Can anyone that remembers any TV shows or movies that characters that can move to different dimensions; or tech that can move to other realities like sliders and such? Just send me a pm. It will help me a lot if I roll a certain universe, and I fail the roll on safe outcome. I'm sure some of you will guess where I am going with it, but it's a just in case. It's there because the roll for the world connecting to the gate world. Right now its 50% cannon world 50% random world.

Might take longer on updates because people are getting laid off. Even though I have a secure position I have to make it look like I do a lot instead of a lot on the computer which is not noticeable. *Sigh*


Time skip of 3 years and major events leading up to opening of Alnus Hill Gate


It took little less than 3 years from the point of the first attack on the town, to the point when the gate showed up on Alnus hill. Mark had expected that someone had built it, but no one did. It just showed up one day and an empire scout noticed it and an army started to amass. There is a probable time till the gate activates from there end, and the empire knew that schedule after the many other gates that have opened.

During this time, many things had happened on earth and the empire planet. The first thing that happened was that Mark started his own space program. The difference was that he hired retired people from every space agency he could find after vetting them they weren't spy's. He even tracked down people in retirement that used to work for the manned missions, who after various NDA's would love the idea of working for Umbrella and all the toys they had access to and teach there hard earned knowledge and have a budget that made them cry with joy. The difference with this was that this space testing and start up started in the empire world. The reason Mark did this was so he could do whatever he wanted and not worry about the bureaucracy of the rest of the world about putting things in space. This was reinforced more when he had people look into the hoops he would have to jump through and pay of people to get things started. So Mark ended up saying fuck it and was now letting the new people interact with his research group and ideas went flying.

To not have to worry about land issues with making a lift off area, Mark made a huge dock and set about making a structure out in deep water using oil rig designs. He created a structure that was 400m square out in deep water that could handle extreme punishment from either a rocket taking off or anything else used to put stuff into space, that Umbrella Space comes up with. On a separate rig a mile to the west all of the tracking equipment and everything else was located along with anything else that was come up with. No one actually worked there other than droids for maintenance, because there was a solid connection to a dedicated server farm that processed the information for Umbrella Space so it can't be hacked.

With help of magic and hard earned knowledge from mistakes of the past from NASA, different launch vehicles were finally being tried out. Only 1 satellite so far had been launched, that was a crude one to begin with but was in geostationary orbit over Alnus hill to track what was going on so nothing in the sky was found. After that was done the group was concentrating on the cheapest way to get things into space by using expansion charms in the fuel areas, weight reducing charms and runes. Even cooling runes to make things thinner so it wasn't as heavy. Everything was tried; they even went to their kids and asked for crazy ideas to see what nonsense they could think of that might inspire them. With the almost blank check given there seemed to be a launch a week with people trying things. It also helped that Mark2 was spinning off dumb AI's to help code things that were created so all that was waited on was the physical vehicle its self.

With the increase of people the towns boarders grew, because those people wanted to live in this world and not in the Australian desert.

As the town grew in size but still kept the same style of houses in an old Japanese style. Along with more roaming water gardens that connected to everyone's place along with simple walkways that spanned connections in public spaces. A number of people from the empire and world1 wanted a road connecting the town in case they wanted to head out and explore. This was debated over and was finally agreed to happen after the empire stopped sending troops to capture the town. That was because over the last 3 years the empire had kept sending bigger forces to capture the town that finally had the name of Seaside. It was a simple name that explained the town in general. After the first force of 30,000 the next was 50,000 and finally 65,000. After that they stopped coming but it took a period of 6 months between each. And with the arrival of the gate and no one hearing back from the new town Seaside was given a lower priority. All effort was pushed to Alnus Hill, the reason for this was that nothing else was happening from that direction so the empire thought whatever was there was stationary, and wouldn't cause issues for them.

