Weiss Schnee casts a haste glyph on her teammate Blake Belladonna, as she blocks a beowolf's incoming claws. Blake then swings her weapon, Gambol Shroud, rapidly creating waves of slashes slicing through the Grimm like it was made of paper. Yang Xiao Long then charges into an incoming Ursa Major, punching it in the stomach, while Cinder Fall uses her fire based semblance to assist Yang, firing several powerful globes of fire at the Ursa Major, rocking it back with each blast. Yang takes advantage and lands a tremendous double handed blow with her Ember Celica, blasting the Grimm into a tree, where it shook for a moment, then laid still. Currently, Team WCBY was on a search and destroy mission in Forever Fall Forest. There had been reports of a Grimm nest set too close to the school. It wasn't anything major or dangerous, so the school had sent in one of their most prominent first year teams to clear it.
They were finally nearing the end. Two more Grimm stand in front of them. The Bumbleby duo move swiftly to take on the last Ursa Major as Fire and Ice take on the less dangerous Alpha Beowolf. Moving swiftly, Weiss darts out in front of Cinder, drawing the Alpha Beowolf's attention as Cinder follows her lead swiftly. Using a gravity glyph, Weiss leaps over the Alpha's head just as Cinder rams both her blades, now ablaze deeply into the Grimm's exposed throat. With a swift cross of her swords, Cinder decapitates the Alpha. The Grimm's head flies off and lands a couple of meters away from where Cinder lands in a crouch. The body itself falls on the ground with a thump, slowly disappearing like the others. Weiss approached Cinder and gives her a sword to sword high-five as Yang and Blake finish off their own target with a flourish.
"Well, that was a thing." Yang said as Ember Celica withdraws back into bracelets.
Cinder simply chuckled as she extinguished Ash and Char and replaced them back on her magnetic holder on the small of her back. "A simple enough thing really…. Even JNPR should have been able to deal with this…."
"Even with Jaune in tow" Blake deadpanned as she sheathed Gambol Shroud and replaced it on her back.
Replacing Myrtenaster on her hip, Weiss gets a slight look of disgust on her face at the mere mention of Jaune, "If he doesn't get the hint that I am not interested soon, they will be lacking a Jaune Arc."
With that, their mission was complete. The team makes their way back to Beacon and make their verbal report to Professor Goodwitch. After completing their written after action report, which most of it was written by Weiss since she was team leader, they headed to the cafeteria to eat. As they ate, JNPR had joined their table. It was always interesting and fun when they hang out. Just as they were discussing their recent mission, a delivery boy approaches Weiss.
"Excuse me, Miss Schnee…" he started. Weiss turns to him, one delicate eyebrow raised.
"Yes? May I help you?" Weiss answered.
"Your package from RT Huntsman and Huntress Monthly has arrived ma'am." he said as he handed Weiss a small package. Weiss' expression brightens grabbing the package and signing the received paper, allowing the delivery boy to leave.
"What's that?" Jaune asked.
"Judging from how fast Weiss is opening that package…" Cinder started. "…its RT's newly released magazine…"
"Oh…you mean the one with…" Jaune was cut off with Weiss raising a poster tube from the package.
"YES!" Weiss cheered, all but jumping in joy. "It's here! It's here!"
"What is it Weiss?" Blake asked, already knowing what the poster was.
Weiss turns to her team still holding the tube near her. She smiles and proudly slides out and unrolls the poster, revealing the image to her companions. The image was of one of Remnant's scythe wielders. Red rose petals flow throughout the scene, as man in black and red stands proud, his weapon in full form held by his left hand, while the blade was struck to the ground. His red cloak swaying with the wind as his striking silver eyes stare straight into the camera. Right at the bottom corner of the poster was a signature of the huntsman. 'Rouvin Rose'
"Is that…" Pyrrha said before Nora cuts in.
"The limited edition poster of Rouvin 'Grimm-Reaper' Rose!" she shouted with sparkling eyes.
