Percy's POV
Percy vigorously fought against the material intent on asphyxiating him, ripping at the impenetrable cloth for air.
"Seaweed Brain, stop! You're going to tear it!" floated a voice from afar, but the words had little effect as he struggled harder and the material tightened. He knew that buying magical robes had been a bad idea.
He looked up desperately for a glimpse of light, perhaps his last as he held his remaining breath, oddly taken back to a time he'd been afraid of drowning.
Not again.
A sliver of light slipped past Percy's eyes and he stilled for a moment before renewing his battle for freedom, digging through the fabric for the opening.
His head emerged through a hole and he panted, blinking his eyes to adjust to the light.
Annabeth was standing to his left with her arms crossed - dressed in her own robe - with a 'really?' expression on her face while the rest of them were all ignoring him and starting to walk out.
"Bye, Percy!" said Piper cheerfully as she exited, giving him a little wave.
"Hey, I'm coming too! Wait!" he protested, limping toward the door.
"Uh, no," interrupted Annabeth, bringing up an arm to block his path, complete with deadly looking knife clutched in her hand. "We'll catch up with you guys!" she yelled out the door before turning back to Percy, who was just discovering that the reason for his lack of mobility was that his head was emerging from the sleeve and one foot from the other one.
"I love you, and I know we need to be focused on this quest, but we're starting school. I am not going to be the vlacas who walks in with a spastic boyfriend. Six-pack or not." she asserted, watching as his head emerged from the right hole and his foot joined the other.
"Yeah, I love you too." he grumbled, and she beamed him sarcastically.
"Let's go."
The two walked out of the nearly empty train and followed the remaining stragglers when they couldn't find anyone they knew.
Percy found himself surrounded by monstrous trees the size of an elephant, stretching high into the cloudy sky, mist curling out of the dark woods. Cries often floated out of the forest and both himself and Annabeth peered into the woods to try and glimpse the creature, but the darkness swallowed all chance at seeing anything more than three trees in.
When the sun had set considerably lower and a darker grey had enveloped the sky, two carriages were waiting at the end of the path, one of which was about to depart. Percy and Annabeth watched as two skeletal black creatures began to walk forward, drawing the carriage behind them.
"Do they.." began Percy.
"Remind me of Nico? Yeah." finished Annabeth, as she stared at the calm horse-like beasts walk off.
The stragglers ahead were all conversing animatedly with each other and piled into the last carriage.
The two on the end noticed Percy and Annabeth standing awkwardly and looked between a each other before starting to shift up to make room.
"Look, if we squish up, one of you could probably fit..." said one girl with long black hair.
"No, no, it's fine, we'll wait for the next one. I think there's one being drawn up now." said Percy, gesturing behind him.
"Um, Percy-"
"We'll be fine honestly." he continued, talking over what Annabeth was saying. He was not going to leave her.
The dark haired girl nodded and smiled but looked at him oddly, among a few others in the carriage. The chattering group was now full of girls interested in what the hold up was, and Percy found himself greeted with at least ten pairs of eyes drinking up the scene.
"Oh, we can make room for you!" came someone else's voice, with dirty blonde curly hair.
"Yes, I'm sure we can!" said another voice enthusiastically.
Percy was about to refuse when Annabeth turned around from where she had been squinting into the distance, and saw the girls faces fall from hopefulness to disdain as their eyes fell on his stunning girlfriend.
Speaking of which, Annabeth glared at all the girls with her steely, headlamp-silver eyes and opened her mouth.
"We'll be fine thanks. Bye."
Her usually melodic voice dropped all charming pretence and oozed derision and power. The girls scowled.
Annabeth raised a hand and wiggled her fingers in a contemptuous wave, smiling at the girls as if they were her BFF's.
"What was that for?" asked a bewildered Percy.
"Never mind, Seaweed Brain." she replied, still glaring at the retreating carriage.
The carriage drew away, and no sooner than it got out of earshot did Annabeth spin Percy around and point at the approaching carriage.
"That doesn't look like a carriage to me." she said bluntly.
"What?" Percy peered into the distance at the growing speck, and groaned as the grey blob split into two, and then three. Five.
"I swear the gods hate us." stated Percy, tipping his head back and letting his arms dangle by his sides while Annabeth stared grimly at the approaching monsters.
"Nope, just fate. We'd both have been smited by now." reasoned Annabeth, not tearing her gaze away.
