A/N: And here we are. The end. Wow. I can't believe it!

I don't own TMNT.


"Haha, I beat you again!" Mikey laughed as he showed off his new high score. He had been playing a pinball marathon with Karai, who had little previous experience with the game. After all, the Foot Headquarters didn't have many entertainments. But that didn't matter anymore, now that she was living with the turtles in their lair.

Karai raised an eyebrow at the joyous turtle. "You sure about that?" she asked, before playfully shoving him out of the way. "Let's see who's the pinball boss now!"

Leo, who'd been watching her play, smiled. She was so much like Raph: her cocky, sometimes rebellious attitude; her desire to pick a fight; her boldness; her rashness. But it was all those components that made Leo so close to Raph... and fall in love with Karai.

A light punch on the shoulder shook the turtle out of his thoughts. "Hey, Fearless, wanna go spar in the dojo?"

Tearing his gaze off Karai, Leo turned to the red clad turtle. "Sure, Raph." Leo had finally found a happy medium between spending time with Karai and his brothers. He would help Karai train, or just talk to her, in little bits and chunks out of the day, but if Raph needed someone to spend time with, then that was his first priority. Brothers first.

In the dojo, the brothers unsheathed their weapons and began fighting. Raph thrust his sais forward, but Leo blocked them with his swords. Leo kicked, aiming for the center of Raph's stomach, which would send him backwards. But Raph quickly dodged out of the way and instead, sent a punch towards Leo's mouth, which the leader swiftly blocked.

"So, Leo, I was thinking," Raph casually started, "I was, ya know, kinda being unfair."

Leo, who had just been dodging a roundhouse kick from Raph, looked up at him in interest.

Raph tucked his sais away, signaling the end of the fight. "I mean, I shouldn't have stopped you from having a crush on Karai. 'Cause if Donnie has a crush, why can't you?"

Leo sheathed his double katana. Raph was being serious - "emotional" - for once...

"I guess I was just... I was just.." Raph stumbled over his words, looking down at the floor.

Leo hid his smile. He knew that the tough turtle hated to admit his feelings. "What, Raph?" he asked, almost innocently.

"I was jealous," Raph spilled out. "I didn't want to be, but I didn't like seeing you spend so much time with her and then just act like I was a nobody. That's why I was so angry around her. I wanted to get her away from you, but it didn't work. It was like that made you ignore me more. I tried ignore it and keep it in, but I couldn't. I had to let it all out." Raph reached behind his neck to scratch it awkwardly. "Listen, Leo, I- I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Raph," Leo responded with a smile. "I forgave you long ago."

At that, Raph's head jerked upwards to look at his older brother, shock clearly written all over his face. "What? You knew?" Then his expression changed to one of understanding, and he smiled. "'Course you did, Fearless."

Leo smiled and nudged Raph playfully. "What's a brother for?"

Later that night, the Hamato Clan had gone patrolling. But with the Foot gone, their Headquarters being exploded still making headlines on the news, little trouble had erupted. It was more of them goofing off rather than checking for trouble.

After an hour without goons or robbers to stop, Mikey, Raph, and Donnie all ran off into the night to play a game of Ninja Tag. But Leo and Karai had both sat out, wanting some time to themselves.

They sat on a rooftop next to each other, their legs dangling off the edge.

"You know, Leo," Karai began, "I never really did thank you for helping me get adjusted to my real family and stopping the Shredder for messing with me. So, I just wanted to say, thanks. For everything."

Leo blushed, his cheeks turning bright red, but luckily for him, the darkness of the night masked it. "It was nothing."

Karai smiled at the turtle's modesty, yet another aspect of him she admired.

She gazed up at the night sky, little bright stars dotting the blackness, shining down at them.

As she admired the beautiful stars, Leo couldn't help but gaze at Karai. The wisps of her hair flowing down the sides of her head. Those bright amber eyes, browner and silkier than chocolate, brighter than the stars twinkling down at them. He couldn't help but wonder, Who took the stars out of the sky and put them in your eyes?

Karai whipped around to look at Leo, who hadn't realized he had said that aloud. Bright red creeped onto his face again, but he didn't mind.

Her lips curved upwards. With him, she felt loved. Safe. Wanted.

But she wanted more.

Without thinking - part of her bold disposition - she reached for his hand and gripped it tightly, tenderly. They looked at each other, their smiles wider than the sky.

And before she could realize it, Leo let go of her hand and let his arm drape gently against her figure.

And before she could realize it, Leo's head was inching closer and closer to hers, his warm breath on her face.

And before she could realize it, his lips were pressed against hers in a soft, sweet kiss.

After a few seconds, he drew away. "I love you, Karai," he whispered.

And before she could realize it, she was answering back for the first time. "I love you too, Leo," she murmured, pulling him towards her for another kiss.

A/N: And they lived happily ever after! ;)

Fyi - I do NOT support incest/T-Cest, but it doesn't really feel like Leo and Karai are siblings. They didn't grow up together, and they're not related by blood or anything, so that's why I support Leorai.

I know it seems like I rushed a bit at the end of this fic. :/ I'm sorry. But the thing is, school is being so hectic, and I don't know how much longer I can keep up with writing AND homework/studying. So I tried to end this so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I know, I know, lame excuse. But I'll be less stressed this way, and I think I did okay (rhyme not intended :P).

And now... drumroll please!

Shout-outs to:

Difani-Sani, for always reviewing every chapter and providing great feedback. And being an amazing person overall. THANK YOU! :D

No Guns Only Roses, for also always reviewing every chapter and being an awesome friend. Thanks! c:

TMNT Loving Leo the Second, for the reviews/messages that make me smile and laugh. What would I do without you? ;)

Guest, because I almost never receive anonymous reviews, so yours made me smile. c:

A BIG thank you to everyone who read/reviewed/followed/favorited! It always makes my day!

To be honest, I really don't think I'm going to write any more multi-chapter stories (at least, long ones). They take too much time. :/ Maybe during longer breaks off from school, but I honestly don't know. I WILL be active on fanfic though, reading other stories and maybe writing one-shots and poems and stuff. So keep on the lookout! :)

Thank you all AGAIN! It's been a long, wild ride, but I really did enjoy it while it lasted! :)

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for all of you! ;)