Sam flashed the homeland security badge and gave the woman his most serious face. "Hi, I'm Special Agent Reid and this is Special Agent Rossi," he said confidently, gesturing to himself and Dean. "We work for Homeland Security, we were wondering if we might be able to ask you some questions about what happened here last night?" The woman eyed them curiously, her hair curled into retro waves and her dark eyes taking them in with suspicion. She leaned heavily against the counter, her elbow the only thing keeping her upright, an air of authority surrounded her. They deduced nearly as soon as they had got here that this must be the famous 'Ms. B' of Ms. B's 24hr Diner.

"What's got Homeland Security so interested in a vandalism case?" she asked them, eyes narrowed as she snapped a piece of bright pink gum between her lips. Sam chuckled at her ignorance and carefully closed his fake identification before stowing it back in his jacket. He thought over his words carefully as Dean's head turned back and forth on a swivel, taking in everything.

"Ma'am if you don't mind me asking, have you looked at last night's footage?" he wondered, finally looking back up at her. She snapped her gum again and Dean tightened with the urge to smack the strawberry mess from her mouth, the sound grinding on his nerves.

"Not my problem, a copy went to the Starling City blues," she said nodding towards a nearby police cruiser. "And another was sent off by my assistant to insurance. I trust my employees, they tell me someone jumped through the window, I believe 'em!" Sam tried not to laugh out in disbelief of the woman's ignorance and reduced himself to a tight lipped smile.

"Yes, well, we have reason to believe that the incident here is related to another larger scale attack and may pose a deeper threat. We'll need to get a copy of that footage if we can to compare the incidents. In the meantime though, would you mind if we took a look around?" The woman shrugged lazily and jerked her head in the general direction of the mess.

"I'll get you a copy, go ahead and look around. I'd say don't break anything but that seams kind of useless now, doesn't it?" she pushed herself off of the counter and walked towards the kitchen, leaving the brothers to investigate. There wasn't much there they hadn't seen themselves in the moment, but they looked anyways while they waited.

"Does it not seem a little odd," Dean started, turning from the shattered window that had been crossed off with police tape to look at Sam. "That this is the third time this creature has gone directly for Felicity? If what they said before was true it's attacked her vehicle, the basement when she was there alone and now this. Sam, that thing jumped right through the window she was sitting beside!"

Sam scoffed and looked at his brother, "are you saying the thing's targeting her? Dean, she could hardly hurt a fly. Who the hell could she piss of so much they want her dead?" his brother seemed to consider this as Sam took another look under the table they had sat at the night before. There was blood and shards of glass everywhere around them but no bullets and no other evidence they didn't already have.

"Either of you got a flash drive?" the woman's casual drawl called out from behind the counter, her head visible through the service window.

"Uh, yeah," Sam patted his pockets until he felt the small shape and dug it out. He came around through the kitchen doors and followed the woman back, handing over his flash drive as they reached the back office. He stood awkwardly in the doorway of the small room while the woman leaned over the computer and slowly clicked around the screen.

In the background he could hear Dean's voice greeting local police and Sam started to become antsy. The last thing they needed was to wind up in jail on top of everything that was already going on - he was sure Oliver wouldn't hesitate to give any and all evidence he had to incriminate them further. He watched anxiously as they waited for the disk to eject. When the bubble in the bottom corner of the screen popped up with a chime that filled the office, Sam sighed in relief.

The woman pressed the blue USB drive into his hand and Sam thanked her before making his way back out of the kitchen. He spotted Dean smooth talking the officers who were starting to look annoyed at his somewhat obvious attempts to distract them from the scene and looking at the footage themselves. If they got to that point, they'd realize that they weren't Homeland Security and that they were prime witnesses who had also discharged a firearm multiple times in public.

Sam immediately headed for the door and made eye contact with Dean, who with a large grin excused himself and made a hasty exit after his brother. The smile dropped from his face as soon as the officers were behind him. "Let's get the hell out of here Sammy!" he muttered urgently.

Sam had no arguments to that and headed out and across the street before they could be stopped. They watched in sneaking glances through the windows to see Ms. B now talking to the two officers that Dean had been distracting. It was only a matter of moments before she told them they were Homeland Security and they would come and investigate.

They slipped into the car quickly, and Dean started it up and without waiting for the engine to warm, threw it in drive and took off. Sam glanced back and seen the two officer's running out to the edge of the parking lot just as they turned the corner. He leaned back, letting out a sigh of relief as Dean high tailed it towards the large skyscraper that read 'Queen Consolidated' on the side of it.

