So I hope you all had an amazing month of November and now here we find ourselves starting December! How time flies, especially when you're writing!

We left off on a very interesting moment, I can't wait for you guys to read what transpires! Enjoy :)

Chapter 13: Return

Fara let Eiji chatter on about the details of living at Raging Agency, he spoke with such gentle enthusiasm about it all and it managed to sooth her slightly. She knew things were probably about to get worse when she got back, she knew Camus wouldn't say anything and he would be the sole inquirer when she returned. Albeit, the entire way back she found herself looking over her shoulder making sure he wasn't following but she felt it out of his character to pursue which she confirmed as they soon arrived back to Raging Entertainment without a hiccup.

They rode the elevator, Eiji was still holding a smile and it seemed to grow as she saw him peek into the pastry bag. She smiled at the gesture and decided not to worry too much about what was to come, to enjoy the moment Heavens was representing. If she began to fret too much on the future it would intervene with her living now, not to mention her work would suffer with her emotional spiral.

The elevator door beeped and she noticed how they all seemed to be waiting for them. Their worry turned to glee at the sight of her and she couldn't help but be amazed at this reaction. Eiichi walked up to greet them at the elevator taking the other bag from Fara and gazing at her.

"You've returned, safe and… sound." Eiichi had hesitated but she immediately smiled his way as to not arouse suspicion of whom she had managed to cross paths with.

"Safe yes, it was really crowded." She brushed off and walked past him and greeted the other boys.

"What have you guys got there?!" Van quickly came to where Eiji was and noticed the large bag filled to the brim with boxes, but the aroma of the sweets filled the room in seconds.

"I've brought a variety, I hope you like them." Fara said looking at all of them.

"I'm sure we'll like whatever you brought!" Van quickly walked to her side and took her hand and began to guide her to the room where a large table had been set up, ready to have a meal.

Yamato walked next to her and with a smile he gave her a light pat on the shoulder, "thanks, let's dig in."

Breakfast was devoured immediately, it occurred to Fara that it was around noon and she felt both honored and embarrassed that they had probably waited for her to have breakfast but the content faces they all wore seemed to have brushed any other thoughts aside.

Eiichi wiped his mouth with a napkin on the side and leaned over toward her. "If you don't mind, we'd like to start at once." The other six boys had been listening to the words he was speaking and immediately they all rose to the challenge. "To the piano room if you would my sweet." Eiichi got up from his chair and assisted her with rising and then lead her through another hallway, the others followed closely behind them.

He then opened the door to a large room, which was three times the size of her teaching room back at the Academy. A grand piano lay in the center of the room and every other decorative item revolved themselves around the beautiful instrument.

"Go on, try it." Eiichi murmured.

Fara knew all eyes were on her but took a deep breath and took a seat on the piano bench. She lifted the key cover and noticed how the piano keys gleamed, it was as if the piano was untouched by anyone else. That thought brought some thrill to her and she began to play a simple melody which later transformed itself into what she remembered Heavens debut song had been. There were gasps and awe coming from the group and while she played reality started to creep in. Heavens had already debuted and it dawned on her that they were pursuing her same path, trying to return. Her playing came to a sudden halt.

"What are you guys planning, you know it's difficult to break in again." She said with a sigh.

"Oh, of course we have a plan." Kira said noting the sudden shift in her state.

"It starts with you fixing our song, making it suitable for the seven of us." Nagi commented.

It was true that when Heavens had debuted they had taken the musical community by storm, quite literally. Bands were all the rage right now as opposed to solo artists or duos and they had kept quiet for a long while after their first encounter with Starish. That confrontation had nearly lost them their careers but they had loyal followers which were so important to this industry.

She began to play there original song on the piano slowly, really taking in the notes and the feel of it. Last time they had sung, there were only three, she had to make it suitable for seven harmonies. They were talented and just required extra assistance and guidance. "A task but hardly daunting." She noticed that the music rack was holding a few papers and pencils. She scribbled a few notes down before she continued to play the beginning of the song.