So when the gate finally showed and no new empire troops had shown up, a 4 lane granite road was produced that connected to the nearest road way. While that was being made, a possible future trade depot was also created about 300m out from the walls of the town for possible trade related issues that might turn up now that there was a road created. Also when the bigger industrial docks where made for Umbrella Space a number of small fishing docks where also created. To give the bunnies something to do many books where given to them of all sorts of wooden fishing boats that they could launch from them so they could make their own and fish. Mark supplied them with nets from his world and rope but the wood was all local but not the tools used to shape things. He wanted there to be something for the people to do so creating your own ships and going fishing for food and other things was a simple thing to create. Even some fish that were caught and put under preservation charms were put in the Trade Depot.

Another thing that had happened on earth1 that Mark didn't know about was that the slave situation had been solved by Tonks and her crew. The originator of it all was Severus Snape using a nasty set of potions and mind arts to create them. When this was found out Tonks was going to kill him, but Halley found out and took him and all the notes from his house. What actually happened next was that Halley came up with to her was the brilliant idea that Mark needed more trusted aids that could help him with the expansion of the company steadily growing with Marks growth spurts. This made her come up with the idea that if she could get women that didn't want their lives anymore or would sell themselves to give their families money then she could use them to help Mark. She just needs to make the process better and safer for the girls. The reason why she wanted women is because the ones right now where working out great and no reason to change things. Along with the fact that she hadn't found out how to remove the sexual attraction component to the process because it was tied into everything even the loyalty part.

Because of these conclusions, Halley had given one of her girls named Annette the job to find people like this that would want to work and live for Mark. This would turn out to be extremely shady to anyone looking in on this later, because Annette thought to herself she should just go to every women's prison in a 3rd world country to find these women and go from there. She even posted on suicide internet boards topics about how she would give people $10,000 worth of 100 gram platinum bars to anyone in their family. This would only happen if they wanted a painless death but where willing to fly to Australia and would be notified from there where to go. The amount of people that accepted the idea that their deaths could give their family some income that where terminally ill and couldn't find a way to die that didn't scare them, or where worried about emotionally scarring the people around them by their death was huge.

Because of the amount of people that actually responded to these forums Annette didn't end up going to the prisons yet, and had to work through the amount of mail she was receiving. But this didn't just bring in women but also males, Annette thought that this wasn't that bad because she could always have them mind wiped along with the girls because everyone that came to her was put through medical with Pansy, this was so she could try and solve all sorts of new issues with the human body and experiment without having to worry about the patients once she was told that the people wanted to die. So when they were mind wiped essentially the person who they were died and a blank body was left that just had autonomic responses. Sure some people would think this was horrible but it was these people's choice and they can't force their beliefs on people.

So in the end everyone that came in was dosed with the Draught of Living Death to suspend them and halt everything including whatever was killing them and they were put into storage until they were next to be worked on. This helped with much medical knowledge in Umbrella along with them experimenting with the male bodies trying to make the human body better then what it once was. Also with the help of the research division, many things where tried like creating prosthetics that work better then what was in place in the world along with other things going into a human body. All of this was never discussed, but the people working on this were of loose morals and with the person being "brain dead"; no one working there felt bad about what they were doing. If they were told to do it on a living person they would all say NO, but to these bodies they just thought that through the people's choice they would help the world. So there was nothing done to disrespect the body because the people valued the choice of the person who was once alive in the body.

The women that came out of this and were cured of everything and where perfectly healthy where put through the slave procedure and added to the growing list of loyal administrators that worked for Halley after their training was done.

