Shiraga: and the official unofficial final chapter.

Close thine eyes, dear Sun of mine Pt 3

"A dream…?" after a long drawn out fight with an enemy on his caliber, Burai had lost conscious and collapsed. Opening his eyes to see that he was the only one left in that giant crater, Burai recalled the dream he just had.

"It's been while since that time. Guess she must be buried under a mountain of work right- Guuuh!" feeling a sharp pain in his left arm, Burai was cut off from his reminiscence of the past, shifting his attention back to the present at hand. His arm which was ripped out during the previous battle with the three headed dragon had grown back, now with a tattoo of a serpent he had never seen before.

When he was about to asset what that tattoo was, his nose caught two new scents appearing in Kouen City. One he wasn't familiar with, and the other, he knew all too well.

"No way…Why would she return now?" but just a moment later, that familiar scent had disappeared completely from his sensing, and along with it the scent of the three headed dragon also. Knowing that something not right just happened, Burai quickly stood up and dragged his tattered body toward Kouen City.

Airborne Citadel, Command Center.

In the command center where all the core players were currently holding a meeting to devise their strategy and choose the next course of action, the Airborne Citadel suddenly shook violently and at the same time, a pillar or aurora storm shot up from below and pierced the cloud.

"Wh-what just happened?!" the phenomenon took place without any precedence, but the event which unfolded next was even more absurd, so absurd that it could not be described with words even by theirs and Little Garden's standard.

All of their Geass Roll was slowly disintegrating in ashes. This could only mean one thing, the Gift Games which they imposed on Azi Dahaka were all forcibly overwritten then cancelled.

Normally this would not be possible unless someone with higher and stronger Host Master Authority than them abused their power and tampered with the rules of Gift Game initiation, and even then that someone must be at least on the level of 3-Digit. But as of now, all the strongest Players still remain in this Lower Levels are all gathered here, and the rest not even a handful was on this level of ridiculousness. Then just who in reality could…

"Administrator Sarah!" one of the messenger then barged into the command center.

"Report!" Sarah shouted, not even waiting for the messenger who was panting heavily to catch his breath because right now time is a luxury that they could not afford.

"Ma'am…The…the three headed dragon…had disappeared completely into that pillar of light!"

"!?" everyone in the room widened their eyes in disbelief.

"Absurd! Even if he had solved all the riddle, until he can present his answer he can't just be up and disappear when there are three Host Authorities imposed on him!" Karyou slightly losing her composure retorted as if finding what she just heard unbelievable. The entire mission command was in total disarray. Everyone was just as confused as anyone. And without any precedence just like the first one, another phenomenon followed suit. This time, the aurora storm that was still raging toward the sky got split into halves by a stream of darkness which then tore a large fissure in space as it travelled up the aurora storm.

An outer sector of the town was hit by the shockwave when the fissure opened, causing the Airborne Citadel to shake violently again and the castle was also affected with exploding glass windows.

"What is it now?!"

"No point in staying here making assumptions. Sarah!" holding onto the table trying to keep his balance, Izayoi shouted.

"Send a troop with Laplace Little Demon down there now. I want an update on the situation on the ground ASAP!"

"Yes, ma'am!" the messenger then ran off to inform the fire dragon squad. Walking next to the broken window, Izayoi looked toward the aurora storm and the stream of darkness which was causing havoc.

"Will this nightmare end, or is this just only dawn? Which one are you, Burai?"

London Replica, sometime earlier.

In the center of the aurora storm where seven colored light was in a state of constant instability, unaffected by the ongoing rampage a black Geass Roll sat idly hovering just slightly above the ground. On it written the content of a Paradox Game which was designed for the sole purpose of imprisoning the Player and the Host for all eternity.

The barrier of seven colored repelled any and all form of damage inflicted on it, preventing anyone from reaching the Geass Roll inside. Even then right now there was one who, disregarded of his body, was forging straight into the storm to reach to the Geass Roll, although to no avail.