"Good!" Eiichi couldn't hide his enthusiasm with Fara's confidence.

"I'll get to it. For now I just have to fix some verses to add dimension to the song, that should help with voice layering as well." She noticed she had the original sheet music for Heavens Gate. "I'll let you know when I need your voices for the review." She smiled.

Eiichi was moved by her knowledge and took a seat beside her grabbing her hand and placing it onto his cheek. "I feel like I can already trust you with the rest of our plan." He said in a giddy fashion, his grin becoming wider as if he could see his plan already realized.

"Rest of the plan?" Fara questioned.

"Yes! Fixing the song is just the first step." He began to chuckle, "but where else would we make a triumphant return? Of course in a competition of the nation's greatest Talents, The Triple S Concert!" He finished, his booming voice filled the room and it was as if the room heated in response.

"It sounds better each time I hear it!" Van clapped with innocent enthusiasm.

Fara was unaware her fingers were still hovering over the piano so when she got up in astonishment, her hands pressed firmly down on the keys making an unpleasant sound. "What? That's-" Crazy, impossible, but she bit her tongue before saying what she really meant. The hopeful gazes of Heavens had halted any cruel truth. "I don't think it's that easy." She sat down but the thought of their plan made her look down, she was unable to meet their gazes. It wasn't a simple debut, they meant to impose their presence.

She felt Eiichi take a seat next to her once again, her hand being taken by him. "Won't you have access to the event?" He asked seriously.

She looked up at him and something about his gaze made her question the true motive, "Well, I would assume so." She answered somewhat fumbling. "I'm still Quartet Night's Official composer." She sighed. The thought made her look away but before she could Eiichi caught her cheek and made her gaze linger on him.

"It's quite simple my sweet, you sneak us in there and leave the performance to us. Or do you doubt that we will be an outstanding spectacle?" He frowned slightly as he spoke those words.

She looked at him and then beyond him where the rest of Heavens was standing, eyes hopeful and expecting. "Of course not but-" She looked back at him, her light silver eyes locking with dark purple ones.

"Then it's settled." His smile began to creep back.

"Eiichi, it's not that simple." Fara reprimanded, slipping from his hold and rising off the bench once more to get her point across. Eiichi looked at her astonished but then immediately rose as well, but he didn't look at her instead took care of his band-mates, all who wore a conflicted expression.

"Boys do you mind giving us a moment." He wasn't asking but requesting they leave.

"A moment for what?" Nagi questioned, stepping near them and observing their expressions closely.

Although Nagi was quickly tugged by Shion and even though the white haired boy seemed to be serious most of the time his look came across as somber. "Okay, just don't take too long we want to sing together already."

The rest of the boys seemed conflicted about leaving them in the room alone but with the way Eiichi requested it gave them no choice but to leave.

He stared at her for a while before speaking, every aspect of him oozed displeasure as he spoke, "don't tell me you'll crush that dream." Again he phrased his words as a statement.

Fara felt a pang of guilt wash over her, "It's not that simple..." Her own fears began seeping in, could they really make a triumphant return?

"Not so simple? What about it is difficult?" He began to poke at her mind wanting to know what had caused her to halt and nearly shutdown. She didn't speak nor raise her gaze. He loomed closer to her, bodies nearly touching. "The security, the props, the equipment, your talent? Or is it Quartet Night?" He noticed her jaw clench and lips quiver in reaction to those two words. Her gestures irritated him, "someone in that group has your heart?" His brow furrowed.

His words struck a chord with Fara, which had her screaming the response. "None of that, I'm not that fragile!" She was out of breath and her eyes were threatened with tears. She felt her face had become warm and couldn't find anything else to hide behind but her own hands. Eiichi had presented her with an interesting question, one that while challenged in the moment she felt the answer was forced. She hoped his inquiry would not lead to more topics on the subject of her reaction.

