A/N: I liked it so, I went along with it. If you want me to carry on, let me know. Prompt from castlefanficprompts on Tumblr.

Prompt:"My toddler ran up to you, grabbed you by the leg and called you Mommy right in front of everyone. I was so embarrassed! But you just smiled and rolled with it."

Song used and also the title is: "Walking on a dream" - Empire of the Sun

A little girl with long red hair and bright blue eyes ran as fast as she could, through the crowd, giggling as she ran away from her father. As tiny as she was, she had managed to squeeze herself in between everyone, and they did not say or do anything to stop her, they just thought that it was cute and were wondering where she running off too, or they minded their own business. It was the mall, after all, they had better things to worry about and to do. Behind her, a tall, muscular, and ruggedly handsome man with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes ran after her.

"Alexis! Alexis honey, come back." Her father shouted after her, as he ran a few paces behind, keeping her in his sight and following her so that she does not bump into anything and get hurt. "Alexis, come back! This isn't a game pumpkin, I'll take you to the park afterwards, but right now you can't just run away from me."

A tall woman walked out of the coffee shop inside the mall, cradling her coffee, close to her chest while holding two shopping bags in her hand. As she was about to take a sip of her coffee, which had smelled heavenly, she noticed a little child running straight towards her, and a ruggedly handsome man, calling out for the little girl

Her detective instincts kicked in, noting that the man was the little girl's father and not some stranger wanting to kidnap her when suddenly she was pulled from her thoughts and had noticed that the kid was about to barrel into her. Quickly she managed to move the coffee away, to avoid it from spilling and the two of them getting burnt and ruined coffee stained clothing.

"Mommy!" Alexis, the little girl, shouted excitedly attracting attention, as she launched herself at the tall woman with ombre light brown hair and jade green and gold eyes. Alexis wrapped herself around this mysterious lady's leg, just before she could turn around and walk away

"Oomph" The woman let out a moan at the weight that was suddenly attached to her leg. She looked down at the little girl who had the biggest smile on her face, and her bright blue eyes were sparkling. The detective then decided to look up and saw that quite a few people were staring at them with amusement gracing their faces. Whispers and chatter broke out when they saw who the little girl was. Then she had looked back down at the cute little girl who had spoken to her.

"Hi, Mommy," The little redhead told her, before hugging the woman's leg and saying, "I missed you." The woman smiled at the child.

"Hi sweetie, I missed you too." Before putting down her shopping bags and gently detaching the cute little girl from her leg. "Now where is your daddy, we have to wait for him. You shouldn't have run away from him like that."

"Alexis, there you are honey, you can't just run away like that, you almost gave me a heart attack, and I'm too young to die ear—". He stopped, having heard what Alexis had said and the beautiful yet intriguing tall woman with jade green and gold almost Hazel eyes, and long light brown hair that had tumbled down her back and shoulders in ringlets had said. The people around them started whispering louder, and some were even taking photos when they had realised who he was. Immediately he began going red around his neck and ears, and the blush was creeping up onto his face as embarrassment fell across his features.

The woman looked up at the man who had spoken in the rich, deep voice of his, with piercing blue eyes and immediately recognised who it was. The man who was at the back of her favourite books that she stood in line for to meet and to get said books signed, the man who also had a three-year-old, who is turning four soon, named Alexis and is coincidently divorced and single now. "Oh my God, it's Richard Castle and his daughter Alexis. What am I supposed to do now?" She had thought before she had started blushing upon realisation. "Oh no, look he's embarrassed, this is probably the first time she has done this to him."

As she was about to break the silence, Alexis ran to her father who picked her and placed her on his hip, holding her securely in place, so that she did not fall. "Look, daddy, I found mommy." She said with such an innocent face. "Go along with it" The woman mouthed to him before gesturing with her free hand subtly at all the people. A grateful and relieved look washed over his face, and he finally relaxed.

"Alexis honey, you can't just run away like that even if it is— "Richard was cut off by the lady who looked at Alexis.

"And here's your daddy Alexis, Sweetie, don't ever run away from him when you're not supposed to again okay!" The woman said to her in a gentle tone.

"Okay, mommy." Alexis agrees with the woman. "Daddy can we go get a cookie, for mommy and me," She said before giggling, knowing that she is not supposed to call this woman her mother.

"Yes, we can go get a cookie, but we should ask mommy if she does want one and if she intends to come with us or to carry on with the rest of her shopping," Richard said to Alexis, pointing at the woman's shopping bags. The woman bent down to pick up the bags and carried them on her forearm.

