While Harry's world was shifting, Hermione's was shattered. Things had not been the same since last year, when the appearance of Voldemort changed her life. She had never felt fear like that. She was held by Professor McGonagall as her boyfriend chanted that it couldn't be real, that he couldn't be back. She remembered the feeling of the madness, the fury, the cruelty and the rage that were radiated from the man. How it was suffocating and intoxicating at the same time. Intellectually she knew what it was.
In her readings the year before, she had stumbled across something called emotional magical resonance. When magic comes in constant contact with emotion, such as when a magical uses magic regularly, their personality and emotions leave an imprint of their identity in the magic itself. She remembered Professor Babbling stating that was why most wizards who were considered traditionally powerful were terrible at Runes. The emotional imprint messed with the intent of the runic based magic. It was why a wizard like Grindlewald was so… fascinating to her.
Yet when she studied the subject more, she discovered that emotional magical resonance was something rather common, except most were unable to make others feel it. As Voldemort attacked her best friend, the wind screaming with his malice and intent, she knew the world would never be the same.
She watched in awe as the suffocating weight of hatred and malice that she was feeling from Voldemort was replaced. Replaced with a weight of magic that she had never experienced. It was as if she was suddenly in a higher gravity well. She watched in awe and shock as her best friend, a fourteen year old, dueled Darkest Wizard in Britain and forced him to retreat.
Afterward scared her as well. Watching the now strongest wizard she had met force himself to move to a woman who had committed murder while under the Imperius Curse and hold her close as she cried, was going to be one of the biggest moments of her life. It was then she decided that this world would never be the same.
She started with what she knew best, research. She had been studying wizarding law since after second year since apparently, she had no rights to anything while petrified. It was then she discovered something that she swore to change. Unless it was expressed in the law, the wizarding world assumed it was not a valid stance. For example, in no law is there a mention of the petrified status as a protected state, thus it went unprotected under the Magical Effects and Situations Act of 1300. That law was the one that allowed families to protect their fortunes, their memories and even more from others.
Essentially, she could have been mind raped by anyone in the Hospital Wing and legally there was not a thing she could do about it. In fact, due to being muggleborn, she was less likely to even find a lawyer who would take a case for her, she was unlikely to get a fair trial, unlikely to receive an nonbiased judge and unlikely to even have the case seen, no matter the case baring something that she did something wrong.
Had any country do it differently? Did any country have muggleborn rights? Have equal rights at all?! These were the questions that Hermione asked herself as she continued her research in her third year. There she discovered the Sicilian Republic from 1937-1962. Nearly three decades of equality for all magicals. Regardless of bloodstatus, the Sicilian Republic supported it's citizens fairly, equitably and most importantly, did so without bloodshed. It wasn't the only one either. There were dozens of governments from the late 1930s to the 1960s that held that model.
A model that Grindlewald created. When it clicked for her, she swore off those thoughts. She would never support a mad man like Grindlewald. She would not support a man so desperate as to wage war on the world.
Then she saw Harry and Voldemort duel and realized that for some wizards… a war against the world was not a fight they found impossible.
Hermione left her first Magical Combat class with Nicolas Flamel with a look Ron recognized on her face. It was the look that screamed she needed the library, so it was with a slightly melancholy smile that he pulled her towards her favorite place. He would never allow it be said that he didn't know his girl, and what she needed right now was not to be coddled or held.
He believed firmly in the Light and the Dark. However, even his thoughts on the matter was shifted by that lesson. He wasn't sure where he stood anymore, but he knew that it was something he could figure out without research. His Hermione was not the same. She wanted to be fully informed about a decision, before making it. At least ever since that time in Fourth Year when Harry just snapped at her in the Great Hall.
It was several hours later when she finally tucked her head against his shoulder and sighed. He didn't get a chance to ask what was wrong before she said "The Wizarding World is broken Ron…" The sadness in her voice, the destroyed wonder and weakness nearly made him tear up.
He did the only thing he could think of and pulled her closer. He listened to her as she started to rant.