Mark never knew of this till recently, until he specifically asked Halley what was going on. When she told him at first he was shocked but after thinking about it for a day he just figured "what the hell." And just ignored it but asked Halley for any further stuff like this, he should be notified and not have to ask her for specifics. He then asked how many people had actually come to die, he was taken by surprise again when she told him there was currently close to 7,000 people on "ice" and was growing once it was known that the platinum was real. The issue was not letting the Australian gov. know about the amount of people that went missing. But with them in their systems with the help of Mark2 most of it was just swept away since people where paid no one made a fuss. He was even told that there were many who just had mental disorders or who had severe cases of depression who just wanted it to end and instead of jumping off something or into something they wanted their family to get the platinum to help them. The suicide rates in japan dropped noticeably because with the social pressure on young adults and teenagers. They seemed to figure that at least they were worth $10,000 and chose that way out instead of trains and buildings ending it. In many places these marked bars started to become a form of currency because they all had a very stylized caduceus in the center made out of the industrial sapphire Umbrella produces. With every bar a set size and weight it was easy for people to determine if they were fake with a simple weight and measure check. The caduceus as it was called had become the 3rd world countries coin. And when it was discovered how they showed up and what that person had to do there were many people who started to come to make their families lives better. In the end the amount of people from those countries started to get too high to enter Australia and be disappeared, so receiving places in those countries where made with portals. By the end of the 3rd year the number had gone up to 88,000 people that were housed and stacked in specially created underground warehouses based on the issues with them.

Another thing that happened on world1 was that many places that needed security guards in Australia had been clamoring for scout droids, and almost every gated community wanted at least 6 to do constant patrols, and only leaving a human administration staff for people to talk to. Because of all these new units out it was only a matter of time before people tried to steal them for greedy individuals, countries or militaries around the world. In every case that the people who were doing this were captured alive Tonks got them and where doused with Veritaserum and was traced back to the originator. If the party involved was a legal gov. agency the person was drained of all there financial details and everything they owned and had access to on the gov. side was taken and a naked individual was deposited in front of their agency with a note on them saying to stop or worse things will happen. For the agencies around the world that didn't stop, they started to discover a list of things that where now forfeit because of this, and that included planes and vehicles that were owned in some way to agency. It became a running joke of what Umbrella would steal with the rival foreign agencies' that had spy's in them reporting what was going on after they stopped after the first time. The most stubborn agency was the French DGSE, and it had cost them 2 gulf streams 9 armored vehicles and finally the directors classic 1957 Mercedes Benz 300 SL and 1966 Ferrari 275. Mark expected that it would stop after those ended up in his collection that he had decided to start.

Tonks on the other hand had her people grow even more with the amount of people that had been retired from the military because of a missing body part. When they were finally in shape again after receiving there new limb or eye and sent through team training, they helped wage a covert war of a heavy drug dealers and cartels. The amount of weapons alone that she had taken from these people was to the point where she was just tossing them into expanded trunks based on the wear and tear of them. The cash on the other hand that was found in drum barrels and card board boxes became ridiculous and she just started to use the cash to buy stuff from the black Market. Tonks now has in her collection 6 nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union and 1 nuclear equipped tomahawk cruise missile. And the prize of her collection is a Project 971 Akula nuclear-powered attack submarine. With all this spending she still has money being dumped into trunks constantly. She has also bought 5 of every kind of missile she can get ahold of and sent them along to Umbrella Works to have them torn apart to see how they work and copied and improved on.

Tonks has even started to help Nara set up her own whore houses in the empire world with surveillance set up everywhere to record everything that is said and help compile it into understandable information.

Also because of the amount of military people that have joined Tonks people they have reorganized themselves into a more formal hierarchy with ranks taken from the American marine core. When that was done many of the new people settled in easily with a structure they are used to. The only difference is that once a week everyone has to at some point go into and see a psychologist for 1 hour to talk about things to make sure nothing develops to cause harm to them or the unit. If something is found, with the help of the mind arts they are treated and helped to overcome the issues. This lead people who already who had some minor issues before they came in to feel much better. No one was let in that had major psychological issues, because there were many applicants who didn't, who could fill the same spot.

When Tonks held staff meetings with all here people, many times it was brought up that the people where happy with the war on drugs they were doing but wanted to do more. With it voiced so many times Mark was finally brought in, since he was considered the commander and chief of it all and the organizer of all this. When he spoke to them and listed everything along with the stuff they are doing based on the Droid retribution strikes he let them in on, he let them know that he didn't want to start wars with countries and that was the reason he was doing financial damage to government agency so it was a war of material and not people to keep it civil. With the drugs he told them he didn't want marijuana dealt with because he personally thought it was about as bad as tobacco, and the only reason it was illegal was because of lobbyists pushing for it. He also told them that they can't take over anyone because they didn't have the manpower to deal with a country; and he had no aspirations of ruling people who don't want him. After a while it was decided that if they could find terrorist cells they can get rid of them after checking to see if what they find out is true and not to blindly kill everyone. Many people were happy with this because it let them protect the general public without the red tape that they are used to.

