A/N: Here it is. The sequel to Here's To Second Chances. Thirteen brand spanking new chapters that I hope you'll all love. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: There Will Be Death

Dennis Household- 2039

Out of all the ways things could've gone, Bo never imagined things would turn out quite like this. It had been a while since she and Lauren had been in the city. Two months, to be exact. With their children all grown up and living their own lives, they thought it best to live what was left of their own.

Of course, they didn't look like they were pushing the age of fifty. Thanks to their ageless genes.

They kept in touch with their children regularly, all five of them. Things had changed dramatically, when it came to forging a new future. Very different from the one Shay and Ethan tried to save all those years ago. Without the threat of her Father looming over their heads, Bo and Lauren completely settled down. And they decided to have kids first, and then live their lives.

Besides, they wanted Shay and Ethan to grown up with more siblings. Not long after Shay turned two, they welcomed another daughter, Charlie. After her, came Patrick, and to end the cycle, came their youngest; Bella.

They had everything they wanted.

But their lives were far from normal. And there was always something lurking around the corner, only; for once, it was done without Bo or Lauren anywhere near the city. Whether they weren't around was no matter. What came next was still a consequence of Bo's past actions.

She did the crime, and now her kids were paying for it.

She and Lauren didn't realise how bad it really was, until they got home. After getting a panicked call from their youngest, Bella; Bo and Lauren cut their retirement trip short and high-tailed it back home to help. Only, when they got through the door; they saw that they were too late.

"No" Bo let out a devastated breath.

Lauren's hands covered her mouth, as she was in utter shock over what she saw. The house had been destroyed, windows broken, doors hanging off their hinges, and their once priceless family heirlooms, shattered. But that wasn't the sight that broken her heart.

It was the sight of four of her children, laying dead on the floor. Two of which, Ethan and Shay; who were meant to be immortal.

"No!" She ran to Ethan, kneeling beside him and seeing his pale complexion.

He was almost as white as a ghost. She also noticed the stab wound he had through his chest, and as she glanced at Shay, Patrick and Charlie; she saw they had the same wounds. That can't have been a coincidence. "My little boy!" She cried, touching his face.

Bo was in the same condition as her Wife. She checked her other three children, they had no pulses. They were dead. Then she realised someone was missing. "Bella?!" She ran to the bottom of the stairs, "Bella?!" She kept shouting, ready to run upstairs.

But suddenly, Bella appeared out of nowhere. "Right here"

Since a young age, Bella developed a keen potential for Sorcery. When it became clear that their children would inherit different abilities from members of Trick's family line, he gifted Bo with a family tree and knowledge of everyone on it and their abilities.

He told Bo and Lauren that his great Grandfather was a powerful Sorcerer. Which's who Bella took after.

Charlie took after him with her Blood Sage ability, and Patrick inherited the ability to absorb the powers from any Fae he came in contact with. But they only lasted a short while. Trick wasn't sure who he took after, but it was a nifty power to have. Shay and Ethan, took after Bo.

And we're the only two of their children that had the immortal gene. Lauren could never figure out why it was only them two who had it.

But on the bright side, her other three children were stronger than any normal Fae, and they could still heal themselves and compel people like Shay and Ethan. So, it wasn't all bad. But it didn't look like those traits were much help today.

As soon as Bella appeared, Bo grabbed her and hugged her tight. "Thank god, you're okay!" She didn't think she could bare losing all her children in one day. Although, four out of five was still awful. "Bella, what happened here? Who did this?" She wanted to know, so she could kill them.

Lauren got up too, going straight for her little girl. Who completely ignored Bo's questions and began crying into her Mother's shoulder. "It's okay baby, I'm right here…" she tried to fight her own tears, kissing her daughter's head. "… Bella, we need to know what happened. Can you tell us?"

