This is just a little expierement, I don't honestly know how hard I will try to be updating this, but since Teen Wolf just ended I thought I should add my little something to it. I own none of canon Teen Wolf characters they belong to Jeff Davis.
Scott McCall was a horrible neighbor. Really he was. Okay so maybe it wasn't him more of which it his annoying friend, Stiles, who always insists on coming over to Scott's house at odd hours of the night. That was what really pissed her off; and it wasn't even normal teenage hours of the night, it was literally the dead of night whenever Stiles came over.
She hated it because it made her not like Scott McCall because had a horrible choice in friends, or really, just friend. Okay, so, maybe he didn't and Stiles could be totally cool, but the kid never fucking slept and that annoyed her because what teenagers don't want to sleep constantly, Stiles, that apparently who.
It wasn't too say that she really hated the McCall's because, to be perfectly honest, she loved Melissa McCall to her very core that woman was a literal angel. She had eaten at Scott's place a couple of times whenever her mother was going on another one her benders. Melissa McCall would take pity on her and her brother letting them stay over for a little bit or eat dinner which then forced her into having a very awkward meal with the McCall's. It was always filled with that type of tension whenever everyone in the room knows something but they all refuse to talk about it because no one wants to be the first person to bring it up.
Her mother was never really a topic that she liked to talk about because there really wasn't much to talk about. She was an alcoholic who always said that she would get help, she would stay in rehab for thirty days, find a new religion, then come back and relapse one week later. That cycle was the only thing that Sawyer could ever count on her mother doing.
Her father was a different story, in that, she really didn't have one. Sawyer knew that he existed and that, obviously, her mother had to of had sex with someone in order for her to be here but her mother really didn't give her anything to work off of. She was told that looked like him a bit, his eyes, his cheekbones, and his personality, but other than that she was lost on the very idea of him.
She remembers when she was a little girl she would sit in front of the mirror for hours trying to imagine what her father would look like. Sawyer saw him as tall, at least six foot, with her bright blue eyes and her nose. She would see him laughing with her and him sitting on the couch, his arm around her, as he told her bedtime stories and it was something Sawyer would cry because of the image of it all.
But then Sawyer stopped caring when Cassidy came along.
Sawyer remembered meeting Cassidy's father once and instantly hating him. He was cruel, didn't care about her mother only the fact that she likes to party, and most of all he liked to take their money and gamble it away. Sawyer might have only been five at the time but she wasn't an idiotic and knew a horrible person when she saw one and this man was the worst of the worst. When her mother told Cassidy's father that she was pregnant he split just like that and that was the last time that Sawyer or her mother had ever seen him.
And the next nine months were bliss.
Her mother paid attention to her and took care of herself, she saved up money for when her brother would come. When the fateful day finally arrived and after sixteen long hours of labor, when they got to go home, Sawyer saw a change in her mother. Her eyes dulled and she didn't really have the motivation to do anything and as saw watched her little brother grow she saw the emptiness in mother grow more as well.
Cassidy looked nothing like her and was an almost carbon copy of his father. Where Sawyer had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes Cassidy had curly brown hair with deep brown eyes, which she had dubbed 'doe eyes'. They did have similarities though, the way they smiled and moved, the shapes of their faces were the same and for that Sawyer was thankful.
As both, the children grew Sawyer realized she had taken up the mantle of Mother, Farther, and Sister and for that Sawyer would never be able to forgive her mother. To pay the bills Sawyer had ever started working at the local hardware store, it was good money, even if it was part-time. Her grades weren't the best but they weren't so bad that the school had to call home and she never really did hang out with people so she never got into fights. There were few occasions where she and Scott and Stiles would sit at the same table with a few glances of acknowledgment then move on to whatever they were doing before.
Sawyer Rhodes knew that Scott McCall could be a terrible neighbor, but honestly, getting bitten by a werewolf because of him really tops the cake for shitty things your neighbor could do to you.
