Robyn was in the backyard with her friends and they were all dressed up like pirates and playing a game together using their imaginations based on watching the Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

"Ye'll never get me!" Robyn smirked. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!"

"Nice one, Robyn." Darla giggled.

"Thanks, Darla." Robyn smiled as she acted like a pirate.

"Man, wouldn't it be cool to be a real pirate?" Darla smiled in thought. "Treasure hunting, having parrots and monkeys to talk to, sailing the seven seas..."

"It sure would be fun." Robyn smiled back.

"Sounds like the girls are being pirates, I should sing to them." Atticus smiled.

"Let's not and say you did." Cherry replied.

"Oh, come on." Atticus said.

"Atticus..." Cherry groaned.

Atticus opened the window and sang a song from LazyTown. "Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free, you are a pirate!"

Cherry began to try to tune out his singing with some gothic songs.

"It would be cool to be a pirate," Robyn said. "Too bad we can't though."

"Yeah, we'll just have to use our imagination." Darla sat next to her.

"Why not use a spell?" Tom asked as he and Jerry walked in.

"Hey, guys." Robyn smiled to her cat and mouse.

"You cast spells?" Darla asked Robyn.

"Yeah, I'm a wizard on my mother's side." Robyn remembered.

"And we brought your book." Jerry added.

"Thanks, guys." Robyn accepted the book.

"Should we get involved?" Cherry asked as she and Atticus watched the kids at play until Tom brought out Robyn's spell book from Chip.

"Yes." Atticus nodded.

Cherry and Atticus walked out together as Robyn flipped through the spell book with Darla.

"Which spell could take us to a pirate world?" Darla asked.

"There is a time travel spell." Atticus told them.

"I'll look in the T's," Robyn nodded as she then turned to the glossary and smiled. "Found one!"

"This is ridiculous, they could get hurt." Cherry told Atticus.

"Not if we're with them." Atticus said.

"Who's we?" Cherry replied.

"You're going." Atticus said.

"Why?" Cherry complained.

"Because it's an adventure." Atticus smiled.

Cherry grunted and groaned.

"Okay, I found the spell!" Robyn announced.

"Perfect." Atticus said.

Everyone then came together as Robyn had the spell ready whenever they were.

"We're ready." Tom said.

"I was born ready." Jerry added.

"Great!" Robyn smiled as she then took a close look to the book. "'Here is a tale we must witness to unravel, Allow us to go back and time travel, A time of buried treasure, traveling by boat, with the facts, Take us back into the time of pirates'!"

The spell soon worked.

They all then disappeared from the backyard and we are shown a dark and stormy night in the middle of the ocean, and where a bottle is soon shown floating in the ocean. The waves splashed and crashed as a red pirate ship passed through the salty seas as a crew was keeping the sails open.

"YAR!" the captain yelled to his crew. "YAARR!"

The crew glanced at the captain in confusion of what to do.

"He said 'Pull harder, ya dogs, and all hands on deck'!" the parrot translated.

The crew began to pull harder. Atticus and the others soon appeared on the ship in pirate clothing. Most of the others that is.

"Hey, a bed!" Tom smiled at the hammock and then went to lay down on it before he soon saw that it was already taken by another cat who looked just like him. "Hey, move it!" he glared at the other cat.

The cat smiled as he was fast asleep. When the hammock swayed, a mouse that looked like Jerry was pulled on by a string which made him take a fish out of a can for the cat.

"Tom, are you gonna let him get away with this?" Jerry asked the now strong tom cat.

"Not on his life!" Tom sneered as he stormed over to the identical cat.

The cat ate his fish before glancing up at Tom. Tom soon cut the mouse free. The mouse smiled to that before looking up curiously to Tom since he was a cat.

"I'm nice to mice." Tom told him.

"Hmm..." The mouse smiled.

"We still chase each other now and then, but no harm done." Jerry said to the mouse.

The mouse was surprised about how much Jerry looked like him.

"They must be Tom and Jerry's ancestors." Darla suggested.

"Yeah..." the others agreed.

"Looks like it." Tom said.

The cat then tackled Tom. "HOW DARE YOU?!"

"How dare you?!" Tom glared back at the cat after getting him off. "You two are fighting like a cat and a mouse!"

