Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Prometheus or Alien Characters.


When a Problem Becomes the Solution


The paintings and statues whizzed by David in a blur of colors. He'd left the study in a hurry at the first sound of disturbance. Clarice hot in his heels as they followed the screams. What he believed were screams. He knew they were coming from Elizabeth. But what could she have discovered that made her scream like that?

He rounded the corner so fast he nearly tripped. There he saw a familiar man standing at the doorway of the master bedroom. David knew this man. He blinked, making sure he was seeing correctly. "Mitchell?"

The man turned him, pale as a sheet. "Anderson!"

It was him. Jasper Mitchell. Meredith Weyland's personal chauffeur. "What is going on?"

"Mr. Holloway had informed us that Mrs. Holloway wouldn't return until this evening!" He said so fast that David almost didn't hear it all. "

David's eyes widened, "Us?" Another shout came from inside the bedroom followed by a crash. Both of their heads turned to the shut doors when they heard another crash against it. How many people were in there? "Mitchell, what in God's name are you doing here? And make it good!" He prayed it wasn't what he feared.

Before he could interrogate him further the door burst open, revealing a half-dressed Meredith Weyland with flushed cheeks and unkempt hair. David tried not to groan, of course. He kept his voice calm...and low. "You two, leave. Immediately."

His half-sister barely had time to duck before a shoe came flying at her as she barely missed it. David could then see that the assailant was Mrs. Holloway who looked at her with so much rage that he actually pitied her. "Next time, I won't miss! And don't you dare come back, you hussy!"

Behind her, David spotted Mr. Holloway who was currently without a shirt and trying to fasten his trousers "Now, Ellie, let's not be rash!"

"Out!" She repeated to the intruders then rounded back to her husband. "And you!" She pointed a finger at him, "How could you do this to me?"

Sensing the inevitable battle underway, David shut the door to give the couple some privacy and once again turned to the so-called guests. "I suggest that the two of you leave the premises and don't return! For I will not allow this household's reputation tarnished by this."

For once, Ms. Weyland didn't turn her nose down at him and let her chauffeur lead her away from and down the hall.

"Will you calm down!" Mr. Holloway admonished her from the other side of the door.

"Calm down?" His wife snapped. "You want me to calm down? Me?"

David turned to Clarice, "Make yourself scarce. I'll stay close in case anything gets out of hand."

The maid eagerly nodded and exited towards the kitchens as David made space between him and the door before hiding by one of the taller statues. Out of sight if the doors were to open but close enough to listen in on what was happening.

"What were you thinking?" He heard her demand. "Have you gone mad? Having her here, while I'm away to see my family!"

"This is not my fault!" Her husband shouted. "You weren't supposed to be home until tonight. If you would've sent word of your arrival, then we could have avoided this whole mess."

David rolled his eyes. Was Mr. Holloway really blaming this scandal on his wife's timing? Clearly, she wasn't amused either. "I've only been away for two days! I decided to come home early to surprise you. Only to find out that I'm the one being surprised with my husband in bed with a tramp!"

He heard Mr. Holloway sigh loudly, "Again, Ellie, I wasn't expecting you back so soon. But let's just forget about it and move on."

"How could you, Charlie?" He heard her demand, her voice so quiet he almost couldn't hear. "With her? What did I do?"

"I have needs, Ellie!" He shouted in a tone as if she should have already known. "We haven't shared the same bed in months. You were gone and Meredith was more than amicable to assist me."

David rested back of his head against the wall. First name basis. He knew it. From the first time his half-sister came to the estate that there would be serious trouble. But he still hoped.

As his thoughts went back and forth, Mrs. Holloway kept going. "You're placing the blame on me?"

"Where else?" He demanded. "I'm a man. A man that has certain needs that must be taken care of. We haven't lain together in months. I had to get it from someone."

"Then why not from me?" David could hear the sorrow from her voice. "Why couldn't you lay with me? I would never turn you away, Charlie, you're my husband. Sleeping in separate bedrooms wasn't my choice!"

He heard Mr. Holloway scoff. "Why bother?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

He waited several seconds before he finally answered."You can't give me an heir."

Elizabeth's pain could be felt from where David stood. It was even more apparent as she said, "What does that have to do with it? I'm just as upset about not being able to have a child as you."