Alright, so it wasn't really his fault that, no, it was Stiles and his weird obsession with dead bodies and waking Scott up in the middle of the night. It was the night before school would start again from winter break and Sawyer was lying in her middle in the middle of reading one of her library books. Then she heard the faint tapping on a window and then a slightly girlish scream coming from next door and Sawyer groaned.
She had gotten up from her bed and went over to her window, which faced the McCall's house, and saw that Stiles was hanging upside down from the porch roof and Scott was clutching a bat. After what seemed like some bickering Stiles started saying something and it looked like he was trying to convince Scott to go with him. She saw Scott sigh and walked back into the house only to return moments later it warmer clothing and that sparked her curiosity.
Sawyer rushed to put her jacket on and slipped her feet into a pair of worn out sneakers and she made sure to grab her phone on the way out. She also made sure to tiptoes across her brother's room and make sure he didn't wake up and she didn't even bother with her mother since she was passed out. Once outside Sawyer felt the cold hit her bare legs and she stared down at them so maybe she should have changed clothes because all she was wearing now was a pair of jogging shorts and a loose t-shirt, but hey, she was in a rush.
Quickly grabbing her brother's old rusty bike she climbed onto it and started to follow the old, beat up, a blue jeep that only could belong to Stiles. It wasn't hard following them, the jeep made a lot of noise, and quite frankly it wasn't hard to spot at night and she had a feeling that Stiles and Scott wouldn't be smart enough to see if anybody was following them.
Sawyer followed them for a couple of miles until they finally stopped at the entrance of the Beacon Hills Preserve. It had no trespassing signs littered everywhere and to add for good measure they had put chains with padlocks against the entrance. That didn't stop the two boys though as Stiles started climbing out of the jeep Sawyer quickly rode into the tree line so the boys wouldn't be able to see her following them. She couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but she knew whatever they were doing wasn't exactly along the lines of legal.
Both boys bent down and entered the Beacon Hills Preserve and a couple moments later Sawyer Rhodes had followed them. She tried her best to follow the simple from the brightness of their flashlights and she watched where she stepped so she wouldn't land on a lose branch that seemed to line the entire ground more than grass.
As she followed them Sawyer heard the barking of dogs and quietly turned around to see a few flashing lights in the distance and the specific silhouette of a cop. She swore to herself and started jogging farther away from the cops not honestly caring how much noise she made, all she cared about now was avoiding the cops.
That was her first mistake of the night.
Since Sawyer had forgotten about Stiles and Scott she had taken a few wrong turns and was now in the middle of the Beacon Hills Preserve, in the dead of night, in her pajamas, with cops out looking for something. She stopped and looked around for something to help her identify where she was but it was too dark and she pulled out her phone to open up the flashlight app. She groaned though when she saw that it was at 1% battery.
"You've got to be kidding me." She said to herself as shook her phone hoping that it was just enough and let out a cry of victory when it turned on. Then it turned to a frown when she saw that she had no bars in the area, "Seriously!" She yelled at her phone. The stopped to look up and make sure that nobody had found her.
In the next few moments, she realized how utterly lost she was in the middle of the Beacon Hills Preserve. She couldn't see any of the paths and there was no way she was going back to in the direction of the cops so her the only thing she could do was point and hope to god it was in the direction of a road.
So Sawyer started walking and after what felt like an hour, but was really only ten minutes, she stopped and started pondering the idea of just waiting it out till morning. She was really considering it, she was, but she stopped thinking about the minutes she heard a scream and by the sounds of it, it was close by. It also sounded like Scott McCall.
Which led her to her second biggest mistake of the night; running to Scott McCall's aid.
Sawyer knew his scream like the back of her hand, she remembers it from when they were kids, or when Stiles just startled him. Hearing it now though made her worried and her first instinct was to run towards him to see if he needed any help. She hadn't really planned it out though because she still couldn't see where she was going and all she had to go on was his scream in the middle of an echo forest.
