A little idea that came to mind whilst talking to some friends last night- it's also based on an experience I've had a couple years ago. (Warning for slightly graphic content and mild PTSD). Hope you enjoy!


As dusk fell over the Blue Mountain Quarry, the engines let out a chorus of whistles at yet another day's work well done. Soon after, a blanket of stars and constellations lay out like a dome over Odor's royal blue night sky.

The narrow-gauge engines were just about to set off for home, when the Thin Controller arrived on his bicycle.

"A fine day's work, my dear engines," He complimented. "I'm very proud of you lot." He smiled fondly at his team of engines, who returned his kind smile with broad grins.

"Thank you sir!" The seven engines said simultaneously.

"As a treat, I'd like to invite you all to small get-together at Crovan's Gate, the Fat Controller will be there, and I have a big surprise in honor of your hard work. It starts at about 10:00, and should last no longer than half an hour. I'll see you there!" He finished, and sped off on his bike towards home.

The engines were excited at hearing this news, and tittered to each other about what their reward would be.

"It's aboot time!" Duncan cheered loudly. "That Mr. Percival never rewards us fo' a' tis work!"

"I'll say!" Sir Handel agreed. "This reward came years too late!"

"Now, now, you too," Skarloey cut in. "Don't act like the Thin Controller never gives you anything for working hard-remember he gave us all a repaint for the holidays?"

"Bah! He only di' it cos he dinna wan' us to feel left oot!" Duncan retorted, dryly. "T'was the standard gauge engines wa' supposed to ge' it!"

"Well, now he actually does mean it," Rheneas quipped sarcastically, in an attempt to stop Duncan from complaining any further. "And I'm sure this reward will bigger than the last one as well!"

"I wonder what it is," Luke chirruped. "The Thin Controller made it sound so exciting!"

"I agree!" Rusty added. "We should get going!"

"Hm, it is getting late," Peter Sam spoke up. "Let's set off now, before we miss it!"

The engines set off for Crovan's Gate, with Skarloey, Duncan, Rusty and Sir Handel leading the cavalcade. Peter Sam was about to follow behind with Rheneas and Luke when the trio heard Mr. Bailey shout from behind.

"Peter Sam! Thank heavens I haven't missed you yet." He said, running up to the three engines.

"Yes, sir?" Peter Sam queried politely.

"There's a truck in the back that needs to be placed carefully near the gravel crusher for tomorrow morning. It contains a sensitive material, and seeing as you're a careful engine, would you mind moving it for me? If it's not too much trouble, that is."

"Oh, not at all, sir!" The dark green engine replied kindly. "I'll just move it out of the way quickly, and then I'll set off for home."

"Oh, thank you, Peter Sam!" Mr. Bailey said graciously. "You're a very...special, engine, indeed." He murmured quietly, before setting off for home himself.

Rheneas and Luke smiled at their friend's trademark kindness, before turning to their green friend.

"Shall we wait for you, Peter Sam?" Luke asked. "We'd hate for you to miss the gathering."

"I'm alright, Luke- you and Rheneas go on, I'll meet up with you later. This shouldn't take long at all."

"Well, if you're sure," Rheneas acquiesced. "But while you're heading back, do be careful. It's very hard to see the rails this late at night."

"Of course, Rheneas," Peter Sam reassured calmly. "I'll be extra careful."


Feeling Peter Sam had proved his worth, Rheneas and Luke set off for Crovan's Gate to join their friends, leaving Peter Sam to finish his work.

As Peter Sam had promised, the job took longer than a couple of minutes, and after making sure everything was in proper order, the No. 4 engine made his way up the line quickly to join his friends.

He squinted through the dark path in front of him, only so much of it being visible due to his bright lamp. Peter Sam thanked his lucky stars for that, or he would've been extra late to this get-together.

A red signal blared its light up ahead at an intersection, and despite being in a hurry, the green engine stopped patiently, and waited until it was all clear. The green signal dropped, and Peter Sam set off once more after looking both ways to see if it was safe.

But nothing could have prepared him for what was to happen next.

Unbeknownst to him, a runaway train full of heavy scrap metal had broken away due to a rusty coupling, and was now hurtling its way towards Peter Sam at a more than alarming rate.

Poor Peter Sam had no time to think twice, and before he could breathe or blink, there was deafening crash, as the train snaked into his left side. An awful requiem of crushing metal, glass shattering, and screeching filled the air as the little green engine rolled over and over on his side, for what seemed like hours to an average person passing by.

Then it was dark. And nothing but silence followed.


A glare of light from a flashlight woke Peter Sam up from his slumber- or so, that's what he thought it was. He felt an onrush of pain shoot up from side to the rest of completely shattered frame as he glanced around to see what was happening.

"Dri-driver..?" He thought to himself, the severe pain breaking this thought into many pieces, just like his frame at the moment. "W-Where are you..?!" "Fireman...?"

But he heard no response, and that did it. Peter Sam didn't know whether to cry out in sorrow or pain- all he knew was that the shock of the accident had paralyzed his emotions. If he did feel sad, he couldn't think about it, for the shooting, stabbing pain was distracting him from thinking about anything else.

"Peter Sam! Peter Sam! Can you hear me, my friend?" A familiar voice called out, snapping Peter Sam out of his thoughts for a moment. He let out a whimper of pain as a engine lamp illuminated his face slowly.

Although he was still in horrible pain, he felt a teensy bit better as he recognized Victor making his way towards the carnage. He wanted to rejoice, but...the pain. The pain.

The bloody pain!

"Stay still, my friend," Victor soothed the green engine softly. "Stay calm, try to relax, as best you can. Tell me where it hurts, if you can."

Peter Sam grunted as managed to choke out the word "Everywhere."

Victor felt as if he could cry. Yes, the Cuban engine had seen multiple train wrecks before, and this accident surely wasn't anything new. But he did realize that this would be the second time Peter Sam had gotten into a severe wreck, the first being his infamous accident at the quarry incline. At least in wasn't anyone's fault this time.

"Consiga este motor en un plano-rapidamente, por favor!" Victor shouted urgently to two workmen behind him, and started attaching Peter Sam to cranes as quickly as possible.

As he was loaded up, however, Peter Sam let out an abrupt shriek of pain.

"Shh, it's ok, Peter Sam," Victor tried calm down as much he could. "I know you're in pain, but you're going to be fine, my friend. Just try to relax, and we'll be at the Steamworks in a few minutes."

Peter Sam hiccuped through tears as he spoke up painfully in an almost catatonic tone. "Tell the others...I'm sorry I'm late..." He managed to get out mournfully. From his face expression, it was nearly impossible to tell whether Peter Sam was actually sorrowful or not, as the shock from accident still lay on his facade like paint on a wall.

"I'll let them know about your condition, my friend, I promise," The Cuban engine responded. "But please, don't apologize- this wasn't your fault, or anyone else's. No need to be sorry, all that matters is that you're okay, my dear friend."

Peter Sam said nothing else, and just hoped on the ride to the Steamworks that this endless, stabbing, and debilitating pain could end soon.