"Doubtfully," Her husband spat. "You're as barren as the Sahara Desert. I only ever laid with you because I needed heirs. You can't give me any, so there's no reason for me to continue. I find that Meredith Weyland is a very attractive woman. And she also appears to fancy me, so we get on. If I'm to lay with someone, I want to enjoy it. Laying with you is more tedious than enjoyable."

"I'm your wife!" The anguish in her voice was almost unbearable. "Did you forget our vows? I've never intentionally done anything to jeopardize this marriage. If you hated it so much then why didn't you just tell me? We could have fixed it together! You were my first, Charlie! I was a virgin on our wedding night!"

"I know you were a fucking virgin!" He shouted, followed by another crash. "Your company wasn't terrible when we first wed but after three miscarriages it's clear to me that there's no reason for us to pursue being intimate with one another."

David clenched his fists as Elizabeth's voice escalated. "I'm still your wife! Whether I can give you a child or not, that does give you the right to lay with another!"

"You want me to lay with you?" There was some rustling followed by a loud thud. "Fine. You interrupted us so I didn't have the chance to finish."

"Charlie what are you doing?" Elizabeth's had gone from anger to dread. "Charlie wait⎼"

David could hear them struggling. Filled with unease, he ran to the door and pulled furiously on the handles. Locked from the inside. Damn it!

"Stop!" Her cry had him pull at the handles harder. "Charlie, no!"

"No?" He asked, his voice strained. "You're my wife, remember? You've just that you'd never refuse me. Isn't this what you want?"

"Not like this!" David heard a rip and his heart sped. "Let go of me!" She yelped when he heard a slap.

"You will not deny me." Mr. Holloway growled menacingly. "I am your lord and master. My word is law. So you'll do as I say."

David clenched his teeth. What could he do? He had to get to her! He looked at the doubled-door window to his right. If he was careful, he could reach the balcony that led to their bedroom. Then he could get in and could stop this.

Just as he was about to make a break for the window, he froze. What if he did manage to make it to their balcony? What then? He could easily overpower Mr. Holloway. Get him away from Elizabeth. But after that...what? His intervening would reveal his deep affection to her. No servant would ever go against their employer to save another. He was still under Mr. Holloway's payroll. If he went in there to go against him and defend his wife it would only make things worse. Charles Holloway had more solicitors on hand than staff. One phone call and then it'll be David charged with criminal activity. The assault could even be pinned on him. Or worse! He could make it as if Elizabeth and he were having an affair. They would both be ruined. She'd be forever shamed as an adultress while he would be sacked and never be able to work as a butler again. The worst part, he would never see her again. They'd both be separated from ever seeing each other. He couldn't bear that.

David had never felt so defeated in his life. He dropped his forehead as he had no choice but to listen to his employer assault his wife. The woman David loved and adored. Each of her whimpers and pleas felt like a dagger being taken to his heart. His hands remained on the handles and squeezed them tight enough he was sure his knuckles were as white as his gloves.

After what felt like an eternity, the comotion stopped after Mr. Holloway let out a few loud grunts and finally let out a relieved sigh. He sniffed loudly and told her, "This was what you wanted. You don't get to say no to me. If you wish to remind me of our arrangement, then I'll need to remind you who's in charge. You agreed to obey and yet sometimes you go against what my orders. Remember your place. You do as I say when I say it. Never question my authority again. If I decided to take another woman to my bed, it's none of your concern. You'll do good to mind your own business. Do you understand?" There was no answer. Then David heard him kick at something hard. "I said, 'Do you understand'!"

The response was so quiet that he barely heard it, "Yes,"

Footsteps came in the direction of the door and David quickly made himself scarce. He turned a corner and stood perfectly still, lest he alert him of his presence and that he'd in fact heard everything that had just transpired. He heard the click of the lock and the doors opening. "David! David, I demand your presence at once!"

In the risk of exposure, David counted the seconds carefully before turning the corner again and revealed himself. Years of training kept his expression blank and uncaring. "Yes, Mr. Holloway?"

The man in question wiped at his brow as he tugged on his suit jacket. The buttons of his shirt improperly buttoned. He pointed towards the open doors. "Take her to her room and clean her up."

David bowed his head and kept his face stoic as he brushed past him. He waited until he was further away before he went into the room. What he saw made him shake with rage.

There she laid. The woman of his heart. His love. One the bed, clothes torn and hanging in tatters from on her body, her back to him as she laid there curled on her side. Her shoulders were shaking as she tried to let the bed swallow her whole while she cried.

