Disclaimer: I don't own R&I.

"I'll see you back at the office." Maura pulled herself from the embrace and turned to walk away but before she did, she patted Korsak on his shoulder and whispered. "Take good care of her." And she left just like that. On the other hand, Jane was left confused from the way her friend reacted. Although, Korsak is holding and hugging her, her eyes were focused on the leaving figure of her best friend until she was already out of her sight. What just happened? Is she mad?

"Come on. We need to get you to the hospital. We need to check if you have injuries." Korsak said as he pulled himself from Jane.

Jane wasn't listening, her eyes are still focused on the road where Maura had gone. She frowned and looked at Korsak. "Is Maur alright?"

Korsak nodded. "She was just a little shaken."

"Yeah. She never gone home since you..." Frankie trailed off.

"Since I jumped off the bridge. Yeah." Jane said finishing Frankie's statement.

"Come on. Let's get you to the hospital. Maura will be just fine."

Jane nodded and let Korsak and Frankie take her to the hospital instead.

Once she got to her car, she clutched her hands on the steering wheel and let out a sigh of relief. But noticing for the first time since last night's incident, her hazel eyes brimmed with tears. She was scared. Extremely scared. Scared that she will never be able to see her best friend again. Or worse see her again but lifeless on her autopsy table. She neither couldn't handle both, that's why she was relieved when Jane emerged from the boat in one piece without any worse damage than bruises. She blamed herself from what happened. She blamed herself from not having so much courage from reprimanding Jane from not going on the railings. For once in her life in their four years of friendship, she felt useless for Jane. And for the first time in her existence, Dr. Maura Isles, the Chief Medical Examiner for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts felt helpless.

Still clutching at the the steering wheel, Maura leaned her body on the backseat as she closed her eyes and rested, reliving the incident that happened that almost took all the air around her for her to breathe. She, driving with Jane to the bridge to save Paul from jumping off. Them, getting on the bridge and Jane hurriedly went off the car to look for Paul and make him understand what really happened. She, preventing Jane from going off the railings so the detective will earn the framed-up victim's trust and convinced him to go to safety. Jane, jumping off the bridge right after Paul. And lastly, her, helpless and calling for her friends' help.

Then it hit her. She let her friend down. Worst, she let her best friend down when she wasn't capable of protecting her from her near death experience. What kind of friend is she then? Well maybe, a useless one. From the first time Maura Isles met Jane Rizzoli in a most inconvenient way, but both felt the common connection between them. Whatever that is, it was there. But she was hesitant at first towards the smart Detective. Why? Because all her life before she became the Chief Medical Examiner, she was all by herself. She was all alone. She did everything on her own without a help from others even from her parents. She didn't even have friends when she was growing up until she became an adult. She basically raised herself. Since then, she refused to trust and be involved with someone or some people's lives because eventually, they will all leave her the way they used to. But then, Jane came along who slowly managed to break down the ten feet tall wall she built around her. She befriended her and supported her in anyway a best friend can. She even helped her cope up with her fear which is dealing with people... live people. She accepted her weirdness, her being humorless sometimes and being literal. She was always oblivious when it comes to joke. But Jane taught her slowly how to be normal. And how to act normal around people. Detective Jane Rizzoli was the one who took her away from loneliness and the once cruel world she used to know. She even saved her life many times and was willing to give up hers for her. And then there was only time Jane needed her, which was night. But she let her down.

As she opened her eyes, there she saw Korsak and Frankie guiding Jane inside the ambulance. Jane stopped walking and turned her head and from there, both of them were locked in each other's gaze.

As soon as she stepped inside her dim lit house in Beacon Hill, she tuned on the lights and put all her belongings on top of the kitchen island. She was about to look for Bass when she heard fast movements coming from the guest to the main house. She looked up and saw Angela.

"Maura." Angela looked at Maura.

"Hey Angela. Did Frankie call you already?"

Angela nodded. "Yeah. I was about to go to the hospital. What about you? Aren't you going, too? You were with them when they found Jane, right?"

"Y-yeah. I already saw her. She got bruises but she's fine." the doctor replied, dodging the question.

Angela sighed and put a hand on Maura's shoulder. "You were blaming yourself." It wasn't a question but a statement. Maura locked her gaze at Angela's for a while then looked away instantly.

"I wasn't able to protect her." Maura muttered silently.

Angela moved forward and held Maura's hands against hers. The doctor relaxed from the motherly touch from her best friend's mother as her head bowed down in defeat from exhaustion both physically and mentally.

"Listen, it isn't your fault what happened to Jane, okay? You know her. She's too tough and stubborn. Once she gets to decide on something, no one can break it. Even me, her mother. She puts others first before herself." Angela explained, trying to comfort Maura.

"I know. It's just..." Maura shook her head. "I thought I was gonna lose her. I wasn't able to do anything when she jumped off."

"That's not true. You were there the whole time waiting for news. Sending off people to search for her. Now, that's what I call a friend's help and support." Angela smiled at her reassuringly. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Maura. I'm worried about you, too. You're also my daughter, you know."

Maura smiled weakly and nodded at Angela. "Thank You."

Angela hugged her and kissed her on top of her head. "Are you sure you don't want to go with me at the hospital?"

Maura shook her head. "No. I'll just stay here, take a bath and rest for a while. Inform me when something happened?"

"Of course." Angela patted Maura on her shoulder once more and soon left her.

Maura was left standing at her spot, relishing and embracing all the things that Angela told her. She smiled at the thought that her best friend's mother sees her as her own daughter, too. Angela may be right. She maybe a little too hard on herself. She sighed and decided to go upstairs to do all the things that are needed to be done.