Bella nodded, pulling back and wiping her tears. She couldn't bring herself to look at the dead bodies of her siblings. "This'd been coming for a while now…" she went to sit on the couch in the living room, dropping down with a sigh. "… We wanted to deal with it ourselves. To show you we could handle things. We didn't wanna ruin your trip"

"Forget about that for now, just tell us what happened" Bo sat beside her. She didn't care about their stupid trip, in fact she wished they never went. They'd been gone two months, and look what happened.

"It all started a month ago…" Bella said. "… We were going about our days like usual, but then we started getting messages. Threats. Ethan said they were nothing to worry about, that it was just some sad Fae who had a problem with us being Hybrids. He said he'd seen it before when he was a kid. But, then things got worse"

Lauren kept hold of her daughter's hand. "How?"

Bella started remembering everything that'd happened in the last two months. It upset her so easily, unlike the rest of her siblings she was emotional. Sometimes too emotional. "We had a couple break ins, an ambush here and there, and a group of guys followed Patrick home one night. He gave as good of a fight as he could but, there were too many of them. Ethan got home just in time though"

Bo found this all very fascinating, but it wasn't what she wanted to hear. "Who was behind the attacks and threats?" She had to know.

"His name's Ronan; he said you knew his Mom…" Bella looked at Bo. "… Someone named Zee?" She saw the look on her Mother's face, and it didn't inspire much confidence. "Who is she?" She had a right to know, since her siblings were killed because of it.

Lauren turned her head away, she knew this would come back to bite them on the ass. She told Bo this day would come. All because of a foolish mistake they'd made almost two decades ago. "Tell her Bo. If ever there was a time to, it's now"

Sighing, Bo agreed with her. "Zee, is my Aunt on my Father's side. Also known as Zeus, as in the Greek God. Before you were born, I had a run in with her. She and her Husband, Hera; came to earth to claim it for themselves. They took human forms, but still kept their abilities. They were tough to beat" she remembered it like it was yesterday.

"But you did beat them though, right?" Bella figured that's where she was going with this.

But it wasn't that simple. "I killed her Husband, Hera. And I came close to killing her too, but something happened. Something unexpected" Bo went on to tell her daughter of how when it came time to end Zee's life, she couldn't.

Because Zee revealed she was pregnant with Hera's child, and as much as Bo wanted her gone; she wasn't a child killer. She could never kill an unborn baby.

She was a Mother after all. It just wasn't who she was. So, she made a deal with Zee and bound it in blood. Which was a serious thing in their culture. The deal stated that Zee could never return to this city, and also never seek to claim the earth for herself. Zee happily accepted the deal if it meant letting her child live.

Only now, that child had grown up. And he was hell bent on destroying her family. But surely, that breached the terms of their deal. And if so, Zee would pay for those consequences. But that still didn't explain, how this Ronan guy was able to kill four strong Hybrids.

Which led Lauren to her next question. "How did it happen? How did he kill them?" She hated saying it, but she had to know.

Bella couldn't forget it. "Ethan was the first to face him. He bragged about having a weapon that could kill us, for good. Even Ethan and Shay. We just thought he was bluffing. But he wasn't. Over the last couple of weeks, the attacks got closer together. Until, he showed up here this morning, with his weapon" she got lost in a daze, memories flooding back to her.

"What kind of weapon was it?" Bo asked.

"A dagger…" Bella answered. "… Made of some kind of black metal, and it had engravings all along the blade. I watched him stab Ethan. It was like it sucked the life right outta him. The markings on the blade shined red, and when he removed it; Ethan fell, and he was just gone. I waited for him to come back, like always; but he never did" she got upset again.

Lauren wrapped both arms around her, feeling the pain. She felt like someone had taken pieces of her heart. Someone had killed her babies. "Then he went for the others?" She guessed what came next, and Bella just nodded. "What kind of dagger can kill an immortal like Ethan, or Shay for that matter?" She looked at Bo.

Bo just shrugged, "I dunno. But we're gonna find out, and we're gonna bring them back!" She wasn't letting her children stay dead. No way in hell was that happening.

