A/N: Before you start reading, this AU is actually from my other story called 'Best Place for Both Worlds' where half of the casts are supernatural beings while the other half are humans with 'to some extent' have some supernatural abilities. They live in an apartment where some beings share their places with the humans and they compete on haunting. I wrote this here because there's no such GouKi in that story. Technically, I just made a fanfic of my fanfic lol.

Brief breakdown:

- Kidou's what's called a red-eyed poltergeist whose powers come from his eyes. That's why he covers it and only uses it when he needs to. His abilities include inhabiting bodies, lurking within and controlling dreams, basically he has power over the human mind) and he haunts Sakuma's room, 2G. Kidou's wearing Teikoku's school uniform (NOT soccer uniform) but with a red cape. He hates Gouenji with a passion in my actual story coz he beats Kidou in the haunting games lol.

- Gouenji is a mute mirror spirit haunting 4F, Endou's flat. He has his own mirror dimension that's literally Endou's room but mirrored. He basically can transport anywhere there's reflection. He literally can see everything. He also has a hanging mirror plate on his chest that he uses to communicate with. His appearance is like in Ares but horror-themed (with blood etc. you'll find out as you read, I described him there).

- Someoka is a spirit with a decapitated head. He can reattach it but it's easy to remove. He used to be cadet before he died. Also, he used to haunt room 5F but Atsuya kicks him out after Shirou lives there (Atsuya's also a spirit). And now, his living with Gouenji too, the two of them always trying to scare the dense Endou, lmao.

Summary: Mirror spirit Gouenji has a crush with a certain red-eyed poltergeist. [Ghost AU]

= Of Mirrors and Oranges =

Kidou Yuuto's bloody gaze stares outside the window of Room 2G, marvelling at the dark skies sprinkled with ominous lights, lost in thought as his mind looks for his memories, the memories of his burried past, of when he was still—


Kidou turns around, his red cape swishing in the process, his completely closed royal green long-sleeved shirt with red accents, same patterned pants, the blue goggles around his neck, as well as his bare face is taken in by a rather bloodied teen (well, teen in appearance at least). Kidou slits his eyes as he stares down the platinum blond with multiple mirror shards stabbing his neck, trying to intimidate him with his literally powerful gaze.

"What do you want?" Kidou spits out, obviously not pleased with his visitor.

The orange and white jacketed man simply walks towards him, stepping with his legs covered with brown pants. On the mirror hanging on his neck are characters forming a well-intended, 'Just wanna give you something.' The man smiles, a warm smile, ironically considering they're both experiencing such cold eternal existences.

"I don't want it. I'll never take anything you'll give, Gouenji," Kidou harshly says, still with the same condescending expression. The mirror spirit pauses but continues on walking still, albeit slower.

'Have this,' Gouenji insists, handing him an orange, as if there's no threat given at all.

"I said, I don't need it!" Kidou unmindfully slaps the offering hand, making the round orange fruit roll on the ground, away from both of them.

Gouenji simply stares in surprise, an expression that immediately turns to another warm yet obviously sad smile. 'Next time,' he adds as his brown gaze melts his way to two garnet orbs, seeming to be mentioning how he'll be trying again.

Kidou clicks his tongue at his declaration. He truly doesn't know why the mirror spirit even wants to be friends with him. Is he insane? Weren't they enemies?! Befriending him like this, does he have an ulterior motive? Is he truly just being friendly or is it a trick? Is he just trying to find the poltergeist's vulnerable side then stab him when he isn't looking?!

Kidou sighs as he stares at the fruit still on the floor. He never really does know what's in his enemy's mind.

At the mirror dimension: Same day

"Where were you?" A well-dressed cadet asks his companion who just arrived at their secret shared space (as much as inside a mirror is considered as an actual space).


Someoka Ryuugo is frustrated at the single-word answer provided to him. But he knows where he've been though. He knows exactly who the mirror spirit bugs whenever Someoka's asleep or away. "You went to Kidou's place again, didn't you?"

The platinum blond strongly shakes his head and a plain, 'What are you talking about?' covers the room.

Someoka simply raises a brow (well, he didn't have one, but it's obvious that's what he just did). "Right. Okay, I'm not gonna play dumb with you, Gouenji, I know you watch him," he adds while crossing his arms.

Now, it's Gouenji's turn to quirk a spiky eyebrow, feigning ignorance to whatever Someoka knows.