Percy sighed and shook off his bag, turning to Annabeth and holding out his other arm for hers. She smiled gratefully at him and handed him her bulging bag. Percy's arm almost dropped to the floor at the weight of the bag, even with demigodly strength.
"Jesus, Annabeth! What have you got in here?! A hammer?!" he exclaimed his eyes wide as he tried to balance the bag in his hand and keep it in the air.
He began to limp to the edge of the path to deposit their bags so they wouldn't be torn up when they got to the school.
Percy wasn't really surprised.
"Now shut up and get ready. I want to get to the school before midnight."
He glanced at the path and was shocked to see how much ground the things had covered.
"Annabeth? They look like hellhounds... but don't look like hellhounds."
The dogs sprinting toward them were muscly creatures, with three hairless stripes down each dark grey flank and small ears. They all sported bright, evil green eyes and sharp teeth that didn't fit into their muzzles. The hellhounds they were used to see a dark brown mastiff-like dog with red eyes, the size of a garbage to truck to a post box.
Percy brought out riptide and settled into a fighting stance as his sword appeared with a shink!
"I know, I've never seen them before." replied Annabeth, who flung both arms out and threw two daggers at the dog-like creatures.
The jagged, stocky, wolfish creatures leapt out of the way and slowed to a prowl, two making their way around the demigods.
"We can't let them get to the school." said Percy, turning to become back to back with Annabeth.
"Agreed." she responded, and Percy heard the phmmp of another dagger appearing in her grip as she gazed at the two that had circled them. "They're making a plan." she murmured as the dogs started a low murmur between themselves, fierce expressions still on their faces as spit and occasional growls erupted from their mouths at the two. Percy saw two rows of sharp teeth in each mutt's mouth.
"Do you you know what they're thinking?" asked Percy, the two circling with their backs to each other to evaluate the hostile beasts.
"No... I can't. It's like they're talking in a language I can't even hear." she responded lowly, her hand gripping his briefly before she dropped into a lower stance.
This movement set off the dogs and they leapt into action, diving at the demigods.
Percy brought up his blade and dig his heels into the ground as the rhinoceros-sized mutt crashed into it staggering under the weight of the animal.
"You need to lose a few pounds, Clifford!" he managed to ground out as the dog snapped its jaws viciously at his face, his sword tucked under its chin. Percy tried to push the monster back, wary of the three others he couldn't see, but the monster wouldn't move an inch, spittle flying everywhere. His arm began to ache and he knew that he couldn't hold the monster back for much longer.
"Annabeth, move!" he instructed, and dropped his sword to dive to the side, praying that she didn't get plowed into by the unknown beast.
Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to where he dived.
Claws enveloped him and disgusting, hot breath filled his nostrils, as if the beast had been waiting for him to give a hug, and it ripped at his sleeves, thankfully not tearing into his skin. Without the Achilles curse, Percy was sure his arms would have been ripped to shreds.
The beast then jerked violently, his claws digging painfully into Percy's side, and he gritted his teeth in order not to cry out. The two couldn't afford to attract more monsters from the woods.
The monster moved backwards, leaving Percy to slump onto the twig-littered ground gasping for breath.
Annabeth stood before him, her arm pointed toward the ground, and Percy tilted his head back to see an imperial gold spear protruding from the hellhound's muscles neck.
Silver dust erupted from the wound around the spear in puffs; every time it's heart beat another handful of monster juice was spat out.
"It should be gold"-
"Not the time Percy!" interrupted Annabeth, swerving to avoid a branch come hurtling from the woods, like on Asterix, and sweeping her arms up in an arch while ducking low to he ground as a monster leapt at her.
Percy could watch her fight all day.
But he caught sight of two others staring internally at her while she danced with another and decided that he didn't like their dangerous eyes.
"Hey, slobber-mouths! That's my girlfriend you're looking at, go find one your own species!"
He charged at the snarling mutts.
Jason's POV
"They should be here by now." muttered Jason, looking anxiously at the big doors.
Piper placed a hand over his own and squeezed it. "I know."
The rest of their group exchanged nervous glances.
"We should have waited for them." he continued regretfully.
"There was no space left in the carriage anyway, Jason. Leo was sitting on the floor- there was no way they could have come with us." said Frank, though his face was as troubled as Jason's own. His words sounded like he was trying to convince himself rather than anyone else.
