Hey everyone! So this is the reason why I have been taking so long. After reviewing not only your reviews but also the story so far, I realized that the original direction I was taking the story didn't bring anything new to the table and instead I seemed to replicate the work of other authors in this place to provide with what seemingly was a "good story".

There is a saying that goes "A good story begins with a good villain." It is true and I slowly realized that I had left clues here and there of someone lurking in the shadows, causing all this bad people to pop here and there causing migraines to each of the members of our beloved team.

I know it's been a while since I uploaded but I will keep my word that I WILL FINISH this story one way or another. The only thing left is for me to thank each and all of you for your support and here is hoping that the chapter is good for all of you.


Chapter 9: Setting Barriers (Part 3)


"Hey Hiro."

Gogo stopped right before going into the dining area of the base. You could hear faint voices but mostly the area was quite empty. Good for what Gogo wanted to discuss with the kid standing right beside her.

"Yeah?" Hiro answered. Stopping right beside her.

"We need to talk."

"What happened?" Hiro asked mildly concerned about the probable scenarios but given Gogo's look, it didn't seem to be a concerning talk.

"I just… need to talk to you about, uhm, various things." She sighed. "Come on, follow me."

Gogo opened the door and guided the young man to a rather secluded table at the edge of the room. They received salutes here and there but it didn't take long for them to reach their destination. Sunset giving way in the background painting the base with a beautiful myriad of purples and oranges.

"What did you want to talk about that has you this worried?" Hiro said, waiting patiently for Gogo to pick on the conversation. Instead, he just watched how Gogo turned her head towards the window seemingly getting lost in the colors of the afternoon.

"Sorry, I don't really know how to begin this conversation." Gogo breathed out.

Conscious that what was coming was going to let Hiro pick on things of her past. And while Gogo was not proud of past experiences, she took the words from Honey Lemon close to heart and wanted to stop herself from being the same kind of person that led her to build the wall around her heart. The last thing she wanted was for Hiro to turn into a heartless person.

She was given this chance and this chance alone to make things right. She had realized that her actions over the past few days have been rather quick and irresponsible, not only for her but for the kid –no- man sitting right before her. She needed to take things slow because she feared of what could come next if they were to lose control. No, don't misunderstand her. Such thing never happened to her for she was able to realize of her situation well before she reached the point of no return. But this time, she was not on the receiving end but Hiro was and that was something she once swore to avoid with all her being.

"Don't worry Hiro, is nothing serious." She turned her head to look at the boy who was still patiently waiting. "I realized that my past actions over the past 2 days have been rather too aggressive and I failed to realize until now."

"What do you…" Hiro wanted to ask but was abruptly stopped by the speedster.

"Let me finish. Please." She looked at the boy and waited for some of confirmation. To which, Hiro simply nodded.

"Not long ago…" She sighed. "I was not as closed as I am today. Things happened with who I once thought was special to me. And while I am not proud of what happened, I realized until today after our… uhm… session earlier today..." She gulped noticing the slight blush both she and Hiro were sporting. "…that I was doing the exact same thing to led me be the way I am now.

"I don't really expect you to understand me but I wanted to let you know that I love you. Very much so that we really need to take this slow." Gogo's eyes stared deeply into Hiro who kept waiting for her to finish. "Of course there will be kisses, there will be cuddles but I don't want to be the person responsible for you to lose the trust, not just mine but of people in general."

"Would that be agreeable for you?" She asked. Pleading to God for the little man to understand what she meant. Trying to avoid being awfully specific was hard but Hiro was no fool either so…

"I think, I understand what you mean." Hiro looked down to the table deep in thought and avoiding Gogo's gaze altogether.

He was able to piece the puzzle together but he never thought that Gogo went through an experience like that before. It all seemed to make sense now but he decided to avoid the topic for it seemed that Gogo wasn't really ready for such conversation.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could answer to Gogo's heartfelt 'speech'.

"Don't sweat it, it's all in the past now. The one who should be sorry is me. I was one step away from commiting the same mistake and now that I understand my position, I can't really blame that person." Gogo looked back to the now darkening skies.

