Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Pokémon don't belong to me. They belong to Game Freak and J. K. Rowling respectively.
Hogwarts Again
The Weasleys and Harry had arrived at King's Cross Station via cars that had been 'generously' donated by the Pokemon Parliament. They were still however somehow late.
"Quick through the teleportation pad!" said Mrs Weasley hurriedly before disappearing.
After her went Ginny, Percy, one of the twins and the other twin.
Both Harry and Ron starting running to the wall. Crash! They were still in the normal King's Cross.
Harry and Ron got up and looked around at all the families staring at them in confusion.
"Why didn't we teleport?" Asked Harry.
"I have no idea." Said Ron, "It's never happened to anyone I know before."
"Mommy!" Screamed a girl's voice near them.
They looked around to see a little girl standing alone in the middle of the platform looking around frantically.
Harry and Ron rushed over to her to see what was wrong.
"Are you okay." Asked Ron.
"No!" She cried in reply, "My mommy was walking next to me and she suddenly disappeared."
"Maybe the teleportation pad to get onto the platform was somehow moved and was accidentally stood on by this girl's mother." Said Harry.
"But how are we going to get her mother back." Asked Ron.
As if in answer to his question a woman appeared in front of them and immediately grabbed the girl.
"But we weren't…" Started Ron.
She quickly stood up and hurried off with her daughter.
"Well then that seems to be solved now." Said Harry.
"What do you mean?" Replied Ron, "That woman just yelled at us. How are you so calm?"
"Because we have bigger things to worry about like how to get to school."
Harry looked around to see if there was anything that could help them get to school. He eyes swept the station going past a light blue oblong head that was peeking around a vending machine. Watching them.
"We should probably just go back to your family's Charizards and wait for your parents." Said Harry.
"That's it!" Said Ron excitedly.
"What?" Asked Harry in confusion.
"The family Charizards."
"What about them?"
"We could use one to fly to Hogwarts."
"Ron, are you sure we should…"
"COME ON!" Said Ron grabbing Harry's arm, pulling him outside and onto one of the Charizards they arrived on.
Soon they were up in the air and above the clouds.
"Yes Harry?"
"Do you know where Hogwarts is?"
"So how do we get there?"
"We follow the train."
"Where's the train?"
"No idea. But on the way home at the end of last year I looked out the windows and saw a familiar forest that I've been to once."
"And you know where that forest is?"
"Of course."
After a bit of flying Ron yelled, "Hold on!" and they plummeted down through the air.
Below them was a crop of trees and right before they hit the leaves Ron straightened the Charizard and landed on one of the trees near the edge of the forest.
"Look over there." Ron said while pointing into the distance.
Sure enough when Harry looked over there he saw some train tracks.
After some waiting they heard a train coming closer. The Hogwarts Express rode past them on the track. Ron made Charizard jump into the air and fly towards the train.
Following the train for a few hours caused Harry and Ron a lot of boredom. They passed the time by thinking about what they would learn this year and by looking things up in their Pokédexs. Ron also starting teaching Harry how to fly a Charizard.
Soon the sun was setting and they noticed a castle in the distance. Ron drove them away from the train and closer to the school. Ron tried to land them next to a giant tree in the grounds but when landing they were hit with a gust of wind that seemed to come out of nowhere. The gust threw them into the tree, landing sideways.
"That was close." Said Ron, "That gust of wind could have thrown us into a worse place them it did."
They heard a sound from above them and looked up into the trunk of the tree. The trunk had a giant hole in it. Inside the hole was a giant, blood-red circle that was encompassing a slightly lighter red circle. It looked exactly like an eye.
Charizard took one look at the eye and shot off into the air leaving Harry and Ron behind.
Slipping off of Charizard, the two boys tumbled down the tree crashing into the tree branches as they went.
Landing on the ground they scrambled to their feet and ran away from the tree.
"What is that thing?" Asked Ron frantically.
"Maybe it's a Pokemon." Replied Harry bringing out his Pokédex.
The Elder Tree Pokémon
Using its roots, this Pokémon controls trees inside the forest that it lives in or near. This version of Trevenant is made out of Willow.
"Guess that answers your question." Said Harry.
"I guess so." Replied Ron, "Let's see if we can make it to the Great Hall and blend in with the crowd."
They turned around towards an entrance into Hogwarts but were met with the face of a man that they despised.
Professor Snape.
"No I don't think you'll be going to the Great Hall this year. Or ever again."
Rowlet (Hedwig)
Fletchinder (Nimbus)
Badges: 1 (to be confirmed)
Ratatta (Scabbers)
Badges: 1 (to be confirmed)
Litten (Crookshanks)
Badges: 1 (to be confirmed)
Badges: 1 (to be confirmed)
Snivy (Salazar)
? (Blaze)
Badges: 1 (to be confirmed)
? (?)
Thank you all for waiting for my new chapter. As you can see above I have added some information about the main trainers of the book. Obviously as the story goes on the list will be updated but until then this is how it is at the moment.
The Badges will be given to Harry and Ron next chapter but until then, any ideas what they are? I have also shown the name of Malfoy's next Pokémon so I would like to see what kind of Pokémon you think it will be. Here's a hint. Quidditch.
Thanks again for reading!