Things with the warding team with the help the Fleur Delacour had accomplished the disease ward and a radiation ward that stopped all types of radiation from nuclear weapons detonations to radiations in space. The difficult part was letting in the helpful radiation that is needed for the human body and environment but stopping it when there is too much like UV A and B it was almost like as artificial ozone layers but for all radiations. With that done the first place that had the ward placed was the island where she lived along with a number of other Veela had settled there and loved to be fully nude on the beach. With no risk of sunburn the whole island pretty much had all the occupants either topless for the women or full nude like the Veela, not having to worry about burns on their bits.

In the business world Umbrella was killing Microsoft and Apple software wise since all there software could be installed on any machine and was reduced to ridiculous price in comparison to the competition. On the hardware side now that there had been many high density hard drives on the Market the competition had reversed engineered the process. They were selling more units then Umbrella but at higher price since Umbrella didn't sell in the same volume, so they had to go with the competition. The original Umbrella version was still proffered by many gaming enthusiasts. With the amount of money coming into Umbrella, they were the #1 corporation in Australia. This meant that they had much more leeway in what they did, and that was the reason why it was quick to get laws pass for their droids to arrest people on properties they watched. There video and audio treated like gov. controlled CCTV instillations and never thrown out. Mark ended up having to do some news related interviews just to keep people happy, and prove that he actually existed since he was never found other than on Umbrella properties. He even humored some nuts who claimed he was a robot from the future that came to take over the world; he had a MRI done on his whole body in front of the whole world. That alone made many people laugh that he had done that just to calm down the conspiracy nuts.

One funny thing that was happening was that a "fad" had started where beautiful women started showing up in major cities but had bunny ears on their heads. People looked and filmed the girls and put everything on the net, but in the end it led to nothing other than something to look at. Since none of these girls went to the hospital no one would know that the ears were real. Since no one believed in bunny girls including the magical community, no one thought anything about it other than the bunnies that where getting hit on from a wide variety of men and also offered photo shoots. When Mark was told this he just laughed, because he had guessed right on the reaction of normal people. It did help that security people were near buy if anything happened to the groups of women who were getting showed around earth1.

One thing that was concerning Mark was that the news was reporting on a number of terrorist cells that were coming out of North Korea that were bombing many neighboring countries. This was concerning because this can only go downhill with North Korea's half assed nukes. Mark wanted to send his people in but he didn't want to be responsible for WW3 and hoped other countries could deal with it, and not let worse things happen.

As for schooling for people that just received magic and those that just turned 11, people where taught the slow but more powerful way without a focus. All people were shown to different wands so they could find how there magic feels and from that point on it all starts with a simple Lumos spell. From there, there is a list of spells that had been researched with the amount of magic needed to accomplish for people to master. Through this they slowly built up there cores. Only 10 spells at a time would be given out at a time and people would have to prove to a teacher that they could do it. After it is shown to that teacher that they can do it the next 10 are given out until they know the first basic 50. During this entire time there are videos on how to cast the spells and tips and suggestions on how to feel along with holding a class room available for anyone that needs help, they can come in and ask questions. Everything is self-study because you aren't required to learn anything in magic, but there are tests that are given that state your official core strength. Also what level you are at in mastery of the spells you know by memory and what you can do with a quick cheat sheet. The history of magic is basically ignored, and a quick 3 month introductory course is given on everything in general terms that has led up to this point. The only official classes are Arithmancy and runes, because both could cause a person to die. But in the end if you kill yourself or injure yourself on your down time trying to learn by yourself, you are looked at as an idiot.