"How messed up is this world we live in?! A fourteen year old wizard is forced to fight a wizard who relished in the destruction of those around him. A school is a playground for the politics and the attempted assassinations of others, no one seems to care about the near endless attempts at harming students that occurs, there is not equal representation, let alone rights! No one cares about each other, caring more about their blood status than their actual character. The war is being fought outside and the most the average student cares about is who is going to win the Quidditch Cup! It just isn't right!" Her voice rose as she softly pounded on his chest, until finally she was screaming the last sentence. Luckily, he was smart enough to use a silencing charm on the area, as no one heard her.
As she finally calmed down, he asked "What did Professor Flamel say that set this off?" It was a valid question in his mind. He knew his experiences were different from hers, and forced them to have different opinions. At least that is what his dad said this summer when he asked for some advice understanding his girlfriend. His dad had known his mother since he was a 3rd year and she a first year and one of the first things he realized was that the difference between two people in a relationship was always based on experience and perceptions from that experience.
Hermione paused for a second as she processed what he said. She smiled at the thoughtful question for once, as from his point of view, the lesson did set this off. She was careful to not tell anyone her treasonous thoughts. Especially considering she already received several glares for being one of the best students in the school as a muggleborn.
She smiled and curled into him; his warm arms keeping the chill of the Hogwarts library away even this late and this close to their curfew. Finally as she was comfortable, she said,"His opinions on dark versus light bothered me. It can't just be about politics and what is done with the magic! Some magic is just evil!" She scowled at the slowly emptying library.
Ron sighed as he held Hermione close and thought about how he wanted to say his piece. "I don't think Professor Flamel would disagree with you. I think that he was saying that on a whole, the terms Dark and Light, in relation to magic in general, are labels without a clear understanding. He spent so much of the class talking about how the definitions politically are completely arbitrary. He was saying, that from a singular standpoint, most magic isn't bad."
Hermione pulled away and turned to him. "But that argument is the same as saying a sword isn't responsible for cutting someone. If a person didn't have the sword, the cut wouldn't have happened." Hermione bit out. Ron thought for a moment before nodding and flicking his wand.
On the table a chess board appeared, along with simple pieces. Another flick, the pieces moved where he desired swiftly forming the final moves of a game.
"Hermione. The pawn is not to be blamed for the player's actions. Even in Wizard's Chess, where the pieces are sentient, the pawn is not to be blamed. Just as the quill isn't blamed for the words the writer writes. Some people… some people are just terrible. Even if you take out the magic. Like that muggle you told us about, Adult Hitter." Hermione tried to hold in the snicker but failed as she saw Ron's confused face.
"Oh, Ron… its Adolf Hitler."
The months passed, as Flamel continued to push Hermione's thoughts and feelings. Soon, the first lesson with Harry happened, and her world shifted again. She found she loved the lesson, the practical portion followed by the exposition and understanding after. She found that she excelled in the lessons, even more than when Professor Flamel taught himself. Harry just understood how to explain something to the level that every student understood exactly the purpose and utility of what they were learning. They covered dozens, if not hundreds of spells that could be on the OWLs, but most importantly, Harry ensured that they mastered the spells.
It was so prevalent the even the Slytherins such as Draco Malfoy had nothing negative to say about the lessons after the first one. Other Professors even started to notice how good the students were becoming in relation to their spellcasting ability. Professor McGonagall even mentioned it in class once. Hermione had always felt confident in her wand work, but now, she felt like a real witch; a witch on par with her peers and capable of changing the world.
Her feelings increased when the editorial came out in the Daily Prophet. It was not a large piece, barely an article in the normally large paper. It was promoting some research that was being conducted in Magical Russia, and the opinions of the writer, one Mavin Rothburg. This research was studying the origins of magical abilities in general populations. Basically, the origin of Muggleborns. And thus far, according to the article, the research was pointing to there being no difference in magical abilities between first generation and multi-generational magicals. While many studies had been attempted, Rothburg wrote, this is the only one that was completely unbiased as it was unsupported by any entity other than the Magical Russian Ministry; a Ministry known for its equality and merit based promotional system. The article made her smile all day, even when taunted by several students about how it was clearly a flawed report, and how it couldn't be true. After all, several previous pieces of literature supported that Muggleborns were less talented than purebloods.