Weiss nodded. "With his autograph!" Weiss then squealed. Everyone in the group knew how much Weiss adored the Red Reaper. Her team had been unfortunate enough to get a fangirl for a leader. Their room was filled with the Red Reaper's posters, magazines that have articles about him, heck even those back when he was still a student in Beacon. Weiss had even asked about him from the professors. She even has a picture of him under the bunk bed of her partner.
Yang struggled to hold her laughter. Weiss was always the perfect little princess in her family. Seeing her get excited about a poster, no scratch that, about a huntsman was nothing new to her or their team. They've experienced firsthand how much their white-haired leader is willing to do just to meet her idol. Weiss then rolled the poster back up carefully, since she doesn't want it to be damaged, before replacing it back in its protective tube. She then proceeded to get the magazine. Seeing the front cover, Weiss squealed again. Striking silver eyes, black and red hair and an adorable smile, all the while staring straight at her and only her. Yang had commented once that if Weiss was to ever actually meet her crush in person, she'd probably faint on the spot.
Weiss' little crush is something Yang has seen evolve throughout the years. She'd gone to Signal Academy with her, in which her reason was that because the silver-eyed boy had walked through its halls. It was the same reason for Beacon Academy. Weiss was eager to follow him. Yang watched Weiss quickly flip through the pages of the magazine, looking for the article.
"Here it is!" Weiss said. She then proceeded to read through it. The interview was pretty simple. Questions were basic from what he does in his down time to which mission was the hardest. There were some personal questions that received the normal vague answers. There were two questions that caught Weiss' attention. The first one was 'As an active huntsman, you have been traveling all over Remnant. Have you ever thought of settling down?' This was then followed by an intriguing answer. 'It's fun traveling around and it sure is worth it helping other people. I haven't actually thought of it until now, but I am planning on stay in Vale for a while. I may even watch the Vytal Festival as well. I'm sort of curious how much my little sister has improved.' Weiss squeals for a third time today. She has just found out that The Rouvin Rose was going to visit Vale and watch the tournament.
"What is she squealing about now?" Cinder asked as she looks up from her scroll.
"Dunno…" Yang answered as Blake shrugged and continued reading her book. Yang then leans forward to Weiss, reading what she had. Yang's eyes went wide. "WHAT?!" she said, causing the rest of the group to look at her.
"Yang?" Blake asked, actually looking up from the book in her hand. "…what is it?"
"Weiss' crush is visiting Vale, and he's going to watch the Vytal Festival!" Yang answered excitedly.
"Okay…That explains Weiss' reaction, but that doesn't explain yours…" Cinder said as she tucked her scroll away.
"He's visiting Vale and plans on watching the tournament. That means I get a chance to tease Weiss all the more!" Yang said. Which is partially true. The other, much more important half was that she had just found out her big brother's visiting and wants to see her.
"You brute!" Weiss hissed as she stepped on Yang's foot. "Go get your own copy!"
"OW!" Yang shouted. "Not like you don't like it. It also says that he's single and lonely." she then smirked. "You got that princess? Your prince is SINGLE and oh so LONELY." Yang teased as she clasped her hands together and looks upward as if star struck. Weiss blushes a deep red and simply hides her face behind the magazine.
The second question is the one that really got her attention 'Are you dating anyone? Or are you interested in anyone' to which the scythe wielder answered. 'Nope, still single and lonely.' Weiss can't help but get her hopes up as she keeps staring at that simple enough question. Soon enough she was lost in her fantasy of The Rouvin Rose himself sweeping her off her feet with declarations of love and eternal affection.
Nora stops telling another one of her outrageous tall tales to snicker at Weiss. "Jeez Cinder, didya hit Weissy with some fire dust or something? She looks ready to melt!"
Cinder makes a small show of checking the sleeves of her combat dress as a small smile crosses her lips. "….I'm afraid not Nora…. Maybe she's dreaming of wedding bells in her future?"
Blake doesn't even look up from her book. "If she's thinking of that, she may want to go back to the dorm room so she can have some privacy."
"Alright, Team!" Weiss said standing up. "We're going to start training!" She said excitedly, pointedly ignoring the comments from her partner and teammate.
