Week 1- Player Introductions

All she remembered was white fog. That was all she'd ever known before she learned she had a body and knew what to do with it. Now all there was was this house, a table, and the chair she sat in.

She'd been told her name was Kagome a mere sixteen year-old that would be locked in this house with other individuals, all with the same goal. To play a the game they were instructed to play. Once they were eliminated they could return to their freedom, whether it be the white fog or something else, but if they won they would be given a great gift.

The voices that gave the players of the game these instructions was not something Kagome thought she could trust. Upon hearing the rules of the game and how it would work she knew her goal was survival. The longer she remained in this house playing the game the longer she could avoid an uncertain future.

When her existence began and the rules were explained she was left to sit at the round table finally noticing her fellow competitors.

It was clear she was on the 'kid's side' of the table as next to her was a young boy named Kohaku, next to him a young girl, Rin, another young boy by her side named Shippou that had a tail, and closing the semi-circle was a very quiet pale faced girl named Kanna that couldn't be read.

The first to speak to them was a voice that came over the intercom. It was a hard voice to make out whether it was man or woman, but it had been in the same voice in her head that told her who she was and what she was to be doing here.

"Introduce yourselves to one another," the voice commanded them, "those around you will not only be your competition, but also your housemates for many weeks to come. You cannot survive this game without friends, and you cannot win without making enemies. Tell them all who you are."

Silence was how they responded to the voice for a few minutes. She couldn't tell if they were all in this together defying the one that dared to command them, or if everyone was just terrified of breaking the ice.

"Kikyo," a woman with straight black hair that seemed to be in her twenties removed an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table, "I am 25 and studying to be a pharmacist."

Kikyo was then quite forward as she rolled the apple over to a man. Clearly she was going to use this tool to get introductions out of all of them.

"Feh want to get this over with don't you woman?" asked a tan man showing his fangs to all of them, "The name is Kouga. Construction worker by trade but by night I can be-

The apple was stolen by a red haired girl, "And I'm his fiancee Ayame, and I ask that the rest of you ladies don't even think about making 'special alliances' with him. Wolf youkai mate for life, and I will do anything to protect him. Just as he would do for me."

Kouga didn't give a similar response as he just shrugged. They were wolf demon? That was right. Demons and humans lived in this world together didn't they? At least that was a fact that was fed to Kagome's subconscious.

"Are you demon?" Ayame asked rolling the apple towards Kanna.

Kanna only gave a nod pushing away the apple as soon as it came to her, "demon of the void."

"You will have to excuse my sister," the apple's new owner chuckled, "I am Kagura, demon of the wind. My older sister is not very talkative."

So in this house was the couple of Ayame and Kouga then siblings Kagura and Kanna? Kagome looked around the table trying to make out if she recognized anyone from the past that was created for her, but didn't.

Kagura handed the apple to the man next to her, who must've been a demon since he had red eyes. The man seemed disgusted in how forward she was with handing it to him, but still he obliged.

"Naraku," he spoke clearly, "I am a venture capitalist."

"So you make money by giving away money to others with hopes of taking their profits?" a brown haired woman asked.

"Some would say I help individuals that couldn't get help through the conventional channels," Naraku rolled the apple to the one who bothered to inquire about his business, "and if they don't pay their dues to me I'll fund their competition."

Clearly this Naraku was trying to make a point to all of them that he wasn't to be crossed. Kagome wasn't going to let herself be intimidated by him.

"Sango," the brown haired girl introduced herself, "I'm a personal trainer here to just watch over my little brother Kohaku. I don't know if this kind of game is appropriate for children."

Why were Shippou, Rin, Kanna, and Kohaku here? Kids being locked up in a house with adults and no supervision. Didn't seem appropriate indeed.

Kagome put her hand to her forehead as a voice boomed in her voice.

"Don't think about production," it commanded her, "just play the game."

Still attention was on Kagome's side of the table now as the kids introduced themselves. Shippou seemed like he would be a handful of trouble claiming to just be a young kitsune with no parents. Kohaku said he intended to protect his sister and not the other way around while Rin seemed very shy and didn't want to say more than her name.

Eventually the apple found its way to an adult male.

"Miroku," the man smirked, "a bartender in the city, who isn't as lucky as Kouga to have a fiancee, but I know how to treat the ladies."

It wasn't long for Miroku to get an eye roll out of all the female at the table as the apple was removed by his hand by a golden eyed silver haired dog eared man.

"You made it clear what you're about so let me make myself clear," he growled, "I'm InuYasha. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Also that man over there that looks like he has a stick up his ass is my older half brother, but don't be expecting any alliances out of us. He can't stand me and vice versa."

InuYasha pretty much tried to chuck the apple at his brother's head, but it was caught in mid air with a dangerous golden gaze in response. The only giveaway that these two were brothers was the hair color and the eyes.

