Adam woke up with a jolt only to realize he was laying asleep on a bed and his top was exposed, or rather he only wore the pants he had but his upper body was bandaged all over, his chest and his abdomen. He looked around to see other Faunus who suffered worse than him lying down on beds like him. Then the sound of footsteps caught Adam's attention.

Adam recalled what happened before he lost consciousness. There was a protest and petition signing in Atlas to stop Faunus discrimination but from gods-know-where an explosion occurred, and he remembered so much people on the ground before he lost consciousness. He looked around to see that he was in a dusty stone-walled room with the only source of light coming from the window.

Like a prison Adam thought

Then he was able to hear muffled voices from the other side of the door. He remembered the owners of the voices, it was the people who were in the protest with him. With pain coming from his entire body he forced himself to stand up and limp towards the door. He opened it and was brought to a walkway that overlooked the whole place he held onto the railing to support his body.

Containers stacked here and there, metallic walls and construction equipment scattered around. They were in some kind of warehouse and in the middle of it all a male figure wearing a white mask with an eerie pattern of a purple eye on it. His messy hair would be contrasting his finer clothes if even those weren't dirty and disheveled as well.

Adam looked around and found relief when he saw the people who were in the protest was all there eating and talking nonchalantly while the kids were surrounding this masked figure playing with them. They haven't noticed him yet.

"He's the one who saved us." A familiar female voice called out behind him. He didn't need to turn around to know that it was Blake Belladonna.

"Who is he?" Adam asked, leaning on the rail, totally ignoring the pain he felt on his stomach.

"He calls himself the Shadow Seer. Apparently, he's an information broker." Blake said.

"Is that all?" Adam said, he knew Blake, and he knew about the curiosity that have always driven her if not into trouble then into situations other people would do their best to avoid.

"Well, like I said he's an information broker and he claims that he found out in advance about the-" Blake paused and took a deep breath. "The bombing. He rushed to stop the it from happening. And well, failed. But he saved everyone though. He used up his aura yesterday to heal everyone with his semblance." Blake finished

Of course, you'd know that. You're curious like a cat He happily thought to himself and let out a small chuckle which caught everyone's attention.

"Good morning Mr. Taurus! You shouldn't be up yet!" the masked man said with a cheerful tone.

Adam stood straight and head down to where everyone is he almost fell but his body was grabbed by Blake and held him by his waist. Upon his arrival it was clear to see that his fellow brothers and sisters of the fang have accepted this mysterious savior.

"I would like to give my thanks, for helping us." Adam said, giving a small smile at the enigma.

"You shouldn't thank me though." He paused. "I could've done more but I'm a failure as an information broker for not knowing sooner about the… 'accident'."


"Please, lets talk somewhere private, if its okay with the two of you." Blake nodded and so did Adam, and the masked youth, now that Adam was able to hear his voice the boy was younger than him.


Adam, Blake, and the Shadow Seer entered a room inside the warehouse where the walls were soundproofed. As explained by the Shadow Seer. The room was set up like an office, a wooden table at the back with a lush leather chair for one person while in the middle was a living room set, a coffee table and a couch for four people facing the two tables.

The seer sat on the table and crossed his legs.

"What I'm about to tell you, I kept secret from the ones outside. Because I think this is sensitive information that you should decide what to do with." The Shadow Seer said, his previously cheerful tone replaced with a seriousness that dropped the room temperature below its negatives. Adam swallowed at the pressure coming from the masked boy.

"What information?"

The Shadow Seer kept quiet for a bit before finally speaking up again.

"You see, I did not like the fact that something went under my nose. That doesn't happen. Ever." His gloved hands started to hold the edge of the table, Adam could swear he could here the wooden material cracking underneath his grip. "Which is why I was doing my job while attending to your injured and found out who instigated the attack."

Adam kept silent. He wasn't surprised. Discrimination against Faunus have been at its all-time high ever since the council of Atlas decided to at least consider their protests. When hope was finally within their sights, humans would do everything to crush that small light. Adam grit his teeth.

The Shadow Seer took three folders from the table and offered them to both Adam and Blake.

Adam opened the first folder to reveal the picture of an old man with a bald head wearing a business suit.

"That man is Efrain Versaze. A politician in the Atlesian Council. He's one of the influential people who are against Faunus rights. If it wasn't for him and his… compelling arguments, then the laws for Faunus Rights would've been smoothly being approved by now."

Blake took the folder and Adam opened the second one to reveal a picture of a woman in her 40's.

"Ellen Germaine-"

"Wait, isn't she a supporter of Faunus rights?! I mean she runs the biggest charity group that supports Faunus Rights!"

The Shadow Seer chuckled. "Oh, you innocent little cat, so adorable that's what we call a front, Ms. Belladonna. She also runs the biggest bank in all of Remnant. 80% of the money received from the charity group goes into her pocket."

"But, But that's"

"Inhumane? Evil? Horrific? The worst one is best saved for last." The Shadow Seer said.

Blake took the second folder and Adam opened the final folder. It revealed the picture of different races of Faunus chained and wearing ragged clothes being put into trucks and being presented in a stage with people in masks as their audience.