But unfortunately, Bella had already been down that road. "I already tried to revive them with my magic…" she lifted her head from her Mother's arms. "… I tried every resurrection spell I know. Nothing worked. I'm sorry Mom!" She cried again.

Not wanting her to feel guilty, Bo pulled her close. "Don't be sorry baby!" She hugged her tight. "No one blames you for this. Okay? No one. We're just glad we didn't lose you too" she would've been devastated if all her children had been taken from her.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming to the front door. Bo got up, grabbing a sword she had mounted on the wall. They were swords she felt too special to use, but right now anything was fair game. She walked to the front door, seeing who opened it. "Sasha…" she couldn't let her see Shay like this. "… Now's not a good time" she tried to stop her from entering but Sasha wasn't one to relent.

"I had to come, I could sense something was wrong so I flew right over. Look, I just need to know if Shay's okay—" Sasha saw passed Bo, and over her shoulder to the gruesome sight before her. And more importantly, her Girlfriend laying a few feet away. "What happened?" She ran to where Shay laid. "No! Shay? Babe, please wake up!" She tried to shake her, but it was no use.

So she cried, and cried, and then cried some more.

Bo decided to step in, "Sasha?" She tried to pull her away but she was proving to be quite stubborn. "Sweetie, she's gone. There's nothing you can do. Please, get up..." she pulled her arm gently, until Sasha fell into her arms, crying loudly. Her heart had just been broken. "… I know it hurts, believe me. But we're gonna fix it" she whispered to her.

Not wanting Bo to say anymore, Lauren got up from the couch with Bella. "Bella, why don't you take Sasha over to the Dal? It's safe there. Your Mom and I need to take care of things here. We'll be over soon" she kissed her daughter's head, watching her leave with a distraught Sasha.

Placing her hands on her hips, Bo looked at the four dead bodies of her children. And in that moment, she broke. Whatever strength she had to keep it together, had faded away. She fell to her knees. "Oh my god, this's all my fault…" she sobbed, her face in her hands. "… He took my babies" she couldn't stop crying.

Lauren knelt beside her, holding her close. "Shhh!" She rocked back and forth with Bo in her arms. It always helped. "It's okay. We're gonna bring them back, like you said. However long it takes doesn't matter. We're not giving up. Okay?" She looked at her, giving her a reassuring kiss.

"I'm so sorry" Bo still felt the full weight of this. She trusted that Zee would honour their deal. In her defence, no one ever went against a blood oath. It was just the way things worked around here.

"I know you are…" Lauren wanted to say she didn't blame her, but the tiniest part of herself did. The part that told Bo to banish Zee back to Myth, where she could've lived out the rest of her immortal life. Miserable or not, she would've kept her life and had her child like she wanted. But Bo didn't listen, instead she made that deal.

And look where it had gotten them.

"… But, apologies are gonna have to wait. Because the more time we waste, the less we have to recover their souls from limbo before they pass on. We gotta do this now Bo. So, are you with me?" She needed her on her a-game.

And if that meant she had to buck up, then Bo was ready. "I'm with you. All the way. Let's bring our kids back" she and Lauren both the bodies prepared for transportation.

They had to get their bodies to the Dal. Trick would be able to help them with this, they'd bet good money on it. The only problem was, how were they going to move four bodies? They were going to need something a lot bigger than Bo's Camaro.

The Dal Later

When she got to the Dal, Bella told her Grandfather everything that happened. And as soon as she did, he broke down crying. Which then set her off again. Sasha wasn't speaking to anyone, she was still in too much shock over the loss of her love. Dyson and Tamsin arrived after Trick called them and gave them the news. They had to be there for their daughter.

As soon as she saw her Father, Sasha jumped into his arms. Crying. "I don't understand how this happened. No one's ever been able to kill a Hybrid" he was always envious of Bo and Lauren's children, in the fact that they were very durable. He wished his Daughter had that kind of power, then he wouldn't have to worry about her so much. But this was still a tragedy.

