Hey Ya'll! RedRose65 here this is the 4th chapter to Dual Effort. Due to my last device just permanently turning off I lost all my work and it took me a few months before I got a new device. I had no intention of abandoning my story and glad I finally got the next chapter made. I am going to give a more thorough explanation on my profile. Sorry if I caused a inconvenience since others saved and everything that story I really am sorry and I hope you enjoy this latest chapter.

"Reid what in the world was that?" Hotch asked the lanky young man before him putting his hair behind his ear nervously Hotch didn't yell but whispered harshly since he wasn't too keen on trying to embarrass his team, even when in trouble.

Reid leaned against the hall wall and looked at Hotch as he answered "we were only doing a small prank that went bad but we were getting along. Wasn't that the point you know networking" he waved his hands about in a knowing gesture which had Hotch raising a eyebrow. Out of habit Reid tended to over talk and in a way try to explain why he shouldn't be in trouble not that it worked very much, it was a rare occurrence.

Hotch shook his head "Reid I'm glad you and Abby are getting along but you know the pranks aren't suppose to get that far out of hand the substance will go away I hope?" He asked uncertainly looking at his son. Reid nodded he might get away with it if he just kept his mouth shut "the skull from the skeleton also hit him in the head I saw blood I think something cut him I'm sorry" Reid got out in one breath. Reid also had this problem of ratting him self out when he was already in trouble he figured it was better than being found out some other way and he got in more trouble.

"Reid" Hotch said rubbing his forehead "we will deal with this when we get to the hotel" he sighed "you can go back in but no more pranks you or Morgan" he said sternly and Reid nodded as he ran into the lab. The rule was if blood got involved pranks were done for quite sometime before someone attempted it again and they were back at it. That had only happened one other time only it had been Morgan in his place and Reid in Rossi's only a little more blood.

Reid wandered back into the lab "Abs hallway please" Gibbs said coming in behind Reid she made it to the door when he talked to her in a hushed tone never really making it out into the hallway. She nodded and went back to where Reid had moved to and both sat on the bar stools heads going to hands.

Reid mumbled something into his hands that Abby barely caught but asked "what did you say?" with a definite tone of curiosity her head tilting to the side. "Nothing" Reid mumbled as he got up from the stool "have we found anything out" he asked pulling his light brown hair behind his ear. Abby got up to see if there had been any results come up "does this guy look familiar to you" Abby asked pointing at the screen while Reid came to stand next to her and looked almost annoyed at the picture on the screen. "Yes and no. We just recently got put on his case his mo has changed though if he's going after Marines" he said pulling his phone out to call and let the others know what they had found out.

"We know he is extremely as others would put it cocky" Reid said "he purposely will leave at least a tiny bit of evidence so we know he was there" he spoke quickly "what if he's not the only one?" Abby inquired causing Reid to pause it was a possibility "we will have to see the scene to be certain" Reid went on autopilot and left a highly amused Abby in the lab. She liked Reid, they may have got in trouble already but he was interesting and a little wound like her she found it intriguing as she sent the information to the bullpen.

Hotch ran his hands through his hair as they made it to the hotel. Hotch and Reid had taken a room, Rossi and Morgan shared one, while the girls took the last room. Upon finding nothing good to use at the scene other than to find it was the same cocky bastard the FBI have been chasing nothing else came up. Reid had already showered and sat on the chair in the room looking through Garrett Harts file in the hopes of something coming to him, since Hotch was not looking forward to the conversation coming up he to decided to shower and get ready to go down for the night.

Reid looked through the files until Hotch walked out of the bathroom setting it on the end table "sorry about Rossi's head both Abby and I apologized to him" he said messing with his hands apparently a piece of the skull had jabbed him and gotten stuck when it had made contact with Rossi's head. They had found that out after Rossi had gotten all the substance out of his hair some Dr. Mallard had insisted he let him patch it even though Rossi felt it was over kill. The elder man had been an immovable wall though on the topic and had gotten his way in the end. Rossi was almost uncertain to remove the small gauze patch the doctor had placed on his forehead not wanting to face the kind doctors wrath should he try, so he left it.

"He will be fine. Why such a wild prank normally your pranks are tamer in nature to what you pulled today?" Hotch asked, he had an inkling as to why but wanted to hear it from Reid, as he sat on the edge of his bed. Reid scratched the back of his neck as he embarrassedly told Hotch "I was kind of trying to impress Abby she's just really interesting even though we should have stuck with a "tamer" prank" Reid's hazel eyes met the floor as he went to stand in front of Hotch. "Also you might have been getting annoyed so I should have just stopped but I didn't and now we are here" he said not letting Hotch get a word in edgewise "Reid if I get to as you say annoyed with your guys pranks normally I just tell you to stop. Maybe I should have since you and Morgan seem to be at each other's throats lately" Hotch told him while Reid nodded they had in truth but it started with a innocent comment that escalated to pranks and snappiness.

