
Thank you for reading and for leaving reviews. :)

I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

xo cupidsrose

The night had come and gone and it was now early morning. The sun was just starting to make its way in through the windows and there was a light coating of dew covering everything outside. A light fog lingered in the air, as well.

Kagome was tidying up the shikibuton she had slept on for the past week and was getting ready to head out, hoping to make it back to the Higurashi shrine before Souta woke up. Today was his birthday, after all, and what kind of sister would she be if she wasn't there to celebrate with him.

Shippo stood at Kagome's side, smiling nervously. "Do you think your family will like me? I know that I look a little different…"

"Shippo, they will love you just as much as I do. Besides, if they could put up with Inuyasha's loud mouth and attitude, they can handle anything." She chuckled sadly.

He couldn't help but perk up at that as he sent a warm smile her way, suddenly having more confidence. "Cool! I can't wait to show Souta some of my tricks!"

Kagome chuckled at her small companion as the pair made their way outside and she closed the door softly, not wanting to wake her new friends, and protectors, so early. She was extremely thankful for everything they had done for her so far.

As she made her way across the porch, she stretched slightly. Botan had given her a change of clothes, and she now wore a pair of skinny jeans with a loose fitting yellow v-neck sweater and her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail. It was a much comfier, and practical, outfit than the one she had worn for the past few years while traveling the feudal era. I don't know why I didn't bring something like this with me. Probably would have kept me out of some of the trouble I got myself in, too. She huffed.

"Onna. Where are you going?"

She jumped slightly, not having noticed Hiei appear after he had jumped down from a nearby tree. "I need to get back to home. Today is my little brother's birthday."

"Hn." He frowned slightly. "Do you think that is wise?"

"Whether or not it is wise doesn't matter, I'm still going." She huffed stubbornly, which only earned her a small smirk from the short demon.

How stubborn, he mused. Hiei then snorted, stepping aside as he watched her walk away with her kit, disappearing down the steps leading away from Genkai's shrine. He would inform the others of her departure when they woke up and would let them decide what the next course of action would be.

"Kagome!" Souta ran to his sister excitedly, a huge grin plastered on his face. "I missed you! When did you get back?"

Kagome smiled sadly, which did not go unnoticed by her mother, who made a mental note to ask her about it later. "Not too long ago." She lied, not wanting to elaborate on what had happened in the past week just quite yet.

Souta embraced his sister, though he pulled back and quirked a brow when he noticed the small figure behind her. "Who is that?"

"Oh, this is Shippo! Remember? I've told you about him before. He came with me through the well this time."

"Well, the more the merrier. And look how cute he is!" Her mother beamed, admiring his tail and pointy ears. "I'll get breakfast ready and then we can talk, Kagome."

"Hai, mama. Is there anything I can help with?"

Her mother shook her head. "Just go and spend some time with Souta. He misses you when you're gone."

Kagome nodded and made her way into the living room. She had just managed to sit down on the couch with her brother when she heard a soft knock at the door. She quirked a brow and stood up, making her way over. Upon opening the door, she let out a defeated sigh. "Really? I can't even go home without an escort now?"

"You bet! Koenma told us to take care of you, and that's what we're gonna do, got it?" Yusuke chided. "Besides, something smells amazing in here."

"Kagome, who was at the door dear-" Her mother made her way out of the kitchen, a confused gaze landing on the three boys that now stood in the doorway. Hiei had opted to find a comfortable perch at the top of the Goshinboku, so as to have the best vantage point in case trouble was to come their way, which in turn left the other three to visiting with Kagome's family.

"These are some of my friends, mom. This is Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke." Kagome smiled sweetly, motioning to each one as she said their names. They all made their own small greetings in response.

"Oh! How nice! I didn't know you had made such handsome friends!" She beamed, looking at her daughter mischievously, the gears in her head turning a mile a minute.

"Mama!" Kagome groaned, slightly embarrassed. "You know I don't have time for that kind of stuff. Besides, we're just friends."

