his sister.

"Then let's go the battle field," said Erika.

Ash nodded and he, Leaf and Greninja followed Erika to the battle field with all the girls glaring at the two trainers.

When they got to the battle field, Ash and Erika stood in their respective boxes while Leaf sat on bench. Unfortunately, four of the girls sat next to her and the fifth acted as a referee.

"This Gym Battle between Erika, the Gym Leader, and Ash from Vaniville Town, the loser, will now begin," said the referee.

"If they insult us one more time, I'll personally beat them up," thought Greninja angrily.

"It will be for two Rainbow Badges. Both trainers can use 6 Pokemon and the battle will be over when all 6 Pokemon on one side are unable to continue," said the referee. "There's no time limit. In addition, only the challenger may substitute Pokemon and the Gym Leader will choose first."

"Oddish, grace us with your beauty," said Erika as she brought out her first Pokemon.

"Charmander, I choose you," said Ash as he brought out the Fire–type starter.

"Let the battle begin," shouted the referee.

"Oddish, use Acid," said Erika.

"Charmander, counter with Dragon Rage," said Ash.

Both Pokemon fired their respective attacks, which collided in the middle of the battle field.

"Use Facade," said Erika.

"Charmander, use Aerial Ace and follow it up with Shadow Claw," said Ash.

Oddish charged at Charmander, but got overpowered by Aerial Ace and took a direct hit by Shadow Claw.

"Oddish, stay strong and use Energy Ball," said Erika.

"Let's make it harder for them to see and use Smokescreen," said Ash.

Oddish prepared an Energy Ball, but didn't know what to do as Charmander covered the whole field with smoke.

"Oddish, keep the Energy Ball ready," said Erika.

"Got you now. Charmander, get into the smoke," said Ash, confusing everyone.

While Oddish kept Energy Ball ready, Charmander got into the smoke.

"Now use full power Flamethrower straight ahead," said Ash, catching Erika off guard.

Charmander fired his Flamethrower, which shot out of the smoke and struck Oddish, completely destroying the Energy Ball, causing an explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Oddish was on his back, unconscious.

"Oddish is… unable to battle. Charmander wins," said the ref, refusing to believe what happened.

"Oddish, return and take a break. You did your best," said Erika as she returned her fallen Pokemon.

"Charmander, take a nice rest," said Ash as he returned his Fire–type.

"Don't celebrate yet, cause I'm just getting started," said Erika. "Tangela, grace us with your beauty."

"Steelix, I choose you," said Ash as brought out his Steel/Ground–type, who scared the hell out of the small Grass–type.

"Tangela, use Ingrain," said Erika.

"Steelix, use Dig," said Ash.

Tangela closed its eyes and several roots came out of its bottom while Steelix went underground.

"Tangela, Steelix might come out of everywhere," said Erika and then, Steelix came out right under Tangela, sending it flying. "Use Vine Whip!"

"Steelix, bite onto the roots with Fire Fang and pull Tangela close," said Ash, much to Erika's shock.

Tangela extended its vines, but Steelix bit onto them with Fire Fang and the flames made their way to Tangela, burning it. The 'Iron Snake' then pulled Tangela closer.

"Wrap it up with Iron Tail," said Ash.

Steelix's tail raised up and slammed into Tangela from above, sending the Grass–type crashing on the ground, unconscious.

"Tangela is unable to battle. Steelix is the winner," said the referee.

"That's my brother," cheered Leaf.

"How can you stand something like this," one of the girls asked.

"Look at what that monster did to poor Tangela," said another.

"The battle is a battle. And if you think Steelix is a monster, then you have seen nothing yet," said Leaf with a smirk, causing the four girls to get nervous.

"Tangela, return and take a break," said Erika as she returned Tangela to its PokéBall and looked at Ash returning Steelix. "Parasect, grace us with your beauty."

"Glaceon, I choose you," said Ash as he brought out his Ice–type.

"Parasect, use Fury Cutter," said Erika.

"Glaceon, wait for Parasect to get close," said Ash and Glaceon nodded. When Parasect was close enough, Ash gave Glaceon a command. "Use Frost Breath!"

Glaceon fired her Frost Breath, which struck Parasect directly.

"Now use Attract," said Ash, and much to Erika's shock, Parasect was affected.

"Wait, how is Parasect affected," asked Erika.

"Easy, Glaceon is female," said Ash with a smirk. "But she's not just beautiful, she's dangerous. Use Shadow Ball and follow it up with Blizzard!"

Glaceon fired her Shadow Ball, which struck Parasect, lowering its special defense and finished the battle with a picture–perfect Blizzard.

"Parasect… is unable to battle. Glaceon wins," announced the referee.

"Parasect, return and take a break," said Erika as she returned Parasect and saw Glaceon rubbing her head on Ash's leg.

"You were amazing, Glaceon," said Ash as he pet Glaceon.

"I do my best," said Glaceon before Ash returned her.