Using the key that Felicity had given them that morning, they opened the garage door and pulled easily into the underground parking lot. Satisfied that the car would be hidden for a period of time from the officers that may be looking for them, they made for the top floor. The ride up was an awkward one, the people coming in and out of the elevator giving them curious stares as they noted the floor they were headed to.

Dean gave a strained and irritated smile to a petite red head that had been staring at him since she entered the elevator. At first it had been flattering, and then uncomfortable and now it was just plain creepy. When they reached the eighth floor she was pulled by a coworker out of the elevator, much to Dean's relief. She gave a weird sigh and dream like wave to him and he hesitantly returned it, unsure what else to do. He turned to Sam with a look on his face that could only be described as 'dude, what the fuck?' and Sam laughed, ignoring the irritated look of the other two riders.

Dean straightened his suit jacket and rolled his head back and forth as if working out a kink in his neck and stared up at the digital screen that ticked away the floors. He was pleased to find that the higher they went, the fewer and fewer people came in and out of the elevator, it meant a lot fewer people knew of their presence in the building.

A beep indicated that they had gone up another floor and Sam looked to the screen to see that they were reaching the top floor. A pleasant 'ding' sounded and the doors slid open as the brother emerged from the elevator and into the polished hallway. There was a tap and both brothers whipped to their left in search of the noise only to see Felicity now barrelling towards them, heels tapping furiously on the marble floors.

"Did you get it?" She asked eagerly, looking between the two of them. Sam pulled the USB out of his jacket and grinned.

"Right here, like we said." Felicity's face broke out in a beaming smile as she took the drive from Sam's outreached hand. She gestured for them to follow her as she made her way back towards her desk. She looked around Sam and Dean down the hall to make sure no one was coming and then quickly dropped into her seat and plugged the drive in.

In a matter of moments the footage was playing, just as they remembered it. Everything was calm, everything was normal and then in a split second the screen burst into an explosion of action. The window seemed to implode on them, showering them with glass. It triggered an almost immediate reaction from the brothers and then they watched as Dean shot at the creature.

"That was dead on," Dean remarked without modesty as he watched himself shoot. Sam nodded and continued to lean on the desk and watch the footage unravel.

"It should have done the trick, hell, you even got it through the eye. Look at it, it just keeps going." Sam mused, gesturing to the screen in disbelief. "And you said it did the same sort of thing when it attacked before?" Sam asked, looking Felicity now. She half nodded, her eyes fixed to the screen as the rest of the footage played out.

Dean caught it first and leaned in close. "Pause that!" he demanded, and Sam's eyes went wide.

"Dean is that-"

"Someone got bit."

"What does that mean? They would have gone to the hospital right? The news reports were saying one in hospital, reports today said they were released. It would have to be them." Dean went quiet and the muscle in his jaw twitched as he clenched it shut.

"It means we've got another damn wolf out there," he finally spat, his voice coming out more like a threat than a statement. "Can you run facial recognition on this guy?"

"Not from here," Felicity answered, but the glint in her eye said differently, "but there is somewhere that I can." They took the hint and counted the trip a victory. They might not be any closer to figuring out how to kill this thing, but they were one step closer to finding out who this second werewolf was. "In the meantime, we've got to get this to Barry."

"Did you get the footage?" Oliver's voice broke through their concentration and they looked up to see a variety of people flooding out of the boardroom down the hall. He came around the desk and watched the screen intently as they played the footage through.

"You know, I'm really starting to think we're looking at something more."

"Like a Meta-wolf?"

"Meta-wolf," Oliver repeated, looking up to Felicity. She shrugged, and looked back to the screen and Oliver's eyes followed, watching her for a moment longer than necessary. He shook his head and Dean watched with slight amusement at the obviousness of their relationship blooming before them.

"So how do we kill it?" Sam asked, breaking the trance.

"I don't know, but we've got another problem," Dean said, pointing at the screen as they watched the man get bit again. "There's a second werewolf running wild in Starling City and that means it's only a matter of time before someone gets killed."

A/N - I'm a wee bit tipsy so I hope this ending is ok. haha! Anyone have predictions of what's going to happen? A second wolf, Olicity feels it's just all so much! :D haha! Let me know what you think, I always enjoy your comments!