The trio of spirit detectives gave Kagome several amused looks as her mother ignored her and ushered the three young men into her house, inviting them to stay for breakfast, before she wandered back into the kitchen.

Souta stared at the group curiously from his spot on the couch. "Hey sis, who are these guys?" He looked at her. "And where's Inuyasha? He promised he would come visit with you on my birthday!"

The spirit detectives watched as Kagome stiffened and her breath caught in her throat.

She looked at her brother with a solemn expression. "Souta… there is something that we need to talk about." She made her way to the couch and held out her hand, motioning for him to take it, as she led him into the kitchen where her grandfather was now hovering over her mother while she cooked, sneaking a few tastes now and then. "Mama, gramps... I have some bad news."

Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke stood in the doorway to the kitchen, giving silent emotional support as Kagome told her family the story that she hadn't even told them yet.

Kuwabara cringed as she recalled how Miroku had given up his life to be with the one he loved and Yusuke clenched his fists as she spoke of Inuyasha protecting her long enough so she could run to safety.

Kagome paused as she remembered the last thing she had heard from her hanyou companion, tears streaming down her face. "I couldn't help them… I just ran, like a coward."

Kurama spoke up. "You are not a coward, Miss Higurashi. You were brave to run, as it saved both you and your kit, and also stopped Naraku from getting the Shikon jewel."

She looked at him, nodding slightly in acknowledgement, as she wiped the tears from her cheeks before she turned her attention back to her family. "Souta, I'm sorry-"

Souta stood up suddenly, his own tears streaming down his face, and slammed his hands on the table in anger. "It's not fair! I finally got an awesome big brother and that monster took him away!"

Before anyone could say anything, he took off and ran up to his room, slamming the door behind him. Kagome stood to follow him, but her mother put a hand on her shoulder.

"He needs some time… I think we all do." She smiled at her daughter, her encouraging smile failing to hide her sad eyes. "Why don't you go and spend the day with your new friends? We can meet for dinner later tonight to celebrate Souta's birthday."

Kagome gave her mother a small smile before she left with her new companions.

Hiei watched the group emerge from the house, feeling a pang in his chest as he recalled hearing her story of what had transpired with Naraku in the feudal era. This onna has been through a lot. Perhaps she is stronger than I gave her credit for. Hn.

Several hours had passed and it had started to rain. The group had made their way back to Genkai's shrine after Kagome had insisted that she just wanted to sit somewhere quietly with a cup of tea.

The boys were all thinking of what had transpired that morning at Higurashi shrine and they couldn't help but feel sorry for everything she had been through in such a short amount of time.

Kurama's bright green eyes observed Kagome as she sat perched by the window like the night before, staring out at the rain.

If we ever see that bastard again, I will let my death plant tear him to shreds in her name. Youko growled from within his head.

-Hai… though he deserves a punishment far worse than that.-

Kagome stirred at her spot by the window before she got up, Shippo still in her arms. All eyes in the room turned to her, curiosity brimming as they saw the look of determination on her face.

"I think... I mean, I'd like it if you all could train me to be stronger." She kept her gaze on the floor in front of her, not sure if her new friends would agree to do so.

"Of course we will, miko." Genkai stood from her spot near her own pupil, Yusuke. "You'll need all the help you can get if you're gonna face that asshole. Dimwit here can work with you after his training tomorrow."

Yusuke nodded, a smug look on his face. "Heck yes! You'll be kicking ass and taking names in no time with my help."

Kagome smiled, feeling a bit better about things now that her they had agreed to train her. She then looked over at Botan, who sat chatting idly with Yukina. "Botan? Can you take me home? I promised my family that I would be home for dinner."

The boys had agreed to giving her some privacy for the evening so she could spend some time with her family.

Botan beamed, happy to oblige. "Of course I can, Kagome!" With a small poof, her oar appeared in her hands and she plopped on. "Hop on!"

Kagome nodded as she approached the oar. She pulled herself onto the back of it, holding onto her perky, blue haired friend. Once she was situated, the two women took off towards Higurashi shrine.

