Black miasma leaked out from the seal, and Scion tilted his head as his hand twitched, causing the substance to disintegrate. Though the statue of the boy held firm, power oozed from behind the giant door. Curious, his human-emulated mind processed the door opening as something bad. Feeling the emotions from the boy, Scion felt the vestiges of sorrow and frustration emanating from him. He couldn't do much else in this realm except assisting in keeping the miasma at bay, but he must leave soon. It was interesting, this realm. It allowed him to speak, allow for his thoughts to be understood by another.

Suddenly, the yellow scarf boy arrived with a frantic look on his face. The statue emanated confusion and relief, but the boy felt worried. Scion glanced at the two interact, perceiving the emotions as he eyed the black sludge that dared to leak.

Whilst he did the trivial but dire task, Scion listened at the conversation occurring-something about a Surt, and a Dark Hour. Apparently a few days had passed outside this realm, and many things happened. The emotions ranged was interesting.

Worry. Concern. Happy. Confusion. Fear.

Then Scion felt it-an abyss of fury that permeated the entire realm. Even the boy with the yellow scarf, Ryoji, winced from it.

"Look, I don't know but it seems as though it doesn't happen every night. The confusing part is no coffins…" Ryoji sighed in frustration before he glanced at the door, then to Minato.

He had a guess for the next giant shadow, and when. He didn't know how, but it wasn't Nyx or Erebus that was trying to escape. Something else was causing this, and for the first time in a long time Ryoji felt terror. Taking a look at Minato's still form however, Ryoji gave him a small smile.

"I'll take care of this. If not, well...Taylor can probably do it. But she needs to work on-" Ryoji was interrupted as the doors of the seal banged with ear-splitting knocks. Glaring, jhe lifted a hand, covered by a white glove, and shot a Debilitate at the door. Reddish-green energy bathed the golden doors before the knocks dissipated. Looking back at his friend, Ryoji gave a wave.

"I'm sorry Minato, but I'll be back soon. In the meantime though…" Ryoji glanced at Scion, who solely focused on the doors.

"What will you do?"

Scion didn't speak for a moment, before he let a gold hand touch the doors. "I'll await here. Behind these doors lie something big, and if released, can destroy much more than cities." Scion spoke with an emotionless tone as Ryoji nodded. Looking forward to the edge of the realm, he gave a grin to Scion and a thumbs up.

"Good luck! I'll protect this world for a bit then." Ryoji chuckled as if he told an inside joke, with Minato projecting exasperation. Scion nodded, and with a jump Ryoji returned to the real world.

Danny Hebert, as a father, was understandably furious. His daughter was taken to the Protectorate under investigation of the new Endbringer appearing for the last three days, and only hours before he just found out after having escaped the monsters that appeared and was unconscious for the next three days.

Had the young man not come in to intervene, Danny probably would have been strangling the poor secretary, who stole glances at him with eyes sprinkled in fear. Taking a deep breath, he let himself deflate into a seat at the lobby as the young man came back with water bottles.

"Here you go Mister Hebert. It'll be alright for now, I'm sure your daughter is safe."

Danny nodded as he took a sip from the water, gazing at the clock across the lobby.


76 hours. He hadn't seen his daughter for 76 hours…

The young man kept talking, introducing himself as Ryoji, making jokes, and overall was keeping the poor father company.

Ryoji looked at his watch to see it was nearing three o'clock, and he stood up, stretching his arms.

Taking one last look at the calm lobby, Ryoji said a goodbye to Danny before he turned a corner across the hall. His body suddenly turned translucent, and in an instant he was by Taylor's side once more. What greeted him was the director in a near fit of rag, her fists tightening as she tried to calm down from the information Taylor explained for the fifth time.

Ryoji was a bit annoyed that this was taking so long, with fantasies of materializing and freeing Taylor from all of this. Alas, he knew that would cause more harm than good for his friend. Although, he caught a glimpse of a smile from her at his reappearance. Giving her a smile on his own, Ryoji began waiting...once more. He was extremely glad he was a Persona at the moment, for sitting around anymore in corporeal form would cause his bottom to go numb.

Having finally finished the report after countless readings, Director Piggot asked her final questions.

"And this so called Dark Hour, it can't be stopped?" More Endbringers will come, eleven more. Piggot wanted to faint, but this information was grave. Extremely so.

Taylor gave a nod of affirmation before hesitating on her next words. "A...friend, of mine said that this would occur. He's sure of it-the next one is going to be even more difficult." Taylor's words wavered at the attention, even when separated from the other capes after her previous debriefings. Worst case scenario, Ryoji would have to deal with the next Endbringer.

Except he barely defeated the last one-he had to basically go feral.

Her thoughts grew darker, ever since the locker incident. Though her mind most likely shielded her from most of the memories, she felt some kind of difference. A feeling of something deep and dark within her.

That could just be hunger though-she also hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Director Piggot, after some consideration, gave a look at Taylor.

"You are free to go-I'll have Armsmaster take you to the lobby as your father is currently there. We, the PRT, deeply apologize for keeping you here." Her words were hollow, but even Taylor had to be a bit petty after being cooped up for three days.

"Will there be compensation for the tip, or…?" Ryoji sighed at that. Perhaps his stories of Minato's money spending should have been exaggerated to be far less than what he had.

Director Piggot tried to contain a glare before, through gritted teeth, said a Yes.

With a smile, and not even waiting for Armsmaster to pick her up, Ryoji gave a tap on Taylor's shoulder. In an instant, they both arrived at the lobby. In that same moment Danny nearly tackled Taylor into a bear hug.

Ryoji smiled at the scene as he ignored the oncoming headache.


He was dare sealed?! Awakening with a consciousness days before, He wanted to escape and be free! Yet here he was, restrained by butterflies and only having a couple tentacles able to move past this prison.

The doors were held tight, no matter how much He threw Megidoloans at it.

Well, He would have to wait and see-these restraints grew loose ever so slightly, and He couldn't wait. Even now, with just a single tentacle that was able to squeeze through, he was able to start the Dark Hour, and materialize the shadows. There had to be more though. More chaos, despair. When humanity finally fell, He would win. Then, He would recreate the world. And then the next. And then the next.