Jerry giggled. "They are a cat and a mouse, Tom!"

"You know what I mean, Jerry." Tom said.

Tom and Jerry laughed together while the other cat and mouse looked lost. Soon enough, the pirate captain was coming.

"C-C-Captain!" Cherry stammered and pointed nervously.

"What do we do?" Darla whispered.

"YARR!" the pirate growled.

"All hands includes paws, cat!" the parrot translated with a glare to Tom.

The pirate and parrot soon got confused as there seemed to be two Toms.

"This should be good..." Darla muttered.

"Yar!" the pirate captain glared at his pirate.

"No, no, I see double too, Cap." the parrot replied with a shrug.

"What should we do?" Cherry whispered.

The pirate captain grabbed her by her throat and picked her up.

"GACK! Easy..." Cherry gagged and wheezed.

"YAR!" the pirate yelled.

"Ooh, you must be traitors from Blue Pirate Bob and must be thrown overboard!" the parrot translated with a smirk.

"Wait! We're not traitors of anyone, Captain, we just arrived here, we don't even know why though." Cherry said.

"A likely story..." the parrot rolled his eyes.

"No, really, besides, I don't think you wanna make my friend over there angry." Cherry smirked as she pointed to Atticus.

"Is that right?" the parrot replied.

Atticus loosened the pirate captain's grip and got Cherry put down. Cherry zipped behind Atticus with a smirk. The pirate soon brought out his sword and swung it down on Atticus only for it to shatter once it hit him. Darla's face paled.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Patch soothed.

"I know, but still..." Darla groaned.

"With Atticus around, the captain won't be giving us any trouble." Cherry whispered to the others.

Atticus soon lifted up the pirate captain since he wasn't being kind to them or even giving them a chance to explain how they got on the ship. The pirate grunted and yelled out.

"Whoa, whoa, time-out, take it easy, kid!" the parrot spoke up. "Breaking a sword is one thing, but this is another!"

"Yar, yar, yar, yar, yar, yar, yar, yar, yar!" The pirate spoke up.

"Whoa! Are you serious?" The parrot asked.

"Um, what did he say?" Robyn asked the parrot.

"Okay, it can be a bit confusing sometimes of what he says, but he just said that you all are now part of his pirate crew and that your strong friend here..." The parrot said before looking to the captain. "Was it that he was captain now and you were going to be his first mate and bouncer or that he was going to be your first mate and bouncer?"

"Yar!" the captain replied.

"Ah, that's right, first mate and bouncer and if anything happens, then you will become captain." the parrot then said to Atticus.

"Thank you, Captain." Atticus said before he put the captain back on the ground.

"Yar..." the captain smiled and ruffled up Atticus's hair.

"You're like the son he never had." the parrot smiled back to the captain.

"I've heard that sentence being said before." Atticus said.

"What an honor for you," the parrot smiled. "Oh! By the way, this is Red Pirate Rob."

"Red Pirate, Blue Pirate, there's a lot of color coordination in the pirate world." Cherry muttered.

"Pleasure to meet you, Red Pirate Rob." Atticus said as he shook the captain's hand.

"Yar." the pirate smiled and shook his hand.

"Just as long as you spare my friends and little sister." Atticus then said about Cherry, Patch, Tom, Jerry, Robyn, and Darla.

"Yar." Red Pirate Rob nodded.

"You got it, kid." the parrot translated.

"Yar, yar, yar?" Red Pirate Rob asked Atticus and the others.

"Um..." Robyn blinked.

"Yes, spare them." Atticus folded his arms, not asking for a translation.

"Actually, he was asking for your names and also if he should spare your friends." The parrot said.

"Oh, right..." Atticus chuckled sheepishly. "Well, I'm Atticus, and that's my good friend, Cherry, and my little sister Darla and her friend Robyn, and her pets, Tom and Jerry."

"Wow, her cat's name is just like ours." The parrot said.

"I guess they must be our ancestors." Tom whispered to Jerry.

"That's not confusing at all." Jerry rolled his eyes.

"Must be a common name." Robyn said.

Tom and Jerry merely shrugged.

"You better not be as lazy as our Tom!" The parrot sneered to Tom.

"No, sir!" Tom replied.

"Good." The parrot said.