The culture at Umbrella is its own micro system where because so much is provided it's not based on what you can get, it's based on knowledge and what you discover. Instead of one up-man-ship through making someone else look bad or taking credit for something they did, it's based on what that person accomplished or created. Anyone that works for Umbrella does not need to worry about their job as long as they try, so because of that people are much happier because there is no looming threat of getting fired as long as you do your job properly. If you are unable to do your job you either get help or you are moved to somewhere that can use your knowledge better. Some people have even asked to work on the farms with the droids to help give a human perspective of things, and do other odds and ends that they don't. These people aren't looked down on at all because many believe that if they weren't needed they would be found something better to do with their time. In reality they weren't needed to do that job, but it was decided a happy person doing a job they like is much better than a content person doing something else. Since for all intents and purpose the only reason money was used was to give a way for the people to interact with the rest of the worlds. At Umbrella the food was free during meal times and you could always get a dorm room so you didn't need to buy a house. It also helped that anything created that can be sold to the world they would get 10% of the final profit on the item. The reason they get a percentage is that they don't have to make the item, Market it, patent it, have lawyers crawl all over it, and distribute it.

Neville Longbottom had been given a team of botanists to work with him and he was told to try and cross magical plants that grow quickly, or very hardy plants with edible plants or fruit bearing ones. Every experiment with the plants was done in a sub underwater in the Arctic Ocean just in case something went wrong with their creations. Over the years a number of things have been created but all have been made with a fast growing plant. What this plant did was used magic to help with the photosynthesis and the plant taking in carbon from the air to help with the speed of growth. This led to everything that was grown from these plants having a slight magical feel but also growing 4x faster but with a purple tinge to them. This was ok for strawberry's and tomatoes but when your lemons and peppers all have a bit of purple to them it takes a bit of getting used to. The plants ended up adding to the ambient magic and not taking from it so it was in the end all good, because nothing bad to the environment was discovered other then it taking twice as long to turn the dead plants into compost. Because of this many caverns where added for more fields using these plants. They would not replace the ones created because it is always a smart idea to keep and original just in case. Add to the fact that underground farming areas only took time to build, and nothing else made it a no brainer.

On the wizard front in Brittan and many of the ICW countries they started to pull back more and more and casting even stronger muggle repelling wards. The reason this was happening was that many were discovering from new muggle born kids about cell phones and built in cameras. When one episode of a wizard shooting something at a wall and a window disappearing, had over a million views and this was shown to a bunch of adult wizards it scared them. Luckily for them everyone thought it was great special effects. But because of this wizards were warned to stay out of muggle areas and only to apparate or flow into wizard controlled areas. Anyone who was seen going into the muggle world was quickly fined and worse if caught doing something visible in a muggle area were sent to jail for a month. Because of that law in Britain it saw the entrance to Diagon Alley the "Leaky Cauldron" closing its front door to the street. Along with this the knight bus was canceled because before this rarely did anyone use it, and now no one wanted to take a chance.

In Australia many kids have now started to choose the Umbrella route in their words. Most of these kids are the ones who actually want to do something with their lives and find that this route is the best way and at the same time removes the burden of schooling from the parents. Because of this those kids who live in a middle income family are now being given better computers and other things to help them with the schooling during high school. The parents now don't have to worry about saving minimum of 40k for schooling so the money that has been invested for secondary education is now being spent and helping the economy because parents are freer with their money.

There were a number of students who came from a zoology degree that joined umbrella. For the first year they worked with some of the dinosaurs but after that they asked mark for a number of subs for their own project. What they wanted to do is set up a number of huge eco systems where a number of animals could be kept like the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. But not just doing land but also river systems and coral reefs. All these took a number of years just to set up for the coral for the ocean system, plant life for the river and the different eco systems for the land and flying animals. After that with the help of elves many wild animals were taken and checked for medical issues, then deposited into their eco systems. Along with those animals that where taken, many blood samples were also taken and stored safely. With those samples more diverse genetic animals can be created when needed. These zoologists worked along with Hermione and her team to bring back animals such as a dodo, moa and other extinct animals.