"I thought the pranks would elevate some of the tension the last case and then this case has caused but as I told Morgan the last time blood got involved no more pranks for the time being and tone them down next time understood?" Hotch said is stern dad voice taking control now. Reid nodded and met Hotch aqua blue eyes "yes sir" he added vocally agreeing "alright come on kiddo" Hotch said wanting to get over with this as much as Reid did Reid willingly letting himself be put over Hotch's knees. Hotch quickly bared him and started the first circuit Reid jumped on the first sharp swat involuntary and was going to try and brave through it (his usual thought process when this happened) but like usual he gave in and started to squirm to get away almost instantly afterwards, he didn't care for looking tough during this, plus that usually just prolong it.

"Ow Hotch I'm sorry Ow I ...Ow won't let it ow get that far again!" Reid said when a particularly hard swat landed on his sit spot he buried his head in his arms as the second circuit of spanks came to an end and tears started to tinge at his eyes. After a couple seconds into the third round Reid stared openly cry feeling the guilt seep away and feel as if he can start over washed over him. Hotch normally never talked during the spanking usually only before as he stopped the spanking and rubbed Reid's back as he tried to calm down.

"You did great calm down Reid" he encouraged as Reid shakily got up and quickly put his pajama pants back on not giving Hotch time to act busy while Reid righted himself. He also never gave the older man a chance to comfort him first launching his way into Hotch's chest arms enveloping him with a small chuckle. After a few seconds they pulled apart "come on kid let's get you to bed" he said noticing the tiredness in his hazel eyes. Reid didn't even try to argue as he laid down in the bed and quickly jumped out covered in water down his front and Hotch sighed "get changed I'll be back" he said as he left the room he hadn't informed Morgan of the no pranks. He knocked on the door opposite of him and opened the door and popped his head in " Morgan no…" Morgan finished for him "pranks sorry I didn't know until I saw Rossi and had already done it" Hotch nodded and shut the door so Morgan could finish his show.

Reid stood uncertainly in the middle of the room as Hotch got in bed and pulled the blanket back a silent order to get in. Reid got in and buried himself with the blanket as hotch turned on a Syfy movie that both he and Reid would enjoy and fall asleep to as Reid got on his stomach and turned in the bed so he could watch the movie.

Gibbs put the dinner dishes away as he looked at his youngest girl who knew what was coming up and ducked her head "head up Abs" Gibbs gently but sternly ordered who lifted her head dark eyes meeting light eyes.

"What the hell was that today Abby. Your brother and sister just got in trouble for this exact thing not but a week and a half ago?" He said "well ya but I don't do them that often I didn't think it would matter" she said rather innocently while trying to use puppy eyes to the best of her ability. For some reason when Abby or Tim did puppy eyes Gibbs had a hard time fighting off the urge to not be stern. Gibbs shook his head and steeled his heart the best he could as he looked back at her "I said no more pranks I figured you knew that went toward you and your other siblings as well" he said crossing his arms "let's go to the couch" both went to the couch and she sat and listened to him lecture. "Not only that but you didn't even get one of your siblings who was your intended target?" Gibbs asked "uhh the hot muscley one uh Morgan" She said triumphantly remembering his name "why?" Gibbs asked "Reid mentioned it and you ruined the fun of pranks the last time we had them that I got to join in this time plus it was cool getting to know Reid" Abby said in one quick breath.

"Abby I am not against you getting to know Reid but when I said no pranks that meant no pranks which I will be informing all of your siblings since that seems required" he said raising a knowing eyebrow Abby blushing slightly in embarrassment but not willing to agree that she knew better. "Also no more of whatever that stuff was that you dropped on Rossi's head" he said "and make sure whatever you having jumping at someone doesn't break or hit them" he said referring to the skeleton incident. Gibbs wasn't stupid he knew at some point the pranks will pick up again as long as safe and not overly often he would allow it.

Abby nodded as she knew what was next and not like being placed she quickly placed herself over Gibbs knees and his hand smacked her backside hard she made no vocal noises at first she hated when she got spanked. He kept spanking for a few minutes and then lifted her skirt and lowered her panties about the third volley of swats she started to kick her legs to elevate the pain hating how thorough he was and started to cry by the fourth circuit Gibbs stopped when he knew she had had a enough and quickly pulled up her panties and sat her in his lap as he rubbed her back and hugged her while she made mumbled apologies into his shirt. Even though Gibbs didn't like apologies he let it go when the "kids" did it like this since it was a normal reaction. Soon the young goth went quiet and gibbs looked at her face to see she had actually fallen asleep he gave a small smile as he picked her up careful of her backside and made it to her and Ziva's room.

He gently placed her in her bed and covered her up she instantly rolled to her side and mumbled "night Daddy" as she went completely still and limp. Gibbs smiled "night Abs" he said giving a gentle kiss to the top of her head as he went to his room looking over the case before he to went to bed.

I hope you all enjoyed. R&R Also this was my first M\F scene but do you think I should split them if there is more than one spanking scene or keep doing it like in this chapter?