Someoka sighs and presses the space between where his eyebrows are supposed to be. "You watch him through the mirror in 2G. You always do. You can never last a day without watching him. I know you spy on him, Gouenji. I saw."

Someoka watches the glass-skinned creature gulps and adopts a terrified expression. He suddenly hears a crack sound, a mere noise occurring only when the mirror spirit is actually…feeling.

'For how long now…?' Comes the reply.

"So, you do admit it! You do like him!"

At his declaration, the room immediately lights to a fiery red, suddenly turning up to the highest temperature possible. Now, Someoka might be nothing but a soul of a long-dead cadet but he sure can feel the heat. Is this… lava?!

"Gouenji! The room's burning!"

Gouenji hears his call and the room slowly cools down, going back to its normal freezing temperature. As it should be for the dead.

A number of 'I'm sorry.'s appear on the now slightly melted walls as he helps his friend get up from the ground. Thankfully, this is his realm, a place where he controls everything, making it easy for everything to go back to normal.

"Y—You know… When I said like, I meant as a friend, I didn't mean…"

Before he even finishes his sentence, the room goes back to its boiling point again, making Someoka regrets his action greatly. "Get me out of here!" He shouts getting Gouenji's attention.

That he did. Gouenji pulls Someoka out of the mirror dimension, getting them both just outside room 4F, using the window's glass as a portal. Someoka pants as he thinks of how he almost died again. If he can die again, that is.

Beside him, Gouenji lends a hand, helping him up. As soon as he stands up, he aims a fist at Gouenji's arm.

'Ow,' Gouenji forms the same word that appears on his mirror chest plate with his mouth as he cares for his hurt arm.

"What are you two doing here?" They hear a familiar voice say.

Gouenji doesn't need to look to know who it is, there's definitely only one person owning such graceful melodic voice.

'Kidou!' Thankfully, he can't talk, because if he can, the older spirit might have already find out about his feelings right off the bat. Unbeknownst to him though, there are little drawn hearts floating around the man's name, of which he happen to not notice because of being so small.

Someoka studies his friend, wondering if what happened in the mirror dimension can possibly happen here in the real world too. Cautiously, he makes a somewhat calculation, looking at every place where a glass is and their trajectory (if they so happen to simply break) or the floor below them (if so the melting process happens instead). No matter how much he thinks about though, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster.

"We're just outside Gouenji's territory…" Someoka says pointing at Endou's room, choosing distraction as the best method at the moment. "The question is what are you doing here?!" He adds in a bitter tone to the blue goggled poltergeist.

"That's—That's none of your business," he flatly retorts looking over Gouenji who's a little nervous for his own good. "I have something to tell him, can you let us talk privately?" he adds without a hint of kindness, looking at 5F's former dweller again.


Both Gouenji and Kidou are surprised at the declaration. No? Why not? Why can't he leave Gouenji and Kidou to talk?

Someoka snatches Gouenji's arm and steps away from the red-eyed poltergeist. "Don't you know what just happened inside the dimension, you idiot?! What if it happens again?!"

Gouenji firmly shakes his head and points at room 4F, 'Only in the room. Not here.'

Someoka understands the few words written on his mirror plate, as he always did. They've been friends since Gouenji died thirty something years ago, afterall. He trusts his friend and he knows when he's being sincere and when he's not. And both of them know so well that this matter is nothing to shrug about.

"I changed my mind," Kidou interrupts their conversation as he steps near them, going at the space between the two. "I'll do it here. I just have one thing to say anyways."

The pair's focus is taken by the caped poltergeist, both waiting for what he has to say.

"Thank you… for this," he says hesitantly as he shows the orange's skin on his hand. "It was… a real delicacy."

A sudden cracking sound can be heard and only Kidou's left wondering what it is. Someoka graciously carries his friend on his shoulders like a sack of potato, not at all helping their supposedly enemy's bewilderment.

"He says you're welcome! Bye!!" Someoka says after running away to who knows where, leaving a dumbfounded poltergeist extending his hand behind.

Someoka sets the mirror spirit down at an alley somewhere on the seventh floor and continuously slaps his face lightly. "Dude, seriously… calm down," he adds as the platinum blond literally freezes like the mirror that he is.

Someoka just notices the mirror plate where some things are actually written—doodled to be exact. He facepalms as hard as he can at the sight of random symbols, little hearts, and a heart struck by a cupid arrow.

= Fin =

A/N: Oh no, he's dead!! Yeah, sorry. Not funny, lol. But hope you liked this one.