"Things change…" Bo and Lauren entered the bar, their eyes still red and puffy from crying. They were never going to get over this. They'd lost four children. But they weren't giving up hope that they wouldn't be able to bring them back. "… Dyson, can I ask you for a favour?" She looked at him.

Dyson nodded, "Anything…" she asked him if he'd help her bring the bodies into the bar, she couldn't do it by herself and Lauren couldn't bring herself to do it again. She just wanted to be with Bella and not let her out of her sight. "… Of course Bo. Anything I can do to help" he tapped her arm and followed her outside.

Lauren walked to the bar, hugging her youngest again. She just didn't want to let her go. But as she was doing that, she saw Trick's distraught face. She held his hand with her free one, silently telling him that she knew how he felt. He offered her a shot of his strongest stuff, she wasn't going to ask what it was; she just knocked it back.

And even though, Bella was three years under the legal drinking age; Lauren was going to forget that today. Everyone could use a stiff drink. When the shot was placed in front of her, Bella even reminded her Mother that she was underage. She was the most sensible out of all her children. "You're eighteen; that's close enough. Drink it, it'll help" she told her.

Bella knocked it back, feeling the unbearable burn in her throat. She coughed a few times, but it soon passed. She couldn't say she cared for that. "Eww" she cleared her throat.

Tamsin had to shield her daughter from seeing the sight of Shay's body being brought into the bar. It wasn't good for her. But Sasha didn't want to hide away. And as soon as her Father laid Shay's body down on an empty table, she moved to her side. Holding her cold hand.

With the rest of her Children's bodies laid on the other three empty tables, Bo went to the bar and grabbed the bottle Trick was using to pour shots. She took a large swig, and another, and then another to round it off. She needed it. "We need to know what kind of weapon that bastard used, and how the hell it's powerful enough to kill a Hybrid!"

"Bella, you have to walk us through what happened" Lauren looked at her daughter.

But Bella just shook her head, "I can't Mom! Please, don't make me!" She didn't want to relive it again, it was too horrible.

Trick had an idea. "If you can't talk about it, then maybe we can look into your mind and see what needs to be seen. With your magic, you can allow someone to see your most recent memories"

The only problem with that plan was, Bella was still trying to control her powers. She couldn't always do the things she wanted. It was hard. It wasn't something she could talk to anyone about since they weren't like her. "I don't know how to do something like that"

"I can walk you through it, I have a book in the lair that can guide us. Come with me" Trick began to walk to the end of the bar, waiting for Bo, Lauren and Bella to follow.

Once they were down in the lair, Bella took a seat on the couch with her Parents on either side of her. She didn't know if she was ready to do this, but her Mother needed to see what happened.

"So, do I have to hold her hand or something?" Bo wondered, magic wasn't her thing. Chi sucking, that was her thing. Not that it came in handy this time.

Trick got the book he spoke about, flipping through the pages. He knew all about Sorcery and magic, he just didn't have any to use. "Yes, you and Bella will join both hands, as she finds the power to let you into her mind" he continued reading the book.

Lauren wasn't going to be the one to watch, she didn't want to see her kids get murdered. Seeing them dead was bad enough. But one of them had to do it. "Sounds like a lot of work on Bella's part. Are you sure this's safe for her?" She wanted to be sure.

"It's completely safe, she may feel a little tired after the transfer but it's only because this's her first time doing it. With time, it'll become second nature. She'll be fine Lauren" he assured her.

Hearing that made Bo feel better too. She wanted to see what happened, but she didn't want to hurt Bella in the process. "Okay, shall we?" She held both hands out for her daughter to take.

Bella held them, then listened to what her Grandfather told her to do. She closed her eyes, focusing on what happened. Her freshest memory, and most awful. She felt the power within her stir, until finally she took a sharp intake of breath, as did her Mother.

Both of them fell silent.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Lauren didn't know either way.

Trick nodded, "Yes. It's working. Now we wait" he and Lauren waited quietly, not wanting to disrupt the ritual.