"THIS…DAMN…THING!" cladded in his armor, Burai was giving his all or whatever left in him trying to break through the storm barrier. However, just like the previous battle with Shiroyasha her power and his seemed to be of opposing nature so the effect of the aurora storm was amplified several folds on him. He too was aware of that fact so the idea was to let the two forces cancel each other out. But due to the drawn out battle and accumulated fatigue his current performance was less than desirable.

Yet he refused to stand down. When faced with impossible odd, only the bravest or the biggest fool would dare confronting it. But him, this existence, the individual named 'Burai Kudoku' was neither the bravest nor the biggest fool. He was simply one who would go to any length to get what he wants.

If there's an obstacle in his path, he will break through it. Even if there's no path to walk, he will make his own. Then with those hands, he will reach out to grab hold of what he wants. He never stopped before, nothing could stop him, not even death then why would he stop now? Not now of all time when he finally found someone he holds dear.

"You look rather stuck, Black Demon." Yet again, the voice of that youth, that boy who he hates rang by his ear once again. But he paid no mind to it and kept on trying to break through the storm wall.

"Ahh, after all the bravado you showed off, here you are struggling to bypass a simple barrier. But from another perspective, I guess this too is a good chance. A good chance to make you indebted with me."

"Avatara activate. Surround the Ten Heavens and shine, 'Another Cosmology'. You owe me one now, Black Demon." Suddenly, Burai felt a surge of energy flowing into his body and an indescribable pain in his left arm. Beside that wounds and injuries of the body were healed and accumulated fatigue of the mind was lifted. Gritting his teeth, he enhanced his armor with blood and activated the new Gift of his left arm.

Gift Activation: Eater of Sun and Moon – Rahu.

Then with all the energy that was transferred into his body, he directed them all into his left arm to boost its power to the utmost possible.

"Damn shitty brat…I'm going to remember this!" and just like that, he was able to tear through the storm barrier to get to the Geass Roll inside. Tearing through even Time and Space, he made his own path toward where she is, with his own hands he reached toward her who he holds dear.

Horizon of the White Night.

After initiating the Gift Game, Shiroyasha and Sun Wukong was transported to the former's Game Board along with Azi Dahaka. Staying true to his title and image, he went along with their farce like a declaration that even a Paradox Game is still not outside his realm of knowledge.

Just like she had said herself, even at full power Shiroyasha could not defeat Azi Dahaka and even with the help of Sun Wukong, they only managed to keep the fight from devolving any further than a stalemate. Because the Game Board is under the Host complete control, no matter how strong the destruction of their attacks were everything would then return to how they originally were down to every single grain of rice of the golden field.

But even without that, even with naked eyes one could tell just how devastating this battle was unfolding.

The dominance and bloodlust beyond what even the strongest heroes of legends could display, every strike shatter earth and cleave sky apart, making even Hell tremble and leaving Heaven in total chaos.

Powers which had far surpassed the understanding of the mortal's mind. Space and time was constantly distorted, twisted then reformed at an incredible to the point of totally absurd speed, making both processes seemed to be taking place at the same time. A Paradox phenomenon.

Due to the difference in the Time-Space continuum, on the outside it might have been only over an hour and although time does not flow in the Horizon of the White Night, this clashing of two otherworldly forces had been going on for a month now.

But at long last, to put an end to everything, the final irregularity had arrived to reign as the singular God Killer.


A subtle yet reverberating sound, the three headed dragon then directed all its six ruby eyes toward a single spot on the night sky. Must be the instinct as a God Killer, the dragon could clearly felt the overwhelming pressure, like something or someone was trying to invade this dimension from outside. And just as its sense had warned him, from that spot in the night sky, a crack in space appeared and a giant black serpent bolted out from it, its jaws opened wide.