He skimmed his hand over hers, "you already have our hearts, you should know there are no rules for that here." She peeked behind her finger tips and what she found was him smiling at her, it was soft and wanting. Her blush intensified and she closed her eyes tightly.

"You make it sound so easy when its not, reality is not so simple nor is it kind." Love and music were a topic much more complicated than what he was putting forth.

"We are the only ones who set our own limitations." Her eyes filled with tears, feeling he was absolutely right. Perhaps she was making up too many excuses for herself, feeling despair before even trying. "For example, we could probably fly but just because we don't physically have wings we deem it impossible. Humans are crafty and can find a way. You can find a way my sweet, we trust you that much." He was smiling at her, a warm smile and her tears began to flow as she lowered her hands. His hands reached for her face, and began to wipe the tears with a soft brush of his thumb. "We…" His grin grew wider and his cheeks also tinted lightly in pink. "I like that confident woman I saw perform on stage."

She felt him inch closer, she knew his intention, but instead of a kiss on the lips it was one bestowed on the side of her forehead. Gentle and quick he returned to being seated across her awaiting her reaction with a serious gaze.

The composer looked at him, astonishment washing aside and instead the last words uttered began to take effect. Her heartbeat was strong and she smiled his way. She was filled with the thoughts of unconditional trust, patience and willingness to stick by her. Her boldness continued as she reached for his hand, "I will help, I'll do all in my power to."

"That's all you needed to say my sweet. What is meant to happen will. Those who put the effort are rewarded." He returned the hold on his hand with a firm squeeze. "Smile for me, for us. We like for you to view us with those eyes." She had dropped her glasses somewhere along the intense discussion and he was handing them to her. He waited for her to compose herself before turning to the door and calling out, "you can all come in."

Not a second rolled by when the six members of Heavens poured in. "Is everything okay?" Van was the first on the scene looking over his leader and composer but he was relieved to find them smiling pleasantly at each other and him.

If they needed further confirmation that things were going their way, he voiced aloud, once again in his dramatic character, "It's far better than imagined. We are blazing with enthusiasm as everything is settled." His characteristic grin had returned and Fara knew that he was really relieved and couldn't contain his happiness.

The rest of the boys crowded them thrilled and cheering in their own way and Fara could only smile in turn at the scene that filled her with such hope and happiness.

"That's great!" Van cheered aloud.

"Let's get to practicing!" Eiji said excitedly.

The two days passed faster than she had expected, the thrill of composing took up all her time much to her relief. Spending almost the entire day with the guys, learning about them and wanting to know more of their colorful personalities. She was more than happy to continue this routine if not for the memory of the deal she had struck with Eiichi at the beginning.

"The days up my sweet." Eiichi came knocking into the piano room. She was seated at the piano with the rest of Heavens surrounding her.

"What already?!" Nagi complained.

"It was the deal I suppose." Shion commented as he patted Nagi on the head. He had been leaning on Fara's shoulder and found himself unable to rise and instead sinking deeper into a comfortable slumber at her side.

Fara suddenly felt pressure act upon the top of her head. Van was resting his cheek on her and his hands wrapped around her tightly. "My cutie say it isn't so, one more day please." He began to whine.

Fara sighed honestly not wanting to be separated but she knew she had other duties to wrap up elsewhere. She patted Van on the hand gesturing him to release her and she rose slowly not wanting to disturb Shion but as soon as she was able to release his hold, he immediately fell over on Nagi and held onto him like a pillow. "Why me?!" Nagi said unable to do anything about Shion.

Fara chuckled slightly at the scene but then turned over to resume her conversation with Van who waited with large sad eyes for her to say anything. She sighed noting how his expression crushed her feelings as he looked so heart broken. She tried to find comforting words, "You'll ask the same question everyday. Besides it won't be long that you all have to wait. We'll see more of each other as I fix this and then soon I'll probably be here permanently." She patted his shoulder.

He pulled the arm she had on his shoulder, she landed straight into his embrace, a hold that felt familiar. "Really?! Oh Fa-chan you sure waste no time in giving the best of news!" The pressure of the embrace tightened and she felt herself being raised from the ground and swirled around, "We'll be together forever!"

