Disclaimer I do not own PJO or HP that honor belongs to Rick Riordon and J.K. Rowling! Now on with the chapter!

Chapter 1: Nico at Hogwarts

Nico's POV

I was laying in the grass on Half-Blood Hill thinking nothing can ever be perfect something is going to happen! I knew it and it was still a little surprising when an old dusty leather bound book fell from the sky and landed on my stomach with maximum velocity. I picked it up and studied it. It had the symbol of Hecate embroidered in silver thread on the cover. As soon as my fingers rolled over the symbol of magic I was gone in a flash of midnight black shadow. When I reappeared I was looking up at my father and a woman with long black hair, deathly pale skin, completely black eyes and a white gown. I immediately recognized her as Hecate goddess of magic. She looked so much like her sons and daughters in cabin 20!

"Son," my dad said from is throne, "Hecate has something to ask of you." He said with anger in his voice. "Son of Hades I need a favor," she said. It felt like ours for her to explain everything to me and what she needs me to do. "Do you understand what I need for you to do?" She asked me. "Yes, I understand." I said bluntly. This will not be fun, considering that I will have to go to school. "Here is your wand," she said sticking out a piece of black wood, "It is dark oak wood, with a hellhound fur core, 13 inches long." She gave all the details so I would know if anyone asked.

"Now go pack your things," she ordered, "you will half to leave to night and stay in a bed and breakfast called the Leaky Couldron." She informed. "You must be on platform 9 3/4 by 11:00 am. When you get to Kings Cross train station you run at the wall between platforms 9 and 10." She said, "Good luck son of Hades." She said as her parting words and called forth the mist, it swallowed her and when it receded she was gone. I shadow traveled back to the Hades cabin and packed my stuff. I noticed something on my bed. It looked like the school robes. Great, I thought, These uniforms are absolutely stupid.

I finished packing everything I might need, including some of my personal things. I grabbed my luggage and prepared to shadow travel all the way to the Leak Cauldron. I gathered my strength and melted into the shadows. I landed in an ally and leans against a wall. It took a while before the everything came back into focus. I grabbed my luggage and entered the large brick building. The staff were starting to close up the shop as I went to the front desk.

"I need a room please Sir." I said to the man standing behind the desk.(A/N I know the Leakey Couldron isn't like this, but for the sake of the story it is!) He handed me a room key and I walked up the stares to find the room. I finally found it and put all my stuff down on the bed. I took out the book that landed on my chest a few hours ago. I flipped through it and evidently Hecate has blessed me with magic and the knowledge up to a third year student. Evidently Harry Potter (the guy I'm suppose to watch) was in his third year.

I looked through all the school books Hecate gave me but I wasn't impressed. I put away the books and fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke up the next morning and caught a taxi to the train station. I paid the taxi driver and got out. I walked through the train station until I came to the middle between platforms 9 and 10. I ran through the wall and got on the train.

I set my things were everyone else placed them and walked through the isle looking for an empty compartment. I found one and sat down, but it was a few minutes before my bliss of being alone was ruined when what looked like one of the school's teachers came in and took the set across from me. "I am Professor Remus Lupin," he introduced himself sticking out his hand for me to shake, "I will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." It wasn't long before he was asleep. I took out my book of Greek monsters to keep my knowledge fresh on them. Thank gods it was in Greek!

I got past the chapter on gryphons when the door slid open. They all looked about my age, there was a girl with bushy brown hair and dark brown eyes. A boy with fiery red hair, freckles, and blue eyes. The last was a boy who looked a lot like Percy except insted of sea-green eye they were emerald green. They looked at me a little uncertain.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger." The girl said sticking out her hand for me to shake. I took her hand while saying, "Nico di Angelo." "I'm Ron Weasley." The boy with red hair said. "And I'm Harry Potter." The last boy said. The three waited for a reaction that never came. "Don't you know who he is?" Ron asked. "Yes," I said with a scoff, "He is the boy who lives." I said looking down and twisting my skull ring.

"Then why didn't you react?" Ron asked, "Because," I began, "no Len likes being reminded of the day their loved ones died, I'd know that better anyone." I said the last part with a small laugh. "What do you mean?" Hermione asked. Obviously she is a know it all. "Nothing." I said starting to read my book again signaling the conversation was over. They were whispering a lot during the ride there I was only able to pick up a few words, "Do you think he is a death eater?" Ron had asked and I almost snorted out loud because it was so funny! Eat Thanatos? I don't think he would be very appetizing.

About half way there the train came to an abrupt stop. Everything went dark and it turned so cold that it felt like the fields of punishment. "What's going on?" Ron asked in a skeaky voice. "We can't be there yet." Hermione said in a quizzical tone. A few moments later there was a dark hooded figure standing outside the frosted glass. It opened the sliding glass door and all I could hear was screaming from multiple people, my mother, Bianca, my friends, my father, Hazel, and the ghosts in the fields of punishment.

I blacked out...

Thanks for reading my chapter! I hope you liked it and if you have any ideas for my just comment and I'll see where you think I should go with this story!