"But I should have stayed behind to at least see them. They could have been hurt before they even left the train! Or before they got to the carriages!" he burst, his voice coming out in a strained whisper. Why was no one else worried about them?! He thought furiously.
"Hey, mate, calm down." said Ron, looking at him reassuringly. "They've got that invincible thing going for them if they got hurt, and they might even just be waiting for another carriage. We don't have unlimited Thestrals to pull them."
Jason was too worried to really listen to Ron's words. He hadn't even glanced at the mesmerising ceiling or floating candles, or registered the odd glances he and he rest of the demigods were receiving.
"I can feel it, somethings wrong." he insisted, his worry peaking. "I'm going to go outside and see if they're in a carriage." decided Jason, rising from his seat.
Piper and Hermione both pulled him back to his seat before anyone could see him stalk angrily from the hall. They did not need a scene.
"Just, wait." said Hermione. "The castle grounds are filled with faculty and Ministry Aurors." continued, nodding toward the head table where a few elderly and eccentric looking witches and wizards were sat. Jason pursed his lips and looked exasperatedly in their direction. There were four wizards standing still, tucked into the corners of the room and concealed in the shadows, looking sternly across the Grand Hall.
"Aurors? They here to make sure your soul doesn't wander off?" chided Leo, his tone surprisingly harsh. Jason glanced around their group and saw similar annoyed and concerned faces. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that he wasn't the only one worried for their friends.
"No." replied Hermione, giving him a look stern enough to rival the Aurors. She looked back at Jason with a much softer face that made him think that she understood.
"They're like the armed forces of the Ministry; they're the main fighters against the Dark Arts." she told him. "If you were one of the enemy, targeting the children on the opening day of a school is like honey to bees. Do you really think that any Death Eater could enter a five mile radius of Hogwarts without any one knowing?"
She wasn't wrong, thought Jason, but the loophole in her words still bugged him. "That's not what I'm worried about."
No sooner than the words had left his mouth did Professor McGonagall clap her hands together, and the room fell silent.
The doors shut.
Annabeth's POV
Annabeth had not been expecting to ride an unidentified species of canine like a bucking bronco that day. Nevertheless, she rose to the occasion and resolved that the technique was in the grip.
Her thighs screamed as the mutt beneath her growled and bucked and twisted its head to snap at her but she gritted her teeth and squeezed harder, releasing one hand from the wolf's straggled hair to eindex a steely knife into her grip.
The animal bucked again and almost sent her flying but she held fast and tore away her other hand, greasy hair tangled in her fingers that made her want to gag, to grip the knife in both hands. And she plunged it into the base of the animals neck.
The odd silver dust erupted into her face and filled her nostrils as the mutt dissolved under her and she barely kept her feet beneath her as she landed on the ground. Annabeth coughed and gagged, trying to get what was once the inside of the dog out of her mouth.
Once she felt clear, she raised her gaze to see Percy battling two while another prowled, waiting. She took a moment to note the blank steeliness in Percy's eyes as he ducked, parried and slashed, seeing the Achilles curse consume his fighting.
She sighed when she realised that no carriage was coming for them and they'd have to trek back to the castle before the curse took its toll and they passed out.
The growling of the last mutt caught her attention and she found that its gaze was no longer trained on Percy but on her.
It snarled, turning around to pace some more, showing her it's glowing teeth. They were stained red. Alarmed she looked at Percy and saw a deep red colour flash from under his robe.
That couldn't be right. His skin was supposed to be as rough as armour.
Her train of thought was interrupted as the dog pounced, jaws wide open, slobber toiling within its mouth. She spun around her right, building momentum and throwing a knife with her left hand I n its direction. She was too tired to deal with close-quarters combat.
As expected, the monster simply dropped out of the air and leapt to the right. But she was ready for him and eindexed a spear into her right hand, using the rest of her momentum to let it fly into the dogs direction.
The mutts balance was off, and jumping further would result in it falling over while attempting to jump the other way wouldn't even be achieved.
The spear plunged deep into the animal's flesh and it melted into a puddle of silver dust.
Annabeth turned back to see Percy slash Riptide into ones muzzle and it erupt into dust. Percy fell forward as the dog melted away and Annabeth watched as the remaining dog turned on him while his back was turned, claws extended.