"Human trafficking, but in this case Faunus Trafficking. High class people bidding in auctions to satisfy their fetishes or show off their fortune. They buy Faunus, what happens to them only the gods can ever know." The Shadow Seer said glumly.

Blake felt her afternoon lunch slowly creeping up while Adam can only stare in anger at the suffering he's seeing.

"All that is from the third instigator of the bombing. Dolan Rump. A high ranking member of the SDC board of directors."

"Why show me all of this?" Adam said. "I doubt we can do anything to them anyway. They have money, and what do we have? We have signboards and that's it. Even if we-"

"I'm giving you a choice." Jaune said.

"A… Choice?" Adam gulped.

"One, you can walk away and continue your fruitless protests and petitions. Or two, help me with my plans against those guys." He pointed at the folders "And give your people a fighting chance."

"What do you need?" Adam asked.

Adam could feel that a smile formed from behind the Shadow Seer's mask as the masked figure stood walked past Blake and he then opened the door.

"terribly sorry Ms. Belladonna, but I would like to have a private moment with Mr. Taurus."

Blaked looked at Adam and he just nodded at her. She gave an understanding nod back and left the room.

The Shadow Seer then removed his mask. "Greetings Mr. Taurus. I am the Shadow Seer. But my close friends call me Jaune." The blonde boy with piercing blue eyes greeted with an extremely cheerful demeanor.


Blake was skeptical to say the least. Thankful for the Shadow Seer's help but skeptical about him as a person. No one knew about Adam's knowledge about fighting and, yet the Shadow Seer talked to them about it as if it was common sense to know about it. Now, Blake and Adam are waiting in a café at Atlas, watching out for the Shadow Seer's signal all the while staying calm to avoid suspicion. Across the street is where the Germaine International Bank. Their branch here at Atlas is the main one where the head would always be staying. Even now as Blake sips her tea Ellen is staying atop her office.

"What're you nervous about, Blake?" Adam asked while reading the newspaper he was holding.

"I just don't trust that guy, Adam."

Adam gave a cool smile. "Do you trust me, Blake?"

"Yes, of course I do!" Blake said, feeling her cheeks heating up at the smile Adam showed her.

"Then that's enough a reason to trust him." Adam sipped his coffee.

"He works with criminals!" Blake hissed.

"Yes, but I still have my moral compass." A voice from behind her said. Blake turned around to see a boy the same age as her with cobalt eyes and a messy mop of blonde hair, wearing a casual hoodie and ripped jeans. The boy took a seat in between Adam and her.

"Blake has a point though, S." Adam said with a smirk.

'S' sighed and explained. "Look, I told Adam this already, but I work with criminals, but I won't work with anyone who I know will harm innocent bystanders." 'S' said.

Blake raised an eyebrow asking for further explanation.

"Look, I deal with information, criminals or not I'm willing to do business with anyone. But there are exceptions. If I know selling them to a person that would affect innocent women and children, then they won't be getting anything from me. It's what sets me in a different level from other I.B. (Information broker) dipshits." He smirked then ordered for hot cocoa.

"And he's told me enough to warrant my trust." Adam said.

"And you won't tell me?"

Adam grimaced. "I'm sorry." He said.

'S' then interjected. "Your boyfriend is protective Ms. Belladonna. Ever heard of 'Ignorance is bliss'?" His eyes sharpened and it sent chills down her spine.

"If I tell you the same thing I told him you'd better make sure you're prepared to suffer its consequences." He gave a creepy grin before fiddling with his Scroll.

Adam looked away from Blake clear that he doesn't want to talk anymore about this. Blake crossed her arms in irritation at Adam's unforthcoming attitude.

'S' then put his scroll back in his pocket and finished his drink in one gulp. "There's our target." The blonde gestured at the luxury car that stopped in front of the bank. And Blake saw the man that came out was their target Efrain, the politician.

'S' stood up and walked away from the café then brought Adam and her to a parking lot near the bank. Once there 'S' stopped by a black van with two people waiting outside.

A young male and a female rabbit Faunus with the left and right half of their faces hidden by their respective mask. The male had his white, well-groomed hair swept to the side with his right eye revealing a crimson color.

Then the female rabbit Faunus greeted 'S' with a hug, her petite body jumping around cheerily caused her short white hair to bounce along with her rabbit ears. Her left eye revealed the same crimson color as her counterpart.

"Meet my associates." 'S' said then he gestured to the male. "Casper"

"A pleasure." The male gave a curtsy bow.

"And Cinnamon." He gestured to the female.

"Hello~" She gave a cheery salute to her greeting.

Blake and Adam merely gave a silent nod towards them.

"Casper will hack into the security system and make sure that we won't be recorded by the camera and to make sure the cops be alarmed. While Cinnamon here will help us sneak into the upper floors without any problems whatsoever." 'S' said with a grin.

