Hey guys! This is Raven, with an entirely new story for you! I know that you all are waiting for updates on my other stories, but I wanted to try my hands at something other than Dark Harry, and this came to mind. Here you go, and I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or the Avengers.

The gods glared down at the figure kneeling before them, tears in his eyes. Many of them had expressions of various forms of pity. The figure had indeed served them well in the past, but he had committed a brutal crime, unwillingly put aside. Poseidon glared at the others, anger in his eyes at what was going on, but knowing all the same that the Ancient Laws forced them to do this. Finally Zeus cleared his throat.

"Percy Jackson, you have been found guilty of the murder of Damocles Zarend. The normal punishment for such a crime is death" Zeus pronounced calmly. Ares glared from his throne angry that his sons killer had gotten off easily. "However, because of your services to Olympus, and because you didn't kill him willingly, you have instead been exiled. You are no longer allowed at either of the camps or at Olympus unless you have been granted permission by myself, Zeus, king of the Olympians. The fact that you didn't kill him willingly got you exile, and your services mean that your scent will be removed. However, you will retain your abilities." Zeus then waved his arm, and Percy disappeared. "Meeting dismissed."

Percy felt himself falling. He landed, hit the ground and groaned, before looking up and sighing. Suddenly, a voice from behind him spoke.

"Hello there Perseus. Quite a fall you must have had." The voice was calm and collected, and Percy spun around glared at the man in a suit and tie. "I understand that you might not want to do this, but I would like to invite you to join S.H.I.E.L.D. He showed Percy his badge, and asked him "What do you think?"

Percy stared at him, before he found his voice and asked "When do I start?"

AN: I know, I know, the classic Percy gets exiled trick, but with my own twist added to it. I hope you like this first chapter! Sorry that it's so short, hopefully the later ones will be longer. And yes, Percy is going to join S.H.I.E.L.D. So, please, Read and Review!

Raven Out.