Disgusted at the state she'd been left in, David took off his tailcoat and gently draped it over her quivering form. She didn't move as he slid one arm under her knees and the other under her shoulders and lifted her from the bed. Pulled her against his chest where she would be safe. He couldn't have her as his but that didn't mean he couldn't protect her when she was with him. He was no fool; he knew she felt safe with him. Sure enough, she let herself relax in his arms as he carried through the manor. He said nothing. What was the point? He knew that there were no words that could reach her thought damage that had been done. She'd found out her husband, whom she cared deeply for, had been unfaithful to her and then assaulted her all whe she questioned him. When would her suffering end? Was she never allowed to have any peace in her life?

He couldn't help but feel like he'd failed her. But he didn't; her husband did. That man was lucky to have such an intelligent woman like Elizabeth as his wife and he treats her like a nuisance. Everything that has happened was out of her control and he still makes it out that it's all her fault.

How I wish I could just take you away. He thought as he relished in feeling her in his arms. As if she'd belonged there. My love, I would cherish you. I'd give you the moon if you'd ask. If you'd let me, I'd take you away from all of this. Titles and reputation would mean nothing. It would just be us. Free. He looked down at her and wanted to weep at her dried tear-stained cheeks. She deserved better.

Three Months Later

Things had gotten from bad to worse over the last few months. David literally watched a marriage dissolve before his eyes. Ever since Elizabeth had found her husband in bed with David's half-sister Meredith Weyland, the tension between them was almost visible to the naked eye. The couple rarely spoke to each other if at all. They barely stayed in the same room together for more than ten minutes a time.

In fact he was afraid. What happened after...he still couldn't allow his thoughts to wonder there without rage pulsing through his veins. Elizabeth had retreated into her mind again for the most part. She rarely spoke at all. Not even to him. And it was devastating. He'd prided himself on being able to reach her and bring her back. But she rarely left her bed chamber. She would be present at meal times and when company was present. That was all. Sometimes he would catch her wandering into the greenhouse at night. Probably as a form of escape. He could see the small relief on her face whenever she would exit and he made sure nothing would deprive her of that small peace.

It was late afternoon on a Tuesday. David was going over the grocery list with kitchen staff when he heard the doorbell ring. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the small bell jingle on the wall. Odd, he thought. There weren't any scheduled arrivals today. Who could it be?

"Chef, I think you can cover the rest." He said with finality. "It's probably important." making certain his appearance was clean and dignified, he left to answer the door.

Whoever was there was insistent on being answered as the doorbell was being rung insistently and repeatedly. David quickened his pace to the front entrance and pulled the door open. There he saw the bane of his beloved's existence. Meredith Weyland and her chauffeur.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed when she tried to brush passed him.

She didn't even spare him a glance. "Not that it's any concern to you, but I'm here to see Mr. Holloway. A private matter."

He shot his arm out, blocking her path. "In case you have forgotten, on the condition that your liaison together remained secret, you were asked to leave and to never return to this estate."

She finally met his stare. "Well, the circumstances have changed."

It took him a moment to understand what she could possibly be implying. Then it hit him like an oncoming horse. He stepped directly in front of her, arms spread out. "You will leave this place. Immediately. Get back in your car and forget that you came back."

Was that uncertainty in the woman's eyes? It was gone as soon as it appeared, but he saw it. "I can't."

His jaw ached from the restraint he was holding back. "You will."

"I need to see him now!" She pushed passed him. "You forget your place, servant! I'm a lady of high class and you're nothing but a lowly bastard. You will get out of my way or else."

He clenched his fists. "Or else what, Madame?"

One thing that many men underestimated about this woman was her physical strength. David made the mistake of forgetting this when her right hand reached his right shoulder and used her body weight to back him into the wall.

"So help me, God," She growled in a low voice. "I will find the cord that makes you run and I will cut it. Ruining a lowlife such as yourself would be so easy. But I refuse to waste my time with scum like you. I am going to see Mr. Holloway with or without your approval. You learned long ago not to get in my way!" She forced his face to the side with the heel of her palm and left him to stagger against the wall. "I'll go to his office alone. I think you'll know better than to let his wife anywhere near the room. You will keep her out until we are finished." And with that, she continued down the hallway to her destination. Leaving David alone with his thoughts.