Along with the many scientists joining Umbrella, came them wanting to try and do many scientific experiments that might cause physical or biological harm. To combat this, the Moose system was upgraded and combined with the droids so it was if the scientists were the droids with the same visual, audio and tactile feedback. This would allow things to be done that normally would require too many safety regulations that nothing was advance quickly, with most time spent on safety. With this happening many papers are being written and published on theories that have been "proven" or others that have been observed, but we don't have the technical abilities to prove yet.

Now with the papers being published many scientists have been sending letters to the department for funding on their own research and theories they want to test. Since most of the cost of this is materials and the fact we can copy equipment, and have in theory unlimited research funds 90% of the research ideas are being accepted. Only the truly outlandish that don't even have a starting point are turned down including biological warfare.

Things like bio engineering, that some people want to try and start are accepted and given their own dept. with Hermione looking in and them being able to ask them for help. The reason why she is involved is because since Jurassic World never happened the initial starting phase on gene engineering was laid out to modify the base code of a dinosaur with the frogs. Using this knowledge mark has made it a priority to try and modify meat animals to grow faster but also have the ability to consume a wider variety of food along with storing more nutrients in there body, thereby making it healthier to eat. He has also told them to look into making moss or algae that can handle environments like mars for slow terraforming options. Even if nothing comes of this many of the lessons learned and things discovered will help the field. It is understood that none of this will be released outside of the company because most of the world is frightened about the fall out of these experiments, and don't know the safety precautions that will be implemented.

The reason why people are very scared of gene manipulation is that the dinosaur issue has gotten worse over the years with raptors with mad cow in packs all over South America. Because of the raptors the Mexican wall has actually come into fruition to try and keep them out. Even with people arming themselves with guns and trying to kill them all. Enough of them survive and learn and unless they plan to destroy the forests many people have decided that South America is one of the most dangerous places to live. The drug trade for growing has had to change from small manned places to the processing being done underground and only people are introduced when harvesting time comes and people are air lifted in. Other countries through sources have been discovered to be trying to make their own bio engineered dinosaur that they can release into countries they are at war with, as an alternative to sending soldiers in. This can only lead to more issues happening in the future if a WW3 happens. Because of this knowledge umbrella has told the Australian gov. that it will not be doing this research on Australian soil and has made it clear that they will ruin anyone trying to on Australian soil. Thankfully because of all the environmental conservation and introduced species regulation, it is 99% sure that this won't take place on this continent. Mark wants it so that if anything happens on other land locked countries that it will be contained there, and can't be spilled over here because Australia is its own landmass that's not connected to anyone else. Unlike Europe that is connected to Asia and South American problems can become Canada's problem eventually, because the animals could migrate up.

With the introduction of outer space as an option for the company many plans are being designed to keep all experimentation that could even slightly cause earth issues, will be moved off world and most likely underground and on the dark side of the moon. There by keeping it close but also out of the eyes of the world but being able to kill or destroy anything that umbrella feels unacceptable from happening. (No fucking T virus or the like here). Even the gates will be moved to space, along with the eco systems, preferably to the orbit of Jupiter. The reason for this is that the gravity of the planet should keep stellar objects from impacting the orbital stations, along with a ready supply of reaction mass from the gases of the planet to use. Another reason for choosing Jupiter is that it is so far away that it will take any traditional object from earth reaching it, and can be monitored while with the gates movement back and forth should be quick depending on the magical cost of keeping a gate open or opening and closing one is relatively cheap vs power needed to keep magical drain positive.