"Yeah!" Yang agreed excitedly. Everyone turns to Yang, surprised that the blonde brawler had agreed with Weiss. She just looked at them and shrugged. "What? We get to show off in front of Weiss' crush."
"Weiss, stating she wants to train more, Yang agreeing..." Cinder said as she raised a hand dramatically to her forehead. "What has the world turn into?!"
Blake smirked, knowing perfectly well why. Yang was just as equally excited as Weiss. It had been a long time since Yang and her brother have seen each other. Blake only knows because she had accidentally walked in on Yang while she was on a video call with her brother. Blake immediately recognized the man she was talking to, thanks to Weiss' posters and magazines. An excited Yang then explained to her their relationship once the video call was over. Yang Xiao Long and Rouvin Rose were actually half siblings. Rouvin's mother had died while on a mission while he was still a toddler, and Yang's mother then helped their dad raise him. After several years of dancing around their feelings, they finally got married and had Yang soon afterwards.
Yang had gone on to state that she looks up to her brother and would want to be someone just like him, a huntress that wandered the world helping anyone in need. She had a similar reason as Weiss for the sudden training, but for a completely different reason. Yang had actually spent time with him as she grew up, Weiss however had only read and heard about him. And even now, Yang still hasn't told anyone about her brother other than Blake. She respected Rouvin enough to guard his privacy, and she also didn't want to be bombarded with millions of questions surrounding her brother.
The next two days, team WCBY and team JNPR trained and sparred with each other extensively. Everyone was improving even Jaune, much to Cinder's surprise. Though they've also notice how Pyrrha has started acting a little distant from Jaune. It wasn't really that noticeable but it's there if you've spend time with them long enough. A missed block here, a misstep while protecting his flank there. But it was when Cinder rushed Jaune, her dress and eyes glowing as her blades erupted into flames that was the most telling. Weiss, Yang and Blake pause for a moment and watch as Jaune is pressed hard by the burning swordswoman, all the while Pyrrha stood back and watch, a look of sadness crossing her features for a brief moment. Jaune was soon sent flying as Cinder disarms him handily and kicks him across the practice arena. Even Cinder noticed at that point, before simply shrugging and extinguishing her blades, declaring that she was done for the day.
As the day draws to an end, everyone has started to get ready to bed. Yang crashed on to her bunk, while Blake sat on hers as she opened the book she has been reading. Cinder meanwhile, was sitting at her desk and was doing maintenance on her swords. She currently had Char dismantled and was cleaning out the exhaust port while Ash was still laying in its various pieces. Meanwhile Weiss was once again reading the article in her new magazine, determined to commit it to memory.
"Everyone excited for tomorrow?" Yang asked as she sits down cross legged on her bunk.
"Of course..." Cinder answered, not looking up as she gently begins to reassemble both blades. "I get to finally see my sister and parents again after two years..."
"My parents have informed me that Winter will be coming along with them." Weiss said, not tearing her attention away from her magazine. "I can't wait for you guys to meet them." Yang then leans down to Blake.
"What about you Blakey?" Yang asked. "Its Family Day tomorrow, will your parents be coming?"
Blake looked up from her book to Yang and gave her a small smile. "They told me they will."
"That's great, everyone's parents will be coming, except for mine…" the other three members looked at Yang, concern evident on all their features.
"Yang…" Weiss started as she finally puts the magazine to the side. "…are you sure you're okay?"
"Mm?" Yang turns to their young leader. "Of course I'm fine. Mom and Dad had already told me ahead of time they couldn't make it. So I'm leaning on my Uncle Qrow and my brother to come." Yang smirked. "And I've been meaning to let you guys meet my brother. I'm betting he's the best sibling among our team's siblings."
"What? No that can't possibly be! Winter has to be the best! She's a huntress, a specialist in the Atlesian military and the SDC heiress." Weiss argued. "Your brother can't possibly top that."