"Oya oya, seems like the main guest finally arrived." Sun Wukong retracting her Ruyi Jingu Bang said, also directing her gaze toward the black serpent. As the dragon was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the black serpent and was currently occupied, the owner of the latter used this chance to tear the crack in space even bigger.

Donning on his armor enhanced with blood, combined with his new Gift which received a huge boost from a certain youth, Burai's armor took on a new form.

The outer armor was replaced with multilayered armor plating and the inner mail still retained the trademark glowing veins of energy. The overall amount of armor had actually decreased, the new one looked like sacrificing defense for more mobility but that did not seem to be the case. On a closer look, both the outer armor and inner mail were actually millions of small scales linked together, so while the defense is retained the mobility is further enhanced.

The piece of cloth embroidered with the Yajuu's crest dangling on the left side of his waist had transformed into a cape flowing down from his left shoulder's armor pad, with the crest still full of pride and vigor, if not showing off even more dominance than before. While his mask remained the same, the helmet was now decorated with a long plume and along with the horns, both were blazing with pure energy.

No longer a knight of the Medieval Europe but a gladiator of Ancient Roman whose sole reason of existence is to fight and win, or to die trying.

The moment he got out of the crack in space, Burai immediately plunged toward the three headed dragon.

"Payback time you damn lizard!" as he recalled it, the black serpent Rahu then turned into a pair of gauntlets and fused into his armor.

"Beast of Old!" the dragon roared while swinging its claws toward Burai.

If the exchange between the dragon with the two Hosts was total carnage, then his trade of blow with Burai could only be described as spelling the end of the world.

The speed of their attacks was so fast that when the aftershock of the one blow finally occurred, they had already dished out another hundred blows and some. But it seemed this time, the dragon was finally the underdog.

Every time his claws made contact with Burai fists, a part of his flesh started withering into black ash without being able to recover. He clearly felt pain, but it was neither the physical pain of blunt force or cutting nor was it the mental pain of some kind of ability. It was simply pain, in its truest form.

"Laughable!" spreading its wings and claws, the dragon performed a pincher attack at Burai from four different angles. However, he paid no mind to the wings of shadow and focused on countering the claws. Relaxing his arm muscles, Burai now imitated the hunting stance of the world most flexible and deadliest predator, the King Cobra.

Like the formless water, his strike flowed deftly between even the smallest gaps in the dragon's defense then with the strength that could easily grind stone to dust, he deflected the claws and struck the dragon right in its chest.

"Guh!" at the same time, the two wings of shadow which he ignored and were nearing on him with every intention to shred him to pieces, were shot down by a barrage of heat rays. Using that chance, Burai quickly leapt back with a kick toward the dragon's chest to reset the confrontation.

"You're late!" Shiroyasha shouted from behind.

"My bad, got an arm ripped off and what's not!"

"Well, you're finally here so that's more than enough." From Shiroyasha's words, it seemed as if she knew that Burai would come. Actually, this whole thing could have been another part of her grander scheme.

Think about it, why would she leave the Geass Roll behind? If the goal was to seal Azi Dahaka away to prevent him from causing any more destruction and casualty then she could have restricted the number of Participant to only the dragon, yet she didn't. The Geass Roll was protected by an aurora barrier which repelled any kind of damage, but the fact that Burai got through means that it wasn't invincible.

Leaving the Geass Roll behind like an invitation and the aurora barrier which submitted only to Burai's power, everything was like a message specifically for him. This was not done out of desperation, she was waiting for him, to end this nightmare once and for all.

"Foolish! Doesn't matter how many tricks you still have up your sleeve, not even your souls will remain after this!" the dragon then stood its ground, from its jaw the flame which could wipe out and reduce a third of the world into ashes, with radiance akin to the sun and even from afar one could still feel the heat haze.

Physical manifestation of 'Glory' and 'Splendor', Khvarenah.

