2 YEARS BABY! It's been two long and interesting years since I started. And to commemorate such date I decided to publish this third installment this day.

HEY EVERYBODY! Long time no see! I know I took too long to finish this chapter BUT I kinda lost my interest in writing for some time. It felt boring, and while I wrote this it felt that it didn't have the quality that I actually wanted for the first chapter. Quality over quantity... always!

But not long ago I decided to go through the previous stories and as I read your kind and heartwarming reviews, my courage returned and with a smile wrote this rather long piece. I will try to do my best to bring you guys an interesting and intriguing story, but for that to come to fruition I need you.

I need your reviews guys! I seriously do, I don't want to publish something dull or boring even for those who have kept up with the story since chapter 1 on the first installment. I need you to tell me tomatoes if it's needed.

Well, enough chit chat. I hope this first chapter is up to the bars me and you have set up through this years. And as always, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Urban Warfare

Hiro and the others were observing the scene from the sky. Horrified at the success of events. There was nothing the police could do to stop their assailant and the entire plaza was thrashed. Hiro immediately dialed the commander.

"Commander." Hiro called. "Can you hear me?"

Loud and clear boy, what do you need?

"We will need the help of your boys to clear out a perimeter. We can't have any civilians running into the fray." Hiro ordered as he examined again the battlefield. "And we may also need the medical team."

Consider it done. Good luck!


"SO!" Fred yelled. "What are we going to do?"

Sigh "I still don't know." Hiro replied quite defeated. "We still don't know the full extent of his powers or his counters."

"He seems to have a force field around him." Wasabi acknowledged as Baymax landed on a roof quite away of the action before committing.

"He is definitely hiding something!" Added HL. "I don't know what but he uses those robes for a reason."

"What do you mean?"

"He might not have showed everything he has just yet." HL crossed her arms trying to figure out a game plan.

"Maybe if we overcharge his shield?" Fred joined in. "we could overcharge the batteries or whatever it is powering his shield with a…"

"THAT'S IT!" Hiro snapped his fingers. "We can overcharge one of the power boxes, and with some tweaking, create a little EMP. You are a genius FRED!"

"For once!" Gogo retorted.


"That is…" Wasabi started as his brain ran calculations. "That could work, but you will need a huge amount of power to create such electric field. I also have to mention that you could also thrash every single of our power armors… Including Baymax."

"I know." Hiro seemed to recognize the potential damage. "That's why we have to corner him."

"You are more experienced with energy out of all of us." Gogo joined in. "We will cover you while you do your own tweaking."

"Still, how do we get such energy?" HL looked up, deep in thought. "Such power surge will…"

"Just ask the police chief for access to the energy grid." Fred said simply. "I mean, if we are granted access, we can help Wasabi from HQ to set everything up."

"That is… not a bad idea Fred." Gogo smiled. "Two in a row! That is impressive. I might start to think you are not our Fred!"

"What do you…"

"Ah, I see you are here!" A voice came from the center of the disaster area. "You are not as cowards as I thought!" A red light started glowing from inside his robes.

"MOVE!" Hiro yelled just in time as several energy beams crossed the sky nearly hitting them. "Okay guys, we have a plan! Now, let's kick some ass!"

Everybody got up on Baymax's back and dove right into the destroyed street. As always, using that loud crashing sound from Baymax's heavy suit to create some psychological warfare.

"You were looking for us!?" Hiro's voiced pierced the rather silent air that surrounded the team and the unknown bad guy. "Here we are!" He extended his hands. "What do you want? And do it fast! We don't take kindly those who destroy our city."

"My, My, so feisty." The man chuckled. "It's okay, you won't last long." The man extended his arms and suddenly the ground beneath them started to shake.

"Spread out!" Gogo yelled.

Just in time, as a huge boulder where they were standing lifted itself from the ground. The man started to laugh as he sent the rock full speed against Baymax, who just punched the large boulder.

"GIVE UP NOW!" Gogo yelled as the team surrounded the man. "You can't defeat us!"

"HAHAHA!" The man repeated the same trick. "You can say that again!"

Boulder after boulder was lifted with no trouble, causing the team to scramble and take over every now and then from the huge piles of rock.

"Okay people! We already have a plan." Hiro said as he summoned some of the microbots to block the incoming attack. "Gogo, I need you to go to the chief and ask for access to the electric grid and send it to the HQ."

