Thalia kinda expected her name to come up sooner or later. No matter what she said though, she wasn't prepared. She wasn't prepared to see Luke and not get to bash his head out, or even just communicate with him (yeah right). She wasn't quite sure how Annie made it through her clips. She had to do it though, she didn't have a choice. She'd rather do it earlier than drag it out - the suspense would have killed her. Rip it off like a bandaid, right?

Besides, it seemed Apollo was purposefully saving Percy and Leo till the last, just as those two seemed to know, with every glance they sent each other, every tight grasp they gave each other when they thought that no one was looking. Annie seemed to notice this too, her eyebrows furrowed in that adorable "I've nearly figured it out, shut up and let me think" look that she almost always had on.

…It was adorable, no matter how much Annie protested.

She grinned at Annie (her Annie, and no one else's) as the latter read "Thalia" out loud for the room to hear, and nodded, just in time for the memory to play.




"What was happening?" Jason asked, eyebrows furrowed. Thalia frowned at the screen.

"I forgot, but I doubt it'd be very pleasant to know.."


She snapped her head around at the sound of a metallic snap-click. Her mother only in blood was in front of her, so that meant…


Jason glanced away. Thalia glanced at him. Piper hid a chuckle.



Little Jason was sobbing, a stapler bullet through his lower lip.


Jason looked skeptically at the screen. "Are we sure this isn't secretly my series of clips?"


Thalia gently confiscated the stapler from Jason. "No Jason, staplers aren't for eating, okay?"


"Yeah Jason," Nico nudged teasingly. "Staplers aren't for eating."

Jason flushed red and hid his face in his palms. He heard someone coo and wasn't quite sure he wanted to know who that was. (It was Sarina, naturally. Or not. What's natural for a person you don't know [how to write]?)

The scene shifted from within the house, to an open field with beautiful greenery.


"Gone….? What do you mean he's gone?!" Thalia whisper-asked.

Her mother looked away. "Gone," she intoned blankly, emotionlessly.

"What do you mean he's GONE?! He can't just be GONE! He was just here not too long ago!" A flash of realisation washed over her face. "You killed him! You must have! That's the only way you could be so sure that he's gone!"

Her mother still refuses to meet her eyes.

"How dare you!" Thalia screamed, eyes blazing, electricity cackling around her. "How DARE you KILL my baby brother?! HOW DARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO DO SUCH A THING? I SHOULD KILL YOU, SLAUGHTER YOU, MAIM YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND. YOU'RE A SHIT PARENT, YOU KNOW THAT?"

Her mother backed away slowly, hands raised in surrender. "Thalia-"


"Let's talk abou-"


Thalia stomped off, then turned back. "Oh yeah, congrats on losing two kids on the same day."

She didn't look back.


Thalia didn't look up until the end of the clip. Everyone else didn't say a word, eyes glued to the screen due to the sheer intensity of the scene.

"Thalia…" Jason whispered, and put a hand on her knee in a comforting manner.

Thalia finally looked up, tears in her eyes, arms spread open. "Come here Jase."

Jason willingly embraced his older sister.

The embrace lasted half a minute, and when they let go, Thalia looked at the others and snapped for them to look away.

Nico and Percy snickered at the Graces' red faces, much to said siblings' mortification.

"Shut up," Thalia growled.

Naturally, they didn't.


They crashed. That was literally the scene the viewers were thrown into. Black, blue and blond crashed together in a tangle of limbs and clothes.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" Thalia snapped.

"Jesus, someone's on her time on the month today," the blond haired boy she just crashed into replied snidely.


"Is that….?" Jason asked.

Someone nods an affirmative.

"He looks an awful lot like me…"


Thalia was looking over the boy, an almost pained expression on her face.

"Checking me out?" The boy asked haughtily. Thalia slapped him. Hard.


Thalia seemed amused at her previous self's behaviour. Annabeth was outright laughing.


"You wish," Thalia huffed. "Just… reminded me of my little brother. You look like him. Blond hair, sky blue eyes, that facial structure… the deal."

The boy looked over Thalia. "And you sure you're his sister?"

Thalia looked away. "Yeah. Though we look nothing alike."


Frank nodded. "Looking nothing alike is about right."


"You seem cool," the boy shrugged and offered his hand. "I'm Luke Castellan."

Thalia looked at the outstretched hand cautiously, then shook the hand. "I'm Thalia."

"No surname?" Luke asked, an eyebrow raised.

Thalia thought again, though it didn't take too long. "Nope. I'm just Thalia."


"Never thought he'd become a maniac hellbent on wracking havoc on the world…" Thalia grumbled to herself.

Piper giggled, thinking about how it would sound out of context. Probably like a flashback-y start to an adventure story from the protagonist's point of view.


Thalia was running. One foot in front of the other, kicking up grass as she weaved in between trees. Her bow was out and ready to shoot, silver quiver slung behind her back.

"Lady Artemis? Phoebe?" She called out, only to be met by only the constant pitter patter of her feet.

Her steps slowed to a stop, and she leaned against a tree, taking a few deep breaths.

"I'm lost," she told herself, then laughed. "I'm LOST!"

A few birds were startled out of their perches, and took off into the air.


"Really Thalia?" Percy asked, eyebrow raised, unimpressed.

"Shut up," Thalia growled back. "Like you wouldn't have done the same."

Leo snickered to himself, anticipating what would come next.


Thalia rubbed her forehead and sighed. "I can't believe I'm lost. Come on Thalia, you know you're better than this."

"Better than what?" A curious voice asked, coming from the branches above her.


Thalia turned around to Leo. "It was you!"

"What was me?" Leo asked, an innocent grin spread across his face.



She startled, and shot an arc of lightning at the source of the voice. The was a rustle before the voice came from another tree, and Thalia knew she had missed.

"That was rude," the voice replied, sounding slightly disgruntled and barely winded.

"Who are you?" Thalia demanded, the string of her bow taut and ready to fire.

"I should be asking you that," the voice countered, ever so nonchalant. "You stormed into the forest, and caused a ruckus, then threw a lightning bolt at me!"

Thalia furrowed her eyebrows. "…You… have the Sight?"

"Evidently?" The voice responded, curious. "I mean, I can see, can't I?"

"No. The Sight. Not sight."


"Best explanation ever, Pinecone Face."

"Shut up Kelp Head."


There was a moment of silence.

"Nope. No idea what you're talking about."

There was another moment of silence.

"So… You wanted to get out of here?"


The screen flicked to the next slide.

"That was abrupt," Frank commented.


Word Count: 1255 words



I'm done. Huh. I'm finally done with this chapter. I can't believe it's been a year.

I'm Sorry