"Sure, he can't top the heiress part, but he's even more awesome in so many other ways!" Yang fired back. The two then proceed to argue about who has the best other sibling. Weiss threw out reasons as to why Winter was the best and Yang threw out her own reasons, as Cinder and Blake simply shared a long suffering look with each other over their partner's latest arguments. In the end, it was decided to simply wait and meet Weiss and Yang's siblings tomorrow, where they'd let the other members of their team decide, along with JNPR. Weiss can't help but think as she lays down, that tomorrow was going to be life changing somehow. With a smile, she blows her picture of Rouvin a kiss before closing her eyes, sleep swiftly finding her.
Morning found the various members of team WCBY in various different states. Cinder was uncharacteristically excited, as she had already gotten a message from her father stating that they were already waiting for her in the courtyard below. Weiss was still grumbling as she awoke slowly, doing her best to not start shrieking at her partner, knowing how important this was to her. Cinder didn't even wait for her teammates as they slowly awoke and started their days, but dashed out the door while still attaching Char and Ash to their holder.
"Well, she certainly is excited this morning." Weiss deadpans as she yawns.
"It's been two years since she's seen her entire family Weiss. Can you really blame her? I don't even think she slept." Blake responds idly as she walks out of the bathroom, her black ribbon already firmly in place as she hangs her towel up carefully to dry.
Yang smirks as she watches Blake walk over to their shared closet. "Well well well, if it isn't the bellabootie in all its glory! Now that's a great way to wake up!" Blake simply rolled her eyes in response as she pulled her normal outfit out of the closet.
"Yang Xiao Long! Stop fantasizing about Blake and get ready! Family day is only for one day, and I will not miss a chance to see mine just because you are being a dolt and lying about!" Weiss all but commanded as she reached for her own towel and toiletries.
"Hold on Weiss, I'm watching another beautiful moment right now." Yang answers, her smirk replaced by a wide genuine smile as she motions out the dorm window. Blake and Weiss move to the window just in time to witness a now sobbing Cinder leap into the arms of a man easily as tall as their friend Yatsuhashi and cling to him as he engulfs her petite form in a hug. The giant was flanked by a shorter older woman with long burning red hair and a much young midnight haired girl, who was also shedding tears as she pulled on Cinder's dress to get her attention. Even Blake was quickly moved to tears as their teammate finally releases the man and gathers the younger girl into her arms while they both get hugged by the redhead. All three young women can't help but aww as the reunited family move on to the fairground that was prepared for today's festivities.
Sniffling, Yang wipes her eyes as she lowers her scroll. "Now THAT was a thing!"
"Kind of weird seeing Cinder acting like that." Blake replies warmly, wiping her own tears away.
Even Weiss found herself cleaning her face of tears as she glares up at Yang. "Did you really record that Yang?!"
"I sure did Weissy! I figured Cinder might want it considering her family is always on the road. A nice memory for her to hang on to, you know?"
Blake smiles, and then gives the blonde a quick kiss on the cheek, which in turn causes her to fall off her bunk with a squeal. With a mischievous wink, Blake returns to getting ready. "That may have just earned you a first date Dragon."
"Yes!" Yang pumps her fists in victory into the air as she lays flat on the floor.
"Enough lazing about you brute! Get up and get ready!" Weiss starts shrieking, causing the other two girls to wince and start moving again.
After almost two hours, the three finally manage to make their way to the courtyard. Beacon Family Day was held once every two years, and was timed with the Vytal Festival. It allowed students to spend time with their parents after the long period of being away from home. It was also a great opportunity for the students actually participating to build up their confidence for the upcoming tournament.
The courtyard has food stalls surrounding it, along with games and entertainment stalls geared both for the older students as well as any younger siblings they may have. By the fountain they could see parents hugging their kids, as well as family and friends greeting each other. Weiss pushed herself through the crowd, standing on her tip toes as she scans the place, trying to find a very familiar head of white hair. Yang and Blake were on either side of Weiss as they too look for their families. Blake turned just in time to bump into someone. Shaking her head to clear her vision, she was confronted by a tall man with red hair in a backwards windswept way, with two very familiar horns on his head. He wearing a black and red suit and was staring down at her with a wide smile. Blake broke into a smile of her own as she reached out and hugged him tightly.