Upon arriving, Botan smiled at her friend. "Have fun! I'll come and pick you up after dinner!" And with that, she was gone.

Kagome's smile faded and she let out an anxious sigh as she made her way to her childhood home. Her and Shippo entered the house and were instantly greeted by some truly amazing and delicious smells.

"Ooh, it smells so good, Kagome!" Shippo beamed.

He had always been a fan of food. She chuckled.

"Kagome, is that you dear?"

"Hai, mama! Come on, Shippo. Let's go help with dinner."

And with that the two made their way into the kitchen and began helping Mama Higurashi prepare Souta's birthday dinner.

Kagome sighed contently as she snuggled into her bed. She had convinced Koenma to let her spend the night at her family's shrine, with the condition that Hiei remain on the premises should anything unfavorable happen.

Shippo was cuddled up to her, his head resting in the crook of her neck. He had fallen asleep rather quickly, the comfort of modern day beds taking his breath away. She smiled to herself, recalling how excited he had been when they first entered her room. He had jumped on her bed for a little over five minutes before yawning and plopping down in a tired heap. His abundance of energy often ended up exhausting him rather quickly.

She closed her eyes and nuzzled into Shippo's hair, taking in the comforting smell of his hair as she drifted off to sleep.

Kagome woke up the next morning, rubbing her eyes groggily as she sat up. She had stayed up the night before, unable to fall asleep right away, as she pondered how lucky she was to have such a loving family. They had talked about everything that had happened and it had brought her immense comfort to know that they were being supportive through it all.

She looked down at the sleeping kit before her, smiling to herself. I'll let him sleep a little bit longer.

She stood up, stretching in her light blue pajamas, before she made her way downstairs. It was slightly later in the morning and she was surprised at how quiet it was. And come to think of it, it was rather dark in her house. Strange... Kagome walked into the kitchen and froze as she felt a warm liquid touch her feet. She turned on the light and let out a horrified gasp.

Kagome's mother was laying on the ground near the kitchen counter, having been in the process of getting breakfast ready for her family. She had a deep purple bruise around her neck and it was clear that it had been broken in an extremely violent and painful way.

Her grandfather was laying by the door to the back room, one of his charms in his hand, and his chest had been pierced clear through. The wall behind him was covered in a great deal of blood spatter and even some bits of his skin and heart, no doubt from the force of the impact most likely caused by one of Naraku's tentacles.

The most shocking site, however, was Souta. He was laying in a crumpled heap on the floor. Kagome had never seen so much blood, and it was clear that he had been tortured the most. He was covered in countless deep gashes and bruises. Seeing him like that broke her.

She let out a heart wrenching sob as she fell to her knees, not caring that she was getting blood all over her. "No! T-they can't be...!" She felt her miko powers begin to build up inside of her as she was suddenly engulfed in a soft, pink glow. Before she could think, a deafening scream left her trembling lips and she slammed her hands down into the floor, not caring as the blood was splashed onto her more.

A massive burst of energy left her as her hands hit the floor. She felt it pulsating around her, her hair blowing around her despite the lack of any wind. She didn't know what was happening to her, but she did know that she was beyond angry.

It was then that she made the decision to kill Naraku for everything that he had done to her friends... to her. She would use her miko powers to cause him so much pain that he would eventually beg her to end his life. She would listen to his begging for a while before she would gladly, and eagerly, comply. She would turn him to ash as she sent him to oblivion.

He would pay.

Her eyes began to glow a bright pink as the walls around her began to disintegrate into ash. She watched, petrified in horror, as the bodies of her loved ones started to do the same. N-no! Mama, gramps, Souta...! What's happening...? Why can't I stop?! Somebody help me!

Yusuke groaned. The night had dragged on slowly ever since Kagome had gone back to her family's shrine, and there was nothing fun to do at Genkai's shrine, but that was according to him. "When is she gonna be back anyway?"

"I told her I would pick her up first thing in the morning. She's pretty stubborn, actually. She kind of reminds me of you." Botan chirped, which earned her an eye roll and a glare from the boy in question. She giggled in response.