It wasn't until after classes and dinner that she and her boyfriend were able to sit and relax. Ron asked what had her in such a good mood but when she showed the article to Ron, he frowned as he read it. "What does this mean though? Is there a purpose behind this? Every couple of years we end up getting something similar coming out. Either it's research into blood supremacy or its research into magical bonds, or its research into if muggleborn families are distantly related to purebloods… Does it really matter?"
She pulled herself away and she sat shocked for a moment before responding. "Really?! It doesn't matter?! What the hell does that mean Ronald?! I thought you would be happy to finally see proof that blood doesn't matter in the magical world! I thought you would be happy for me because I would finally have the evidence to argue against the blood supremacy nonsense that this country seems to revile in!"
Normally when Hermione scolded him, he would take it, make a snide comment like "yes mum" and move on but for once Ron didn't just take the tirade. "You think I believe in that garbage Hermione? I don't! You know that! What I was saying is something you already knew! This article," he points to it accusingly, his face nearly as red as his hair as he then gestured around him. "This article won't change the minds of people born with this shite in their heads Hermione. It won't change the Ministry's laws and it doesn't even help with our current issues!" Ron took a deep breath before continuing in a calmer voice. He was ignorant to the tears that were slowly growing in Hermione's eyes.
"I understand that you want to be treated fairly in this world. I get that, because I want the same thing. However, the only way that happens is if we get the current situation dealt with. And we both know what is going on, and we both know that this article, while it is a step forward, doesn't help us right now." Ron leaned forward and tried to pull his girlfriend in for a hug. A resounding slap was his response as Hermione's tears finally spilled over and down her cheeks. She swiftly stuffed her books into her bags and stood.
"How could you? This article is more than just that. It is undeniable proof that I am not worth less because I am a muggleborn. And you… you emotionless pillock! Can't even understand that I don't care if it doesn't change people's minds!" Ron watched speechlessly as his relationship seemingly crumbled to dust, and Hermione stormed from the common room.
Hermione climbed the steps towards the Owlery, a letter written in her hand. After her argument with Ron she ended up in the library, looking up a the man who wrote the article in the first place. Mavin Ruthburg wasn't well documented, at least in the Hogwarts Library. There were a few minor articles in various papers where he penned similar writings; mostly hopeful pieces about muggleborns and equality. However, the largest reference she found was a small chapter in a political anthology where he wrote a manifesto on how to run a merit based governmental system. It was a marvelous piece where the conditions for the highest levels of office were clear, as were the methods of voting. At no point would names be utilized in the voting process, only the achievements and merits of each individual. This voting process would ensure the best possible person to gain the position. It was a simple system and prompted Hermione to write the letter she clutched in her hand. It was a simple letter, merely introducing herself, and explaining her position on his work and his most recent article. After finding a suitable owl, the letter was off. Hermione quickly left the Owlery.
Albus frowned as he read the article several hours after it landed beside his plate at breakfast. His current duties, along with the duties he had taken up in this war against Voldemort, were ruining his allotted time to keep abreast of the news of the wizarding world. While normally such an article would bring him a small amount of joy, as further research made his academic side flourish. However, he was well informed on nearly all research activities in relation to countries allied with the ICW. Partially due to his position and partially due to his expertise on the theoretical magic and its practical implications.
He had never heard of this research being performed. And for any research to have any concludable evidence, even if the study was unfinished at the time of writing, would take years of thorough experimentation. He would have heard of it. As he had not, and taking note that it was in the editorial section instead of the research based session on the fourth page of the Daily Prophet meant that this article had a secondary reason for existing.
Albus wracked his brain for a moment, wondering why it seemed so familiar to him when suddenly the connection was made. With a swift wand movement, a dust covered box came from his quarters. Another flick, and as the box moved, the lid rose and an age colored newspaper rose from its depths. By the time the box settled on Albus' desk, the newspaper was being rapidly read. It was then that he saw it, once more in the editorial section. A written in editorial, from a G. Gellert, with nearly the exact same message. While this editorial did not mention research it was a rallying cry to muggleborns and those who were treated with less respect. With a shuddering breath, Albus put the newspaper back into the box, making no mention of the fact that it was in German or from over 50 years previous.