Bella's Mind

Bo opened her eyes, seeing herself in her house. Everything looked normal, nothing was destroyed like before. Suddenly, she heard a crash come from outside. Before she could even run to the window, Ethan ran downstairs and beat her to it. She couldn't help but smile, he was alive here.

She tried to prepare herself for what she was about to see.

"Assholes! They're wrecking our cars!" He was so angry, but not as angry as Shay was going to be when she saw what they'd done to her precious vehicle. "That's it, someone's gonna die today!" He went for the first weapon he could find.

"E?" Shay came downstairs with Patrick, Charlie and Bella following closely behind. "What's happening?" She looked out the window. "Son of a bitch, that's my car!" No one touched her baby. "Please tell me I get to slit someone's throat" she looked at her brother.

He laughed, "Oh, we will slit many throats. Everyone arm up, looks like we're about to have company. I expect Ronan to show up with his super-secret weapon, any second" he didn't believe a word that leech said.

But Bella wasn't so sure, "What if he does have a weapon?" Her four siblings turned to her. "I mean, he wouldn't be bragging if he couldn't live up to it, right?" It didn't make sense to her.

Patrick stood beside her, "Bella, you're new at this. You've still got a lot to learn. People like Ronan, exaggerate. They like to make people think they've got what it takes. Like how Aunt Kenzi bluffs in Poker. He's all talk" he didn't buy it.

"But what if he's not? What if he's telling the truth?" Bella tried to get through to them.

And Bo could see that, but her older siblings were so stubborn, they weren't listening to her. She couldn't help but take the blame for that. Lauren was stubborn, but when it came down to thinking clearly, she always took everything logical into account. Like Bella was doing. Bo herself, was stubborn at her core, she didn't think she just acted. They took after her with that.

Shay grabbed her favourite knifes and placed them in the back of her jeans. "Even if he does have a cool new weapon; we can't be killed. You worry too much Bell" she wasn't worried.

"Someone's got to" Bella replied.

And it was in that moment that Ethan realised maybe his littlest sister wasn't ready for this kind of exchange. That, and ever since Bella was born, he'd developed a strong bond with her. So much so that he didn't want her to be here for this.

"Bella? Come here for a second?" He waved her over. "I know you worry, that's the Doctor part of Mom in you…" he chucked, thinking of his Mother. "… And it's because of that worry, that I want you to sit this out"

Bella shook her head, she didn't mean to be a pain. "But what if you need me; or my magic?" She may not know everything about it yet, but she could throw someone across the room with the wave of a hand. That came in handy, right?

"We'll manage without it. Right now, I just want you to be safe. So, do that invisible trick you do; and stay hidden. Don't come out for anything. I mean it, okay? Nothing" he made it clear to her.

"Alright" she said.

He knew her too well though. "Promise me" he held out his pinky finger, this was their thing.

She wrapped her smaller pinky around his bigger one and held it tight. "Promise" she welcomed a hug from him, then hugged the rest of her siblings wishing them luck. Within a second, she vanished.

Bo was grateful that Ethan remained the caring big Brother and told her to hide. He knew she wasn't ready, and Bo would've done the same thing if it was her fight. Ethan was so noble.

Charlie decided to take a precaution and write something in her blood. That she and Patrick would be protected from death by Ethan and Shay's resurrection ability. She could never write herself to become immortal, for some reason it didn't work. Trick always said if something she wrote never came true, it was because it wasn't meant to be.

She took it with a pinch of salt. Especially when she tried to write Ronan out of existence and that didn't work either. Was he meant to live? Or was he protected by something? "You think we'll finally put Ronan down today?" She asked her big sister.

Shay was sure as hell going to try, "Trust me, by the end of the day; he'll be forgotten. There's a reason why people are scared of us. We're Hybrids; nothing and no one, can hurt us. Ronan seems to have missed that memo, so; I say we make it clear to him" she was going to enjoy this.