"Adam!" she cried out happily, causing both Yang and Weiss to stop and turn back around to them. "I thought you couldn't make it." she said as she pulled back from the hug.
Adam chuckled. "Good to see you Blake." he said. "Did you really think I'd miss a chance to see my little sister?"
"But mom and dad told me you were busy with the White Fang back in Menagerie!"
"Well, I fixed it yesterday so I made the trip here." he answered as he looked towards a now curious looking Yang and Weiss. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"
Blake smiles and turns to Weiss and Yang. "Guys…this is Adam Taurus. My big brother." Blake said.
"Helloooo!" Yang singsonged as she waved. "Yang Xiao Long! It's nice to finally meet you Adam."
"Weiss Schnee. It's a pleasure to meet you." Weiss said as she curtsies.
"Nice to meet you guys. And I'm her adoptive brother, just in case you were wondering." He gestures in the direction of the main tent. "Should we head over to where our parents are?" he asked. "I also saw Weiss' parents there."
"Okay, that would be great." Blake said.
"I would love to." Weiss said.
"I'm going to pass…" Yang said. The three look at her a bit confused. "I've meet Weiss' family already and I would love to meet yours Blake, but I plan on meeting my brother first." she explained as she scratches the back of her neck.
"Are you sure?" Weiss asked.
Yang nodded. "Yup. I'm sure."
"Okay…Meet us there then" Blake said. Yang smiled and nodded. She then runs the opposite way to look for her brother.
Together, Weiss, Blake and Adam head off to their parents. Weiss and Adam chat amiably as they walk along, and Weiss soon found herself a bit envious of Blake's big brother. She learned that he took his duties with the faunus rights group the White Fang very seriously. He continues to speak with great pride as he describes the great strides the group has finally begun to make in faunus equality, thanks in no small part to the generous support from the SDC. Weiss was still blushing from Adam's praise of her family and their contributions to the struggle when they encounter the giant of a man from earlier, Cinder's hand engulfed in his as he chats with Professor Goodwitch.
"Hey Cinder! Here you are!" Weiss exclaims as she runs up to her blushing partner.
"Hey Weiss… Sorry for taking off so fast, Daddy told me they were already here and I…" Cinder is suddenly cut off by a finger to her lips by her partner, whose wide genuine smile makes her relax.
"There is absolutely no need to apologize to us Cinder. Two years is a long time to not see one's family. None of us were upset in the least. Now, I take it this is your father?" Cinder's father turned to look down at Weiss, a look of curiosity on his features. Cinder on the other hand is blushing harder than ever as she looks up at her father. Weiss was amazed at the sudden change in her quiet, confident teammate. In the almost year they have been partners, Weiss cannot recall even a single moment when Cinder had even blushed or shown much emotion past her half smiles, or scowls which were almost exclusively reserved for Jaune's latest attempts at wooing Weiss. She suddenly found herself looking eye to eye with the giant as his right hand extends forward.
"Alexander Garibaldi. You must be my little ember's partner Weiss?" he asks, as Cinder covers her face with both hands in obvious embarrassment.
"Yes sir I am. Weiss Schnee." Normally Weiss would curtsy in response, but her father had told her that whenever offered a hand, to always accept as a courtesy. Shaking his hand twice, Weiss was amazed at how her hand simply seemed to disappear into his. With a chuckle, the older man introduces himself to first Blake, then her brother Adam as Weiss moves next to her partner, nudging her gently in the ribs to get her attention.
"Daddy's little ember huh?" Weiss couldn't help herself, since her teammates loved to pick on her for her own family nickname of snowflake.
"I am never going to hear the end of this, am I?" Cinder responds, her voice muffled behind her hands.
"Nope!" Weiss responds as she watches the redhead from earlier approach with the younger girl, who has an ice cream cone in hand. With a smile, the older woman walks up to Weiss and curtsies, much to the fencer's relief.
"Weiss Schnee? It's a pleasure to meet you at last. Cinder speaks very highly of you. I'm her mother Katie, and this is her sister Terra." Cinder's sister spares a moment from eating her ice cream to simply wave before returning to devouring her treat.
