Hello, readers! I had this idea of hotel fanfiction, so this fic is going to be about a lovely hotel. Please review to let me know if you like what's going on so far and whether you are anticipating the actual story. Enjoy!


Hashirama sighed as he went over every single hotel he found on the Internet. Everything was either too expensive, too horrible, too far, too ridiculously small, or too weird. Damn it, he just needed a hotel to stay for a few nights. Sure, he had a budget, but can't a guy get a decent hotel that's at least habitable? He scrutinized each hotel again, wondering why he had to be such a perceptive guy when it came to beds. It was totally OCD on his part, but he couldn't help but notice every single little flaw on the shot of the room: that bed looks to soft, that bed looks dirty…argh.

"Anija, if you're going to pore over every little detail, I'll do the booking. I'll be much faster." His brother grumbled as he loomed over Hashirama's laptop. "You think about this too much, and you expect too much out of our budget!"

"I'm sure you don't want to sleep in some miserable cot, Tobirama." Hashirama shot back. He went back to clicking every hotel he found, and disappointingly, his feelings towards the beds did not change. Suddenly, as he was about to close the screen and book whatever that he thought highest of, a small icon that indicated a next page appeared. Or, at least that was what he thought. The icon wasn't there a minute ago. Hashirama gasped and eagerly clicked it. Immediately, the page changed, and there was only one hotel on the whole screen.

"Mangekyo Hotel…? Hm, weird name." Hashirama muttered as he read through all the advertising lines. "Wow, really? A pool? My, that bed looks great!"

"What is it now?" Tobirama complained as he glanced at the screen. "I thought you were babbling about how everything was… holy shit." His burgundy eyes went wide with disbelief. "How did you find this?"

"I don't know. It just popped up." Hashirama mumbled as he stared at all the facilities. There was a pool, an amazing bar… and most important of all, the bed looked so comfy Hashirama could feel the fluffiness radiating from the picture. "So you approve of this one? It looks a little extravagant for your taste."

"Of course I approve. You took an hour to decide on a hotel. I'm not waiting for this any longer." Tobirama huffed as he turned back to the budget. "At least this one is cheap enough so we wouldn't exceed out budget…"

Hashirama sighed. There was no changing his brother. He was just so parsimonious and cautious. He went back to the hotel advertisement, booked it immediately, and sighed in anticipation. This was going to be the best night he ever spent on this amount of money. The screen suddenly lit up with a weird pattern, and Hashirama scrambled back in surprise. Weird black lines intersected and made a geometric pattern in a sea of red. Hashirama stared at it in absolute horror, because the pattern somehow looked menacing, and it seemed to resemble something, but he couldn't name it. Slowly, the light died down as the screen returned to the receipt page.

"What was that…?" Hashirama thought, scared out of his wits. Suddenly, the trip didn't sound so inviting anymore.