Without even thinking Annabeth had let an arrow fly from a bow she eindexed (why did she let Percy name her power) up. It landed home and the mutt dissolved.
She made her way toward Percy before he fell and gripped his arm. He glanced at her, his eyes droopy.
"Wha're you do'n?" he mumbled tiredly, sagging in her arms. She fought the desperate urge to yawn.
"Come on, Perce. We've got to get to the castle." mumbled Annabeth, hauling him to his feet. Percy staggered slightly but eventually straightened up. He lowered his head slightly and said:
"My lady."
Annabeth felt a small smile creep onto her lips and she took his hand, starting the long and arduous walk up to the castle.
Hazel's POV
"... as I sort thee,
Remember your past,
These times will surely not last,
In spite we are all that is right,
Save to each other by urging to fight."
A round of applause filled the Grand Hall as the talking hat closed the rim it was speaking out of and Hazel joined in, glancing back at her table mates.
"Are they usually so foreboding?" she asked, looking at Harry who sat opposite her.
"No, but I think it can see the future slightly. It gave us a warning before..." he trailed off.
Hazel turned away from him, pressing her lips together and putting her hands inside her lap.
Jason was still stressing over Percy and Annabeth and Hermione and Piper were spending half their time keeping him in his seat. The other half of which, Hermione was repeating the Gryffindor common room password for Neville. Yellow fizzwurts, yellow fizzwurts, yellow fizzwurts.
Hazel would be lying if she said that her concern for their whereabouts wasn't growing, and she was itching to find out where they were but if she rose from her seat...
A stout lady with wispy grey hair was now calling out names of first years, but Hazel paid no attention. There was a voice in her head.
'Hazel..' it wheezed, and she stilled. Voices in your head weren't a good sign.
'Hazel, please...' it continued. She contemplated telling Frank, but she feared that they'd all think she'd gone crazy.
'Hazel... shadow.. shadow...'
The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but she tried to ignore it and focus on the small boy walking up to the stool with trembling arms. Deep breath, she thought.
'Please... shadow tra...'
Shadow travel?
The voice wanted her to shadow travel? She could barely do it!
'We can't... Hazel..."
The voice was Annabeth's.
Stupid! She was so stupid! Annabeth had talked into Piper's head before, at Grimmauld Place; how could she forget?
'What's wrong?' Hazel tried to talk back to Annabeth in her head, but even sure if she could hear her.
'Can't make it... the doors...sha... shadow travel...'
Annabeth wanted her to shadow travel to the doors? Everyone would see her, even if she managed the feat. She'd only done it before in the House of Hades, where she'd had the help of her brother, Nico.
'Other side...'
To the other side of the doors? Were they injured?
Her thoughts rambled in in her head as she thought of what to do: she couldn't shadow travel! She was a daughter of Pluto! And even if she managed to without loading herself in the shadows, what if someone saw her?!
Her plight turned out to be for nothing as the doors swung open suddenly, and stout lady stopped calling out names.
Percy and Annabeth stood in the door way, leaning heavily on each other, their eyes closed. They were sprinkled in silver dust and looked worse for wear, their robes torn and faint marks covering them, sleep seeming to tug at both of their features.
Gasps went through the hall, and whether it be for their mysterious beauty or unannounced arrival, Hazel didn't know.
"Hey.." managed Percy weakly, and the five almost leapt out of their seats.
The Aurors that Hermione pointed out started forward immediately but Professor McGonagall stood up quickly, her chair scraping against the wooden floor as she held up a hand. They stopped but still looked warily at the two new students.
Annabeth drooped into Percy and they staggered, Percy using the wall to support them both, yet it seemed like he was just leaning on it while Annabeth leaned on him. Murmurs spread through the hall when their eyes opened and their odd and magical colours were revealed, Percy's travelling to Annabeth while hers looked at Professor McGonagall.
Hazel had to give the wizened witch some credit; she didn't even flinch as Annabeth presumably spoke to her telepathically. Annabeth sagged even further after using her powers. The witch's gaze switched to Hazel and she nodded at her.
Hazel didn't wait to find out what the nod meant as she was already out of her seat, along with Jason, and hurriedly making her way down the aisle, ignoring the stares she was receiving.
The two reached Percy and Annabeth at the same time and Hazel put her hand out to steady Percy, who was tipping sideways.