Fara felt herself begin to lack air from the pressure and it took Yamato and Kira's combined strength to pry her from his grip. When they managed Van was still musing about Fara's words around the room.

"Wow, he's really in the clouds today." Yamato said as he saw Van twirling around with a smile. "He might not even come down." He mentioned more annoyed.

Fara walked to the entrance of the room and took one last look at all of them, trying to engrave the image of them in her mind, to help her carry through the days that were left before they could truly be together. She gave a full bow, "I'll see you guys soon, take care and thank you for opening your arms to me." She beamed at them.

"We've learned a lot from you Ms. Hakuryu and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we're really grateful to you too." Eiji bowed as well and the others followed his example.

"Do make sure to take care of yourself Hakuryu-sama. You've worked long and hard these last few days." Kira said seriously. She nodded appreciating his concern.

"I'll escort you down." Eiichi murmured as he held the door open for her. They walked silently that is until they got to the elevator, Fara felt eyes on her and of course Eiichi was staring at her, God knows for how long.

"What is it?" She asked seriously, but she couldn't help but blush at the intensity of his gaze.

"I would heed what Kira says Fara. You do look tired. One night of rest won't wash away a years worth of struggle." She did feel physically tired but her mind was racing forward, with energy she hadn't known in the last years.

"I'll be fine." She brushed off.

"Will you? There will be a lot of questioning going around." She clenched her hand tightly into a fist as the brunette was right. She sighed and felt a hand wrap around her fist. "You could really just stay, you know they'll find out sooner or later." She turned to look at him and he was wearing a grin of utter pleasure but she sensed a hint of malice and perhaps jealousy at his insinuation.

She shook her head wanting to dissuade any of his thoughts. "It will be later, and you should all focus on learning the beginning half of the song." The elevator door opened and they walked out.

"You drive a hard bargain my sweet, but I'll oblige." They continued through the hallway, then passed the lobby and finally exited the building. An elegant black vehicle awaited Fara, passenger door opened by the chauffeur who was awaiting her patiently.

As she turned to enter she felt a kiss brushed her hand. "We'll see you soon." He closed the door for her and soon after the driver pulled out, speeding away onto the rather empty roads.

Eiichi stood at the entrance until he could no longer see the car that took Fara away. He entered back into the building, his gaze low until he found a familiar pair of shoes very much near him. His gaze quickly rose to find his father leaning over the counter. Even with his dark glasses he could tell he was looking at him and with a distinct air of disapproval. "Don't you think she needs a leash." It wasn't a question but a suggestion.

Eiichi's brow furrowed instantly, "why would I leash a beautiful, majestic creature? I like her wild. She will eventually return and find her place among us." He couldn't stomach any other words from his father and brushed passed him to the elevator.

"Don't repeat the same mistake as last time boy." Raging warned.

Eiichi halted in his step and really let his father's words sink in, he gave a chuckle. "I know what I'm doing, we are stronger, we are seven and a composer."

The drive was rather quick as she found herself inside the familiar gates and she hoped it had been enough to help collect her thoughts and what she was going to say. Although Fara knew that running through a scenario with designated dialogue was one thing but actually living through the events was another.

"Master Otori said to drop you off at the gate Miss, would you like me to enter and drive you up to the entrance?" The chauffeur asked.

"No, his instructions were correct and thank you." She exited the car and thanked him and let him speed away before moving from the spot. She took a deep breath and pushed the Agency's gate open and walked slowly through the gravel path holding onto her small purse tightly.

She felt ridiculous at hiding this way but again there were people she loved here as well and didn't want them to worry about her decision or where that path would eventually lead.

And in thinking about the people who she loved she found two of them taking a stroll at the front garden. Yui was the first to make eye contact and she was about to break into a sprint when she only felt her own steps crunching the ground beneath her. She noted Reiji was picking a flower and hence hadn't noticed their friend's return. "Reiji she's back!" Yui tugged and pointed at Fara who was making her way to them. She noticed both of their eyes gleamed as they saw her.