How did I not see this coming? He thought as he ran his gloved hand through his hair. I was so busy making sure that Elizabeth wasn't so badly affected that I didn't stop to consider the other consequences. What was he going to do now?

"David?" Apparently nothing. It was Mrs. Holloway. "What happened to you?"

He made a desperate attempt to fix his tousled hair. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Holloway." He cleared his throat and straightened his suit. "Mr. Holloway has an unexpected guest and I was caught off guard at their arrival."

She didn't seem convinced. "And just who is this 'guest', David? Anyone one I know?"

Why does this keep happening to him? "I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say."

Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline. "Did you just refuse, David?"

Damn him, he did. "It's all for your best interest, Ma'am."

That got her attention. My hesitation would turn out to be my downfall. "She's here, isn't she? Where are they?" When he didn't say anything, she nodded. "Right then."


Elizabeth made her way to Charlie's office. David hot on her heels. "What is it that you don't want me to see?" He was hiding something. If it was anyone else, she wouldn't think twice about it. But it was David who was trying to avert her attention. And he was always honest with her. Until now.

"It's nothing of significance, Mrs. Holloway. He just told me that he wasn't to be disturbed." He was desperate to keep her away from whoever it was.

She snorted. "The last time he asked that when a visitor was here, he was having relations with Ms. Weyland." Then she stopped in her tracks. "That what it is right? Is she here?"

"I…" His expression turned helpless. "Please don't make me answer that."

She crossed her arms over her chest. An unladylike posture, but she was at her wit's end. She waited for him to answer, but no words came from his mouth. Fine. "So be it."

"You mustn't go in there!" He spread out his arms, blocking her entry. "I implore you, Mrs. Holloway, don't go in!"

"Are you denying me access to a room in my own house, David?" She demanded, suddenly furious that he would do anything against her wishes. "Who's in there with him?"

His mouth moved, but no sound came out. He looked as if he were in pain. "Please, don't open that door, Elizabeth. I beg you."

The last time he looked this upset was when...they discovered the affair. "Let me pass!" She shoved her way past him, forcing the door open. Two pairs of eyes looked up to her in shock. There in the study sat the woman she had prayed to never cross paths with again. Ms. Meredith Weyland. And behind the desk sat her husband. Both of them perturbed.

"Leave us, David." She told him quietly. He looked like he wanted to argue, but one more look from her and he left, shutting the door behind him. Now she was alone with two people that she had become not-so-fond of.

Ms. Weyland cast her glance downward and her pale hands rested on her lower abdomen.

Elizabeth's eyes followed her movements and they widened with realization. Charlie's nervous expression confirmed her fears. With scorn, I said the words out loud. "You're with child."

She kept her head down. Refusing to look at her. That was all the confirmation she needed as she turned to my husband with mock delight. "Well congratulations, Charlie. You've finally done it. You're getting the heir you've always wanted. I do hope it's a boy."

He cleared his throat and pulled at his collar. "Ellie, love, please leave us for a moment. I promise to tell you what's transpired later."

"Oh, you don't need to tell me what's 'transpired'." She hissed. The anger was already beginning to boil inside her. "Surely you don't think me to have forgotten what 'transpired' between you two under this very roof not three months ago."

"This is between me and Mr. Holloway." Ms. Weyland bit out, finally daring to look at her. "It has nothing to do with you so you can just leave."

"Don't you dare!" She lifted her finger in warning. My grip on my fury was already beginning to slip. This woman had nerve! She has an affair with her husband in her house and returns expecting all while expecting her to be dismissed. Not anymore. "If you think for one moment that I'm fool enough to let you waltz in here with your delicate condition and simply accept it while you talk to me like trash, you're sadly mistaken. You are in no position to give demands and I'll also remind you that it is not wise to order me about in my own home. Do I make myself clear?"

The usually confident woman flinched at her harsh tone. Even Charlie was flabbergasted at her outburst. "Crystal."

"Now," She said, much more calmly. "I suggest we discuss our current dilemma together. All three of us. Because like it or not, my name is still on the marriage certificate, darling."

"Bleedin' hell," Charlie muttered, grabbing a drink. "Alright, sit in and listen."

She took the vacant seat next to Ms. Weyland, taking silent delight when the other woman tried to make as much space between them as the chair would allow. Both women now looked at her husband.