The woman thought about it, "It is my day off, and I am technically done shopping, plus Richard Castle and Alexis Castle invited me to get some cookies. When am I ever going to get an opportunity like this again? Besides, it might be fun. I have nothing to lose."

"I think that it would be delightful, I am done shopping, so I don't mind." The woman replied which a smile on her face.

"Yayyyyy," Alexis screamed with joy while bouncing in her father's arms. He just held her tighter so that she would not fall.

"This coffee shop here is the best in the mall, and they sell great pastries, cupcakes and cookies," Richard told the woman.

"I know," She replies, with a smirk and holds up her coffee for him to see.

"Well, at least I know you have good taste. Caffeine addiction I have." Richard replies, before ending with a Yoda impersonation, his eyes twinkling with underlying mischievousness.

She laughs, "Okay, Yoda. Let's go and get your daughter some, cookies." She tells him before they start walking towards the coffee shop and away from the prying eyes.

"It's so amazing that you know about Yoda. I would have never pegged you as a Star Wars fan." Richard says while stepping a bit closer to her, as they enter the coffee shop. The music was playing softly in the background but loud enough for everyone to hear it. The Tv's were off during this time of the day, only being switched on in the afternoon.

"Yeah, well there is a lot of things that you do not know about me. Plus, you have to appreciate the classics." She replies.

He just grins back at her. "By the way, I'm Richard Castle. And this little rugrat over here is Alexis" He holds out his hand for her to shake. While Alexis giggles at her nickname.

As she shakes his hand; he notes that her handshake was strong and firm, contrasting against the softness of her hands. "I know who you are Mr Castle. And hi Alexis." She says her eyes are twinkling with mirth as she took a sip of her coffee. "My name is Kate Beckett."

"Rick, please. A fan of my books I see, and Kate is a beautiful name; I'm guessing it is short for Katherine?" Rick asked her.

"Yes, it is Rick. Not a fan of your books per say more of the genre, I like Patterson better "Kate teased him before they stood to wait in line to be served.

"Ouch way to be shot down." He replied, and she laughed at him. "I never did thank you for what you did outside. Alexis has never pulled a stunt like that before so thank you for going along with it. Instead of shooting her down." Rick told her.

"It was no problem. I noticed that you were embarrassed already, so I wanted to go along with it, besides she was so adorable, and looked so innocent that I did not want to hurt her or crush her feelings." Kate replied to him as they moved up the line to the counter where they could be served.

"I am cute." Alexis cut in. "You are beautiful Kate." She said to her shyly.

"Yes, you are adorable Alexis," Kate told her. "Thank you."

"So, what do you do Kate? You already know I am a writer." Rick asks her.

"Wouldn't you like to know Rick," Kate replies. "Why don't you try and guess."

"Oooh, I like games. Hmm, a model." Rick, guessed and Kate, shook her head in a no motion. "Yeah, I knew you wouldn't be one. You're too smart and savvy. Hmm, how about a lawyer?" You did have a firm grip, that someone who works with the authorities would have."

Kate once again shook her head in the no motion. "Although, you're quite close with a lawyer and it does have something to do with authority."

"Wait, no way! You're a cop, aren't you?" Rick said excitedly.

"Yes Rick, I am a cop. Detective to be correct." Kate said while smiling at his childishness.

"Alexis, Kate is a detective honey, how exciting!" Rick told her.

"Kate, is a detective? You catch the bad guys and put them in jail?" Alexis asks in awe.

"Yes, I do sweetie," Kate tells her while tapping her nose and Alexis giggles. Rick smiles at the two of them.

"Kate, what would you like?" Rick asks her when they reach the counter to order.

"Oh no, Rick it's okay. I am good" Kate replies, and she holds up her coffee to say that she already got something.

"I know you have the coffee already, but you need something to go along with it. Please have something." Rick said.

"Yeah, Kate has something. Otherwise, daddy will bother you." Alexis added.

"Fine, get me a chocolate croissant." Kate gave in.

"Here, take Alexis and find, somewhere to sit. I'll get everything and come and get you. Pumpkin, what cookie would you like?" Rick tells Kate and then turns to Alexis.

"Chocolate Chip!" Alexis exclaims.

"Okay, coming right up! Here go with Kate and find a place to sit." Rick says while handing Alexis to Kate.

Kate turns to walk with Alexis, but she stops "Alexis, do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you?"

"I want to walk Kate," Alexis tells her and Kate puts her down

"Hold my hand, I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you running off." Alexis grabs Kate's hand, and they find an empty spot in the corner at the back. Kate starts to like the feel of Alexis's tiny hand in hers. She sighed knowing that she won't be able to have a child anytime soon.

