Story Summary:
Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark returned from the 74th Hunger Games as Victors but all is not well. The Capitol is angry about their display of solidarity and them and their families are caught up in a wave of fear and violence. Once again she has to make the decision. Who does she save? What does she fight for?
I went to Peeta's room and tapped on the door. He opened it without a shirt obviously not expecting me. "I thought you were Haymitch."
"Can we talk?" I asked. I noticed he looked less angry and just plain tired.
"Sure, just let me put something on." I bit my lip unable to help noticing that he had gained back most of the strength he had lost in the arena. He looked muscular and strong which was rare in District 12. Even Gale who was usually tall didn't have much visible muscle. Having muscle was a sign of having enough to eat and very few people in District 12 had enough to eat. It reminded me that Peeta Mellark, for all of his kindness, was a formidable opponent. Fortunately, we were playing on the same team. At least we had been.
I led him back to the train car with the open windows. I surmised that with the speed of the train it would be impossible for the cameras to pick up our voices provided we whispered. They could see us, of course, but whispering in each other's ear would only look lover like.
"Why did you hide it from me? I know it's more than Haymitch. I know you don't love me but I thought we were friends. And friends share things especially when it could hurt people." His voice was softer and sounded hurt which was almost worse than when he was angry. I was good at dealing with anger. I generally got angry back. That's how Gale and I always fought. We would just say all kinds of mean things and then forget about it later. We never really took what each other said seriously.
"I don't know. I'm just not good making friends. And saying things to them. I'm so used to keeping things to myself." I whispered in his ear. I was practically sitting in his lap.
"I know. I know how strong and independent you are. But we aren't going to succeed if you don't trust me." Peeta replied. We were so close our faces were just an inch apart. The wind whipped my loosened hair around my face and I could barely hear him so I felt fairly secure the cameras couldn't pick up what we were saying.
"Do you think we can pull it off?" I wanted to bite my nails but the preps had painted my nails with a horrible tasting polish for that reason.
"I hope so. The problem is that I don't think it matters. Those people today didn't care why we did what we did."
The thought made my stomach clench with fear. Then a horrible thought occurred to me. So far Peeta had been reasonably safe because President Snow hadn't doubted his love for me. But he had implied that I had somehow convinced Peeta to join me in some sort of rebellious activity. The speech he gave could have easily been misconstrued as him stirring up the people to revolt. It would look as if we planned the whole thing together. To blatantly defy President Snow in the face of his warning made the case against me rise.
"What will they do to us?" I spoke softly.
"I don't know. That was the hardest district. The other ones should be easier, at least for you. If we can convince him that we didn't mean to start anything perhaps he won't hurt our families."
I thought of Prim and Rory who were both eligible for the Reaping. Vic and Posy were too young but there were plenty of other things to be done to them. President Snow had already threatened Gale knowing that he was far too rebellious and passionate for his own good. My mother and aunt were even in danger. Peeta's whole family was implicated. No one close to us was safe.
I heard a sound at the doorway but it was just the shifting of the train. A wave of exhaustion passed over me. I hadn't slept in what seemed like years. I yearned for the safety and security of the cave where I had slept in his arms. I didn't know if that was normal to feel for a friend but I didn't care. It gave me comfort from the terrible nightmares that never seemed to end.
"I guess we better go to bed. As Effie says, "It's going to be a big, big day.'" I yawned as I stood up.
"Goodnight, Katniss." He gave me a reassuring smile and I felt certain that things were ok between us again. It was a relief knowing that I didn't have to shoulder the burden of the Star-Crossed Lovers alone. I suddenly wanted to ask him to stay with me like we had been in the cave. I hated the idea of going back to my compartment alone and staring at the ceiling until morning came. Or waking up from a nightmare and trying to figure out if it was real. But I couldn't ask him to stay. Friends didn't sleep in the same bed like that.
Author's Note: I'll be updating the new story on Thurs at least for the next few months. I will likely change my schedule after this Quarter ends. I hope you enjoy this sneak peak and I'll be back next week for Let the Rest Burn.