"YAR!" Red Pirate Rob sneered as he then picked up Tom and Jerry's ancestors and flung them out of the room to get to work which sent them flying all around the ship.

"Should we help them?" Jerry asked Tom.

"Tom helping someone, that would be an improvement." Cherry commented.

"Hey, I've helped people." Tom defended.

Cherry just laughed. Tom and Jerry went to help their ancestors as they were flung around on the ship in a cartoony fashion. Soon enough, Jerry's ancestor's string cut and he landed onto a cannon.

"I'll help my ancestor." Jerry said.

"And I'll help mine." Tom then said.

The cat and mouse shook paws and then split up to help each other's pirate ancestors.

Jerry soon helped his ancestor out of the cannon. "There you go, no harm done." he then smiled to his ancestor.

Jerry's ancestor soon gave him a thumb's up as a sign of thanks. Jerry smiled back. Tom came to the helm and stopped it from spinning to help his ancestor out. Tom's ancestor began to look all dizzy.

"It's okay now, it's okay..." Tom settled him down. "You should sit down."

Tom's ancestor then glared down to Jerry's ancestor and went after him.

"Wait, don't, stop!" Tom cried out and then sighed. "Ugh..."

Tom's ancestor soon ended up in the cannon.

"I knew that was gonna happen." Tom sighed.

Jerry's ancestor then handed the string to Tom's ancestor.

"Don't you dare shoot him!" Jerry glared.

Jerry's ancestor saluted as Tom's ancestor pulled the string, but it exploded loudly and only burnt the cat into a crisp and didn't launch him.

"Well, at least he didn't get launched." Robyn shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess..." Darla agreed.

The cannon soon falls onto the ground, letting Tom's ancestor slide out.

"Oh, look out!" Robyn yelped.

A giant wave splashed down and a bottle came on deck before it spun around.

"There's something in this bottle." Atticus said as he picked it up.

Cherry took it. "Is it root beer?"

"No," Atticus narrowed his eyes before he bit onto the cork and spit it out to open it. "It's a map!"

"Cool!" Darla smiled.

Tom's ancestor seemed to be interested because a treasure meant great riches. Jerry's ancestor looked at the map and had the same idea.

"Let's keep the map away from these two." Tom said while pointing to his ancestor and Jerry's ancestor.

"Yeah, they're a bit more greedy than we ever were." Jerry agreed.

Tom's ancestor began to try to steal the map from Atticus.

"No!" Atticus glared. "No..."

Jerry's ancestor then jumped up and swiped the map from Atticus.

"Hey, knock it off!" Cherry scolded until she saw a man swabbing the deck with a wet mop.

Tom soon snatched the map from Jerry's ancestor and gave it back to Atticus before the man could get it wet.

"Thank you." Atticus smiled as he took the map back.

Tom's ancestor ran after Jerry's ancestor only to slip on the wet floor.

"And that is why I am so happy we never do that while the floor is wet." Jerry said.

"Good boys." Robyn smiled to her mouse.

"Uh, guys, isn't this map supposed to have an X?" Tom asked, worried as he looked over the treasure map with Atticus.

"It doesn't?" Atticus asked. "Hey, you're right!"

"It has a skull and cross bones where the X should be." Jerry said as he got onto Atticus's shoulder.

Robyn and Darla shivered at the skull and cross bones.

"LET ME SEE!" Cherry beamed as she took the map to take a look at it closer. "Hmm... Maybe we should go somewhere and take a closer look at this."

"Agreed." Atticus nodded.

"Is there somewhere we can go to take a..." Cherry was about to ask until the boat started rocking. "Loook...?"

"Oh, no!" Atticus noticed that, then took out a medicine capsule.

Cherry moaned and groaned as her face slowly turned green. Atticus soon gave her the medicine capsule. Cherry wobbily reached out for it.

Atticus then held her down and put the medicine in her mouth. "EAT IT! EAT IT! EAT IT!"

Cherry soon gulped down the pills, and where she soon felt better.

"Better?" Atticus asked as he held out three fingers.

"A little bit..." Cherry said as she was still on the floor.

"Alright, now let's go and take a look at that map." Robyn said.

They went to a lower deck to take a closer look. When they did, they heard the word 'cursed' over and over.

"Oh, you can not be serious!" Cherry complained.