It was a battle of the fastest but for once she had seen Reiji surpass Yui in speed. "FA-CHAN YOU ARE SAFE! WE LOOKED FOR YOU EVERYWHERE, EVERYONE SEARCHED BUT THEN MYU-CHAN SAID YOU WERE ALRIGHT BUT-" He had crashed and encapsulated her into an embrace. He squeezed and she didn't seem to complain or react, he let her go surprised at her lack of reaction.

"It's alright I'm fine." She fixed her outfit, "If you don't mind, I'd like to go to my room, we'll talk later." She took a couple of steps back urging them to hold off their inquiry.

"But you have to tell us what happened." Yui insisted, she noted Fara looked a little exhausted but other than that she seemed fine, well dressed and in control.

Of course it wasn't that easy she had disappeared for three days…"I was… still am upset but I'm back, there are responsibilities I have here. Simple." She said trying to once again calm their questioning.

Reiji couldn't hold it together seeing how strange and cold Fara was acting. "Fa-chan you should really speak to Ranran-" he began to say.

Fara quickly stopped him. "No, I won't. Now please excuse me, I am rather exhausted." She knew she was being curt but at the mention of Ranmaru her mood soured.

Luckily she made it to her room without any further interruptions. She made sure to lock the door, not wanting to be interrupted for the rest of the evening if possible. She noticed the disarray the room was currently in but instead of tidying, she went to her storage closet and took out the boxes she had used to initially pack up all her things and made her task for the night. She wouldn't be in this room much longer so she tried to organize everything.

She managed to pack all her things much quicker than it was to unpack everything or was it because she was excited the course her life was about to take? There were a few things she left out of the boxes, the large bean bag chair which would serve as her bed, a desk and her writing material and all of which she then hauled into her secret piano room.

She would now sleep in the piano room, it was a room that gave her much more peace than any other place at the agency.

But before taking any rest she began to work on her class plans for tomorrow, one of the main reasons she decided to return. While the school cycle was almost over she had to do the best she could for the students that had depended on her and cared for her as well. Fara finished well into the morning but the few hours of sleep she had were uninterrupted and full of hopeful dreams.

"Well the school years almost over and that means most of you will move on from this class and return to your normal routine." She was rather proud that so much improvement had been gained in her class. Her students had turned into real performers.

"How do you know we'll pass?" Kazuhiko murmured, he was flattered but also concerned that his professor had deposited way too much faith in them.

"Don't you feel your progress? Or is my teaching deficient?" Fara asked thoughtfully.

"No of course not." Kazuhiko quickly responded, understanding that his words could have been interpreted as disrespectful toward his peers and professor. "I feel like my classmates have become incredible, our groups are powerful and our bonds will last forever."

She smiled, remembering them as they once were. "I'm so glad you feel this way about your classmates, I'm honored to have been a part of your growth. But I also feel like I learned a lot from all of you as well." She had learned true bonds from them, it was possible to meet a complete stranger, to then come to a mutual understanding and be able to utilize strengths to create something beautiful. She found herself musing over this thought but brought herself from the daydream and looked over her notes of discussion. "Anyways, you should all be thinking of the final performance starting now, this will be your passing exam." The bell wrung, ending the conversation. "Alright everyone class is dismissed."

Fara turned to order the notes that were sprawled over her desk when she felt a soft voice call out to her.

"Ms. Hakuryu?" Akio stood before her, staring at her intently. He seemed to be struggling to find the right words.

"What is it Akio?" It made her worry to see him in this state of distress, her thoughts immediately went to the drastic side of things. "Is your sister alright?"

"Yeah she's fine." He quickly corrected but then he blurted out his true source of worry. "It's you." He sighed.

"Me?" Fara was a little taken aback by his confession but noted he had more to say, she waited patiently for him to continue.