He banished the box back to the closet in his quarters as his eyes hardened. He needed to advance this war, or all was doomed.
Grindlewald smiled as he reread the letter he had just received. The bird was clearly exhausted having flew from England to his office in record time. He gently brushed the feathers and fed it some of the ham from his plate. While it wasn't bacon, as most of the English Owls preferred, it was close enough apparently as the owl snatched it swiftly and ate ravenously.
"Now now, why don't you rest in the rafters? It shall take me time to respond back to such an interesting missive. You have earned your rest my feathered friend." With a hoot of understanding, the owl flew up and over the desk to settle in the warm rafters of the office. Nearly as soon as the bird settled there was a knock on Grindlewald's door.
"Enter!" With a soft creak, the door to the office opened and Sonja entered. Her face was twisted in a scowl, and Grindlewald knew in that moment exactly what she was about to say.
"They have awakened. I would say that in the coming months they should be mobile enough to help in retrieving my husband." Sonja spoke in an emotionless voice, a clear sign that she was furious. It was a requirement for all of his Lieutenants to be Occlumens. Sonja was without a doubt the best Occlumens in his forces, with her husband being her only real contender for that title.
Grindlewald nodded as he thought over the path that he had decided to pursue. He required all of his Lieutenants in order to move forward, which meant that he needed the remaining one that the British Ministry held. While information on the Department of Mysteries was highly regulated, it was fairly simple for Klaus to gain access to the records.
"Soon you should be reunited with your dearest Sonja. Tell me, how does training our newest recruits go? Scarvosky has not reported in yet, and I wish your opinion." Grindlewald stood and moved towards the window that overlooked the spacious and elegant courtyard. Sonja joined him nearly instantly before speaking.
"They have… potential. There are a few Captain level magicals in their midst. I would even suggest that Scarvosky start incorporating more physical exercise. Some of them look… unsightly." Sonja's voice held an edge of malice. Grindlewald nodded along, knowing Sonja's complete distaste for anything that was not elegant, attractive, or effective. Sloven recruits were lacking in all three, and he was well aware of the short comings.
"Beggars cannot choose their meals dear. Especially considering our current position. However, I may have something that could… interest you." He spoke with soft confidence as his eyes flicked momentarily to the letter on his desk, granting Sonja permission to read it. As her eyes rapidly absorbed the scrawled writings, her lip twitched slightly towards a smile.
"Another muggle born? I wonder if this one is as good as the last one I tutored. A pity that she died. I enjoyed her red-hair." Sonja looked up at her Lord as he started to laugh.
"Oh Sonja, I forgot about that favor you paid to our mutual friend! That debt you owed is now void correct?" Grindlewald questioned as his presence seemed to shift into a darker one. The room suddenly heated as if the fire in the hearth was raging higher, even as Sonja noticed it was barely embers.
"Yes My Lord. My debt to Dumbledore was paid in 1977, when I agreed to teach for one year-" Her voice was steady and instantly stopped as his hand rose.
"Perfect. I would hate to have a Lieutenant that was… compromised in such a way. It would be… annoying." The last word was hissed as his eyes locked onto Sonja's. The Shield Maiden nodded before the pressure in the room vanished, and a cold draft from the window dried the sweat on that accumulated on her brow.
"I shall draft a response and recommend your Sara persona to this girl. If she is the same girl from the Educational Records that Klaus procured, then she should easily be a possible Captain, if not Lieutenant in the future." Grindlewald turned back to the window as the sun started to rise, casting its warmth and light on a new day.
"How do you wish for me to go forward? I am needed here to monitor the twins, and ensure Scarvosky takes his potions." Sonja asked as she placed the letter back on the desk.
"Become her mentor. I hear good things about Hogwarts that the moment; it seems that the Alchemist is teaching once more. That should ensure she is educated adequately. Once we get back our Doctor, we will focus on our next ob-" With a wheeze, his whole body started to shake with harsh wet coughs. Grindlewald braced himself against the window sill as he covered his mouth, ignoring the red specks of blood that he caught with every cough.