Weiss returns the curtsy as her smile widens over Cinder's growing embarrassment. "A pleasure ma'am. My mother often speaks fondly of a Kathryn Fall. Would that be you ma'am?" Katie smiles in pleasure as she answers calmly.
"If your mother is Adaliz Schnee, then yes I would be. Is she here? I would love to see her again!" Weiss nods her head as she motions towards the larger tent in the distance.
"Yes ma'am, my parents assured me they shall be in attendance today. Adam was guiding us to my parents as well as his."
Poking at her husband, who is currently speaking with Blake and Adam, she gives him an impish look. "Gossip later you small mountain, Cinder's teammates want to see their families too."
"Yeah yeah yeah. I can see Jacques from here, looks like Ghira is with him." Excusing himself, Alexander leads the way, his giant size easily clearing a path for the shorter people following behind. Weiss and Cinder walked arm in arm, both young women having grown more than comfortable in their shared silence over the past year.
Meanwhile, Yang continued to walk aimlessly through the fairgrounds looking for her brother. Just as she walked past a baker's stand she noticed the sweet scent of roses. Yang's lips twitched to a smile and slowly approached the stand. There seated in one of the chairs was a man in a red cloak. His back was facing her. Taking a deep breathe she smirks and says.
"What's a grown man doing inside a bakery?" she asked. The man turns to her. Silver meets lilac. Her big brother, Rouvin Rose, was really there right in front of her. He had a cookie in his mouth, three more in one hand and a tall glass of milk in the other. He smiled at her as he swallowed the cookie he was eating.
"Yang!" he called out as he stood up. He was a full foot taller than her, his cloak falling down around him, covering his body. Yang ran towards him ready to give him a big hug. But just when she was about to close in he disappeared into a cloud of rose petals.
"Agh!" Yang winced as she runs into the counter-top. "I forgot about that stupid semblance of yours." she said in a huff as she turns around to see him laughing at her.
"Well, your bear hugs can be pretty intense you know. And I do enjoy being able to breathe" he said, a look of mirth on his features before downing another one of the cookies in his hand. Thinking her brother distracted, Yang again attempted to hug him, only to fail once more as he simply dashed back out of arm's reach at the last second. They played like that for a couple more minutes before Rouvin himself appeared and sweeps her into a tight hug. "How I miss this warm little dragon." he said to her.
"I miss you too you cookie snarfing dork!" she replied as she returned the hug, breathing in the scent of roses that always seemed to identify her big brother. After a few minutes, Yang looked up at her brother's face as she smiles, "Uncle Qrow here?"
Rouvin chuckles as he finally breaks the hug. "Nah, he heard a rumor that the entire Schnee family was gonna be here and said something about there not being enough alcohol in the world to put up with them. So I came with Zwei instead."
Yang chuckled as she finally released her big brother. "That may not be a bad thing then Rouvin. After all, I'm on a team being led by Weiss Schnee."
"Yeah, I am so not going to repeat what he said when mom told him that." Rouvin replies as he pops yet another cookie in his mouth, quickly chewing and swallowing it. "Dad actually had to chase him out the house before it suddenly collapsed or something."
"Yeah, I can actually see that happening if he's pissed or drunk enough" Yang chuckled as she starts to look around once more. "Hey, you said you came with Zwei. Where is he?" She can't help but get a little irritated as Rouvin simply shrugged his shoulders.
"Dunno. He started following a little girl with an ice cream cone. I'm not that worried about him." Rouvin shrugged as he munches on yet another cookie.
"Where are you hiding those things Rouvin?!" Yang exclaims as she watches him suddenly take a sip from the cup of milk she thought he left on the counter. Rouvin simply winked at her as he started walking off.
"So, you gonna introduce me to your team finally? Or am I still a deep dark secret?"
Yang simply sighs as she follows behind him. "Yeah, I got a bet to win. Too bad Weiss' hair is already white. But I'm still pretty sure you're gonna surprise the schneet out of her!" Rouvin groans as he takes his much abused scroll out of his pocket.