"Tell them your name your highness," InuYasha growled at his brother.

"You were supposed to tell them your occupation," the man spoke in a low voice, "that's right you don't do anything of value for anyone. I am Sesshoumaru the true born son of Inutashio, Lord of an old and noble demon clan."

The man's gaze went right to her. Right to Kagome. He was silent for a moment as though he was studying her.

Without giving any more information about himself he wiped the apple on his sleeve before taking a bite of it giving them all a death glare as he pulled it away to chew. Not caring that the apple's juices would make their table sticky he rolled the apple right to her.

"Tell us woman," Sesshoumaru's gaze went to her, "who are you? What is your value to society?"

Kagome didn't want to touch that apple having a feeling he'd corrupted it somehow. She tried to remember who she was. No longer could she recall the white fog. That existence was gone and replaced with a new one.

"Kagome Higurashi," she proclaimed, "just a highschool student, and I'm pleased to meet all of you."

If Naraku and Sesshoumaru could try to make power moves with their introductions she'd make her own. Letting her fellow competitors know that she was willing to work with anyone that needed her. If they were to be stuck in this situation she'd rather make friends than enemies.

Once she was done with her introduction the voice returned to the intercom. With that out of the way it seemed they were on to the start of the game.

"House guests," it chose to address them as, though Kagome wondered if they were indeed 'guests' and not prisoners, "you will all meet up in the backyard for your first Head of Household competition. The winner will be given privacy with their own bedroom and gifts as well as the responsibility of nominating two fellow houseguests for eviction. Once evicted your time in this house will end."

Curious to see what the outside looked like all the houseguests stood up and went through the sliding glass door to get ready for their first challenge. Kagome lingered at the dining table just a little longer still not ready to just blindly follow the voice's orders. She was not the only one waiting patiently behind the pack.

Sesshoumaru stood up from the table before she could, his eyes still fixated on her. "I wish talk to you after this is done woman."

Kagome froze watching him leave and join the others in the backyard. Why her? She'd tried her best not to stand out when everyone was introducing themselves. It wasn't her fault that the apple came to her last, but then again she did try to make it obvious to everyone that she could be a good friend.

Still she didn't think Sesshoumaru would be the type to take her up on such an invitation. She just got the vibe that he probably didn't even want to play this game especially with a brother that appeared to annoy him and would ask to get evicted first.

She shook her head putting her thoughts to the side for now. The first head of household competition would probably be a good one as there were so many ways to play this. Winning was always good, because it insured you couldn't be evicted, but at the same time if you appeared too strong you could be targeted for being a threat.

Kagome didn't know what role she wanted to portray to the other, and perhaps shouldn't start worrying so much about the long game this early in. She'd already made a huge misjudgement regarding Sesshoumaru if he truly wanted to play the game, and she wasn't ready for another mistake so soon.


"I don't know about this cast," a shadowy female figure watched on the monitor as Kagome and Sesshoumaru were the last to leave the kitchen.

This whole competition was being hosted by a silver furred kitsune not much taller than Shippou, but looked more magnificent in her appearance with three long heavy tales and full head of silver hair.

Her name was Amara, and she was the producer of this game show. Every challenge, every twist, and even every member of the cast had been decided by her to create something to entertain her daiyoukai employers.

"If they can find high drama in a hike around feudal Japan looking for jewel shards I'm certain they can find drama in the Big Brother house," Amara sounded nervous hoping this didn't go wrong.

"Did you really have to erase their memories and give them such fake boring ones?" her boss asked her, "a time traveling reincarnation of a powerful miko would test much better to the audience than a 'mere high school student'."

Amara shook her head, "If I left them how they were then Naraku, who might become the source of drama I hope he is, would be voted off first. We wouldn't get drama until InuYasha's group dwindled down and picked each other off, and I don't want to give you boring and predictable."

"Fine fine, but if our clients don't like what you created for them I'll kill you Amara is that clear?"

"Crystal!" she responded knowing this was her last chance as game maker to create something special to entertain the demons she served.

She was worried about Kagome and Sesshoumaru though. The process of erasing memories and installing new ones in her cast had been flawless with everyone else except those two. They had clear mistrust of the production and knew something was off.

It was nothing she couldn't handle though.


Author's Notes:

Big Brother was created by John De Mol Jr. and is owned by its prospective networks with a format in no way created by me.

Just writing this for fun. Seeing as how when I was gone from writing fanfics I fell into a reality show addiction. I've been wanting to create an Inu fanfic out of Survivor for a while, but I thought Big Brother could be better since I don't have to worry about writing for different tribes.

For those familiar with Big Brother this fic will be using the American format as opposed to the British format where viewers vote to evict.