"I still think we should've called Mom…" Patrick said. "… If we do this and she and Mom come back to a ruined house; we're gonna wish we could die" he feared his Mother's wrath, she wasn't someone he wanted to piss off.

Ethan shook his head, "Why worry them when we can just take care of the problem ourselves?" He grabbed his serrated bayonet. One of his favourite knifes. "Trust me, there's no need to bother them. They spent their whole lives protecting us; I think they deserve time off"

Bo wanted to cry as she listened, he didn't want to call her and Lauren because he was trying not to spoil their trip. But really, Bo would drop anything to come to her kids' aid. First and foremost, she was a Parent. Nothing could've stopped her from being here. She watched the front door get kicked down, and dozens of men dressed in black flooded through.

Her kids fought hard to protect themselves. But ultimately, there were too many of them. Then she saw a sight that broke her.

Ethan tore through three men, before he saw his target. "Nice of you to finally show, Ronan!" He stood before his tall, Raven haired enemy. "You know, I'd love to see this special weapon you've been raving about. Or, did you come up short? Like all liars do?"

Ronan smirked, "Lying?" He frowned at him, then reached into the back of his belt. "Am I lying now?" He revealed a jet-black blade, with sleek engravings along the metal. "Ethan, meet your end" he held it up proudly.

"A knife?" Ethan started laughing, "You do realise I'm immortal, right? Or is that fact lost on you? Are you a little slow? Because that would make a lotta sense right now. Look dude, you can stab me with your little butter knife until your heart's content; but it won't kill me. I cannot be killed, by anything!"

Waving the black knife around, Ronan smiled. "So what've you got to lose? Why don't we test the theory?" He waited for Ethan to come for him, and he didn't disappoint.

Bo had never seen that blade before, but it looked ancient. Like, God; ancient. She watched Ethan lunge at him, hitting him in the face repeatedly. They rolled around on the floor, and Ethan was winning. For a while, but that changed. When Ronan laid a hand on Ethan's chest, and emitted an electrical shock from his hand.

It was lightening.

He was Zee's son after all. It made sense he would inherit her powers. Ethan rolled away, recovering from the shock. It didn't kill him. But she could see it hurt him. And just as he was getting up to fight with Ronan once more, Ronan drove the mysterious dagger into his chest. And like Bella told her, the engravings on the blade shined red.

Ethan had never felt a pain like this. Before, when he would get stabbed in the heart; it felt like a small sting. But this, was like someone burning his heart and then tearing it in two. He looked down, and the dagger was glowing. That was new. Then he looked back at Ronan, he was smiling wickedly.

"Now who's slow?" He whispered to him, retracting his dagger. He gave Ethan's stomach a hard kick, throwing him to the floor.

Bo felt a tear escape her eyes. She just watched her son get murdered, and now she had to watch the rest of her children suffer the same fate.

"ETHAN!" Shay had just put down one of Ronan's men when she saw her brother go down. "You bastard!" She ran, and was immediately hit with Ronan's lightening. But she wasn't letting it throw her, she fought through the pain and continued to taking steps towards him. "This won't save you from me!" She groaned, feeling the sting as she walked.

Ronan was impressed, she was fighting his attack. He held up his hand, going near her. And just as she got to him, he disappeared in a burst of lightening.

Shay breathed, he was gone. No, she had to kill him. Turning to her left, she saw her big brother laying on the floor. She took steps to reach him, but felt a sharp pain in her back. Looking down, she saw the tip of a black coloured blade poke through her chest. This felt different from the other times.

Almost like the life was being drained from her body. Her eyes fluttered, as she fell forward and laid next to her brother.

Laughing, Ronan took a minute to admire his weapon. "I should've got this thing ages ago!" He continued to laugh. "And then there were two!" He looked at Charlie and Patrick, who were currently being held by his men.

Bo looked away, not able to watch the rest. Her kids were dead, this lunatic killed them. She could see that he took after Zee in every way though. Once the battle was over, he searched the house for Bella, calling her name and turning the place upside down. But he didn't find her, because she was invisible thanks to her powers.

