Hey there readers first of all thank you for clicking on this story! Can't get enough of Utapri and with that being said there are subjects I want to explore in the story, not only the life of one composer but many others too! I want to delve deep into the history of the agency and its members. That being said this story takes place at the beginning of season three. Well I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 1: Time Waits For No One

The plane's descent wasn't her favorite part of an airplane ride but she could bear it considering the view it bestowed. There it was, the bustling, glistening city she adored. It had been absent from her thoughts due to her preoccupied state of mind these past years. "My beautiful Tokyo, it's been to long…" Her arrival was within grasp and a shrilly voice over the phone reaffirmed her.

"Fara! Did I just hear you say it's been too long?!" Yui Tachibana, her friend of many years screamed excitedly.

Fara simply laughed in response, she could picture the large grin Yui was wearing. "You're on your way aren't you?!" Yui couldn't stand her excitement, "I didn't believe you when you said you were planning on coming back."

Fara throughout the years had said she would be returning just to ease her friends nonetheless her pain was still too great. The city who had held her as a beloved composer and singer had also taken away her beloved parent one fateful, rainy night. "I know but now it's true. There are a couple of things I left pending." She could no longer mourn, her parents wouldn't approve. Her mind began carrying her elsewhere, she was brought back by the weight of her cellphone but the line had also gone silent. "Yui?" Fara called out when the line continued quiet.

"Yeah I'm here," She said cautiously. Yui hesitated for another moment thinking carefully how to approach her friend's new found enthusiasm, "you know things aren't the same right?" She hoped Fara hadn't been living under a rock for these three years and that she had in fact seen the progress and the new idols Shining Agency had produced.

"I know, time waits for no one, not even the grieving." She tried to hide her nervousness but she had already decided this, she was on the plane and nearly there. Her mind might be on alert but her hands ached to stroke the keys of a piano, she needed to live up to her profession and who she had once been. It was never the same, to play the piano in a house that only echoed the chords being played. No one to tell you it was great or that it needed work, how she craved for any words to be spoken.

"I just want you to be ready." Yui said seriously. Fara was one of the favored composers back in the day but things would no longer revolve around her and she needed that reminder.

"Don't worry-" Fara began to say when the speakers in the plane came on.

"This is you're captain speaking we are approaching Tokyo, Japan, it's a beautiful sunny day temperature's a nice 75 degrees Fahrenheit. We will be descending shortly so please remain seated and strap those seatbelts." The multiple signs identifying what you were able to do on the aircraft flashed on.

"I have to go Yui, I'll be landing in a few." Fara said while buckling up.

"Oh God seriously?! Well I'll find time to meet you-" She could hear Yui on the other side going into a panicked run.

"No, it's alright just keep my arrival a secret." The only one besides Yui that knew of her arrival was Shining Saotome. After all he was the one who accepted her return into a position. She still didn't know what her duties would be but Shining did say he would tell her as soon as she arrived.

"I'll try but these walls have ears." She began to speak in whisper.

"You mean Reiji." Fara chuckled. Quartet Night's playful soul was good at knowing what was up and it wouldn't take him long to piece Yui's giddiness with a dramatic event.

In those thoughts she remembered the other members of Quartet Night and even though fighting most of the time due to personal differences they made one hell of a singing group she was proud to have composed for and guide for a while.

"Yeah, okay see you soon." The call ended and Fara was back to musing as she was now circling above the city.

Before closing the phone she stared at her screen with narrowed eyes. A slightly younger version of herself complete with a large smile and much longer hair held on to the arm of a young man with dark navy blue hair with a smile just as grand as hers. "I can't believe what you've been up to, how easily you've forgotten…" She shut the phone and tossed it into her bag.

The wheels of the airplane finally touched down on the runway, but just as quick as its run was it stopped. The captain confirmed their landing and wished everyone a pleasant stay. The flight attendants instructed the travelers how to get out of the plane in an orderly fashion.

She was one of the first to descend and it struck her as nostalgic, she was now in her home away from home.

Well thanks so much for reading! If you can, leave a comment let me know your thoughts and what your predictions for this series are!

Until next update! :D