"Your Pokemon are strong, Ash, but let's see how you'll my next one," said Erika as she brought out her 4th Pokemon. "Exeggutor, grace us with your beauty."

"Good thing I've got the perfect counter. Houndoom, I choose you," said Ash as brought out his Fire/Dark–type.

"Exeggutor, use Psyshock," said Erika.

"Houndoom, run forward and use Will–O–Wisp," said Ash.

Exeggutor fired its Psyshock, but much to Erika's shock, Houndoom wasn't affected and Exeggutor got burned by Will–O–Wisp.

"Now use Sunny Day," said Ash.

"Thank you, Ash. It seems you don't know Exeggutor's abilityChlorophyll," said Erika with a smirk, but was surprised when Ash smirked as well.

"You know, Sunny Day does more than boost Exeggutor's speed. It also boosts the power of Houndoom's Fire–type moves," said Ash and Erika paled.

"Exeggutor, use Solar Beam," said Erika.

"Houndoom, use Solar Beam of your own and then Dark Pulse," said Ash.

Both Exeggutor and Houndoom fired their respective Solar Beams, but Houndoom's overpowered and struck Exeggutor, followed by a super–effective Dark Pulse.

"Exeggutor, use Leaf Storm," said Erika in panic.

"Houndoom, use your best Flamethrower," said Ash.

Exeggutor fired its Leaf Storm, but Houndoom's Flamethrower completely overpowered it and struck Exeggutor, knocking it out.

"Exeggutor is unable to battle. Houndoom is the winner," announced the referee.

"Thank you, Exeggutor. Return and take a break, " said Erika as she returned Exeggutor and saw Ash returning Houndoom. "This trainer's Pokémon are a lot more powerful than I thought."

"That's my brother," thought Leaf with a smirk.

"Victreebel, grace us with your beauty," said Erika as she brought out her 5th Pokémon.

"Hydreigon, I choose you," said Ash as he brought out his Dragon/Dark–type.

"Let's finish this quick, " said Erika. "Use Solar Beam!"

Victreebel fired its Solar Beam which struck Hydreigon, but much to Erika's shock, the 'Brutal Pokémon ' didn't seem to be faced by the attack.

"Hydreigon, use Dragon Pulse," said Ash.

Hydreigon fired his Dragon–type attack, which struck Victreebel, sending it flying.

"Stay strong, Victreebel, " said Erika. "Use Sleep Powder!"

"Blow it away with your wings and use Flamethrower, " said Ash.

Victreebel unleashed its Sleep Powder, but Hydreigon flapped his wings to blow it away and then landed a powerful Flamethrower to finish Victreebel.

"Victreebel is… unable to battle. Hydreigon is the winner, " said the referee in shock.

The girls that were sitting on the bench couldn't believe at what they were witnessing. This boy knocked out 5 of Erika's Pokémon without even trying. Besides Charmander, he has used Pokémon they hadn't seen before.

Leaf, meanwhile, was smirking as she knew that Ash had to beat just one more Pokémon. "Ash and I didn't want this, but they pushed our buttons. Now they'll see why my brother is anything but weak. After all, actions speak louder than words."

"Victreebel, return. You did your best, " said Erika as she returned her Grass/Poison–type. "This is it. My last Pokémon. Venusaur, grace us with your beauty!"

"So, Venusaur is last," muttered Ash and noticed a Mega–Stone on its head as he returned Hydreigon and turned to Greninja. "Are you ready?"

"You know I am, " said Greninja with a nod.

"Then let's do this, " said Ash and Greninja got ready to battle.

"Venusaur, use Energy Ball," said Erika.

"Greninja, slice it with Night Slash and use Double Team," said Ash.

Venusaur fired its Energy Ball, but Greninja sliced it in half with Night Slash and made copies of himself by using Double Team.

"Venusaur, use Razor Leaf," said Erika.

Venusaur fired its Razor Leaf, which destroyed the copies, but the real Greninja came out–of–nowhere and struck the Grass/Poison–type with Aerial Ace.

"Greninja, use Ice Beam," said Ash and Greninja fired his Ice – type move, which struck Venusaur.

"Venusaur, use Energy Ball," said Erika and Venusaur fired its Energy Ball, which not only struck Greninja, but also lowered his special defense.

"Are you okay, Greninja," asked Ash and Greninja nodded. "Great, then let's battle together!"

Ash and Greninja mimicked their moves and Greninja was engulfed in a waiter veil, which exploded and a giant shuriken was formed on his back, finishing his transformation into Ash–Greninja.

"How is this possible," asked Erika in shock, but quickly got over it. "Let's make things even. Venusaur, Mega–Evolve!"

"That's her Mega–Evolution," said Ash as Venusaur Mega–Evolved. "It's ability is now Thick Fat, which will make Ice Beam less useful."

"Venusaur, use Sludge Bomb," said Erika.

"Greninja, counter with Water Shuriken," said Ash.