The final real thing that happened on earth1 is that Umbrella made its own Wiki. The difference with this one was that with all the data umbrella collects it had a ridiculous amount of information that has been verified in its servers. Add to the fact that it has a number of dumb AI's collating and always adding information to it and it is extremely extensive and relatively easy to get information from. The wiki was basically on all facts that are true and available somewhere in the world. Instead of small blurbs of the Square-tailed saw-wing there is the entire thing on everything that has ever been discovered about it. The same can be said for everything else on there from animals to how a seed drill works and diagrams. If anything the wiki has so much information that you need the Jarvis program that works like Siri and Google home in answering your questions that you have. The difference is you can ask him much harder questions since he almost behaves like Ironman's Jarvis, where it was copied from. Almost all of Australian homes have it hooked up and have added speakers to multiple rooms in there house with connections to small appliances in the home. Other countries have it sporadic coverage because they don't have the speed available that Australia does. All of the homes in empire world have it connected along with cameras and helps all the new people who join the community. Since they didn't grow up with invasion of privacy issues, they don't mind all the camera and speakers everywhere because it was told to them that if anything was to happen it would help umbrella find the issue and solve it quickly.

In the empire world with the help of Tonks and her group Nara started setting up brothels in the major towns. The difference with these brothels that enticed clients, was that they were always clean. Another thing that interested clients was that the women in them smelled wonderful and had on garments that they had never seen before, but drew the eye to every wonderful place. Also they served all sorts of drinks that they hadn't heard of and if you didn't want to bed a woman and wanted to save some money they would just hang off them on the couches arranged around the room and just rubbed their bodies on them while having them talk about their problems of the day. In all these places hidden cameras and microphones where placed everywhere to help pick up information along with every girl was taught to read and write and to write up reports on anything they learned that night that was interesting. All of this was input into the computer system that Nara was learning how to manage and giving her an idea what was going on in each city, and through that the whole empire. Most of the people in in the empire world had a slight amount of magical potential so it was possible for the special tattoos to be placed on the women to stop them from getting pregnant. Add to the fact that they all had access to baths and shampoos from earth1 and silky clothes and lingerie and you had many whores wanting to work in these opulent brothels. What they didn't know was that there was a disease ward on the place also that removed all STD's and other harmful things that can be transmitted to the girls. So in the end it was just a place where girls who liked sex and get paid for it could be safe.

Another thing that happened on the empire world was that a slow trickle of Beast Kin that had somehow heard of Seaside. They heard from one bunny that did leave because she didn't want to live in Seaside, but to let other slaves who wanted freedom knows of a place to go. Mark did not expect that bunny to do that and had already accepted the fact that people would know of him from the bunnies that left. After the first attack on the town a slow trickle of escaped slaves and girls the age of 12 having run away from places that see them sold into being sex slaves or worse would arrive 1 or 2 at a time every week. There was not a lot of them but about 400 over the 3 years. They ranged from a dark elf that had their whole village killed off, to 4 draconian's who had been stolen at birth and raised to service their master first as maids or till he desired one as a bed warmer. There were even a small group of mer-people who showed up on the shore of the town near the docks. This was on the first day that the bunnies tried one of their ships for sailing before they started to fish. Those mer-people received their own cave system built underwater with the help of some of the enthusiastic Umbrella people using the standard spells. Some were so giddy about it that they spent every weekend with them using gilly weed to help them make their new settlement more beautiful and help with things they need. In return the mer-people help keep sharks out of the bay that was created to keep the waves down and help with underwater issues that can cause issues for the bunnies. They even have shown the best places to fish and the time of day to do it to them. The mer-people have chosen this place because they prefer to live at a certain depth of water and most fishermen feel they take all there fish they could get. They moved hear after hearing some roomers and spying on what was going on.

As the army started massing at the gate Mark was growing more and more curious if things would stay as cannon or would his arrival have changed things. He was so curious he decided he would be the first through the gate when it opened to see what was on the other side. He had grown bored over the time he was here and was waiting on manned space stations being set up for something new to do. Because instead of it being 3 years for everyone else, it had been about 14 for him and Halley with all their time jumping. So he was looking forward on something knew happening. Mark was worried about himself dyeing on the other side, and also ignored all his people telling him not to do it. But in the end he decided life without risk would be boring. If he only stayed in his office all the time and visited his other managers, he would stop with exercising his core and let himself age with the slow collapse of his core and let Mark2 run things. That is why he expects many people to work for a number of decades at a job and then go back to school to learn something different just to keep life interesting especially with having great memories because of occlumency.