He continued but he spoke slowly. "I heard a rumor you had disappeared the night of the performance." He sighed, "not to mention the way you were speaking," What he was about to say next seemed like the root of his trouble. "Are you leaving?"

Fara wasn't surprised that the dance argument fiasco had become juicy gossip for the Agency and that it had also carried through to the Academy. Although, the way Akio phrased it made it sound like he believed it to be untrue. Once again touched by the kindness of her students she decided to ease him, "do I look like someone who would disappear and then show up like nothing?" She questioned, her answer was ambiguous, she answered nothing. She would be happy if he judged her based on the teacher she was.

As he looked at her, he looked down and massaged his neck. "No I guess not." But then he looked up, "But what about-"

Fara knew that she had only answered one question but the other answer was much harder for her to answer with a white lie, so she interrupted. "Thanks for worrying about me, now get going. And don't forget about that performance I'm expecting an amazing show from you." She smiled knowing that at least all of what she said to him was true. While she was proud of all her students, Akio had been a challenge that had survived the night and became his own shining sun, she wanted to keep him and everyone that way.

He nodded and left feeling satisfied. Fara was quite happy she was finished for the day, she could go back to her current project, eat and feel at peace in her secret room…

"Kurosaki-sama?" She overheard Akio voice surprised. From the sound of it, he wasn't even halfway down the hallway.

"Hey kid, is Fara still there?" Ranmaru sounded out of breath. Her heart gave an uncomfortable squeeze. The composer felt the pain crawl into her expression, she squeezed her eyes shut, what's wrong with me so suddenly...

"Yeah she was organizing her materials." Her eyes opened when she heard Akio's words. She looked over her room, there were still things to tidy up but more than anything she wanted to leave everything and vanish, but there was no other exit to the room, there was only one door.

Heavy footsteps dashed in her direction and from the corner of her eye she could see him standing in front of the door frame. She tried very hard to remain calm and decided to pay him no attention and instead, she continued to organize her papers and went to make sure the instruments were orderly.

When the cleaning was finished, Fara grabbed her parcel bag and stopped at the door frame but didn't look at the rocker, who refused to give her a way. "I have nothing to discuss with you so step aside please." Again, she kept her gaze away from him and looked off to the side.

"Well I have plenty to say." He commented seriously. She could see his forearm muscle tense but his physical reaction and comment did little to sway her.

"Oh I'm sure you do! Like always you have a little too much to say to me you brute!" She pushed past him and made a mad dash down the hallway. It was only her footsteps that sounded until it wasn't.

"Fara… Oi Fara!" It had taken Ranmaru a minute to recover from her comment, but he couldn't let her leave the way she did, he had to explain or try to make his point across even if she refused him afterward, it would make him feel better.

She had gained some distance from him but Fara was bad at running, so he would catch up in no time that is until he saw her pull the gate open as a familiar face came to see her.

"Dearest?" Camus noted Fara was out of breath and pulled her into his arms.

"Camus?" Fara said taken aback from the gesture. His icy eyes had already settled on Ranmaru and he wanted to give him a lesson, he would be able to give this one with an example.

He released Fara from his hold and held her hand in his. "I thought you'd like someone to accompany you on the way back as it does get rather lonely." He held steadfast onto her hand and he gave a glance toward Ranmaru. "Or was I mistaken?" While he spoke innocently enough.

he was provoking the silver eyed rocker, he wanted a reaction from him.

Fara looked at Camus and finally acknowledged Ranamru who was now right behind her. His look of distress quickly turned to bitterness and anger.

A?N: I realized that Camus has appeared now at the end of both of the last chapter, he is the cliffhanger Camus! XD

All that aside, that was a serious quarrel between Fara and Ranmaru. I'd love to know what you think will happen next between these two.

I have to admit that writing Heavens has been one of the highlights of this series, Eiichi in particular has been a blast! There is still more Heavens mischief to come!

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed and commented! You all make my day! :)

Thanks again, till next update!