"Rog!" She sped away skillfully avoiding some boulders.

"The rest of us, time to earn our names."


Sounds of battle came from behind her, she was anxious to get back and help in some way but she knew very well that her part was as important as theirs. She knew the sheriff was close to the battle zone but going to him was likely a pointless option. She flew through the streets, headed towards the city hall as fast as she could and stormed into the city until she reached the major.

"MAJOR!" Gogo called, smashing the doors open as she found unable to control her speed on the marble floor. "Is the major here!?" She yelled.

A lot of people was coming and going, apparently the new villain had everyone on edge.

"Who the hell is yelling!? Can't you see we are busy here?" A rather old puffy man walked over from another corridor, carrying a several folders. "Oh, it's you!" The man fixed his hair.

"How may I help you… uhhh…"

"Gogo" She took of her disks because the marble was making it difficult to stand straight. Her voice changer on the

"I am sorry for before, but as you can see, it's a busy evening."

"Don't worry." Gogo nodded. Of course she didn't like to be talked in that way but apparently everyone has had a stressful day.

"How may I help you Gogo." The major called out for Gogo to follow him into his office.

"We need access to the power grid." Gogo knew she was being more direct than usual but time was precious and there is no need to waste it.

The major visibly sighed. "Is this about the weirdo causing mayhem on the park?"

"It is indeed."

"I feel that I am giving you guys too much freedom." The old man sat down behind his mahogany desk. "You have given so much to this city but the destruction left behind every encounter has taken its toll on the people." The man suddenly looked older, the days of managing the city slowly graying his hair. "You guys even saved my daughter. I will give you access but we shall meet again soon."


"WATCHOUT!" Hiro created a wall of microbots before a large boulder could send HL to the afterlife.

"This is too dangerous!" HL said, falling to her knees, trying to catch a breath after a near death experience.

"No kidding!" Fred jumped into the skies and tried to attack with his flamethrower.

"FOCUS!" Hiro reprimanded.

"Where is Gogo anyway?"


Hiro's HUD turned blue as the call patched through.

"Hey!" Hiro answered with a smile.

"Thank god you guys are okay." Will, a young man that volunteered not long ago smiled to the camera. "We are following what is happening from here."

"Yeah, his shield has proven to be a hard nut to crack." Hiro replied with a defeated smile.

"We just received the schematics of the power grid and we've been granted full access to it." Hiro's face lighted up immediately at the, definitely, good news.

"I am going to patch you through to Wasabi, he is the expert of us in this kind of things!"

"Alright!" Will smiled again. "Stay safe!"

The communication dropped just in time. "Hey guys!" Gogo chimed in.

"FINALLY!" Fred dropped from the skies. "Where the hell were you?"

"Sorry but…" She dodged another boulder. "I went with the major. Guessed it was a far better approach than the sheriff."

"Good call!" Hiro yelled. "But now's not the time for chit chat"


"What's the plan?" Fred called.

"We will have to keep this man distracted until Wasabi's thingy is ready to blow."

"Time to kick some ass then?" Gogo called in her two disks and got into a battle position.


All four teammates split up and surrounded their new enemy. Like some kind of coordinated dance, each and every one covering the other's weakness. Seamlessly perfect and well balanced. Blow after blow, dealt with such precision but in vain nonetheless. Just how much can that shield take?

The man smiled, a grin from ear to ear as he pleasurably blocked effortlessly every attack. For the first time in his life, there was someone, or rather, a group of people capable of straining his abilities.

"Good! GOOD!" The man laughed. "THIS IS REALLY GOOD INDEED!"

The team stopped, trying to catch some air. Their training was proving its worth but even with the lightness of their armors, this prolonged fighting was taking its toll on the youngsters.

"What are you laughing at!?" Gogo snarled getting ready to throw her disks once more.

"Is that all you've got?" The man smiled again, sending shivers through the teenager's bodies. "I hear so much about you and this is all you are going to show me?" The man laughed.


I am done here!

The team's hearts stopped for a moment. All of them grinning, hardly containing themselves from laughing at the expense of their assailant.

I advise to turn off our suits.

"NO!" Hiro reprimanded. "Hold it right there. We can't tip off our play."

"At the count of three!" Fred stepped forward.

"Just because we are young doesn't mean we can't do things ourselves!" Fred snarled, the suits body language giving away his anxiousness to land a fist on the man's face.