"My Lord…" Sonja rushed forward, her wand already casting multitude of spells to ease his pain. "I need you to sit down. Until we get Adrian back, I can only advise you to take it easy-"
Once more, her voice was halted by his hand raising. With a smile that was stained by flecks of blood, he nodded. "I understand Sonja. Do not worry, I am capable of obedience occasionally. Just, help me to my chair. I shall write this letter before I retire."
With surprising gentleness, the Shield Maiden helped him to his chair and stood in the shadows of the room.
Voldemort smiled as Lucius reported that all the pieces were nearly in place. As the blonde man bowed at the end of his report, Voldemort spoke. "Good. We shall do a simultaneous strike. Severus, ensure that Dumbledore knows of the St. Mungo's strike. While the prophecy is our first priority, our dear friend Augustus was finally able to tell me of the deepest Mystery of the Department. A wonderful opportunity indeed." His smile grew darker as his eyes flashed a deeper scarlet as his mind went to the vision he had pulled from Rookwood's tattered mind.
The room was dark, lit only by the blue fire torches along the walls. The room was reminiscent of a once great pit-like amphitheater, with destroyed benches on the many rows. Rubble cut off three of the original four entrances, with the layers of rock illuminating softly with glowing runes of blue. The only operating entrance was a heavily barred door, with two Unspeakables guarding it on either side, watching what occurred in the bottom of the pit. The lone inhabitant of the room's tender mercies was experiencing one of the experiments that was thought up by the Department.
Chained to a cross-like contraption with chains etched in orange glowing runes, a man sighed and corrected an incision point as an Unspeakable carefully performed surgery on him. Seemingly without realizing it, the Unspeakable corrected himself before continuing. After several minutes, he was successful at removing one of the man's ribs and placing it on the tray. Fascinated, the Unspeakable watched and made notes as the rib on the tray slowly evaporated into a white mist and appeared back into the man's body. As the rib finally finished reforming, the man grunted slightly, his seemingly stone faced façade ceasing for a moment as the incisions that exposed his torso slowly steamed and hissed as they mended.
With a crazed look in his eyes, the chained man finally grinned and started to chuckle. His chuckles did nothing to the Unspeakables in the room. When his laughter ended, he looked back to the Unspeakable who was carefully noting down the experiment results and his standing hypothesis. Glancing over the written words, that even upside-down and slightly scrawled he could make out, the man frowned for the first time and spoke, his voice cultured and smooth with a slight accent marking his Eastern European origin.
"You wrote my name wrong. It's Adrian Frankenstein."
AN: Well this chapter was extremely difficult for me to write for a multitude of reasons. The first is that there are a grand total of five different plot points that are converging. The second is that my life has shifted monumentally. I am now working full time in my new city, and am trying to create a schedule while having a dynamic weekly schedule of work. Thus, finding time to write, edit and ensure what I have to say is said is extremely difficult.
However, this is one of my favorite chapters I have written. When I first drew up the plot, other than the Voldemort scenes, this scene was always in my head. Adrian Frankenstein is an OC I created and is one of my favorite additions to the plot so far. Speaking of plot... there is a ton here. As well as a small easter egg that won't really have a major impact on the story, but you get a cyber cookie if you can catch it.
For clarity, this chapter takes place simultaneously as chapters 25-27, and mainly fills in what is going on outside of Harry's portion. This story is mainly about Harry yes, but Hermione and Ron both play a major part, especially in the next several chapters.
I do have some bad news though. As mentioned above, working full time is taking a ton of time. Therefore, I cannot promise a chapter every two weeks as I have for the last month or so. I can only hope for a singular chapter a month, if that. My other story, Shadows and Shin'o, is also going to slow down as I alternate between writing them. However, it has much more leeway, as I have a buffer of at least 1.5 chapters of that written, while this is only pre-wrote.
Thank you for all the reviews and the wonderful encouragement. I shall continue this story, just at a slower pace to keep from burning out.