Okay, I know, long time, but apparently I only write if I'm procrastinating, and during the holidays and for my new study I don't feel like doing that? But I want to finish this story, so i continued for y'all. I hope you like it. And a warning, the sotry is almost over, maybe just a couple more chapters.

*I forgot how those animals are called, that pulled the carriages and can only bee seen by people who have seen other people dying, but I was to lazy to google it, so I just call the Thershals.

"Okay, so get this," Ginny dropped her back on the floor and sat down next to Hermione and opposite of Ron and Harry. "Apparently both Percy and Nico can see the thershals."

"What?" Harry asked. "How?"

"They must have seen someone die," Ron said, the food had trouble staying in his mouth.

"No shit, Ron," Harry grumbled. "I meant, how can they see them."

Hermione put down her cutlery and looked at Ginny. "Where did you get this information?"

"Luna told me," Ginny started to fill her plate with baked potatoes and started to tell the story, hand gestures and almost-dangerous waving with ladles included. "So she feeds the thershals almost every day and she went down there today and they were there. Nico petted one of them, and I don't know exactly, but Luna swears that Percy can talk to animals? Luna explained the whole death thing to them and asked how they could see them. 'Family' they said, but from what Luna told me it couldn't have been just one family member. It sounded like they looked like they had lost their entire family."

She had finished loading her plate with food and started eating. "Oh ya," she held up one finger and started chewing faster. "And that language of theirs?" she said after she swallowed, "it's Greek."

The golden trio looked at her for a moment. They probably didn't know what to say. Ginny hadn't known what to say either when Luna told her. She hadn't even been surprised that the boys could see the animals. She had almost expected them too, now that she thought about it. And their language. Greek was strange, but not unbelievable.

"And how can Percy talk to animals?" Ron asked.

"Remember that time he was in our class?" Harry said. "It looked like he was talking with that horse."

"Pony," Ron pointed out with a grin.

"Pony, thanks," Harry grumbled. "But he said he couldn't."

"And at the lake," Hermione recalled. "He was talking to something in the lake."

"Okay," Ginny said. "So maybe he can talk to animals. That would be so cool though. Maybe he can teach me. Or just tell me what my cat things of me."

"You have a cat?" Ron asked. "Since when?"

Ginny pulled up her shoulder. "This girl in my year has, like, 4 cats, and one of them sort of adopted me. It used to follow me around all the time. How did you not notice that?"

Before Ron could answer, the doors of the Great Hall burst open. Everybody looked up towards it and stared.

Nico walked in. He strode forwards a few purposeful steps, before he faltered to a halt. He looked around and became pale in the face, like al his blood just sank to his feet.

Percy appeared next to the doors and leaned against them with his left forearm.

"You know," Percy said softly, but in the quietness of the hall everybody could hear it loud and clear. "Sometimes when I don't let you do things, I actually have my reasons."

Nico swiveled around. He clenched and unclenched his fist by his side. Ginny was sure steam would be coming out of his ears if this had been a cartoon. "Why didn't you stop me!" Nico growled.

"Excuse me," Percy said offended. He pushed of the door and stood up straight. "Are you actually kidding me right now?"

Nico walked forward and pushed past Percy. "Erre es korakas, Perseus. I hate you."

Nico stalked away, leaving Percy to watch him go. Percy ran a hand through his hair before he turned and looked back at everybody in the hall.

"Sorry 'bout that," he grinned sheepishly. "Please enjoy your dinner." He grabbed the doors and closed them softly.

Ginny sat there dumbfounded for a moment, before she slowly turned to look at her brother and his friends.

"Merlin's beard," Ron muttered. "They are strange."

Further up the Gryffindor table, a small boy was pushed to his feet. He stumbled towards the door and looked around the hall.

"Shall I check on them?" He asked. Everybody nodded or said he should.

The boy opened the doors and disappeared behind them.

"So strange," Harry agreed with Ron.

Ginny was about to stand up, to go talk to them, but Hermione grabbed her arm. "Wait for the kid to come back. Maybe they are having a real fight."

Hermione had a point. Ginny had seen them fight only twice, and it wasn't pretty. She had actually been scared of Percy. If Nico was healthy, she would probably be scared of him too. Ginny settled back down.

At that moment the boy came back in. He looked confused more than anything. "So," he started. "They're arguing in another language? I think. I don't know." He shook his head and walked back to his seat.

So they were arguing. They did that all the time. Ginny stood up. She had to find out what happened.

"Ginny," Hermione tried to stop her.

"I got this," Ginny insisted. "Be right back."

Percy and Nico were sitting on the grand staircase in the hall when Ginny entered. Percy cast her a sideways look, but continued to talk to Nico in Greek. The younger boy was staring at Percy with the most intense look Ginny had ever seen, but if it was of love or hate, Ginny couldn't decipher.

"Hey," Ginny whispered. Why a whisper, she didn't know, but it happened. "You two alright?" She closed the doors, walked over to them and leaned against the railing.

Nico shot her a dark look, and Ginny subconsciously leaned back. "Leave us alone."

"Don't be mean," Percy chided Nico, then, to Ginny, he said: "Sorry about in there," he nodded towards the Great Hall, "But Nico here thought it would be a good idea to ignore my warning and go in there anyways."

Nico growled something Greek at Percy, who frowned in response.

"I know," he said softly, "me too, we'll ask after dinner. Sounds like a plan?"

Nico grumbled some more, but relaxed a bit. The boy looked a whole lot better then when the two first got here. He got his colour back and his hair had more volume. He looked well rested too, his eyes were less sunken, and the bags under his eyes had disappeared almost completely.

Nico closed his eyes and leaned his head on Percy's shoulder.

"There were so many people in there," Nico whispered.

"I know" Percy kissed the top of his head. "I don't like it either."

Percy looked back up at Ginny. He looked tired and contend. A weird combination, but Ginny understood the message. She smiled and reentered the Great Hall, leaving Percy and Nico alone.

Again, sorry for the wait. I hope you still like this story. Let me know what you think!