"Still…" She stood up once again and leaned over Hiro. "I don't want you to be mad. I needed to talk because I don't want you to think that my ignorance or denial of affection is me not loving you. Okay?"

Hiro rose his head once again to look at her and steal a glance of the beautiful eyes who were looking at him. "I understand, and thank you." Hiro smiled.

"Good!" She stood straight looking at the cafeteria once again. "Would you like to grab something to eat?"


Both stood up from their table and walked towards a rather delicious smell. But right before they even got to order anything, the lights had turned red as the alarm started going wild inside the compound.

"What is going on?" HL yelled as she burst through the door that led to the dining area.

"Beats me." Gogo replied.


"Come on!" Hiro sprinted, running past HL while doing so, and leading the three of them to the requested room.

"Where are the others?" Hiro half turned around prompting HL. They were still missing Fred and 'Sabi.


"I don't know!" She replied. "They should be on the way by now."

Right, Left, another right. They were close.

"Any idea what happened?" Hiro asked randomly.


"No clue!" Gogo responding matching Hiro's pace. "But it sure as hell is important."

Soon, Gogo placed her palm on the panel that led to the room known as the eagle nest. A huge room, bathed in white, where they usually would train having all type of obstacles for each member of the team. And at the top there was a control room and protruded from the roof resembling some sort of upside down dome where not only the commander but a team of assistants would work monitoring the team's vitals and adjusting the training program. Hiro still wondered how the hell Krei managed to pay for the maintenance or overall pay for each of the supporting staff.

He was not complaining tho. As part of an agreement the team reached with Krei, while they still shared the property rights, the inventions created by the team would be used by Krei as possible products from his company. This not only gave Krei a rather endless think tank but also provided each member of the team a rather good source of income which in turn would help each scientist with their life projects.

"Commander!" Hiro yelled. "What is going on?"

"There has…"

"WE ARE HERE!" Both Wasabi and Fred yelled, out of breath, as they entered the room.

"Can you please de-activate the alarm?" Gogo requested. "It is getting annoying and we are all here now." The commander only nodded and signaled one of the members to his side to stop the alarm.

"As I was saying, there has been a breach at Krei's building." To this they all gasped.

"And…?" Hiro continued.

"An uncontaminated sample of the 'Angel's Sough' has been stolen." The commander finished, turning instead to look at HL for she knew what it was.

Noticing the commander, they all turned around and looked at the blonde who just stood there, looking at the ground with her hand under her chin. Deep in thought.

"And what is this… 'Angel's Sough' he is talking about?" Gogo asked. True, she was aware of their arrangement with Krei and while all the experiments shared with billionaire were part of the deal, they also made sure that what was being given, couldn't be used for evil intentions.

"Angel's Sough…" HL said out loud. "Is the formula I created to accelerate the healing of damaged tissue in any animal including humans as well. This is what I used to heal you guys after our last battle."

20 minutes earlier.


"Sir…" A man, standing not that far from him interrupted. "Pardon for my interruption but he's here."

"Apologies accepted." The figure stopped to look at the man standing beside his luxurious desk. "What do we know about this person?"

"He goes by the name Hardlight." The figure responded while tapping away at a screen in front of him. "According to the files, he used to work at Krei Tech and he is quite capable." The man turned his screen around in order for his boss to see. "A forcefield? And that sword looks pretty similar to that member of BH6."

"So it seems." The man returned to his task, reading the remaining details behind this new mercenary for hire.

"Remember me Deathstrike. Why are we doing this?" The man fixed his suit and sat again behind his desk revealing a rather rich sort of rings adorning his hands.

"I remember you mentioned…"

The doors to the room were opened, revealing a rather imposing figure who seemed to done a metal armor glowing purple, thus lighting the room.

"Welcome!" The boss extended his arms wide, inviting the stranger to sit at a chair that stood lonely in the center of the room. "I believe you are going to be of good use for us and if you complete this task for me I will repay you handsomely."

"For you, as a downpayment in good faith." The man smiled as the strange figure merely looked at the briefcase and turned his head towards him.

"I'm all ears."