Ms. Weyland looked at him with what could only be desperation. "Please, Charlie, must she⎼"

"It's Mr. Holloway to you." Elizabeth reminded her. Her patience was getting thin with this woman. If she wasn't with child, sod decorum, Elizabeth would have grabbed her by her hair and thrown her outside onto the gravel. "I suggest you not be so familiar with my husband until we come to a conclusion."

Charlie took a strong sip from his drink and sat back down. "I'll have to agree with my wife on this one, Mer⎼" He coughed. "Ms.Weyland. It's best that we all sit in on this. She will be informed later on anyway, no reason to make her wait."

"Look at you, Charlie, you're finally talking sense," Elizabeth praised with fake admiration. "See what happens when you use your head instead of your groin to think?" Their prolonged silence was all the convincing she needed to confirm her suspicions. "So I am right. You're with child. And since you're here, it must mean that my husband is the father."

Ms. Weyland's eyes got impossibly wide and for the first time since making her acquaintance, Mrs. Holloway detected fear. Even from under her expensive hat, she could see her scared eyes. "Yes,"

"I thought we used precaution." Charlie protested.

"Clearly it wasn't enough." Ms. Weyland muttered. "What are you going to do about it?"

He took a bigger swig of his drink and stared into the glass. "We could send you to the country."

"What?" Elizabeth and Ms. Weyland said together.

"We could send you away until you have the child." He explained. "Afterward, you can return home, and we'll claim the child as Elizabeth's."

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth ground out while Ms. Weyland went stiff. "For years you scorn me for not being able to give you a child. Now you tell me that I am forced to take one from someone else's arms just because you want to save face?"

Ms. Weyland turned to her, unsure while Charlie ran a hand over his face. "Well, what would you have me do then? If anyone finds out that I sired a bastard we would all be ruined! Think, woman!"

"I am!" She bit out. "And I am thinking that I don't want to be a prisoner in this marriage any longer."

"Then what do you want?" He demanded. "What do you think we should do?"

I never broke eye contact. "I want a divorce. It doesn't need to be public. You may say the reason is because you need a wife that can give you heirs. Meanwhile, Ms. Weyland will be sent to the country. After the divorce is final, you will meet her and elope. The child will be born in wedlock and you both will be able to keep your reputations and that of the child's intact. He or she will have your name."

They both blinked at her, shocked. My husband broke the silence first. "You'd be willing to ruin your own reputation with a divorce just to get away? Is that all?"

"Oh, at a price," I assured him with a hint of glee. "Affordable, but still a price."

"What's your price then?" He asked, intrigued.

"First," I said, "I want David in here. He needs to hear this."

He looked confused but nodded and called out, "David! I know you're out there listening. Get in here."

Sure enough, the door opened and he walked inside. His guilty gaze landed on hers and kept it there until he shut the door and looked to her husband. "Yes, sir?"

Charlie waved his arm, "As I know you've been listening in and understand that we are in a bit of a dilemma. But my wife has come up with a solution for a price. And for some reason, she wants you present. Now," He turned back to her, "He's here. What are your demands, dear?"

"In the divorce. I want my dowry." I wiped away at some invisible lent on my dress. "Deny me this, and I will go to the post with the news of Ms. Weyland's pregnancy and who the father is."

"Alright." Mr. Holloway nodded eagerly. "Anything else?"

She didn't blink. "An additional three thousand pounds."

All eyes landed on her in amazement. But it was Charlie that was the most surprised. "Whatever for?"

"This amount plus my dowry will be more than enough for me to start a new life elsewhere. Far away from you and you." She cast a sideways glance at Ms. Weyland and the other woman kept quiet. "The divorce will take a few months but it can be finalized before Ms. Weyland gives birth."

"A quick divorce would be costly." He argued.

She shrugged. "I could just go alone and admit that the reason is adultery and the arbitrator will grant it right quick." She was done with being taken advantage of. People have been mistaking her kindness for weakness. Not anymore.

Clearly Charlie got the message that she was dead serious loud and clear. He paled considerably. "Not that costly. You wouldn't actually do that, would you, Ellie?" He placed his hands down on the desk. "I know this wasn't the best marriage but surely you don't hate me that much."