"Please, not the puns! Dad is bad enough with his dad jokes. Even mom was ready to kill him last night." Yang just chuckles evilly as she catches up to her big brother.
"What's wrong big brother? It hasn't been that Xiao Long since you've had to put up with my punny self!"
"For the love of all the cookies on Remnant, please stop now Yangarang."
"Never Rouvaloo. Never! I will continue to entertain you with my clever puns and jokes until the end of time!"
Weiss was in heaven. Mr. Garibaldi had easily led her to her family, who had of course greeted both her as well as her teammates warmly. Her mother had especially gushed over an embarrassed Cinder, while her mother talked excitedly with both her's and Blake's mothers. Her father on the other hand, was deep in conversation with the other fathers as well as Blake's older brother as they discussed the upcoming vote in Vale concerning full rights for the faunus. But Weiss' attention was entirely taken up by only the most absolutely adorable corgi that had wandered up behind them.
"Who's the most adorable puppy ever? Why you are! Yes you are! If no one comes by to claim you, you're going home with me! Oh yes you are! Because you are just so small and adorable!" Weiss gushes as the dog lays on its back, enjoying all the attention it was getting. Cinder's little sister giggled as she keeps eating her ice cream, occasionally putting it down close enough for the dog to take a few enthusiastic licks. Blake meanwhile was eyeing the dog nervously as she stayed on the other side of her much taller brother, who after noticing the animal simply shook his head and returned to the conversation at hand.
"Hey Weiss! I see you found my brother's dog!" Yang calls out as she waves to everyone assembled. Weiss smiles widely as she picks the adorable dog up and stands back up. Terra stands up with her, and lets the dog lick at her ice cream again while she giggles.
"He is so adorable Yang! Aren't you? Yes you are! You brother obviously has excellent tastes in animals!" She suddenly hears a lighthearted chuckle and looks for the source. Behind her friend, she can see what looks to be the hood of a familiar looking cloak. Where has she seen it before?
"That part is a bit debatable Weiss!" Blake calls out from her hiding place behind Adam, as Cinder simply rolls her eyes before blushing red once more as her mother starts telling yet another embarrassing story about her precious little ember.
Suddenly, the person behind Yang pulls his hood back, revealing his handsome, rugged features. But it was his eyes that that Weiss focused in on. Eyes like pools of liquid silver. Eyes Weiss dreams about every night as they gaze into hers as his light, masculine voice whispers sweet nothings to her. She can feel the heat rising in her face. Hell, she can feel her entire body breaking out in a deep blush as she clung to his dog like a lifeline. She finally breaks eye contact with him when Yang waves a hand across her field of vision.
"Hey! Remnant to Weissy! Hello? Is anyone still at home?"
"Yang… Yang! Tha That's but he…" Weiss manages to blurt out as he flashes a smile at the flustered young woman.
"Everyone! Let me introduce you to my absolutely awesome older brother Rouvin Rose! Rouvin, this is Weiss Schnee, otherwise known as the amazing fish girl!" Yang teases as Weiss' mouth simply won't stop moving on its own. She knows everyone is staring at her, but she simply can't take her eyes off the man of her dreams, as well as several her racier fantasies. Oh who was she kidding? All of her tawdry fantasies involved him! Was he walking towards her? Oh dust! Oh Oum! He is walking towards her! Weiss "The fish girl" Schnee! Wait, she isn't a faunus! Oh sweet merciful Oum he's holding his hand out to her! He wants to shake her hand! What do I do? Fortunately for her, the amount of blood running to her head is simply too much, and she crumples to the ground, saving her from embarrassing herself any further.
"And she's down! And I believe two people owe me fifty Lien!" Yang crows as Weiss' mother shrieks and rushes over to check on her daughter. The rest of the gathered simply smile and shake their heads, as Weiss' crush on Rouvin was well known to them all.
However, Rouvin Rose can't help but keep looking at the poor young collapsed woman on the ground as he feels a bit guilty. That, and a little voice in the back of his mind simply couldn't resist but think to himself that the short, petite sister of Winter Schnee was rather beautiful. And that was a constant thought that would plague him for the remainder of the day.