Kurama's eyes widened slightly as he felt Hiei's voice fill his mind. "Hiei has just informed me that something is happening at the Higurashi shrine. We should make our way over there as quickly as possible."

Botan nodded quickly before opening a portal. The group stepped through, leaving Genkai and Yukina safely behind.

Upon arriving at Kagome's shrine, they were all greeted by the strong miko powers emanating from her bedroom. Shippo was standing outside, having fled from his adoptive mother's side when he awoke to feeling like his very skin had been burning off. He looked worriedly at the house. Once he noticed that the other spirit detectives had arrived, he relayed what had been happening to them. He explained that they had gone to bed and when he woke up, she had been glowing pink.

Kurama frowned. "Hiei, Shippo, and I will not be able to help here. She would purify us the second we stepped inside." He turned his attention to Kuwabara and Yusuke. "You will need to go to her and see what is happening."

Kuwabara nodded, giving his companions a thumbs up. "Heck yeah, we get to be the knights in shining armor for once! Ain't that cool, Urame-" He paused, noticing that Yusuke was no longer beside him. Upon seeing that he had made his way over to the house, he cried out in annoyance, running after him. "H-hey! Wait up!"

Once the boys reached her bedroom, they found Kagome's family standing outside her door, worried looks on their faces.

"What is going on?" Her mother looked at the two boys, desperate for answers.

"That's what we're here to find out." Yusuke reached down and grabbed her doorknob, wincing as it burned his palm, though he gritted his teeth and shoved it open. No one could have prepared them for the sight before them. It took their breath away.

Kagome was floating slightly above her bed, still positioned as though she was laying down. Her eyes were opened wide, a bright, pink light shining from them. Her body was also covered in the same pink light. She was mumbling something incoherently and a cold sweat was beginning to form on her forehead.

The boys approached her, carefully examining her for any signs of injury. Once they had determined that nothing was physically wrong, they looked at each other in confusion. Yusuke was the first to reach out to her, resting his hand on her forehead. She was burning up!

"What do we do, Urameshi?! I don't know how to stop this."

Yusuke nodded in response and went to say something, but before he could, the pink energy surrounding her began to slowly fade and her eyes fluttered closed as she fell the short distance back down and onto the bed, now unconscious.

"What the FUCK just happened?!" Yusuke called out.

Hiei grunted from beside him, having rushed in the second he sensed that her miko powers were no longer a threat. "Hn… it would seem that something triggered her miko abilities in her sleep."

"Hai, a miko's power tends to fluctuate based on their various mental states. Perhaps she can tell us more about what happened once she wakes up." Kurama sighed, having entered the room shortly after Hiei had. Kuwabara noticed that Shippo was now resting in his arms, which caused him to smile slightly. Figures the little fox would cling to the big fox the second something happened to his mom.

Shippo looked at Kagome worriedly.

Kurama looked at her mother. "Pardon me, but I think it would be best if we brought Miss Higurashi with us back to Master Genkai's shrine. She will have a better idea of what is going on with your daughter and how to help her."

Her mother nodded, agreeing tentatively. That was all the group needed and Kuwabara then scooped up the limp miko. Shippo jumped out of Kurama's arms and onto Kagome's stomach, nuzzling into her as the carrot-top spirit detective held her. It didn't take long for Botan to appear in the bedroom, opening a portal to Genkai's.

The group had told Genkai about what had happened and she had agreed to look into the matter.

While they all waiting for Kagome to wake up, Shippo looked at the boys, panic setting in. "Promise me that you'll keep her safe. I don't want Naraku to hurt her anymore. Please… I can't lose her too."

Kurama smiled comfortingly at the young kit, his eyes flickering gold for a moment. "Of course we will, Shippo." He reached out a hand, patting his bright orange hair.

Whether or not Naraku was the cause of what had transpired that evening, the bastard would ultimately pay for the crimes he had committed against Kagome and her friends. There were, after all, four men present in the room that would make sure of it, and three of them were willing to die trying to protect the girl that had captivated them since the moment they first saw her.