"Witness and despair, Beast of Old!" a blinding ray of light was shot out toward Burai and Shiroyasha. Yet both of them was unfazed. Positioning his hands vertically to imitate the jaws of a serpent, with a roar he then spread his arms like a serpent opening its jaws when about to swallow its prey whole. And that was exactly what was about to unfold.

Without moving an inch, Burai stood his ground and used the Rahu's ability to devour other Gifts to take the Khvarenah head on. The spot where he stood and everything behind him managed to avoid being obliterated, but the same cannot be said for the forest on the lake shore. Although they will just return to how they were almost instantly, the devastation was still really out of this world.

"You…devoured my Khvarenah…?" the dragon widened all of his six ruby eyes. But the Rahu's ability does not stop at simply devouring other Gifts. By devouring them, they would then be used to empower itself to grow stronger.

"For everything you have done, dragon, this time I'll end you!" after devouring the flame of 'Splendor' and 'Glory', all the energy veins on Burai's armor started glowing brighter signifying that the next and also the final attack is going to be the biggest and strongest one yet. Kicking off the ground, Burai plunged at the dragon. And right now he wasn't its only concern.

When Burai was taking on the Khvarenah, Shiroyasha used that chance to release her familiar onto the night sky. The nine orbs of light from the other day, the Suns of Di Jun then scattered into millions piece and disguised themselves as stars on the sky. Then as Burai charged at the dragon, she then closed the fan she was pointing toward the sky and swung it downward.

"Stars of the White Nights, descend." The millions stars on the sky then transformed into millions pillar of light and hailed down like a torrential rain on the dragon. Even with his wings and mobility, he could nto dodge all of them and with each pillar impaled into his flesh they also impaled him down onto the ground.

"TAKE THIS!" the speed far exceeding the Fifth Cosmic Velocity, Burai struck the dragon right in the middle of its chest. Not finishing there, he dug his fingers deeper in and using the gauntlets as the medium, injecting all the stored up energy infested with black mist into the dragon's body, like a venomous snake injecting poison into its prey killing them from inside.

The poison quickly spread through to the dragon's entire body, turning his flesh black before slowly disintegrating into ashes.

"Heh, at long last you've appeared…the one to bring me my eternal slumber…"

"So long, Azi Dahaka."

"Oh, you still haven't rid of me yet." When Burai was about to pull his arms out, Azi Dahaka held him back.

"I'll vanish, but you…my legacy will live on, inside you…"


"A parting gift…from me…Show them, what true 'Evil' really is…" leaving those words behind, the Last Trial of Humanity disappeared into the night wind.

"If that's what it takes to keep the promise with her…then so be it. After all, I am…Burai (無頼)." Lifting his face, Burai dispelled his armor and stared into the void. Unbeknownst to him, at that moment the Flag of 'Evil' had already taken root inside his body.

As he turned around, appearing before his eyes was her, his most beloved. By then even the energy which he received from a certain youth had also ran dry and he slowly dragged his body toward her. He tripped on a stone and fell down, but she had caught him in her arms as the two fell on their knees.

"You're late." She said hugging him tightly.

"My bad, but I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yes, you're here now, and that's all that matter. Thank you, for being here." Raising his hand, he stroke her beautiful silver hair gently before losing conscious. Shiroyasha remained in that posture with Burai for a good long while because now is an eternal moment in a world of their own, both literally and figuratively. The night is still young, and they have all the time in the world.

"You don't have to carry all the burden on your shoulders alone. Even the sun sleeps when night comes. So whenever you need me, I'll be your 'night'. So close your eyes, dear Sun of mine, and tell me what you see in the night."

Meanwhile in the background, Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage who Equals Heaven – Sun Wukong was enjoying the spectacle from a high spot by extending her Ruyi Jingu Bang.

Shiraga: finishing this chapter, it felt like this is the bad ending to the official good ending.

Stars of the White Nights is an actual name for a series of classical ballet, opera and orchestral performed during the White Nights Festival, originally started by the first mayor of and has been since held annual since 1993.