Elizabeth didn't answer at first. She didn't know how at that moment. Do I hate him? She looked up at the man she had been married to for the last five years. He was charming when they met. He still looked as he did on their wedding day. For the most part. His facial hair was starting to show little highlights of grey but that was all. Until recently, she slept next to this man every night. Her eyes wandered towards her wedding band and engagement ring. Five years of marriage and courtship that these little pieces of decorated metal represented. He wasn't a horrible husband. He seemed to give her a decent amount of freedom. Never raised a hand to her. But he was less than pleasant whenever he would have a drink. A nasty temper whenever he had too much. But even after all they've been through he never loved her. And it took her a long time to realize it, but she never loved him either. She was fond of him. She cared for him. And she thought he felt the same. But never did she stop to think that he saw her as anything more than an obligation. And once it became relevant that she couldn't produce the heir he so desperately wanted, she became obsolete in his eyes.

Someone cleared their throat, tearing Elizabeth from her whirlwind of thoughts and finally remembered where she was. In her husband's office with him, his mistress and the butler. All waiting for her to speak.

She toyed with her wedding ring as she spoke. "I don't hate you, Charlie. I daresay that I even loved you at one point." He tilted his head thoughtfully while she continued. "These last five years, I have been nothing but a devoted and supportive wife to you. As such, I expected to be treated a certain way in return. Such as having your understanding and companionship as we mourned the children that never saw daylight. Or not belittle me in front of other people. But the worst part, I did nothing to deserve your abuse or your infidelity. Not with Ms. Weyland," She nodded towards the other woman, "or with Bitty." She felt David flinch behind her and kept going. "Yes, I knew about her too."

"Who is Bitty?" Ms. Weyland asked with an accusatory tone.

Charlie widened his eyes, silently imploring that I not continue. Fool. "Our last maid. She was Charlie's lover for a short while after my third and final miscarriage. Yes, I knew. It went on for a few months. She left not long before we met you. David sacked her."

"My lady," David said calmly, "I'm so sorry. I tried my best to keep you ignorant of their transgression. I did it because you were already suffering and I refused to see you hurt anymore."

She couldn't stop the smile that spread along her lips and the feeling of admiration filling her chest. "I know. But you couldn't have expected to catch everything. Even you have limitations." Her eyes once again met Charlie's. "No one knew, but I let myself into your private quarters in the middle of the night. Hoping to gain some affection. But was met with the site of Bitty naked under the covers with you. I never said anything then because there was no point. You clearly sought her out for a reason. Then she was let go."

"She was becoming a rather tiresome nuisance," David admitted. "I gave her the ultimatum. I wasn't going to stand by while she insulted you."

"Alright!" Charlie waved his hands. "We don't need to go into details about that. Was there anything else?"

"Yes, I want David to come with me." She said matter of factly. Both men looked at her in shock. "Another reason for the money. I want to afford David's employ. With his consent of course."

"David is a fine example of a good servant," Charlie argued. "Also, he's a man. Wouldn't you rather Clarice go with you?"

"No, I wouldn't." She bit out. "She's a good maid but I barely know her. I think Ms. Weyland will benefit far more from her than I would. As far as David is concerned, if he wishes to remain here with you, then I won't object and I'll go alone."

"I'll go." David murmured gently. "I'll stay with her."

Charlie met his stare. "David, is this what you want?"

Even Elizabeth looked up at him to be sure, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

He shook his head and didn't hesitate. "I will go with you, Mrs. Holloway. I'll serve only you if you wish it."

She nodded, thankful. Then, she turned back to Charlie. "This is what I ask. My dowry, three thousand pounds, and David. I think that is a reasonable request."

Charlie contemplated and tapped his fingers on his desk. Finally, he said, "Alright. We'll get divorced and you will receive your dowry, three thousand pounds, and David as your personal servant. I will set up Ms. Weyland at the lake house we have in the country. Buy the servant's silence if necessary. I'll pay for whatever the costs are for the divorce. Once it's final, you and David will leave. Then I will meet Ms. Weyland at the house and elope with her. The baby will be born in wedlock. I'll finally have an heir, and you can go on and live your life the way you want."

"Good." She nodded, standing up from the chair. "I'll be retiring to my room now. Meanwhile, the two of you can carry on." David beat her to the door and held it open for her. "Thank you, David."

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It made her sad to see him look so desperate. She lifted her hand and patted his cheek gently. Offering the gesture as an understanding between them.

He didn't say anything as she left them all in her wake. For the first time in years, she could breathe.