Venusaur fired its Sludge Bomb, but Ash-Greninja grabbed the shuriken on his back and threw it, countering the Poison–type attack.

"Now use Smokescreen and follow it up with Double Team," said Ash.

"Venusaur, use Sunny Day and then Solar Beam," said Erika.

Ash-Greninja unleashed a Smokescreen and made copies of himself, and went into the smoke while Mega-Venusaur summoned a Sunny Day and fired its Solar Beam into the smoke, creating an explosion, forming a cloud of dust. When the dust cleared, however, Greninja was nowhere to be found.

"Greninja, use Night Slash and then Water Shuriken," said Ash.

Greninja came from above and delivered a direct hit with Night Slash, followed by Water Shuriken.

"That was fast. Venusaur, use Razor Leaf," said Erika.

"Counter with Night Slash," said Ash. "Then use Ice Beam on the ground.

Mega-Venusaur fired its Razor Leaf, but Ash-Greninja easily countered with Night Slash and froze the floor with Ice Beam.

"Venusaur, use Frenzy Plant," said Erika.

"Counter with Night Slash and then use Water Shuriken," said Ash

Mega-Venusaur sent its Frenzy Plant at Ash-Greninja and trapped him inside the vines, but the Water/Dark–type freed himself with Night Slash and struck Mega-Venusaur with Water Shuriken.

"Venusaur, use Double–Edge," said Erika.

"Now we've got you. Greninja, use Aerial Ace back to back, " said Ash.

Mega–Venusaur went for Double–Edge, but tripped on the ice and Ash–Greninja started to rapidly punch and kick the Grass/Poison–type with Aerial Ace. Greninja delivered one final kick under Venusaur's jaw to knock it out.

"Venusaur…is unable…to battle. Greninja is the…winner," said the referee in shock as Greninja turned back to normal.

No one knew what to say. All the girls, besides Leaf, were staring in shock. No one has ever defeated Erika like that and yet, Ash won with type disadvantage. Erika returned her defeated Pokemon and smiled at Ash.

"Well, Ash, you seem to be stronger than I thought," said Erika as she made her way to him. "Now, as we agreed, I want to present you with two Rainbow Badges. One for you and one for your…" She stopped as she looked at Leaf.

"Sister," said Leaf and Erika nodded as she gave her a badge.

"So, what's your next destination," asked Erika.

"I actually have no idea. Leaf and I need to go to the Pokemon Center to meet up with our friends," said Ash.

"I suggest Saffron City," said Erika. "I heard that the Gym Leader has pretty strong Psychic–types."

"Psychic–types? What am I gonna do," asked Leaf in panic. "Ivysaur and Beedrill are weak against Psychic–types, Ponyta is not strong enough and I doubt Butterfree alone can handle an entire Gym."

"Don't worry, Leaf," said Ash as he put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure something out."

Thanks, Ash," said Leaf. "Come on, let's go meet Brock and Serena at the Pokemon Center."

Ash and Leaf bid farewell to Erika and the other women and went back to the Pokemon Center where they met up with Serena, Brock and Delphox.

"Hey, guys! What took you so long," asked Brock.

"Are you ready for your Gym Battles," asked Serena.

"Actually, we already battled," said Ash, surprising Brock, Serena and Delphox.

"Well, Ash battled for both of us," said Leaf. "Those girls wouldn't stop making fun of him so Ash and Erika had a full battle for 2 badges."

"Wait, you said girls! How many were they," asked Brock.

"I don't remember. Maybe 5," said Leaf and Brock started to cry his eyes out.

"Why me? So missed opportunities for…," started Brock, but got hit in the ribs by Greninja's Aerial Ace. "… dates."

"You already battled," asked Serena in a mock anger and Ash started sweating.

"It's not his fault. Those girls didn't stop making fun of him, so I thought it would be a good idea to show them just how strong he and his Pokemon are. You should've seen their faces when he brought out Hydreigon or when he and Greninja transformed. Erika didn't stand a chance against Charmander, Steelix, Glaceon and Houndoom as well."

"Okay, this time you're forgiven, but I want to watch your next battle," said Serena.

"Especially if you use Greninja," added Delphox.

"Okay, I promise," said Ash when suddenly, the lights of the Pokemon Center went out. "What's going on?"

"There must be a problem at the Power Plant," said Nurse Joy as she approached the group.

"What do you mean," asked Leaf.

"There's a Power Plant near the city. It's pretty old and it powers up the entire city," explained Nurse Joy. "There are some Pokemon in pretty bad condition and they won't be able to heal without electricity."

"Don't worry, Nurse Joy. We'll go check it out," said Ash and Greninja nodded.

"You can count on us," said Leaf.

"Thank you so much," said Nurse Joy as she walked away.

"It looks like we're going to the Power Plant," sighed Serena.

To be continued…

Hey, everyone. I'm back with another chapter. After such a long hiatus, the story is back on track. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to upload the next one in October. Until then, have a nice day.