The blonde then pulled out two masks. One for Adam that hides his eyes and one for Blake that hides her whole face, the design is akin to that of an actual cat. And to Blake's surprise Adam took out his prized weapon from the back of the Van as well. Wilt and Blush. Blake gaped in surprise, she never thought she'd see the day Adam would ever take up his weapon again.

'S' winked before taking his own eerie mask. "Let's get this show on the road people." He said with a cheerful tone.

Casper gestured them a farewell and Cinnamon started to latch on to the Shadow Seer. Adam smiled at them. Blake still wondered what it is that Adam saw in him.


'Justice for Faunus lives.' These were the last words that echoed in Adam's head from his conversation with Jaune. Truth be told it was not a conversation at all. But rather the two had a heated debate on what the White Fang should do from here on out. Adam is a pacifist by nature but Jaune told him things that changed him.

So much injustice against his kind, and for what reason? Because they were different? Because they had traits that aren't deemed as normal!? Behind the mask that Jaune gave him Adam was seething in anger. Now that he noticed it the hallways of the bank filled with unconscious bodies had no Faunus traits in them.

"Bank doesn't hire Faunus. Ironic how no one's noticed this despite their head's Charity work." Jaune said.

Adam gripped his weapon tight. "Hypocrites, the lot of them." He snarled.

"Easy, Adam. Not yet. We have plans, remember?" Jaune said.

Adam nodded, ignoring the concern he had in his head for what Blake would think about him.

Cinnamon appeared from the next corner. "The targets have yet to leave." She said.

Jaune nodded and tapped into his earpiece. "How's security?" Jaune asked.

"Well, so far no alarm, you were able to take them down without having to alert anyone." Adam heard Casper from his respective earpiece.

"Alright, keep us posted for anything." Jaune said.

"Copy that."

"What next?" Blake asked.

"We take the elevator to the top floor." Jaune said and he briskly walked towards the nearest elevator and pressed the arrow heading up.

"Cinnamon, take care of our escape route."

The rabbit Faunus nodded and left with cheerful steps.

The elevator dinged and once open Jaune held the door. "Ladies first." And gestured for Blake to enter. Blake nodded, and she entered first then Jaune let go of the door and the said doors immediately slammed shut. "Good job Casper."

Adam was surprised then out of anger he held Jaune by his collar and slammed him to the wall. "What the hell was that!?" He snapped.

"That elevator was hacked by Casper to go down to the basement parking where our escape Van is waiting for us." Jaune struggled to breathe. "And I don't think what we're about to do would sit well with her. She's a burden to us Adam. And I think her presence would affect your moral compass."

Adam grit his teeth and looked at the elevator to find out it stopped at the basement parking floor. "Fine, but just so you know, I don't like surprises like these." He pushed Jaune towards the wall.

Adam turned his back on him as he operated on the other elevator that would lead the duo up the top floor.

Once there the elevator doors opened to reveal a lobby with a receptionist behind her desk.

"Wha-" But before the woman could say anything Jaune pulled his gun and aimed it at her while his other hand gestured for her to be quiet.

"Casper, what's happening inside?" Jaune asked.

"Just as planned, the two are having a conference with Dolan-" He said with slight surprise. "And it seems there's another one. It seems to be a member of the Atlesian Council, but I can't know who it is unless you want me to be discovered." Casper said.

Jaune clicked his tongue. "I hate surprises." He mumbled. "Let's keep it safe." He said before firing a tranquilizer dart at the receptionist causing her upper body to slump on the table.

"What now?" Adam asked.

"We act." Jaune said arming himself with his tranquilizer gun. And pulling out a concussive grenade. "Justice for the Faunus." He said.

"Justice for the Faunus." Adam agreed. He then sliced the door in half then Jaune kicked the door before throwing the concussive grenade at the center of the room.

To Adam's relief they had no guards inside which made things easier. Adam rushed into the room. He unsheathed his sword and aimed it at Ellen's neck while his rifle was aimed at Efrain.

Jaune walked inside the room and stared at the giant screen before them where two people were watching them. One their target and the other-

"Jaune! Get out of there! The council member its-!"

Jaune cut him off. "General James Ironwood." He said.

/Chapter 5 end/

OHHHHH BOY! This is unexpected even for me! MUHAHAHAHAHA And yes, it kinda ends like that and I also have a question for you guys about Cinnamon and Casper. Do I insert OC or nah? Because idk I just felt like it and the two have a well-made back story and wanted a way for Jaune to deal with 'problems' since Grandma Salem told him 'no killing'. And yes Jaune gave Adam the mask he's using in the series. and perhaps you'll like the rabbit twins maybe you won't, but I hope for feedback regarding them. Tell yer thoughts at the reviiiiieeewwsssss 3

And as compensation for leaving ya'll with a cliffhanger, next chapter Imma put in an Omake I've been planning which I shall put into a Poll. I plan to post both but I wanna know which comes first?

A small event with Jaune and Cinder


A small event with the Shadow Seer and the Arc family?

ANYWAY, I hope ya'll would continue with the support and the love~ Adios my friends!

P.s. I feel bored with this because there wasn't much action BUT having the _ chase you through the city seems plenty actiony to me.