"What's wrong?! Where are you hurt?" whispered Jason frantically, scanning them for injuries.
They shouldn't have any but Hazel found herself examining the skin under their ripped clothes, finding them dotted with what looked like light grey scars.
"So... tired..." mumbled Percy, his unnatural eyes closing.
"I don't think they're hurt." said Hazel lowly. She took Percy by the arm and started to guide him from the doorway where everyone was gawking at them, trying to see what was happening.
The doors swung shut behind them and they were finally given some privacy.
Jason stumbled slightly when Annabeth fell from Percy and tipped straight into him.
"Mmmm... clifford..." she mumbled before sighing and letting her head fall backwards onto Jason's shoulder.
Jason looked at her incredulously, "Clifford? Did you hear that?" he shook Annabeth's shoulder gently, trying to wake her. She didn't move a muscle.
"It's the curse." concluded Hazel. "it makes them really tired after fighting."
"Fighting? Fighting what?" fumed Jason. "They're covered in silver dust."
"I don't know, Jason." replied Hazel, at lost for answers as much as him. "We need to get them to the common room so they can sleep it off, but I think you'll have to carry Annabeth. She's out cold." Hazel tapped the girls cheek but she remained unmoving.
Hazel turned back to her own charge, "You better not pass out on me, Percy. I can't carry you."
"Yes, sir!" he mumbled, his face making weird expressions while his eyes remained closed. His hand raised slightly in what may have been a mock salute but it didn't make it further than his shoulders. He almost keeled forwards in the direction of his failed salute.
Hazel quickly tucked herself under his arm to steady him and put an arm around him, holding his wrist on the other side of her neck. She then turned back to Jason who was now carrying Annabeth.
"You know where we're going?" she asked hopefully, having no clue herself.
Jason shook his head, but started to peer around her. Hazel followed his gaze and found it locked onto a painting.
"I'm not going crazy, but I think that painting moved." he said, taking a step forward.
Hazel knew that he wasn't the only one; she'd only doubted her sanity less than five minutes ago.
The picture depicted a tanned, Egyptian-looking beauty, with long black hair and kohl lined eyes holding a shallow, oval-shaped bowl filled with a green paste, the same colour as the background. She looked the epitome of regal.
As the two demigods looked further, the woman blinked.
"Oh my gods, we're going mad." burst Hazel, blinking several times to try and clear her vision.
"Of course not, dear. But if you remain with that male strung around your neck, you certainly will. My suggest is a pig, darling. They make good footrests." said the woman, coming to life and leaning forward slightly, as if the painting was a mere magnifying glass and she was sharing a big secret with her.
The breath audibly wooshed our of Jason. "The painting moves. It moves."
"Well, of course it moves, boy. What use would it be if it didn't?" she scolded, her thin lips pressing tightly together. She turned her gaze back to an awe-struck Hazel, "Make that two pigs, dear. One for each foot."
"Who are you?" she asked, ignoring her references to pigs. What was she talking about?
"I, my dear witch, am Circe!" she announced dramatically, raising her green-paste filled bowl in the air and inclining her head. "The great and powerful!"
Jason seemed to overcome his awe, "Isn't that 'Oz the Great and Powerful'?"
"Excuse me?" scathed Circe, a callous expression fitting her face so well Hazel thought it must be her favourite.
"'Oz' the wizard in that movie that saves"-
"Stop, boy! No further! You will not mock a real sorceress with these words of mockery!" she all but yelled, the green paste sludging around in its bowl violently. "You do not deserve to made into the likes of a pig! A guinea pig!"
Percy stirred in Hazel's arms, "No guinea pigs... pirates... small... nope..."
Jason looked at his cousin oddly.
Hazel turned to Jason and said lowly, "Circe hates males - you know, the goddess of Magic "- Hazel whispered this part for fear that it would inflate the witches ego. "I think Percy and Annabeth went to her island at some point."
Jason leaned forward, "How is a Greek goddess painted in Hogwarts? Surely she shouldn't know about magic?" he pointed out.
Hazel shrugged, "She is the goddess of magic, how could she not know?"
An idea popped into her head, and Hazel turned back to the painting, where the witches callous expression was back in place and she was waiting with her hand on her hips. "Circe? Do you think you could help us?"
"Help you? My dear, that would come at a price." she said dangerously. Hazel tried to hide her irritation for the gods and painted gods alike. Why could none of them be easy?