"Something wrong, Cherry?" Darla asked.

"That map is cursed!" Cherry pointed in alarm.

"Then let's just rip it." Tom shrugged.

"I don't think it's that simple." Atticus replied.

"Because if it is, this story's just gonna be a one-shot." Cherry muttered.

"Hmm... Then maybe we should start tearing the map little-by-little to torture the skull that said 'Cursed' until he tells us how to stop the curse?" Jerry smirked.

"Better someone else be tortured than me." Cherry replied.

Jerry soon started to tear the treasure map and where a voice started to scream out pain and then started to scream out stop. Cherry ducked down and shivered.

"Was that you?" Robyn asked the map.

"Of course it was me!" The skull and cross bone glared.

Cherry shivered nervously.

"Cherry is scared..." Darla smirked.

"And I think I know why." Robyn said nervously.

Cherry shivered nervously of the treasure map.

'What do ye think ye are doing?' the skull glared to the others.

"Getting answers from you about how to not get cursed." Jerry smirked.

"Yeah, so if you don't mind..." Cherry shuddered like a coward.

'Oh, ye can't even dare to imagine the horrors that the curse might bring so don't even try!' the skull replied. 'Luckily for all of you, the curse can be avoided if you put the map back in its bottle before sunset.' he then told them as the last word echoed ominously.

"Back to the bottle!" Atticus called out.

"The bottle's out there." Tom said as he looked out one window with Jerry.

The pirate on deck was then mopping there and appeared to be mopping the bottle away back into the ocean.

"AND NOW IT'S NOT!" Tom then screamed.

This caused all of them to scream.

The skull continued to echo until Atticus rolled up the map and ran out with them to the main deck.

"YAR!" Red Pirate Rob yelled as he came to the door and slammed it open.

"Look what you did to me mast, you stinking sea cat," the parrot translated. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Okay, look, Captain, we're sorry that your cat or Tom accidentally did something to your mast, but we really need to send this out into the ocean in a bottle!" Atticus told him as he showed him the rolled up map.

"Yar..." Red Pirate Rob smiled as he took the map.

"Well, what have we here?" the parrot translated with a chuckle.

"No, Captain, you don't understand; that map is cursed!" Atticus told him.

"It's true." Darla added.

"Yeah, so if you don't mind, we'll get rid of it for you..." Cherry shook nervously.

"Yar." Red Pirate Rob smirked as he opened the treasure map.

"Shiver me timbers, if I remember the maps I seen in me youth, this one be leading to the lost riches of the Spanish Mane!" the parrot translated Rob's excitement.

"But Captain, the map is cursed!" Robyn told him.

"Yar, yar, yar!" Rob replied.

"Finding that treasure has been a 40 year competition between me and me two scurvy siblings: Blue Pirate Bob and Purple Pirate Paul." the parrot translated.

"And did one of your brothers go missing trying to find it?" Jerry asked.

"Hmm... Yar..." Red Pirate Rob paused to think.

"Probably." the parrot replied.

"So, which cat ruined the mast?" Cherry asked nervously, hoping to change the subject.

"YAR!" Red Pirate Rob pointed sharply to Tom.

"The one right next to you, you fool!" the parrot translated.

"I think you are thinking of that one." Cherry said while pointing to Tom's ancestor.

"Yar..." Red Pirate Rob growled about the cat he had in his crew.

"Now I'm gonna have to keelhaul him!" the parrot wrongly translated this time.

"Yar!" Red Pirate Rob glared at his parrot.

"Oh! Heheheh, sorry... I mean 'Walk the Plank'," the parrot then corrected himself nervously. "I was gonna make him walk the plank..." he then went back to translating. "'But now, I'm such in a fine mood, I'm gonna hold off on it... For now."

"Thank you, Captain." Atticus replied.

"Yar!" Red Pirate Rob patted Atticus on the head roughly, but of course, did not hurt the boy.

Atticus smiled up to the captain.

"Translation?" Cherry asked the parrot.

"A promotion is in line for your strong friend." the parrot smirked.

"Ooh, what's his promotion?" Darla smiled.

"We'll discuss that later," the parrot said. "Along with the cat's plank walking."

Red Pirate Rob then took the map and walked off with it, slamming the door behind him.