Which leads Sawyer to her third, and biggest, mistake that night; calling out Scott McCall's name.
"Scott!" She yelled into the blackness of the woods, "Are you out there Scott?"
There was no reply and she slowly made her way forward ignoring the pang of fear in her gut. She was shivering, both from the cold and from fear, and she watched as her breath formed out in front of her. "Scott, it's me, Sawyer Rhodes, your neighbor, I'm gonna really need you to tell me if you're out there." She called again.
There was still no response and she turned around to walk away and find another direction to see if she could find the road and hoping that Scott was okay. Then she heard and twig snap and she turned around a smile on her face and breathing out Scott's name, "Scott," She said and would have finished a sentence but stopped when she saw the huge wolfish creature with glowing red eyes in front of her.
She could literally feel her heartbeat slow down and Sawyer lost her grip on her phone letting it drop to the ground. They both stood there for a number of seconds looking at each other it's red eyes glaring right at her causing Sawyer to take short and ragged breaths. Then her flight instincts kicked in, because there was no way that she could fight that thing, and she turned around quickly running as fast as she could in a zig-zag pattern.
Sawyer heard a wolf howl but it almost didn't register it because her own breaths were harsh and short, panting from the cold and from running for so long. Her legs were starting to hurt from all the different branches hitting them and from biking all the way here. She looked back to see if she could catch a glimpse of the creature but failed to notice the tree stump causing to trip and fall over landing directly on her stomach and face.
She stayed on the ground in pain and she let out a light sob army crawling forward to a tree and get to safety. Then she heard the panting and grunting of something she knew weren't human and turned around to see the creature was now towering over her and she turned around trying to stay still hoping that the creature would go away.
It didn't though and the creature pulled back on her right leg and she screamed out trying to grab onto something but there was nothing there. It flipped her over and she could feel the slobber drip down onto her face as it put its face to hers and she tried putting her head to the one side in order to avoid its mouth.
Sawyer knew in her gut and heart that this was the thing that made Scott scream like a little girl and to be honest she didn't really blame him; after all, she was lying on the ground sobbing as the thing hovered over her.
It leaned its head down closer to her putting its nose directly above her pulse point and she felt it sniff her. After it sniffed her a couple times the wolfish creature pulled back and for a brief moment, she had hope that it was going to leave her alone and walk away.
Then it lunged forward and all Sawyer felt was a pain in her right shoulder.
She screamed out and the creature ran away after that leaving her on the ground and finding all the courage she could Sawyer got up and started running again. She grabbed her shoulder trying to put as much pressure on it as she could because she could feel the blood dripping down her shirt, and she pushed forward until she heard the sounds on the road again.
Sawyer really did cry whenever she saw the Beacon Hills preserve sign and she was relieved that Stiles' jeep was gone so he didn't see her. Running to her brother's bike in the tree line and hopped on it and started pedaling as fast she could in the direction of her house. Her adrenaline must have been through the roof because she swore she must of set a new cycling record getting to her house and when she passed Scott's house a small thread of guilt began to unravel inside of her.
She couldn't focus on it too much though because her arm was still bleeding and the adrenaline that was coursing through her veins for the past twenty minutes was now beginning to wear off. Sawyer felt exhausted and parked the bike off to the side of her house and quickly made it back inside her house making sure that nobody would hear her.
Sawyer went to her bedroom and threw her now ruined coat on the floor and pulled the sleeve of her t-shirt down to reveal the bite the creature had left. It looked honestly like a dog bite but a little bit wider and deeper, she wondered if she should go to the hospital, but then went against when she remembered the joke of her health insurance.
Grabbing the first aid kit she hid under her bed Sawyer grabbed an alcohol swab and a few sterile pads and tapped it as best she could to her shoulder. It stung a little bit a first but after a while, the pain went away and she changed clothes hoping that they would wash away whatever hell had just happened to her.
Lying down softly on her bed she closed her eyes and hoped that whatever had happened was just a really, big, bad dream.