"What's the price?"
"Why, it would depend on you. What would you like?"
"The location of the Gryffindor common room." she asked, glad that they were finally getting somewhere.
The goddess looked at her thoughtfully. "Mmmm... and you will be carrying these two," she gestured with her free hand to Peru and Annabeth, the former of which was slowly getting heavier and heavier. Hazel pinched Percy's side to keep him awake and he jolted. "To there, as well?"
Jason and Hazel nodded.
"Turn this boy into a pig."
Hazel blinked. "What?"
"I've changed my mind," continued the aloof witch. "Pigs are much more satisfying."
"But"- spluttered Hazel. She didn't know how to turn someone into a pig!
"I'll even throw in a secret passageway half way there if you do it completely, dear." bargained the goddess, arching an eyebrow at the demigodess.
How on Earth was she supposed to do- the Mist. Hazel could use the Mist to make it look like Jason was a pig!
"Alright then." she agreed. Behind her Jason choked.
"Excuse me, what?"
Hazel turned to Jason and hissed, "Trust me." He looked at her warily and took a deep breath but nodded.
"Ooo, this will be lovely! I haven't seen a boy turn into a pig in years!" exclaimed the painting, joyfully. Hazel gritted her teeth.
She focused on Jason and imagined a large pig in his place, with Annabeth lying on its back. She imagined Circe's delight at the transformation, not doubting for a second that he was really just standing there but under an illusion. Hopefully, painted copy's of Greek goddess's could be fooled by the Mist.
Slowly, the air around Jason shimmered and a stout pig stood in his place, Annabeth sitting precariously on his back. Her legs squeezed his sides to stay upright instinctively and Jason the pig squealed slightly.
"There." said Hazel, and she turned back to the painting who was staring at her curiously. "Now will you tell us where the common room is?"
The witch paused for a moment. "Hazel, is it?"
Hazel nodded.
"Very well. The common room is on the seventh floor."
Hazel's eyes almost bulged out of her head. "You can't be serious."
"Are you doubting me, child?" the goddess retorted, eyeing her. Hazel quickly shook her head.
"No! Not at all! It's just... Percy's really heavy." admitted, her arms already sore. His head was lolling on her own.
Then, to her amazement, her portrait swung forward to reveal a dark, stone passageway. "This will take you to the fourth floor, dear. You'll emerge on the edge of the Grand Staircase and you'll need to take eight more to get up to the seventh floor. Take two rights and walk down the corridor till you get to the painting of the Fat Lady."
Eight staircases.
"Thank you, Circe." said Hazel, unsure of what else to say.
The painting didn't reply and Hazel took that as invitation enough to enter, gesturing with Percy's hand for Jason to follow. She began to limp into the passageway, feeling stale drafts push lightly at her hair and darkness close in. It felt much like navigating her way around underground, she thought, sensing the small incline ten feet ahead of her that extended for another twenty, curving around to the right. Surely that wouldn't take them up four flights of stairs?
True to Circe's words they emerged at the other end of the passageway when another life-sized painting swung open, revealing the banister of a landing. Hazel trudged toward it and to her amazement, she gazed down to see the first floor, and eight sets of staircases in between them.
She turned around to see Jason trot out of the hole and the painting to swing back. Circe stood in this one as well, to Hazel's shock.
"Thank you," she repeated, and the woman nodded. She began to walk to the right as instructed when Circe called out.
"Hazel Levesque, demigod of Pluto, Weaver of the Mist. I hope we meet again."
Hazel turned, struck dumb. No way. She hadn't told the painting her name. And how did she know she used the Mist? That she was a demigod?
The painting merely raised her free hand and tapped the side of her nose twice, a sly smile on her lips.
A small amount of relief pumped through Hazel, and she felt somewhat sure that the woman would keep their secret.
"If you ever need to use this passageway again, my dear, be sure to say 'Piggywiggy'." she added as an afterthought.
Hazel smiled at the benevolent painting. She sure liked the gods a lot more when they were tucked into a canvas.
AN : Thank you for reading! I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of things, but i'd highly recommend going back and reading the last chapter because I've made some big changes to how the plot will continue. I will keep doing this a lot as I'm trying to get as many chapters out as quickly as I can, and when a new idea pops into my head I have to go back and make sure it fits in so there aren't any plot holes. Thank you for understanding!