Disclaimer: Winx Club does not belong to me it belongs to Rainbow S.r.l. and 4kids since I refuse to believe that Nickelodean version exist.

I had this idea for little while after reading one dark bloom fic. Then I had to watch some winx club episodes to know where I would place this and trust me it was difficult since I refused to watch nickelodean version so I eventually found 4kids version in dailymotion. And those few stupid people this chapter takes place in between season 1 episode 5 and season 1 episode 6 4kids version. Though I just realised something and it was when I watched winx club again in 2015 I had watched rai version I know this because I remember Bloom making up winx word instead of it being used by Faragonda and Stella. Plus in rai version which was what I had watched Bloom made winx club in episode 2 while in 4kids she did winx club in episode 4. Though I remember it having 4kids intro so maybe some of the episodes I watched were 4kids version while others were rai version I remember hearing Tecna's voice change in one episode so I guess I have watched little bit of both. Anyway to the story.

To say something has been bothering me would have been understatement. I still haven't been able to transform like Stella, Musa, Flora and Tecna can. I remember when at dance with Red Fountain boys I was fighting against Trix and almost got killed because I couldn't transform.


I was shivering. It was cold. So cold. My friends were looking at me worried. "We found you frozen in split ground. What happened?" Tecna asked me. "St-tella's ri-ring." I said stuttering. They all look confused. "S-spell didn't work." I said stuttering.

"Bloom the spell did work. Soon the trix will find a nasty surprise." Flora said to me. So what I did was for nothing? I felt even worse after that. Not only did I fail to transform I risked my life for nothing. Now I feel like an idiot.

But why did I fail to transform? Is it because I'm from earth and I haven't learned about magic until few days ago? I hope so because if it is not because of that it would mean there is something else wrong with me and it would not be my lack of experience in fairy magic.

Flashback end

And in classes I have fallen behind by lot. Almost every time there is spell that has to be cast I fail, either not creating anything or something bad happens like when I had to change water to juice and I ended up making a deadly poison. Other winx club members which is a club I created after our field trip in swamps, say to me that it's because I just learned magic couple weeks ago. It still doesn't help my mood.

Especially since Kiko... died. It was an accident. I was supposed to turn Apples into oranges in class but I failed. So I tried doing it in my room. But I turned the apple into a poison apple and Kiko was ate it. Mom and dad weren't happy either. I still haven't gotten over that. Kiko is a rabbit so he has lifespan of 1-2 years. He wasn't going to live a long life but now he is dead because of me. Maybe I should have never went to Alfea in the first place.

And yesterday I gave ring of Solaria to Trix so they would free Stella. And now Stella is literally powerless and we have tried to find ways to get her ring back.

But those were nothing compared to the biggest thing bothering me right now. It was when we were fighting trix yesterday.


"Friend or not she is gonna get mused!" Musa yelled as we were behind table using it as cover against Stella. "Mused?" Flora asked confused at Musa's made up words. "Guys that's not Stella. You know who calls us pixies." I said to my friends. Then I stood up from my cover looking at 'Stella' "Are you Icy or Darcy!?" I asked in serious voice.

"And the slowest horse crosses the finish line." 'Stella' said as she drops two magic balls to ground creating explosion. "Hah hah hah haa. Congratulations." She said as she moved her hand past her and she revealed that she was Darcy. "Here's your price." Just after that Icy and Stormy appear as well.

"Let's go girls." Both Musa and Flora transformed while I try to but only ending up in failure. "She still can't transform. How did she even enter Alfea?" Icy said mocking me. "You know I wouldn't be surprised if she was really a witch." Darcy said. When I heard those words I froze. 'Am I a witch?' I thought. "Hey earth to bloom." I heard as Tecna was waving her hand in front of me.

Flashback end

Those words echoed in my head all the time. "if she was really a witch." That one can explain everything. All they know is that i'm a magical being not what magical being I am. I don't know lot about witches in here but in earth witches are portrayed as having dark magic which can explain why I struggle with spells made for fairies. It can completely explain why I can't transform. But I can't confirm this.

I decided that maybe Faragonda has answer to my question. I knocked on her door. "Come in." I heard her say. When I opened the door and entered her office she said: "Bloom take a seat. So what is it about?" She asked while I sat down at chair next to the table.

"Well there is this one thing that has been bothering me and I think you can help me with it." I said to her. "Well what is it?" she asked. Okay Bloom this is it. All you need to do is ask her if there is some way for her to confirm whether I'm witch or fairy.

"Am I a fairy or a witch?" I said as I putted my head down in shame. "That could explain why I fail to transform or why I struggle with fairy magic." I then looked up in her eyes pleading to know the truth. "So I ask you again. Am I a fairy or a witch?" I needed to know the truth. Faragonda

"Well I have one spell for this. It's spell that is used to beings trapped inside other beings. When I use this spell you start to glow in certain color. For example humans will glow white, dragons red." She then gave me a hand mirror. "If you glow yellow you're a fairy. If you glow purple you are a witch."

Sounds simple. Now I will get the answer I'm looking for. I will learn am I witch or fairy. "I will cast the spell on you now." I heard Faragonda say. I was begging in my head to glow yellow. Then Faragonda's spell hit me and it stung a little but nothing worse.

At first my whole body started to glow white and then I started to rapidly change into different colors red, yellow, purple, black, orange, blue, cyan you get what I mean. Eventually color changing wasn't so rapid. Eventually I only switched colors between white, yellow and purple.

Soon I stopped glowing white only switching from purple to yellow.








And then it stopped.

I was glowing purple.

Should I continue this? This is quite short chapter I might do a rewrite where I make this chapter longer but anyway hopefully you liked this one. Next chapter will be much longer I promise. Anyway I find it annoying how good winx club ideas like dark Bloom, dark Flora or where trix would be fairies are rarely made but then we get lots of Bloom x Sky crap stories. Like why there are so many Bloom x Sky stories but there are barely any dark Bloom stories. Also ít seems like I'm the only one who has a Bloom witch story. In the other stories Bloom is still a fairy she had grown up as a witch or thought she was a witch at the start.