Kate helped Alexis sit on the chair before taking the one across from her. She spots Rick coming with an iced coffee and some other delicious treats. 'Walking on a dream - Empire of the Sun' started playing in the background. It is a favourite song of hers. As she had crossed her legs when she was sitting, she started tapping the foot on the ground along to the beat and started singing under her breath. Not noticing a pair of eyes that were watching her with a grin.

"Okay, a chocolate croissant for the beautiful detective, a Danish and caramel iced coffee for me and a few chocolate chip cookies for my lovely pumpkin," Rick said while placing everything on the table. He sat down next to Alexis, and Kate was across from him.

"Thank you, daddy," Alexis had said while kissing him on his cheek.

"Thank you, Rick. These are my favourite." Kate said while nudging his foot with her own.

"You're welcome ladies," Rick said smiling at the two of them. "So, Kate, do you like Empire of the Sun?" Rick asks her curiously.

"Yeah, I do, how did you know?" Kate asks him shock flashing in her eyes.

"I saw you were tapping your feet and singing, As I was coming closer, towards the table," Rick said his eyes gleaming.

"Kate has an amazing voice." Alexis chimes in

"Thank you," Kate says shyly.

The three of them spent the rest of the day getting to know each other. Alexis told Kate, what her dad is teaching her and about her favourite movies as well as what she likes. Rick told Kate about how he wants to start a new series and is searching for inspiration, although he might have found her already which made Kate blush. Kate admitted to them that she is a big fan of his, and the reason she was, as well as told them funny stories about her and her partners at work. It was filled with laughter and joy, and there was never a dull moment. Finally came the time for them to leave, which made all of them sad. Alexis had fallen off to sleep an hour earlier, so it gave Kate and Rick time to get to know each other.

"Hey Kate, do you think I could have your number, to meet up again or you know to call or message. For Alexis sake," Rick asks her shyly while holding Alexis tightly in his arms. They were now standing outside the coffee shop. Kate had her bags settled on one arm.

"Just for Alexis sake, Castle?" She teases him while blushing a little bit.

"And for mine too," Rick admitted. "Hey, Castle, that's new." He tells her.

"Yeah, it's a cop thing, a force of habit." She says, "Where is your phone?" She asks him.

He hands her his phone and she types in her contact details. She then gave it back to him when she was done. "Here, you can now call me, and text me whenever you want to," Kate tells him.

Before he tucks his phone into his pocket, his fingers fly across his keyboard and a few moments later her phone buzzes. She moves to check the message, and he quickly stops her by grabbing her hand with his free one. It was then Kate realised how comfortable she was with him. "Wait no, check it when you leave here or when you get home," Rick says.

"I will," Kate replies, both not letting go of each other's hands. Rick rubs his thumb across the back of her hand.

"Thank you for spending your day off with Alexis and me, today," Rick tells her.

"Thank you for inviting me to spend more time with you and Alexis," Kate replies. They both lean closer, to each other. The gap between them decreasing, Ricks lets go of her hand, and she puts one of hers up to his shoulder.

"We should do this again sometime," He tells her breathlessly, blue eyes on her green ones.

"Definitely." She replies and just as he was about to kiss her, she moves away and kisses his cheek, lingering there for longer than usual.

"You're such tease, Kate," Rick tells her, enjoying the feel of her lips on his cheek.

"Always" Kate whispers in his ear before stepping back, "Bye Rick" She calls out before she starts walking away to her car, swaying her hips a bit more than she normally does, to get his attention.

"See you, Kate," Rick calls out watching her walk away; she turned around to wink at him before she disappeared out of his view. He walked with Alexis sleeping in his arms to the town car; that he had called earlier to come pick them up.

Kate got to her car and put the bags in the backseat, before getting in the front seat to drive away. Curiosity was killing her, so she decided to check the text message that Rick had sent to her. It was a simple text message that made her giggle when she saw it.

"How do you like your coffee in the morning?"

"Grande Skim Latte. Two pumps, sugar-free, Vanilla."

"Never looking down, I'm just in awe of what's in front of me.

Is it real now, when two people become one?

I can feel it when two people become one.

Catch me I'm falling down."

A/N Thank you for reading, don't forget to review. Thanks for coming this far. Also sorry for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more like this.

Prompt:"My toddler ran up to you, grabbed you by the leg and called you Mommy right in front of everyone. I was so embarrassed! But you just smiled and rolled with it."

Mmmkayyyy byeeeeee *wink*