"OH REALLY?" The man smiled again. "THEN SHOW ME!"

"My, my! Aren't you so eager?"

Let's show this bastard.

"Okay Wasabi, whenever you are ready!" Hiro said through the radio.


It all went so fast no one was completely sure what did actually happened. The moment they turned off their suits a white blinding light came from one of the street corners opposite to where they were standing. The streetlights went off for several blocks around them and the idle humming coming from the mysterious man stopped. As soon as they realized their plan worked, they restarted their suits.

"Wha?" The man started squirming around as a huge cloud of smoke emerged from his back. "WHAT THE HEAAAH!"

The man landed on the ground as one of Gogo's disks hit his chest. Still, he was able to dodge Gogo's charge to avoid being pinned down.

"YOU BASTARDS!" His gloved started to glow again and effortlessly lifted Gogo from the ground and sent her flying against a car.

"ENOUGH!" Hiro yelled, commanding his microbots to try and subdue him, but failed to do so.

"Now I'm pissed!" The man grinned. A huge boulder slowly rose from the ground and started floating towards a recovering Gogo. "What are you going to do little man?"

Hiro smiled as he noted a green blur behind the floating villain. "Me?" Hiro crossed his arms. "Nothing, everything has been taken care of."

"HYAAAAA!" Wasabi, using a totaled car, jumped upwards and kicked the man on the back. Sending him back to the ground.

I am going for Gogo! HL's voice patched through.

"Rog!" Hiro smiled again. "Let's finish this!" Hiro and Wasabi charged forward but the man was quick to recover and knocked both heroes to the ground.

"Do you really believe you can DEFEAT ME?"

"Oh, we will!" Fred jumped towards the man hitting him on the side and through a window on a nearby building.

"Nice one Fred!" Wasabi complimented, shaking his head clear from the dizziness due to the hit.


"Give up old man!" Fred replied with a bubbly voice. "There is no way you can defeat us!"

"I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE TO SOME COLLEGE KIDS!" The man went ahead and created another boulder.

"BAYMAX!" Hiro yelled. The red robot landed in front of the trio and blocked the incoming projectile. "Time to end this buddy!"

Hiro climbed on Baymax's back and flew towards the old man. Who promptly opened a hole on the roof above him and flew through it.

"Is this how it's going to be?" Hiro yelled, mocking the villain.

"Don't underestimate me boy!"

"Up!" Hiro commanded Baymax.

Both, the robot and the boy rose slowly through the hole. Both, sensors and senses on full alert. After all, they weren't sure if the man had already showed all his cards.

"Surrender now before you end up humiliated in jail."

"Watch your mouth brat!" The man jumped from his hiding spot. "You are the one who should surrender!"

Dust filled the air as cracks started to appear all around the boy and the robot. Huge pieced of concrete severed themselves from the structure.

"Baymax hu…" One by one, the rocks slammed against the robot sending them against the opposite wall. Both desperately tried to escape but it was too much for the robot to handle. In seconds, both were buried under a pile of debris, looking like a tomb of the ancient ones.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" the man laughed maniacally. "So much talk and little bite!" The man smiled, puffing his chest with pride at the prize in front of him. "As expected from some college kids."

The man started floating again, flying through the window and into the street. "NOW WATCH! As I humiliate YOU and…"


Baymax fist broke through the debris freeing both the boy and the robot from their confinement.

"You were saying?" Hiro smiled. "Come on! Come on! What? Did the rat eat your tongue?"

"DAMN YOU!" The man tried to activate his gloves again but it didn't work. "NO! I am not going to lose to some puny kids!"

"To late mate!" Wasabi was launched through the air by Fred.

"Good night!" Wasabi hit the unaware man on the back of his neck, knocking him down.

Wow, three books guys! How the fuck did I ended up writing so much!? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Hahahaha!

Now, this is just a fair warning for all of you. The upload rate I will be taking for this story is unknown. With college getting harder by the day and me taking on the mantle of writing a book of my own and managing a YouTube channel the time that I have to write something like this is really slim. BUT I will do what I can to continue rowing this bout of ours. Because I HATE when stories are left unfinished.

I PROMISE I will end this one way or another.

I must thank every and each of you that have read every single word of this work. I appreciate it and I feel honored for having such kind reviews displayed throughout my story. It brought a tear to my eye the moment I went back and read them.

Please, feel free to post your comments. I hope all of you have a nice week.