Since he couldn't find her, he decided to call it a day and leave. About twenty minutes passed before Bella reappeared, she knelt beside Ethan and began crying. She stayed there for a while, but when she heard footsteps coming from the front door, she cloaked herself again. That's when Bo saw herself and Lauren coming through the door.

She didn't need to remember this one. So she closed her eyes, and wished for Bella to stop the transfer.


Bella opened her eyes, letting go of her Mother's hands. The look on her face said it all. She didn't want to talk about it anymore. "I'm sorry I couldn't help them" she felt like she was a little bit to blame for this.

But Bo didn't, she shook her head. "Don't be. Ethan told you to stay hidden, and he was right. I would've said the same thing. He kept you safe, till the end. Don't be sorry, for anything. Okay?" She hugged her. This was proving to be a little difficult to recover from. Bo wanted to cry again, but she didn't want to start Lauren off.

"Did you see the weapon?" Lauren asked.

Bo nodded. "Yeah. Can't say I've ever seen a blade like it before. Like Bella said, it was black, and had ancient markings over it. To be honest, it looked pretty old. Ronan seemed so sure that it'd be enough to kill them. And, he wasn't wrong. He was so cocky about it" she hated that his face was burnt into her brain.

"Obviously gets that from Zee" Lauren remembered how much of a bitch Bo's Aunt was. She was obnoxious, cocky, and just generally evil.

"That's not the only thing he gets from her…" Bo told her, "… He also has her ability to create lightening. He used it on Ethan before he killed him, and on Shay too. We need to find out where he got that dagger from. Because if we find a way to bring them back, and it's powerful enough to kill them; what's to stop him murdering them all over again?"

She couldn't see it happen a second time.

Trick agreed. "I'm going to do some research, and ask around about the blade you described. If it's an ancient relic, then surely it must've been documented" he got up and went back to his bookshelf.

"Lauren? Why don't you take Bella upstairs? I need to talk to Trick for a minute…" Bo was going to ask him something, and she needed to do it alone. So, she kissed Lauren's cheek and waited for them both to leave. She approached Trick as he carried a few books back to his desk. "… Trick? I need to ask you for a favour" she leaned against his desk.

He listened while he skimmed through the different books. "Of course Bo, you know I'd do anything for you"

Bo was hoping he'd say that, "Good. Because I need you to write in your blood and bring my children back to life…" as soon as she said it, he stopped what he was doing and gave her a look. "… I know what you're gonna say, and I know every time you've written in your blood things haven't gone well for us. But, this's about our family. My children, your grandchildren. They need you; I need you" she was begging.

As much as Trick wanted to, there was a good reason why he never used his powers anymore. "Bo, I love those kids. Like they're my own. But, you know that every time I write in my blood, something comes to hurt us later. I can't risk that"

"So because you're scared, you're gonna let my children stay dead?!" Bo was hurt by his answer, and she started crying again. "You didn't see what Bella showed me Trick. The way they all died-" she couldn't finish. "I cannot, let them stay that way. I have to save them. Please Trick; please, help me save my kids" she'd never begged so much in her life.

And although the thought of whatever consequence came from this, Trick couldn't let his Grandchildren stay dead when he had the power to fix it. Maybe this Ronan character anticipated that he wouldn't want to use his blood. And if he was expecting that, then Trick had to do the opposite.

For the first time in years, he was going off base. To save his family. It seemed like a good deal right now. "Alright…" he watched Bo's face light up. And that's what this was about. "… Go upstairs, I'll get my things and meet you there" he welcomed a smothering hug from her, then watched her leave.

With the severity of this situation, Trick knew this wasn't going to be like the last time he wrote in his blood. His Grandchildren were powerful Hybrids. This was going to take a lot of power on his part. He went to his vault, and grabbed his Mage tools. Then made his way up to the bar.

It was time to bring the dead back.

A/N: There it is. Hope you all liked it. Let me know what you thought.